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Canada's Next Federal Election

If there was an election right now who would you vote for?   

17 members have voted

  1. 1. If there was a Federal election right now who would you vote for? If you have the chops, post who you'd vote for below.

    • Greens
    • NDP
    • Conservative
    • Bloc
    • Liberal

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  • Poll closed on 09/07/2020 at 11:15 AM

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Isn't the coronavirus-situation in Canada relatively under control at least when compared to the USA? Politicians are eager to take credit for things like that and some people are silly enough to believe them.

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16 hours ago, -1=e^ipi said:

1. If only there were other parties in the house of commons that could make coherent arguments that could explain why mass central planning and spending hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars is a bad idea... Unfortunately, there aren't any. In addition, there aren't many choices for voters to choose from, to better reflect their preferences and beliefs; this makes it easier for extremists to gain power.

2. It's almost like, one of the main causes of Canada's terrible political discourse is the first past the post system, and the random drift behaviour that a first past the post system can have on the political class. Perhaps the solution would be for people to stop voting for establishment parties that are afraid to have a public referendum on electoral reform and that want to reduce political competition and voter choice.

If you vote for an establishment party that wants the first past the post system, then you are part of the problem.

1. This still begs the question of how do you keep people at home during a pandemic lockdown if you won't try to ensure they still have some income. 

2. The government tried to change the electoral system but it was blocked by the NDP who refused to accept anything but the stupid proportional representation system that gives all power to the unelected party bosses in Toronto. So if you live in Kootenay-East-Revelstoke, you get am MP who lives in Toronto who is a big doner to the party. FPTP gives us the chance to elect a local candidate regardless of party. Parties already have too much power.

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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

1. This still begs the question of how do you keep people at home during a pandemic lockdown if you won't try to ensure they still have some income.

Providing a universal basic income is not central planning. The first involves some redistribution of income, the second involves the government picking and choosing winners and losers in the economy rather than allowing for competition. Are you aware that the neoliberal economist, Milton Friedman, long advocated for a universal basic income (or as he called it, a negative income tax)?

2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

2. The government tried to change the electoral system but it was blocked by the NDP who refused to accept anything but the stupid proportional representation system that gives all power to the unelected party bosses in Toronto. So if you live in Kootenay-East-Revelstoke, you get am MP who lives in Toronto who is a big doner to the party. FPTP gives us the chance to elect a local candidate regardless of party. Parties already have too much power.

There was a multiparty committee that supported a national referendum on electoral reform, but Trudeau didn't want it perhaps because the FPTP system benefited him in the 2015 election.

With respect to local candidates, maybe you want a local candidate, but perhaps not everyone in your riding prioritizes that. Perhaps they would prefer someone who shares their values. Why should your desire for a local candidate above all else trump other people in your riding having more choice or more democratic representation? Why should people who support the green party in rural Alberta get 0 democratic representation? Why should conservatives in downtown Toronto get 0 democratic representation? Why should supports of the communist party or supporters of the libertarian party get 0 democratic representation? A proportional representation system would better represent the will of the people, give more voter choice to people, and allow for greater competition of ideas in the house of commons (which should result in better policy). What's the point in having 300+ MPs in the house of commons if they all agree with each other and have no ideological diversity? If we keep FPTP, then we might as well cut the number of MPs by a factor of 10 and stop wasting tax payer money on the political class because these MPs are all clones of other MPs within the same party.

Edited by -1=e^ipi
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On 9/4/2020 at 9:56 PM, -1=e^ipi said:

If only there were other parties in the house of commons that could make coherent arguments that could explain why mass central planning and spending hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars is a bad idea... Unfortunately, there aren't any. In addition, there aren't many choices for voters to choose from, to better reflect their preferences and beliefs; this makes it easier for extremists to gain power.

It's almost like, one of the main causes of Canada's terrible political discourse is the first past the post system, and the random drift behaviour that a first past the post system can have on the political class. Perhaps the solution would be for people to stop voting for establishment parties that are afraid to have a public referendum on electoral reform and that want to reduce political competition and voter choice.

