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Trumps so called racist tweets

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17 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

How on earth has Ilhan Omar even been elected to the HOR?. Minnesota, I know, but even considering Minnesota that doesn't make any sense.


Minnesota has the largest number of Somali refugees and immigrants in the United States.   Omar was elected from the 5th Congressional District, which includes the city of Minneapolis and surrounding suburbs, a Democrat stronghold. 



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Are you trying to pretend there has been no attempt to portray her words as a calming feeling from hearing of the suffering of the Jews? I think you are. Some people here have a hard time being honest about what they say 

Edited by BubberMiley
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Omar is still vulnerable, for reasons unrelated to being Somali American or her battles with Trump.   She violated campaign finance law in Minnesota and has some immigration/marriage fraud controversies that will be exploited by the competition in the 2020 election.  

But Omar also has a larger following and Democrat contribution base because of the very high national profile vs. Trump and Pelosi.   Omar (and AOC) are using a page out of Trump's playbook to remain at the center of media attention, purposely so.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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3 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Omar is still vulnerable, for reasons unrelated to being Somali American or her battles with Trump.   She violated campaign finance law in Minnesota and has some immigration/marriage fraud controversies that will be exploited by the competition in the 2020 election.  

But Omar also has a larger following and Democrat contribution base because of the very high national profile vs. Trump and Pelosi.

I posted something elsewhere about the controversies, she has been fined and there is a lawsuit. I doubt any of it would affect votes in her constituency, but if it is proven that there was marriage fraud, would she have to step down?

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1 minute ago, scribblet said:

I posted something elsewhere about the controversies, she has been fined and there is a lawsuit. I doubt any of it would affect votes in her constituency, but if it is proven that there was marriage fraud, would she have to step down?


I don't think she would have to legally step down because of marriage/tax fraud, but she would become a poster child for immigration fraud and ammunition for Trump if she did marry her own brother to get him into the country / permanent residency.   These charges remain unproven, and Omar claims she was married properly by her religious faith, not the law.

Omar could fight charges of marriage and tax return fraud in court while remaining in office if/until convicted.   There are numerous examples of U.S. House members being arrested and convicted of bribery and other crimes, some claiming their innocence right up to the day they are carted off to prison.

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4 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

I don't think she would have to legally step down because of marriage/tax fraud, but she would become a poster child for immigration fraud and ammunition for Trump if she did marry her own brother to get him into the country / permanent residency.   These charges remain unproven, and Omar claims she was married properly by her religious faith, not the law.

Omar could fight charges of marriage and tax return fraud in court while remaining in office if/until convicted.   There are numerous examples of U.S. House members being arrested and convicted of bribery and other crimes, some claiming their innocence right up to the day they are carted off to prison.

Thanks..  I would think immigration fraud would be a reason for rep. to step down, surely? 


I'd hate to see her bring Corbynsim to any party

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2 minutes ago, scribblet said:

Thanks..  I would think immigration fraud would be a reason for rep. to step down, surely? 


I'd hate to see her bring Corbynsim to any party


One would think so, but absent an actual felony conviction, it wouldn't surprise me at all for many "progressives" in her party to defend her, if only as a sacrificial lightning rod against Trump.

Omar is piling up significant political baggage, and anti-semitism is high on her Twitter list.   Plus she and her squad are really testing Speaker Pelosi's and caucus patience.

Should make for a very entertaining 2020 campaign season.

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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:

One would think so, but absent an actual felony conviction, it wouldn't surprise me at all for many "progressives" in her party to defend her, if only as a sacrificial lightning rod against Trump.

Omar is piling up significant political baggage, and anti-semitism is high on her Twitter list.   Plus she and her squad are really testing Speaker Pelosi's and caucus patience.

Should make for a very entertaining 2020 campaign season.

Thank you...   Pelosi isn't my favourite Democrat but I hope she can keep a handle on it. 

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Just now, scribblet said:

Thank you...   Pelosi isn't my favourite Democrat but I hope she can keep a handle on it. 


That's the funny part....the "Squad" makes Pelosi look very moderate...responsible and mature.

Pelosi knows they are only four votes, and other 2018 freshman Democrats do not want to die on their mountain in 2020, many being from Trump districts.

Trump will do everything he can to make the extreme "Squad" representative of the Democrat Party,  and Pelosi has to prevent that from happening.

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15 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

That's the funny part....the "Squad" makes Pelosi look very moderate...responsible and mature.

Pelosi knows they are only four votes, and other 2018 freshman Democrats do not want to die on their mountain in 2020, many being from Trump districts.

Trump will do everything he can to make the extreme "Squad" representative of the Democrat Party,  and Pelosi has to prevent that from happening.

Going to be interesting, I read that some Democrats in her district are looking for another candidate  https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/433970-democrats-upset-over-omar-seeking-primary-challenger

I did read but can't find it now, that there is a strong Republican contender, female, from Jamaica.

