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Did Trudeau Fail His Country On Covid-19

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Did Trudeau Fail His Country On Covid-19  

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8 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Largest mobilization since the Second World War, bigger than the Cuban Missile Crisis

Literally de facto mass conscription

Your Charter rights are effectively suspended for the duration

This is the sort of situation where the courts would "deem it reasonable"

To wit, you're all in the army now

And all over what appears to be a globalist manufactured crisis. And I can bet you that you will not even bother to go to those websites I mentioned above, will you, eh? I guess that maybe because it is not some retired military man and his website and that is why they are not worth your time of day, right? ;) 

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The crisis was not "manufactured" but it is questionable how its being managed. However to suggest it was created on purpose is irresponsible. I am the first to question the validity of long term quarantine but to suggest viruses are "manufactured" is idiot babble. Viruses mutate and jump from species as they have been since life has existed.

Edited by Rue
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7 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Is it safe to assume Trudeau will be failing us again if our economy isn't opened up and churches aren't full by Easter?

I blame his wife. Her singing lowered peoples' immunities which triggered all this. Also I blame Celine Dion and Adele for the same reasons. I also blame the Kardashians. They surely spread diseases why not blame them for this one.

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12 minutes ago, taxme said:

 I guess that maybe because it is not some retired military man and his website and that is why they are not worth your time of day, right? ;) 

I told you, I'm bound by oath to the CinC and this is mobilization for war,  there's no point in political agitation right now because they are not going to hold an election

I'm just back into Petawawa mode;

Hurry up and wait

On the bus off the bus

Stand by, stand by

Gym, tan, laundry, wash, rinse, repeat

Embrace the suck

I've been conscripted along with everybody else, I'm just good at this shit

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5 hours ago, PIK said:

Trudeau is a loser, he is all about power and himself. He has been slow and his love affair with china is a problem.

Besides China, Trudeau appears to have a refugee and gay loving problem also. That is all this fool seems to be interested in these days. Canada and Canadians come last with this fool of a prime mistake of Canukistan. What were those fools that voted for him in the last election thinking? Will the fools do it again. Yup, I am pretty sure that they will do it again. And with more than a million new immigrants and refugees coming to Canada in the next three years Emperor Trudeau will be a shoo in the next election. The emperor will be in power forever. It's inevitable.  How else can he not be? 

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17 minutes ago, Rue said:

The crisis was not "manufactured" but it is questionable how its being managed. However to suggest it was created on purpose is irresponsible. I am the first to question the validity of long term quarantine but to suggest viruses are "manufactured" is idiot babble. Viruses mutate and jump from species as they have been since life has existed.

If you ever read what I say here and get it right it would be a miracle for you. NDS! I did say that I believe that this was a "manufactured crisis" that has been suggested on some websites out there on the internet. I did not just dream it all up by myself. I do have an open mind and I am willing to listen to the other side of the story that others have to say about whatever. And no, they are not Nazi nor racist websites.  Git that?  This is just another virus and it is all being blown way out of proportion to what it really is. This constant bombardment by the media of every second of every day should tell you that there may be a little brainwashing and propaganda going on here. But believe what you want to believe and so will I do the same. I question more. Live with it. ;)

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30 minutes ago, Rue said:

The crisis was not "manufactured" but it is questionable how its being managed. .

There's two ways you can do it, like Singapore or like Canada

SInga Pura Lion City is a totally militarized society on the brink of war at all times

Canada is not

Singapore trusts the people to follow instructions to the letter with military bearing and not have to be told twice

The Canadian government does not

Elite troops are given latitude

Raw recruits have to be locked down at all times

I said on this forum that Singapore could defeat Canada in a war, and that is coming to pass right now


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39 minutes ago, taxme said:

And all over what appears to be a globalist manufactured crisis. And I can bet you that you will not even bother to go to those websites I mentioned above, will you, eh? I guess that maybe because it is not some retired military man and his website and that is why they are not worth your time of day, right? ;) 

Who can benefit from manufacturing this situation?

