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A disgraceful coup against President Donald Trump is in the making.

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It would appear to me now that there truly is a coup going on in America to oust President Trump. I am at a loss as to how Trump could be losing the election. When Trump has a rally, tens of thousands and even more of his supporters show up at every rally. Yet, when Biden has a rally, only a few dozen show up. So, how the hell is Biden leading in the election when very few people show up at his rallies? It's hard to imagine such a thing happening when there was no real support being shown for Biden? 

According to FOX NEWS, there appears to be a lot of hanky-panky going on in this election. Where Trump is leading by the tens of thousand over night in some state  Biden ends up leading by thousands the next day. What is going on after night at these voting stations? According to Fox News in one state Trump was leading by over hundreds of thousands of votes. The next day Biden is leading by a couple of thousand. WTH? There sure does appear to be a coup and fraud going on here against President Trump. 

I think what may happen if Biden gets elected is Trump may try to apply the 14th Amendment to this election. The 14th Amendment allows the President to go after any state where he thinks that fraud is being committed and Trump is allowed to take the electoral votes away from any state if he believes that a fraud has been committed. If Trump does lose this election to Biden than Trump needs to act on this and use the 14th Amendment to stop this coup against him. There is so many questions being asked about what is going on in some democratic states in regards to the voting going on in those states that Trump has every right to do what must be done. There truly appears to be a conspiracy going on here and Trump must get to the bottom of it. Any lawsuits that he tries to file in democratic controlled states and cities will get him nowhere. Most likely the judges will all be appointed democratic activist judges that will throw Trump's lawsuits out the window. The only thing Trump can do is use the 14th Amendment to try and help save his presidency from being taken away from him from what does really appear to be a coup and a fraud against Trump. What say you/ Any comments on this? You have the floor. ;)


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I want our neighbors to the south to enjoy prosperity, liberty and to thrive in every positive way. Since Trump took office in 2016 something truly nefarious started and hasn't stopped. I don't know of any other democratically elected leader who has had to endure such a constant vicious barrage on a daily basis not to mention the hate directed against his family. It has been an ongoing coup from day one and I wonder how anyone could stand up to all this abuse without cracking.Whatever his faults are, I truly believe he deeply loves his country and he is a fighter through and through.

You correctly pointed out how Trump rallies always drew huge crowds and were overflowing with enthusiasm in stark contrast to Biden events. The sizable lead Trump had in Pennsylvania got wiped out pretty quickly..in a state that has benefitted a lot from fracking.

I think this should be challenged one way or another. Americans deserve to know if they can trust the integrity of their elections.

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He lost fair and square. And it’s to his credit that ue didn’t lose by an even larger margin given how unpopular he is. 

Everyone has been saying for months that he was going to refuse to concede f he lost and resort to baseless accusations, which he does all the time   


Anyone who thinks the number of people who show up at rallies is any indication of election outcomes....especially during the pandemic...doesn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. 

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

He lost fair and square. And it’s to his credit that ue didn’t lose by an even larger margin given how unpopular he is. 

Everyone has been saying for months that he was going to refuse to concede f he lost and resort to baseless accusations, which he does all the time   


Anyone who thinks the number of people who show up at rallies is any indication of election outcomes....especially during the pandemic...doesn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. 

Trump did not lose.  Democrats registered dead people and voted for them.  They have been accepting mail ballots past the deadline, and counting them if they are Dem votes.  The have been taking spoiled ballots, if they are dem votes, and driving out to the voter's home and getting them to sign them or do whatever so the spoiled ballot gets counted.

They have been printing fake ballots by the 10's of thousands, cast for Biden, and trucking them in at night, to boost Biden's numbers where needed.  Postmasters that are Democrats have been directing their mail workers to collect all of the late ballots that they find, and bring them to him/her, whereby they get postmarked with the previous day's date, so they can be counted.  Crooked judges have been making rulings on the election that go against their own laws.

These are just the things that people have witnessed and reported.  It's disgusting and beautiful.  Because it's so flagrant and so obvious that the legal system has to respond.  If they don't then there is no legal system, just the latest banana republic come to power.  So just give it time.  


