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Liberals to greatly increase immigration in coming years.


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On 10/30/2020 at 1:27 PM, Argus said:

The Liberals will raise immigration to 401,000 next  year and 423,000 by 2023. They will also allow temporary foreign workers, foreign students and asylum seekers an easier path to citizenship. Basically, we'll take anyone who wants in, regardless of skill or ability. This will raise immigration to beyond 1% of our population per year. In other words, within 25 years, a third of our population will be new immigrants added since 2021. The native born population will sink to well below 50%.

This will not leave any real opportunity for newcomers to assimilate, so our culture (and inevitably our laws) will be largely what newcomers decide they should be. Newcomers mainly come from non-democratic countries which are extremely religious, do not believe in tolerance towards religious or sexual minorities or equality for women. Nor do we screen any of them to weed out the most intolerant. There will be no discussion of this expanded immigration allowed, even though it will have a massive impact on the future of Canada. No studies will be made or have been made to justify this or predict the impact.

But Trudeau's home province of Quebec will continue to be shielded as they control their own immigration and have lowered it so as to not overwhelm their culture and values. Mr. Trudeau says, however, that English Canada has no culture or values and is not a nation. Therefore there's nothing here worth preserving.


The whole point of all of this pro brown immigration agenda policy in Canada is to make white people become a tiny minority in their own white homeland. All Western countries are being forced by their dear comrade leaders to turn their Western countries into third world hell holes. One can hardly go anywhere in any of the big cities in Canada where non-whites have become the majority in many businesses and government.

The war is on to knock off old whitey in the world and it would appear as though old whitey here in Canada does not seem to give a chit. But their children and grandchildren will pay for their stupidity and lack of patriotism for their own white people. This has nothing to do with racism. It has more to do with the instinct as a white race to survive. 

Old man comrade Trudeau and young punk Castro Trudeau have done a great job of trying to destroy Canada. So far they are succeeding in their efforts to destroy English Canada but preserve french Canada. It's not about bilingualism anymore, it is about a french takeover of Canada. The french pretty much now control Canada as they run and rule over Canada from french Ottawa. If one is English and white your days are being slowly eliminated. But ask the majority of them if they care. They appear to be only concerned about what is good for them and making money. A pathetic deplorable bunch of losers. Just my opinion of course. ;)

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25 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Racists who demand an end for immigration would do better to stand down and stand by, as their presence hurts their objectives.  Go volunteer for David Suzuki...

It is your agenda of more third world massive immigration that is in need of standing down and going away. The only way for white people to save their azzes now is for white people to start thinking about their own white race and it's survival even if they do get called racist for doing so. Wear being called a racist as a badge of honor. I do. I am very pro white and thus that makes me a racist in your eyes, right?

David Suzuki can go kiss my big fat white butt. From my observations, Suzuki appears to be quite the racist towards white people. Suzuki shows it pretty much all of the time with his anti-white CBC programs along with the CBC which also appears to have no problem from time to time in showing their anti-white bias and prejudice towards white people. 

But in another decade or so white "racists" patriots like me will be gone and you will be safe and and secure and will be able to see your dream come true. Canada will be seen as just another third world hell hole just as planned for decades now by both comrade Trudeau's. Oh the joy of it all to come. :unsure:


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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

It is your agenda of more third world massive immigration that is in need of standing down and going away. The only way for white people to save their azzes now is for white people to start thinking about their own white race and it's survival even if they do get called racist for doing so. Wear being called a racist as a badge of honor. I do. I am very pro white and thus that makes me a racist in your eyes, right?

David Suzuki can go kiss my big fat white butt. From my observations, Suzuki appears to be quite the racist towards white people. Suzuki shows it pretty much all of the time with his anti-white CBC programs along with the CBC which also appears to have no problem from time to time in showing their anti-white bias and prejudice towards white people. 

But in another decade or so white "racists" patriots like me will be gone and you will be safe and and secure and will be able to see your dream come true. Canada will be seen as just another third world hell hole just as planned for decades now by both comrade Trudeau's. Oh the joy of it all to come. :unsure:


The contempt you have for people from people outside of Europe is sad to witness. :(

The truth is that an overwhelming majority of people who immigrate to Canada, from developing countries, are better educated and a lot more sophisticated than you are.

LOL @ calling David Suzuki's nature shows, racist.

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4 minutes ago, marcus said:

The contempt you have for people from people outside of Europe is sad to witness. :(

The truth is that an overwhelming majority of people who immigrate to Canada, from developing countries, are better educated and a lot more sophisticated than you are.

