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When they talk about de-funding or dismantling Law Enforcement

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2 minutes ago, Argus said:

Would you like me to convey the disdain I feel for self-hating white liberals wrapped in guilt who are anguished about something that is none of their fault or responsibility, particularly when they know very little about it and have simply sopped up the media outrage-media overage without engaging a single brain cell?

I think you have already. 

I'm not self-hating. I don't have the arrogance to judge other races for how they feel.

And the arrogance to accuse someone that they're just being brain-washed by the media. Want to post a Fox News clip to counter-act this narrative? 

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2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

OK, but that's what the "woke" wypipo like to do...it's makes them feel better...I guess.

Getting back to the poleece...Joe Biden's fingerprints are all over the 1994 Crime Bill that led to the long trend in law enforcement growth, carding, incarcerations, and deaths.

Sure there's this broken window element that got a lot of black people in jail and in a cycle of crime for things the white people never had to deal with. Such as Drug crime. 

It's Black people that got Biden nominated, so I suspect he's been forgiven. 

It's also black people's apathy that got Trump into the White House. 

Edited by Boges
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Just now, Boges said:

In the US, it's culture and attitude that comes from decades of subjugation and segregation. 

Cultures become twisted in a variety of ways. Black culture was vastly different into the sixties, with two-parent families the norm and less crime even as economic fortunes rose. Sowell feels the biggest cause of damage to the black community was the welfare state which exempted black fathers from the need to take care of their kids. Certainly there's ample evidence that the number of single parent families in a community directly corresponds with its economic fortunes and crime rate.

Just now, Boges said:

Immigrants come here for a better life, FN communities were here from the beginning and AA communities were brought here to work for free. 

But they're fighting against the same 'systemic racism' and winning. So is the problem systemic racism or someone's attitude?

Just now, Boges said:

I think that's a cultural element that sticks with generations. 

Whether it does or doesn't you're not going to change that by telling them they're right and all their issues are because of racism and police.

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1 minute ago, Boges said:

Sure there's this broken window element that got a lot of black people in jail and in a cycle of crime for things the white people never had to deal with. Such as Drug crime. 

It's Black people that got Biden nominated, so I suspect he's been forgiven. 

It's also black people's apathy that got Trump into the White House. 


Typical....blame black people for Clinton's failings.

Black folks have the same right to vote or not vote as they please, same as wypipo.

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Just now, Argus said:

Cultures become twisted in a variety of ways. Black culture was vastly different into the sixties, with two-parent families the norm and less crime even as economic fortunes rose. Sowell feels the biggest cause of damage to the black community was the welfare state which exempted black fathers from the need to take care of their kids. Certainly there's ample evidence that the number of single parent families in a community directly corresponds with its economic fortunes and crime rate.

I don't disagree with that. White people also fall victim to similar circumstances. But you have the likes of Trump that sympathize with them because Elites have victimized them. 



But they're fighting against the same 'systemic racism' and winning. So is the problem systemic racism or someone's attitude?

45 also hates brown people that want to come to his country and work so. . . 


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3 minutes ago, Boges said:

I think you have already. 

I'm not self-hating. I don't have the arrogance to judge other races for how they feel.

That's not what being self-hating means. It means judging your own race, your own people, feeling contempt for your culture, values, traditions and especially history, because, you know, those people weren't woke and were racists and homophobes.

3 minutes ago, Boges said:

And the arrogance to accuse someone that they're just being brain-washed by the media. Want to post a Fox News clip to counter-act this narrative? 

Don't hand me that "You're just watching FOX" crap. I've had plenty to say about FOX and its slanted news over the past many years. You can look it up  if you want. So how come when I talk about the slanted news on this coverage suddenly I'm some kind of rabid FOX watcher?

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36 minutes ago, Argus said:

That's not what being self-hating means. It means judging your own race, your own people, feeling contempt for your culture, values, traditions and especially history, because, you know, those people weren't woke and were racists and homophobes.