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14 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I told you, I'm bound by oath to the CinC and this is mobilization for war,  there's no point in political agitation right now because they are not going to hold an election

I'm just back into Petawawa mode;

Hurry up and wait

On the bus off the bus

Stand by, stand by

Gym, tan, laundry, wash, rinse, repeat

Embrace the suck

I've been conscripted along with everybody else, I'm just good at this shit

You are not bound by any oath to anyone. So quit with that bull. Indeed, we are all being conscripted alright. Being conscripted to follow our dear leaders and the media dictatorial orders into believing everything they tell us is gospel. They must be listened to or else, if not, there will be fines or jail time waiting for you all. 

In Nova Scotia, the provincial government has closed down the NS border to other provinces. If you do want to drive into Nova Scotia today then one must self quarantine themselves for two weeks. All parks and beaches and tourist attractions are all shut down. What a joke all of this is becoming. Disobey the rules of the new political dictators and you will be either fined or maybe even jailed. Aw well, we must now all play this game or else. :unsure:

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6 minutes ago, taxme said:

You are not bound by any oath to anyone. So quit with that bull. Indeed, we are all being conscripted alright. Being conscripted to follow our dear leaders and the media dictatorial orders into believing everything they tell us is gospel. They must be listened to or else, if not, there will be fines or jail time waiting for you all. 

In Nova Scotia, the provincial government has closed down the NS border to other provinces. If you do want to drive into Nova Scotia today then one must self quarantine themselves for two weeks. All parks and beaches and tourist attractions are all shut down. What a joke all of this is becoming. Disobey the rules of the new political dictators and you will be either fined or maybe even jailed. Aw well, we must now all play this game or else. :unsure:

What if you're carrying the virus? Or do you not believe there is a virus going around?

Do you have anyone who is an elderly or has weak lungs? Are you worried for them at all?

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1 minute ago, marcus said:

Who can benefit from manufacturing this situation?

The globalists. The globalists will sell off plenty of their stocks at a high market value just before a pandemic is brought about that they will create and gets kicked into gear. And when their old stocks drop in value, they will end the pandemic very soon after, and buy their old stock back at a much reduced value. It's a win-win situation for the globalists. It's a loss-loss for we the sucker people. They are the ones that run and own the stock market, and the ones who create the dollars that we must use every day to survive and live on. Only the rich wealthy billionaires do well before, during and after an event like this. At least that is how I am reading things these days. There are many other websites out there that are starting to see this for all that it is worth. A big farce at we the people's expense. Hey you never know, eh? Question more. ;) 

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6 minutes ago, marcus said:

What if you're carrying the virus? Or do you not believe there is a virus going around?

Do you have anyone who is an elderly or has weak lungs? Are you worried for them at all?

6 days ago people could fly out of coronavirus hotspots like Iran, Italy and China and land in NS, now people from 100 metres away in NB can't even ride a bike there.

Don't you think that's a bit f'd up? Doesn't it seem like something is drastically wrong with that? 

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

The globalists. The globalists will sell off plenty of their stocks at a high market value just before a pandemic is brought about that they will create and gets kicked into gear. And when their old stocks drop in value, they will end the pandemic very soon after, and buy their old stock back at a much reduced value. It's a win-win situation for the globalists. It's a loss-loss for we the sucker people. They are the ones that run and own the stock market, and the ones who create the dollars that we must use every day to survive and live on. Only the rich wealthy billionaires do well before, during and after an event like this. At least that is how I am reading things these days. There are many other websites out there that are starting to see this for all that it is worth. A big farce at we the people's expense. Hey you never know, eh? Question more. ;) 

Can you point to these sell offs of shares before the pandemic started?

Why don't you invest your money now into buying shares? It's a great time to buy.

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8 minutes ago, marcus said:

What if you're carrying the virus? Or do you not believe there is a virus going around?

Do you have anyone who is an elderly or has weak lungs? Are you worried for them at all?