LOL @ calling David Suzuki's nature shows, racist.

I do not have any contempt for people outside of my own white race. I have a problem with the numbers of them being imported into Canada from countries that are full of poverty and hunger and disease. Not all of them being imported here to Canada has been good for Canada. Many of those hundreds of thousands are pretty much now sucking off the host white people of this country. Many thousands of them are unsophisticated and uneducated and dam well poor.

If those countries that you say many are coming are developing countries then what the hell are they coming here for? Well?

I will tell you why? Because they are not all that developing after all. They come here to Canada for the freebies that are offered to any of them who can get here. Thus hundreds of billions of our tax dollars are being blown every year on many of those unneeded and unwanted new immigrants and refugees. Refugees that can not offer Canada anything at all. Al Castro Trudeau is doing is trying to dilute English Canada with the rest of the third world while Quebec stays immune from massive immigration. Quebec even has it's own pro french immigration policies and department. The rest of English Canada does not. Something is wrong with that picture alright. But you are just not all that bright enough to see all of that. 

Not all comrade Suzuki's shows are all about nature. There has been many times when he has shown his disdain for white western culture. I am pretty sure that Suzuki's has no real love for English white Canada. Just my opinion of course. ;)

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5 hours ago, Argus said:

Translation: Canada is the easiest to get into because it has few standards, and also it's next door to the US so once you establish yourself you can get to go there.


Access to the American milk cow is an important part of this story.   Whether it be Canadian citizens or resident immigrants, there is a huge labour market churn in the IT industry for individuals to get FT jobs and consulting contracts.   H1B and TN visas are prized for access to the U.S., where they still make more even with the reduced salaries they cause in the industry.   Plus the cost of living is lower in the U.S., and they get health insurance with faster access to services.  After a few years...magic happens...a prized "Green Card" (as in permanent U.S. residency).

I didn't fully understand this game being played by U.S. employers and immigrants until we got an Indian national developer through Mexico (NAFTA).   She honestly declared that her goal was to have a child in the U.S. with her husband from India (anchor baby).   We would park others in Montreal as "near-shore" and pay them the dog wages expected in Canada.

...and churn them back and forth....India....Canada...USA.

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2 hours ago, marcus said:

Average compensation within Toronto’s technology industry is higher than ever and increasing faster than any other major tech hub surveyed worldwide.

Do you imagine your half truths will work around here? Everyone in the industry knows scummy employers like yours deliberately drive down wages, pushing Canadian tech workers to move to the states while you bring in desperate third world workers. Oh yes, Toronto wages are rising, but so are others in the US.

Toronto is at the BOTTOM of the list for tech salaries. Every American tech city pays at least 50% more.


2 hours ago, marcus said:

There are sectors that are starving for workers. You just don't know it, because you're not experiencing it. 

Name these imaginary sectors. I know that as someone on the far left you don't believe in Capitalism, but Capitalism always solves the problem of scarcity of workers - by forcing employers to increase wages. But you guys won't do that. instead you buy off politicians to bring in cheap third world workers.

2 hours ago, marcus said:

Instead, if you really want to learn about our system, instead of digging in with stubbornness, because you don't want brown people to move to Canada, here is a place to start and learn:


Yeah, right. Send me to wiki, oh genius. You accuse me of not wanting brown people here. What you don't say is you DO want brown people here, so you can exploit them, much like sweat shops in the US exploit brown workers. Meanwhile we train Canadian tech workers who go to the US. Sixty six percent of software engineers we trained at great expense have gone to the US! The government should tax the hell out of leeches like you guys and force you to pay for that education.


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2 hours ago, marcus said:

You don't know what you're talking about.

Historically, Canada's tech salaries has lagged behind not only the U.S. but the rest of the world as well. However, that has been changing rapidly, especially in the past 5 years.

Actually in this regard he does. As a manager myself for... many decades and counting... in the engineering sector I can tell you this is the reality. Employers are hiring people from foreign countries with sub-standard education into engineering positions. It shouldn't be too shocking either, since many of those are willing to work for half the wages, or less, of a professional engineer. Boges diplomas are not even the main problem. Just shit employers.

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39 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Actually in this regard he does. As a manager myself for... many decades and counting... in the engineering sector I can tell you this is the reality. Employers are hiring people from foreign countries with sub-standard education into engineering positions. It shouldn't be too shocking either, since many of those are willing to work for half the wages, or less, of a professional engineer. Boges diplomas are not even the main problem. Just shit employers.