Don't hand me that "You're just watching FOX" crap. I've had plenty to say about FOX and its slanted news over the past many years. You can look it up  if you want. So how come when I talk about the slanted news on this coverage suddenly I'm some kind of rabid FOX watcher?

It’s funny how only Fox News has a slant or agenda, but somehow CNN, MSNBC, CBC, etc get a pass from these people.  That apparently they can’t also notice an agenda on behalf of these news sources.  But it’s only Fox News.

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

45 also hates brown people that want to come to his country and work so. . .


So did Barack Obama....he arrested and deported lots of "brown" illegals...white ones too.

Sanctuary city police departments were told not to cooperate.....defund that.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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2 hours ago, Boges said:

Let's remove race from the equation. It's a cop problem. . . period. 

Glad you finally came around. Now let's talk about profiling.

Profiling happens. You don't go too long in a day without profiling  something. 

Let's say two different sets of police officers address two different calls on opposite sides of the city. The east side cops come up to the doorway to knock and a snarling dog comes around the corner. It's a pit bull. As the west side side cops approach their door a different snarling dog comes around the corner. It's a chihuahua.  Which one is more likely to be shot?

(But no, race-baiters I'm not saying all Blacks are pit bulls. I'm offering a simplified example to clarify what should be an obvious, general, human response mechanism.)

George Floyd wasn't just black. He was 6 foot 6, acting erratically, most likely resisting arrest from what video footage is available, and had a criminal record. Was he profiled? Most likely but why are we assuming race was on the top of that profile? And if race did jump a notch on the profile list would the fact that a race representing 13% of the population commits 25% of police murders explain some of that. It wouldn't justify the excessive force used to subdue Floyd but it might help us to understand how the race factor could jump up a level on the profile list.

Now before we were able to bring Boges to the rational understanding of what happened here he seemed to be telling us how blacks had a history of being persecuted and therefore their reaction to the Floyd shooting was understandable, even excusable. Apparently the Atlantic agreed with him so it had to be true. It would seem one-time Boges and the Atlantic agree that the historical profile they were using explained their particular POV and justified any resulting crime. I don't think so myself but that's what they seemed to be saying. And no, I don't think the excessive force used by Chauvin to subdue Floyd was excusable even though I understand how a complex and most likely flawed profile in Chauvin's head might explain his actions.

I can't help noticing that nobody around today was responsible for any of this persecution of the black race. But I hear the Atlantic was able to sell assorted gullible, dhimi, cuck types on the idea historical profiling is a righteous justifier for radicals burning their city down causing suffering to the very people who were once historically persecuted. That's a race-baited historical profile and not a very convincing one.

Profiling isn't always correct. Some might say it isn't often correct but it does happen and if we're going to judge it maybe we it should take these profiles apart rationally and judge what they actually might explain - if anything. They don't excuse anything in the Floyd case or the race-baited riots where an attempted excuse of a historic profile was offered up to justify them but it might help us understand more correctly how they motivate people.


Edited by Infidel Dog
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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


So did Barack Obama....he arrested and deported lots of "brown" illegals...white ones too.

Sanctuary city police departments were told not to cooperate.....defund that.

Maybe Trump is less enthused about foreign workers because he knows that an excess of labour depresses wages.  You’d think people that claimed to care about the middle class would care about something like that.  But nope.

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

That's not what being self-hating means. It means judging your own race, your own people, feeling contempt for your culture, values, traditions and especially history, because, you know, those people weren't woke and were racists and homophobes.

Culture and Race are two very different things. 


Don't hand me that "You're just watching FOX" crap. I've had plenty to say about FOX and its slanted news over the past many years. You can look it up  if you want. So how come when I talk about the slanted news on this coverage suddenly I'm some kind of rabid FOX watcher?

And why do you assume that my opinion on this is based on being force fed biased Liberal media. 

To a Fox News viewer, anything that's not Fox or the Rebel is Liberal tripe. 

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22 minutes ago, Shady said:

Maybe Trump is less enthused about foreign workers because he knows that an excess of labour depresses wages.  You’d think people that claimed to care about the middle class would care about something like that.  But nope.