I am not saying that there is no flu virus going around. We have flu viruses coming around every year. But for some unknown reason this one seems to be the mother load of all viruses. Even SARS and the H1N1 were pretty bad but we saw nothing like we are seeing today happening. As I said in another post that the globalists had a meeting in New York in 2019. It was called the "Event 201" where there was this discussion about a "Global Pandemic Exercise". Well ,low and behold, a year later we have a possible "exercise" pandemic going on here? WTH? 

Is this all just a coincidence? You tell me? ;)

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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

6 days ago people could fly out of coronavirus hotspots like Iran, Italy and China and land in NS, now people from 100 metres away in NB can't even ride a bike there.

Don't you think that's a bit f'd up? Doesn't it seem like something is drastically wrong with that? 


Look at the number of infected. It's surging and these measures have to be taken. The governments, both at the federal and provincial levels seem to be learning as time goes forward. They should have closed the borders ages ago. If something like this happens again and the governments don't learn from the mistakes made this time, then we should be asking for their heads. 

I really don't understand why anyone, except for the conspiracy theorists, would complain about the measures being taken by the feds/provinces in order to stop the transmission and movement of the people.

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3 minutes ago, marcus said:

Can you point to these sell offs of shares before the pandemic started?

Why don't you invest your money now into buying shares? It's a great time to buy.

No, I cannot. I do not play the stock market. You will have to ask the globalists about that. Good luck. 

I do not have all that much money to be able to play the stock market. But what I always do is that I keep putting most of my money into taxes because they are always going up. Lol. But you know all about that, right? Of course I must admit that I do get some of that money back from the government pensions that I receive every month. I guess that is okay. :D 

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18 minutes ago, marcus said:

Who can benefit from manufacturing this situation?

Marcus if you know what's going to happen in advance you can profit from it, no matter what.

If I had $1M invested in the stock market in Jan 2019 and I knew this was going to happen I could pull it all out at the peak of the market, and then I'd also know when and where to reinvest it.

Sell off stocks in oil and real estate, buy stocks in companies that manufacture med supplies. Everyone else is losing money while your own stocks are going up or staying put.

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13 minutes ago, marcus said:

Look at the number of infected. It's surging and these measures have to be taken. The governments, both at the federal and provincial levels seem to be learning as time goes forward. They should have closed the borders ages ago. If something like this happens again and the governments don't learn from the mistakes made this time, then we should be asking for their heads. 

I really don't understand why anyone, except for the conspiracy theorists, would complain about the measures being taken by the feds/provinces in order to stop the transmission and movement of the people.

It's not bad that it's being done now. It's bad that nothing at all was being done 6 days ago.

Leaders are supposed to take the right steps early on, so that it never gets to this point.

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

I am not saying that there is no flu virus going around. We have flu viruses coming around every year. But for some unknown reason this one seems to be the mother load of all viruses. Even SARS and the H1N1 were pretty bad but we saw nothing like we are seeing today happening. As I said in another post that the globalists had a meeting in New York in 2019. It was called the "Event 201" where there was this discussion about a "Global Pandemic Exercise". Well ,low and behold, a year later we have a possible "exercise" pandemic going on here? WTH? 

Is this all just a coincidence? You tell me? ;)

This is not a flu. There is a big difference between the everyday flu.

One of the biggest differences between the flu and covid-19 is the rate of hospitalization.

About 20% of those who have covid-19, will be hospitalized. For the flu, it's been between 1-2%. That's around 20 times more.

Once a patient with a serious case of the covid-19 is hospitalized, the average stay is 11 days - about twice as long as the five- to six-day average stay for flu.

Once the numbers go beyond a certain point and if it's not contained, then we will see a situation like what we're witnessing in Italy, where the healthcare system is not able to handle the numbers.

Conspiracy theory aside, this is happening, it's real, it's serious and we have to do what we can to stop the spreading.

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

It's not bad that it's being done now. It's bad that nothing at all was being done 6 days ago.

Leaders are supposed to take the right steps early on, so that it never gets to this point.

Shouldn't we be gearing up for Trump's Easter rebound now or did Trudeau screw up so bad in January that now we have to wait until June or something?