'Engineering' and 'Software Engineering' are not the same thing.  Do you work in 'Engineering' or in software ?  

Easy question.

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

Actually in this regard he does. As a manager myself for... many decades and counting... in the engineering sector I can tell you this is the reality. Employers are hiring people from foreign countries with sub-standard education into engineering positions. It shouldn't be too shocking either, since many of those are willing to work for half the wages, or less, of a professional engineer. Boges diplomas are not even the main problem. Just shit employers.

You can't work for half the wages. That's BS.

I'm not sure what company you work for, but there are rules in place, where the Canadian entity must pay at the prevailing salary, for that position, in that location, if they want to hire a foreign worker.

It's rare, but it happens, where the employer may have a contract to pay someone a certain wage, but once they arrive, they don't pay them that wage. This mostly happens when it comes to low or semi-skilled positions. Like plant or farm workers.  Not when it comes to the tech industry. If the same employer wants to hire someone through the same process, they must show through payroll deductions, that they paid the previous foreign worker the wage that was agreed upon. If they don't, they not only won't be able to hire a foreign worker, but they will be penalized.

Canadian immigration is very dynamic. This is one of the strengths of the immigration system. This is something that Harper and his immigration minister, Kenney, implemented. They added rules that has made it very difficult for employers to cheat the system. It's working. There is a big difference with how immigration was 10 years ago + and now. This is one of the central problems with Argus' argument. He finds outdated information, in order to try to support his anti-immigration (from non-white countries) views.



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28 minutes ago, marcus said:

You can't work for half the wages. That's BS.

I'm not sure what company you work for, but there are rules in place, where the Canadian entity must pay at the prevailing salary, for that position, in that location, if they want to hire a foreign worker.

Prevailing. Ie,  they're paying the existing depressed wages caused by the mass inflow of immigrants and TFWs (and the mass outflow of Canadian trained tech workers). No need to raise wages if workers are scarce. Just tell the government your sad story and import a desperate Bangladeshi who will work for half the rate a Canadian would.

Funny how the far left still loves to screw over the brown man as long as there's a profit involved.


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1 hour ago, Argus said:

Prevailing. Ie,  they're paying the existing depressed wages caused by the mass inflow of immigrants and TFWs (and the mass outflow of Canadian trained tech workers). No need to raise wages if workers are scarce. Just tell the government your sad story and import a desperate Bangladeshi who will work for half the rate a Canadian would.

Funny how the far left still loves to screw over the brown man as long as there's a profit involved.


There is no formally written "wage standard" that is binding in any legal sense here, if that's what people think. Maybe for trades, yeah.

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21 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

There is no formally written "wage standard" that is binding in any legal sense here, if that's what people think. 

So when a company wants to hire a foreign worker, they have to provide proof of what they pay current new employees, show the offer letter that states the salary and terms of work, and payment must be within the general wage paid within Canada.  They also have to prove that they've made attempts to hire within Canada.  

Source:  managed the process for hiring several engineers from other countries, for ship design company in BC. 

Marcus knows what he's talking about, Argus does not and anyone who thinks businesses are routinely hiring from out of country to undermine Canadian wages are whacked.  

And if you know of a company that is ripping off foreigners, report them.  

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8 minutes ago, dialamah said:

So when a company wants to hire a foreign worker, they have to provide proof of what they pay current new employees, show the offer letter that states the salary and terms of work, and payment must be within the general wage paid within Canada.  They also have to prove that they've made attempts to hire within Canada.  

Source:  managed the process for hiring several engineers from other countries, for ship design company in BC. 

Marcus knows what he's talking about, Argus does not and anyone who thinks businesses are routinely hiring from out of country to undermine Canadian wages are whacked.  

And if you know of a company that is ripping off foreigners, report them.  

That's only necessary if you're sponsoring to bring people over. Not applicable for those who are already here.

These companies are not just ripping off foreigners, they're ripping off everybody else too.

Report yourself.


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11 hours ago, Argus said:

Prevailing. Ie,  they're paying the existing depressed wages caused by the mass inflow of immigrants and TFWs (and the mass outflow of Canadian trained tech workers). No need to raise wages if workers are scarce. Just tell the government your sad story and import a desperate Bangladeshi who will work for half the rate a Canadian would.

Funny how the far left still loves to screw over the brown man as long as there's a profit involved.


You seem to be against how the free market works.

Supply and demand.

You also seem to be clueless as to what is happening in the tech industry in Canada and around the world. Life doesn't stand still. Your idea of how things work are outdated and misinformed.