They're not coming to do Middle wage jobs. They're jobs that no one in America will do. 



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6 minutes ago, Boges said:

Culture and Race are two very different things. 

And why do you assume that my opinion on this is based on being force fed biased Liberal media. 

To a Fox News viewer, anything that's not Fox or the Rebel is Liberal tripe. 

There is no news. Fox does at least give a counter-narrative to the droning bobble heads who all repeat the same monotone. How about Toronto Sun, I find that site a bit better than average. At least they dis the PM clearly for what he deserves, so I'm all for that.

What else is actually happening around the world? Hard to say...

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3 minutes ago, Boges said:

They're not coming to do Middle wage jobs. They're jobs that no one in America will do. 

What you, and the rest of the leftists in NA don't get, is that when people cross the border illegally, and don't have SIN numbers, they largely work under the table. They take jobs from kids fresh out of school and from people who are legally here trying who are to make a living wage but don't have a lot of skills.

Bernie's guarantee of "a living wage" can't be met when employers don't have to put their workers on the books.

Rich, pontificating Democrats say to themselves "Am I going to pay Juan a living wage, or pay Jose $7 under the table? Hmmmmmmm. Tough choice." 

You just end up with an illegal immigrant working for poverty wages and an American dipping into Bernie's Bottomless Benefit Bucket (not actually bottomless, FYI).

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16 minutes ago, Boges said:

Culture and Race are two very different things. 

And why do you assume that my opinion on this is based on being force fed biased Liberal media.

Because of the cliche's you're using. When discussing police, blacks and race I've used statistics and studies. You've expressed your outrage and anger and expressed no sense of doubt that this is all a completely one-sided issue; the saintly, innocent black people vs the evil, racist police, and racist 'whitey' types who are oppressing blacks.

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On 6/9/2020 at 4:07 PM, Michael Hardner said:

Certainly they must have something in common that explains how they - as a group - trust the police far less than white people.  What could it be ?

Judging by all of the white demonstrators that I have seen, and who are still involved in all of those demonstrations that we see every day on TV now, it would appear to me as though many white people have a problem and issue with the cops also. Pretty much all of those demonstrations were happening in democratic controlled cities, where most of these demonstrations and riots and looting are happening. For me, I believe and think that those black and white demonstrators have more of a problem and issue with their democratic leaders rather than so much with the police. Just saying. 

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On 6/9/2020 at 4:23 PM, Infidel Dog said:

Having absolutely nothing to do with the video you didn't watch but would like us to believe you did, but OK then.

Laura started by reminding her viewers that at the beginning of the lockdown she told them how she thought the Democrats would keep the economy shut down as long as possible then foist a new normal on them.

She showed how that appeared to be happening then she goes on to say that's now out the window. Now there's a new, new normal. She considers the riots and says "so much for social distancing."

Under this new, new normal you have no right to an opinion that conflicts with or calls into question any aspect of the Progressive campaign  to destabilize America through bullying and violence.

Here ya go Mike. Try watching it this time. Might help with the whole not knowing what it's actually about problem.


I watch Tucker and Laura every night on FOX News if possible. With those two, I do get the other side of the story that most members here do not want to hear or learn or know about.  If I had to rely on the leftist liberal lying media in Canada and America, I would never learn anything at all. ;)

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On 6/9/2020 at 8:51 PM, Infidel Dog said:

It's 10 minutes for a response team to arrive in New York city. Do you have some reason to believe it's slower than that where you are? Are you out in the country maybe? If not and you heard somebody jimmying your window lock are you saying you wouldn't call the police because it might be as long as 10 minutes?

There's a long history of people who did well by not taking your advice.



Defunding the police will mean even more guns in the homes of we the people. If there are not enough police to come to ones rescue, than one must defend themselves. The way things are going these days, maybe it is time for we the people to start arming ourselves before sadly becoming a victim. Liberalism and socialism has not and never will work. All those two ism's have done is made we the people even more afraid for our lives. We have been brainwashed into believing that we must not handle things ourselves. We must wait for and trust the police to do it for us. Not much good for me if I am shot dead before the police arrive. But our dear comrade leader thinks that we the people should be unarmed. 