If you vote for an establishment party that wants the first past the post system, then you are part of the problem.

Perhaps you can enlighten us why is spending billions if not trillions is a good idea at this time.... lets keep in mind Justin is not going to spend money where it is needed, he is going to buy your vote, nothing more... we will see in a few weeks just what his plan, lets not forget the sprinkling of NDP good idea fairies will be , and i'll bet very little is going towards bringing our economy back into the fold...

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On 9/5/2020 at 10:29 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

1. This still begs the question of how do you keep people at home during a pandemic lockdown if you won't try to ensure they still have some income. 

What we're seeing right now is the government paying to keep people home during a non-pandemic.

No more money needs to be given out. It's time to open up the economy again.

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7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

What we're seeing right now is the government paying to keep people home during a non-pandemic.

No more money needs to be given out. It's time to open up the economy again.

That will be comforting to the over 400 people who became infected this weekend and the families of the two people who died. Because of the growing complacency and denial, the economy is going to be shut down again. Two people dying may be just a statistic, but I'm sure you will agree nobody wants or deserves to be just a statistic. If we let up, those "statistics" are going to balloon. 

I was very critical of Betsy's concerns back in March and I was very wrong.

Happy Labour Day everyone.

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On 9/5/2020 at 1:54 PM, -1=e^ipi said:

What's the point in having 300+ MPs in the house of commons if they all agree with each other and have no ideological diversity?

Ideology is the niave theory that there is one overall philosophy that will solve all problems. Ideology is the enemy of good governence. PR would entrench the power of political parties. A party leader should not have any veto over who runs in a local riding. MPs in the governing party should feel comfortable in voting no confidence in the PM if they don't like her/his actions.

What would be really nice is if we could somehow scam the New Zealanders into a trade. I would vote for her in a heartbeat.:wub:

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Perhaps you can enlighten us why is spending billions if not trillions is a good idea at this time....

Perhaps you misread my post?

7 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

What would be really nice is if we could somehow scam the New Zealanders into a trade. I would vote for her in a heartbeat.:wub:

And she was elected in a proportional representation system... which you oppose.

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On 9/5/2020 at 4:57 PM, PIK said:

FPTP is not perfect, but it is the best one to go with.

When you buy a car or a house, you check many factors.

When you vote, do you do the same? Yet your annual tax payments are probably similar to your rent/mortgage//Freenchcar payments. (In Quebec, I pay about $800/month in fed/prov tax. My car is less. My rent more.)

Trust me. I spent much more time choosing my car/apartment than I did choosing my political party. And I'm interested in politics!


FPTP? As a start, I would prefer elections on the date that we pay taxes. I also prefer the Quebec property/French tax system: you meet an official once a year and pay the tax.

Is it any wonder that Americans have their elections (November) six months after the date of tax filing (March). 


Edited by August1991
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15 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

That will be comforting to the over 400 people who became infected this weekend and the families of the two people who died. Because of the growing complacency and denial, the economy is going to be shut down again. Two people dying may be just a statistic, but I'm sure you will agree nobody wants or deserves to be just a statistic. If we let up, those "statistics" are going to balloon. 

I was very critical of Betsy's concerns back in March and I was very wrong.

Happy Labour Day everyone.


In case you missed it, that was ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR THOUSAND YEARS for 38M Canadians to die at a rate of 1 per day.

FYI, on every day that you've ever breathed air approximately 730 Canadians died.  

There's a large population of Canadians who are over 80 and suffer from a combination of co-morbidities such as morbid obesity, heart disease, lung diseases, liver disease, etc. On any given day any one of them could randomly die. In fact, on every single day hundreds of them die. Eventually that will be the fate of you and me both if we are lucky

Covid is dipping into that pool. 

On occasion, when a guy like Cuomo throws some infected patients back into a care home, or some covid-infected workers are sent back into a care home in Mtl, there is a spike in deaths. IE, the people who would have all died over the course of the next three months die in one week.