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6 minutes ago, marcus said:

This is not a flu. There is a big difference between the everyday flu.

One of the biggest differences between the flu and covid-19 is the rate of hospitalization.

About 20% of those who have covid-19, will be hospitalized. For the flu, it's been between 1-2%. That's around 20 times more.

Once a patient with a serious case of the covid-19 is hospitalized, the average stay is 11 days - about twice as long as the five- to six-day average stay for flu.

Once the numbers go beyond a certain point and if it's not contained, then we will see a situation like what we're witnessing in Italy, where the healthcare system is not able to handle the numbers.

Conspiracy theory aside, this is happening, it's real, it's serious and we have to do what we can to stop the spreading.

To be honest, I've watched a lot of different news shows and read a lot of different sources for stats and information, some of them were pretty good imo, and I didn't even know what % of people needed hospitalization or how long it lasted. Thanks for that info. Where did you get it from?

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4 minutes ago, marcus said:

Look at the number of infected. It's surging and these measures have to be taken. The governments, both at the federal and provincial levels seem to be learning as time goes forward. They should have closed the borders ages ago. If something like this happens again and the governments don't learn from the mistakes made this time, then we should be asking for their heads. 

I really don't understand why anyone, except for the conspiracy theorists, would complain about the measures being taken by the feds/provinces in order to stop the transmission and movement of the people.

Those numbers may not be all that real at all. Maybe some what over exaggerated. Maybe the media is including other people that die from some other virus or pneumonia and lumping them all into this so called virus pandemic. We all should know by now as to how the media works? Make a mountain out of a mole hill. The media may be getting false information from their sources of so called experts. We should maybe be asking after all of this for their heads. Our politicians maybe are all accomplices in this so called pandemic. Look how they are reacting these days? Pretty much trying to shut down the nation. They are even against people who go outside in the great outdoors who are just going for a walk or run or parents taking their kids to a park or other activities outside who are being affected by this social distance foolishness. Outside should be one of the safest places to be. But not to those bozos we call elected officials. They want to enforce their social distance game, and if you do not want to play that game then they will fined or jail you. Dictators is a word that comes to mind. 

But I guess that they and we the people will have to play this globalist pandemic game until the globalists decide that they have had enough of this creating mass pandemonium. When they see that the people are starting to rebel and starting to get a little restless having to stay at home most of the time, the gig will be up, and suddenly the medical profession found a cure for the virus, and everybody will be free again to go about their business. The trouble with most people is that they cannot fathom such an idea that conspiracies do exist when in fact they do exist. One must be crazy in the head when questioning their political leaders or the media. Those two will never admit that conspiracies do exist. That would take the fun out of it although it could turn out to be fun after all but just not for the conspirators. 

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9 minutes ago, marcus said:

This is not a flu. There is a big difference between the everyday flu.

One of the biggest differences between the flu and covid-19 is the rate of hospitalization.

About 20% of those who have covid-19, will be hospitalized. For the flu, it's been between 1-2%. That's around 20 times more.

Once a patient with a serious case of the covid-19 is hospitalized, the average stay is 11 days - about twice as long as the five- to six-day average stay for flu.

Once the numbers go beyond a certain point and if it's not contained, then we will see a situation like what we're witnessing in Italy, where the healthcare system is not able to handle the numbers.

Conspiracy theory aside, this is happening, it's real, it's serious and we have to do what we can to stop the spreading.

Enjoy your brainwashing while I will keep doing what I want to do. I am going out to the store soon and do some socializing.  ;)

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13 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Marcus if you know what's going to happen in advance you can profit from it, no matter what.

If I had $1M invested in the stock market in Jan 2019 and I knew this was going to happen I could pull it all out at the peak of the market, and then I'd also know when and where to reinvest it.

Sell off stocks in oil and real estate, buy stocks in companies that manufacture med supplies. Everyone else is losing money while your own stocks are going up or staying put.

The globalists knew in advance of what was coming because they created the event, and they will have made plenty of bucks from it in the end. But that is all deemed to be just all conspiracy nonsense, right? ;)

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