I suppose many here are too young to remember the disaster that was the election of 2000.  It wasn't until Dec 12 that the Supreme Court was pretty much forced to step in, because of the activities of the Democrats.  In my opinion, although the situation is very different, it shares the same kind of manipulating votes and vote counts by people trying to throw an election.

Scotus does not want to step in here, but to preserve justice in America, they will eventually have to.

Edited by sharkman
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43 minutes ago, sharkman said:

Trump did not lose.  Democrats registered dead people and voted for them.  They have been accepting mail ballots past the deadline, and counting them if they are Dem votes.  The have been taking spoiled ballots, if they are dem votes, and driving out to the voter's home and getting them to sign them or do whatever so the spoiled ballot gets counted.

They have been printing fake ballots by the 10's of thousands, cast for Biden, and trucking them in at night, to boost Biden's numbers where needed.  Postmasters that are Democrats have been directing their mail workers to collect all of the late ballots that they find, and bring them to him/her, whereby they get postmarked with the previous day's date, so they can be counted.  Crooked judges have been making rulings on the election that go against their own laws.

These are just the things that people have witnessed and reported.  It's disgusting and beautiful.  Because it's so flagrant and so obvious that the legal system has to respond.  If they don't then there is no legal system, just the latest banana republic come to power.  So just give it time.  

That’s all fucking made up bullshit that only fools kool-aid drinking sore loser crackpots. Where’s the proof for any of those baseless claims?  NOWHERE 

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10 hours ago, taxme said:

It would appear to me now that there truly is a coup going on in America to oust President Trump. I am at a loss as to how Trump could be losing the election.....


Clearly, you have no knowledge of American history.

In 1800s America, candidates printed/distributed ballots. People submitted the paper/ballot of their choice.


The guys who wrote the US Constitution in the 1700s knew/understood all this.

So, despite subterfuge, if a person wins the vote in the US Electoral College, he's President.

But, so what!

First, there's the federal Senate, and Congress.

More important: There's the mini-states. Thank God, America is a federal State.

Finally, there's the idiots on various courts, notably the federal Supreme Court.


IMHO, Abraham Lincoln broke the Constitution - but America still exists. Go figure.

Edited by August1991
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14 hours ago, ironstone said:

I think this should be challenged one way or another. Americans deserve to know if they can trust the integrity of their elections.

What evidence is there which shows widespread voter fraud anywhere? It's funny you guys whine about this but only in a few key battleground states, and only the ones leaning Democrat. The votes went against the polls and FOR Trump in a number of places the Democrats were expected to win but nobody is alleging fraud there for some reason.

Trump is a narcissistic asshole who bleated about fraud before and after the last election, and before and after this one, all with zero evidence. In fact, his whole charmed life from the moment he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth he's done nothing but whine and snivel about how unfair everything is to him. Of course he alleges fraud, because he can't ever EVER admit he lost at anything.

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

It's to his credit he was popular, given how unpopular he is.

That's the gist of the media message throughout his presidency.

He was popular largely with low information voters. A huge chunk of Republicans in the hardest hit covid states say the virus is mostly over. Why? This election shows the triumph of false information when it's slickly packaged the way FOX and One America and other far right networks can achieve. Especially when backing up a liar like Trump.

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11 hours ago, sharkman said:

Democrats registered dead people and voted for them. 


11 hours ago, sharkman said:

They have been accepting mail ballots past the deadline, and counting them if they are Dem votes.

Or Republican votes. That's normal. As long as they were postmarked on or before election day.

11 hours ago, sharkman said:

The have been taking spoiled ballots, if they are dem votes, and driving out to the voter's home and getting them to sign them or do whatever so the spoiled ballot gets counted.

That's also normal, and happens no matter who cast the ballot. Check Florida. They do that too.

11 hours ago, sharkman said:

They have been printing fake ballots by the 10's of thousands, cast for Biden, and trucking them in at night, to boost Biden's numbers where needed.


11 hours ago, sharkman said:

Postmasters that are Democrats have been directing their mail workers to collect all of the late ballots that they find, and bring them to him/her, whereby they get postmarked with the previous day's date, so they can be counted.  Crooked judges have been making rulings on the election that go against their own laws.