There was a time when we didn't have a diverse market. We had the subsidized manufacturing industry in Ontario and Quebec and the subsidized energy industry in Alberta and BC.

Time brings change and transition. The appetite to run a tech company in Canada is no longer scary. Our corporate taxes are actually very inviting. This is why we are seeing so many successful Canadian tech companies starting in Canada and not moving to Silicon Valley. We're also seeing American companies moving up to Canada, because of the highly educated workforce and a better immigration system, where it's easier for skilled workers to move here. We also have a change in the mindset of skilled workers around the world. The higher salaries in the U.S. are no longer enough to attract talent. The millenials and GenZ care a lot more about quality of life. 

All of this is a recipe for Canada's booming tech industry. With more employers and jobs in Canada, there will be more competition for workers. Much more than before. The competition for workers will drive the salaries higher.

I don't understand what you want here.

Do you want to regulate Canadian companies in what they are paying employees?

Do you want Canadian employers to set up shop outside of Canada, because Bobby Smith doesn't like brown tech workers entering Canada?

Stop with the "Leftist", "Rightist" comments. I refuse to play your childish games. I refuse to be pigeon-holed. Just because you're anti-immigration, does that mean that you're pro Trump? No. Just because I'm pro responsible immigration, it doesn't mean that I support the NDP.

As an insider, I am teaching you about the industries and immigration and instead of being grateful, you're being rude about it.

Here is more information about the tech industry and the value of skilled workers, Canada's fight for them and how things work.












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58 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I have seen the job ads with my own eyes.

Then the employer would not be able to sponsor the foreign worker.

Part of the application is to show ads, where the salary is at or higher than the prevailing wage for the occupation, for that location.

So these ads you're seeing is not for foreign workers. They are for Canadians.

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Prevailing. Ie,  they're paying the existing depressed wages caused by the mass inflow of immigrants and TFWs (and the mass outflow of Canadian trained tech workers). No need to raise wages if workers are scarce.

No. It's not because of immigration. If this was the case, how come the wages are higher in the States? Historically, they have relied heavily on foreign workers there as well, especially in the tech industry.


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36 minutes ago, marcus said:

No. It's not because of immigration. If this was the case, how come the wages are higher in the States? Historically, they have relied heavily on foreign workers there as well, especially in the tech industry.

Because US immigration, even though it's risen quite a bit in the last dozen years or so, is still only at .34% of their population per year. Canada's immigration is at .85% of the population (now rising to 1.1%)

Numbers matter.


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1 hour ago, dialamah said:

So when a company wants to hire a foreign worker, they have to provide proof of what they pay current new employees, show the offer letter that states the salary and terms of work, and payment must be within the general wage paid within Canada.  They also have to prove that they've made attempts to hire within Canada.  

The problem with you is you look at what is theory and take it as fact even though even a cursory thought or two would show how flawed that is. But you never put in that cursory thought.

I remember long ago answering an ad for a technical writer. I showed up and was going to do the test when I found out the rate of pay was only a little higher than the minimum wage. I walked out. I couldn't believe they could hire people for a job like that at not much above minimum wage. But they could. Oh, they couldn't hire Canadians! But they didn't intend to. They'd advertise the job, all right and pretend to try to hire Canadians, then when they couldn't (of course) they'd tell the government they needed to bring in an TFW or immigrant.

1 hour ago, dialamah said:

Marcus knows what he's talking about, Argus does not and anyone who thinks businesses are routinely hiring from out of country to undermine Canadian wages are whacked.  

Again, you're such a lazy thinker you never engage your brain - assuming you have one. You think that two thirds of recent software engineers are going south because why exactly? You don't even consider why all those Canadians would be going south while tech companies are having to bring in foreigners to do those jobs, do you? Nor do you wonder why wages for tech workers are so much higher in the US, or why Canadian companies like Marcus don't ever have to raise their wages.

Because in the end you don't give a damn about anything but continuing your noble self-appointed role as great defender of the little brown man. And if that role means deriding the very idea Canadian companies would ever even imagine hiring foreigners in order to keep down wages - I guess because they're so generous and kindly and noble, then that's what you'll do.


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27 minutes ago, Argus said:

Because US immigration, even though it's risen quite a bit in the last dozen years or so, is still only at .34% of their population per year. Canada's immigration is at .85% of the population (now rising to 1.1%)

Numbers matter.


Are you talking about Permanent Residency? Because that's not what I'm talking about and it's not what the discussion of foreign workers is about.

We're talking about foreign workers.

Understanding immigration matters.

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