It's funny how this dear comrade leader of Canada has body guards that carry guns on them to protect that fool. But we the people should not be allowed to own guns to maybe save and protect our lives one day if some criminal tries to break in my home. Canada only has morons and buffoons as politicians as their leaders who really could not give a dam about their safety of their lives. It's all just a show folks put on by our dear comrade leaders to try and make us all feel safe and secure. Sad. 

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1 hour ago, Argus said:

Larry Elder on police racism.

Is the Betsy Ross Flag considered racist because Betsy Ross was an abolitionist, because Obama flew it at his inauguration and he's "a little bit racist if he's being completely honest", or is it just because Colin Kaepernick hates the American flag? Wait a sec, I thought that he only knelt during the anthem because 'all pigs is racist'?

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On 6/10/2020 at 10:06 AM, Boges said:

Ahhhh so someone with a criminal record deserves to die for having a suspect counterfit dollar bill? How Christian!

What did Breonna Taylor do to deserve to die? Date a guy that thought plain clothed people breaking into their home weren't police? 


On 6/10/2020 at 10:06 AM, Boges said:

Ahhhh so someone with a criminal record deserves to die for having a suspect counterfit dollar bill? How Christian!

What did Breonna Taylor do to deserve to die? Date a guy that thought plain clothed people breaking into their home weren't police? 

Just another guilt ridden bleeding heart activist leftist liberal coming to the rescue of a black criminal. I see that the leftist liberal media in Canada and in the states did not seem to care all that much about some ex black cop being shot and killed by a black looter and rioter. Maybe because the shooter was black?  Me really thinks so.  Who knows what kind of a confrontation that cop had with that Floyd criminal. It might have been a situation where the cop felt at the time his life was in danger. Hey, we never know, eh? You would certainly not no anything. 

I just have to wonder as to what the lying and fake media would have said or done if that ex black cop were shot by a white looter and rioter? I do not think that I need to tell anyone here as to what would happen. It would be front page news for sure, and no doubt we would hear about it for weeks after. The hypocrisy in the leftist liberal fake and lying media is always quite overwhelming indeed. The MSM has no credibility anymore with me because they always keep showing me their biases and their hatred for having to tell the truth. Telling the truth in the MSM is something they always like to try and avoid. They have become professional liars and bull shitters. :unsure:

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On 6/9/2020 at 4:58 PM, Infidel Dog said:

You'll see Laura's point played out most clear and relevant to the topic here when at 5:35 of the video CNN is interviewing, what I think is, the Minneapolis councilwoman organizing the move to dismantle the police. CNN asks her if she understands how some people might be "uncomfortable" if say a home invader broke into their house and there was no one to call. The white Congressman answers that anybody daring to worry about such trivia needs to reassess their white privilege. The new, new normal is where you're not allowed to question the new orthodoxy and if you do you have a problem that needs fixing and there are people out there willing to fix it for you.

OK, I added that last bit, but it needed to be in there, I think.

Why is it not called racism when someone says "white privilege"? I am white and I am not being treated as privileged in any way. How long are white people going to put up with this constant racism being said right in front of their bloody white faces?  If I were to say the words black privilege I would be called a white racist right away. It has got to the point where anyone can insult white people, and get away with it, but do not dare to insult any nonwhite people. Now that would be seen as racism. Is there something going on here that I am not getting yet with all of these created deep state globalist demonstrations going on these days? It seems to be more about white people and their evil past than anything else. Just curious. ;)

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This is probably too long a read for those who like brief statements, but I thought I would include it here because it's an angry and devastating indictment of the intellectual corruption of the left at universities and how they've embraced the narrative that all black problems are because of white people. It's written anonymously by someone who claims to be a 'person of color' because, as they say, they would be fired for expressing such an opinion openly. But they are angry about the fact everything about racism has to be accepted uncritically, that groupthink is enforced and that anyone who disagrees risks their job.



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