The judges are mostly Republicans, and there's no evidence to support the rest of your crap. Certainly one or two judges have directed the post office to ensure any ballots laying around their offices which were mailed prior to the deadline must be gathered up. That's because the Post office deliberately slowed down mail delivery to please Trump. I expect, in fact, that the current postmaster could well be charged with interference in the election once the Democrats take over.

11 hours ago, sharkman said:

These are just the things that people have witnessed and reported. 

Evidence? None.

Trump alleged there were three million illegal votes cast in 2016 because he couldn't bear to admit Clinton got more votes. He even set up a 'task force' to investigate. They found nothing and quietly disbanded without ever issuing a report.


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9 minutes ago, Argus said:

He was popular largely with low information voters. A huge chunk of Republicans in the hardest hit covid states say the virus is mostly over. Why? This election shows the triumph of false information when it's slickly packaged the way FOX and One America and other far right networks can achieve. Especially when backing up a liar like Trump.

Sure is. But then I saw a whole lot of really bad information from the Democrats for the past 4 years, so pick your poison, friend. Low information abounds.

Looking at the available data, it's a two percent difference across the board. That was my point to the venerable forum member.

Of course, you are free to judge about 50% of America as you may.

Les Deplorables...

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And when you're done looking up Antrim country, see if any of your go to news sources are reporting that in Nevada, over 3000 votes (the total is expected to grow) were cast by people that used to live in the state, but moved elsewhere recently, and when their mail was forwarded they received ballots from Nevada.  Which they then fraudulently filled out and mailed back to Nevada.  

This is one of the many issues with mailed ballots, friends.  The Legacy Media won't catch up with this until later, or maybe never, who knows.  All across the nation, forwarded mail caused fraud.  



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And so it begins.


All county boards of election are hereby ordered, pending further order of the Court, to comply with the following guidance provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth on October 28 and November 1, namely, (1) that all ballots received by mail after 8:00 p.m. on November 3 be segregated and kept “in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other voted ballots,” and (2) that all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately

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54 minutes ago, sharkman said:

Argus, look up Antrim County glitch.  Now ask yourself why none of the main news networks are covering it?

Because it's BS generated to fool people who are extremely gullible, poorly informed, and brainwashed by social media. It's not like there aren't checks and balances and the glitch wasn't caught. No need to undermine confidence in the electoral system by citing an example of how well it actually works.

Edited by BubberMiley
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15 minutes ago, sharkman said:

And so it begins.


All county boards of election are hereby ordered, pending further order of the Court, to comply with the following guidance provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth on October 28 and November 1, namely, (1) that all ballots received by mail after 8:00 p.m. on November 3 be segregated and kept “in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other voted ballots,” and (2) that all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately

One would assume the order has been followed.  If so, where is the problem?  The issue of the late ballots can go all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

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There is also a whistleblower coming forward on the Post office fraud I mentioned earlier. 

Look up Richard Hopkins, a mail man in Traverse City, Michigan.  His supervisor told the post office staff to collect all of the mailed ballots still coming in after the election, give them to him.  His intention was to postdate them with the previous day's date so they could be still counted.  Richard later saw his two supervisors commenting that they had mistakenly post dated one ballot with the current date, so it couldn't be counted.

He's now been contacted by the Postal Inspector and a federal investigation has been started.



Edited by sharkman
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12 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

One would assume the order has been followed.  If so, where is the problem?  The issue of the late ballots can go all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Uh, the problem is that all week, late ballots have not been set aside.  They've been counted and have added to the voting totals.  That's why this ruling was handed down only yesterday.  Maybe you should read the whole thing.

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Just now, sharkman said:

Uh, the problem is that all week, late ballots have not been set aside.  They've been counted and have added to the voting totals.  That's why this ruling was handed down only yesterday.  Maybe you should read the whole thing.

Yes, I did.  Was the order deliberately ignored?  Are we sure that they have not been identified as late ballots? 

From what I read there were 3000 - 4000 of them.  Not enough to affect the outcome.

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14 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Yes, I did.  Was the order deliberately ignored?  Are we sure that they have not been identified as late ballots? 

From what I read there were 3000 - 4000 of them.  Not enough to affect the outcome.

Why do you suppose that the supreme court of the land had to step in here?

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