We need to work really hard to protect people like that, but that's all that's necessary. Locking down the country to stop covid is like getting rid of the wheel to prevent car accidents. Lots of people die every day in motor vehicle accidents. People with bright, wonderful futures. Are you willing to kill those people, day after day, just so that you can have a civilization?

Covid doesn't kill children. The seasonal flu kills children. Are we going to lock down the country every time there's a seasonal flu?

IMO the death of one single 6 year old child is a tragedy that's comparable to the deaths of 10,000 85 year olds with heart disease. I think that anyone with a heart understands that. If I reach the age of 85 with 2 co-morbidities and Covid 2 comes out I'd rather kill myself with a shovel than have the country shut down to save me and my care home buddies. 


I get it, covid is bad. The lockdowns are worse.

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Okay, I just watched an interview with Dr. Peter Lin on Power and Politics, and he agrees with you. If we continue to wash our hands, keep two metres apart, and wear masks and/or shields, we should be able to prevent another lockdown.

I need to borrow a ladder to climb down off my high horse. (His name is Trigger.)

I'm still voting for O'Toole.


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  • 1 month later...
On 9/3/2020 at 6:58 PM, PIK said:

I think trudeau thinks the throne speech will get voted down and the committee's and investigations will not start up again. But I think O'toole is not going to call one and then everything will continue. Give trudeau some more rope. 

Shit son, we have already given him the whole roll, and he still can't be hung.... couple more is not going to give us different results.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A week ago there was an election in New Zealand. The governing Labour-party won a landslide. It was a single-issue election about the coronavirus how the NZ-government supposedly handled it so well by locking down the country and closing the borders and ordering even returning own citizens into quarantine.

Without the virus the government would have lost the election since the NZ economics was in tatters even before the virus and the lockdown ruined it even more but apparently the people of that country thought that the government had saved their lives and rewarded the government accordingly.

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On 9/1/2020 at 6:29 PM, OftenWrong said:

I think i’ll consider the Bloc next time...

It would be great if we could all vote for the Bloc. Then maybe Quebec will finally be able to separate and go away forever. Wishful thinking!! ;)

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On 9/5/2020 at 9:21 AM, -TSS- said:

Isn't the coronavirus-situation in Canada relatively under control at least when compared to the USA? Politicians are eager to take credit for things like that and some people are silly enough to believe them.

The China virus will never go away in Canada as long as those sheeple out there keep believing the lies from their dear comrade leaders politicians and the lying media. As long as there are those sheeple who will continue to wear a mask, social distance, and quarantine themselves down this China virus is here to stay and things will only get more draconian. 

With those two liars mentioned above this China virus will never be controlled but should get worse. Those liars will be preparing us all for the next Convid 20 virus to come along in the next month or so. It's supposed to get worse than the last one. Sadly, the fools out there will once again go along with the lie. 

There is a story going around that the federal government is looking for tenders to build quarantine facilities. They will be built to house anyone who refuses to take the needle. You will be placed under quarantine arrest. Your freedom is gone until you take the needle. 

Canada's next election will be either for freedom or tyranny. The PPC party is for freedom and an end to this China virus farce. The rest are for tyranny and more of the same that we have had to endure already. This election will not be about the China virus. It will be about our freedom being taken away from us all. This election will be a biggy one. Just saying. ;)

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On 10/23/2020 at 6:11 PM, -TSS- said:

A week ago there was an election in New Zealand. The governing Labour-party won a landslide. It was a single-issue election about the coronavirus how the NZ-government supposedly handled it so well by locking down the country and closing the borders and ordering even returning own citizens into quarantine.

I think the fact that in the US, Fauci said that a national mask mandate is necessary is going to be a big factor in getting Biden elected. He's said that "if science dictates a mask  mandate is necessary blah blah blah." Trump still leaves it to individual choice.

In Canada it doesn't really matter what science says. Trudeau could tell us all to lick doorknobs, 3M people could die, and the MSM here will say that he saved us all. 

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