However, it seems there are more legal issues than the campaign violation, income tax legal problems and immigration fraud.


I suppose it's racist to ask her to obey the laws...

Edited by scribblet
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2 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

It's funny how some people really, really hate to see brown people succeed more than them. They'll make up any lies they can think of to try to discredit them.  

Another white Liberal coming up with the race rather than the content of the 4 horsewomen of democalypse.

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17 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Minnesota has the largest number of Somali refugees and immigrants in the United States.   Omar was elected from the 5th Congressional District, which includes the city of Minneapolis and surrounding suburbs, a Democrat stronghold. 



I guess that in Congress-elections in states which always and certainly go to the same party in the election itself people vote for anyone who is the candidate of the party which always gets its candidate elected.

The tricky thing is to get the candidacy. That is the real competition.

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3 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

It's funny how some people really, really hate to see brown people succeed more than them. They'll make up any lies they can think of to try to discredit them.  

Actually, you are racist already. No one cares they are white, black, brown, yellow, red. The point here is that the four horsewomen of democalypseare are reverse-racists.

Here are my points. Which one is racist?

You said to john oliver: " you shall go back to england, you are not white enough"

You said to denzel washington: "you curse Abraham Lincoln becasue his views on slavery. you are modern slavery supporter; you shall go back to where you came from, "

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21 hours ago, kactus said:

Send Trump to Scotland and Melania to Slovenia (their homeland) where they came from...

Do you know who are Hoda Muthana, Amira Abase, Umm Khattab? May be you are one of those who believes shall not let them back in :rolleyes:

Edited by egghead
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On 7/19/2019 at 5:14 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:

Omar is still vulnerable, for reasons unrelated to being Somali American or her battles with Trump.   She violated campaign finance law in Minnesota and has some immigration/marriage fraud controversies that will be exploited by the competition in the 2020 election.  

But Omar also has a larger following and Democrat contribution base because of the very high national profile vs. Trump and Pelosi.   Omar (and AOC) are using a page out of Trump's playbook to remain at the center of media attention, purposely so.

And Trump should be mentioning this every day at every rally that he attends that she has violated a law. But yet he does not. Why? What the hell is the guy waiting for? The leftist liberal media and the brain dead commie democrats are covering her ass and not mentioning a thing about it. Trumps tweets may have appeared to be some what racist by the media but yet what she did is a crime against the American people. Omar's ass should have been grass by now just like Hillary's should be also. Many people connected to Trump have been charged with some so called crime but yet Hillary and Obama has not as of yet had any of their people connected to them been charged with anything. And yet there is ample proof that at least Hilary should be in jail by now. Hannity on FOX News exposes this every night and that Hillary should have been charged long ago with a crime.

Is there something going on in this picture here that I am not getting right?   

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On 7/20/2019 at 6:36 AM, BubberMiley said:

It's funny how some people really, really hate to see brown people succeed more than them. They'll make up any lies they can think of to try to discredit them.  

The brown people in America have been doing quite well in America these days, especially since Trump became President. We see browns everywhere on TV,  Hollyweird movies, the non- entertainment industry, sports, politics and so much more in the working world of America. To say that white people really really hate to see brown people succeed in America is saying something quite racist here to say the least. Thanks to Trump and his economic policies there are more browns working today than ever before in America.

The only gang of misfits that do not want to see brown people succeed are the racist democrats. Just remember this? The past history of the democratic party has been shown to have been behind the promotion of hatred towards blacks because the KKK alone was created by the democrats in the past. The Republicans on the contrary have been trying to fight racism against the brown people of America. Stop trying to get your kicks from route CNN/MSNBC will you. Try getting your news from the likes of FOX News for a change and get the other side of the story. It never hurts to know the other side of the story. Just saying. 

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20 hours ago, kactus said:

Send Trump to Scotland and Melania to Slovenia (their homeland) where they came from...

That sure does look like a bit of racism coming from you alright? Maybe you should go back from whence your ancestors came from? Just saying. 

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

And Trump should be mentioning this every day at every rally that he attends that she has violated a law. But yet he does not. Why? What the hell is the guy waiting for? The leftist liberal media and the brain dead commie democrats are covering her ass and not mentioning a thing about it.

Is there something going on in this picture here that I am not getting right?   


Omar, AOC, and the rest of the Squad are more useful to Trump and GOP as high profile, radical leftists going into the 2020 election season.   Trump wants them to become the face of the Democratic Party to the dismay of Nancy Pelosi and mainstream Democrats.

Turning them into martyrs at this time would not be wise politically.

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

That sure does look like a bit of racism coming from you alright? Maybe you should go back from whence your ancestors came from? Just saying. 

3 of the congresswomen Trump asked to "go back" to "the crime infested places they came" were born in the US!!!

Where are they meant to go back!?;)


Maybe you should go back from whence your ancestors came from? Just saying

And maybe since you seem to see your entitlement to this opinion you should go back to where you and your ancestors came from and let the natives run the country! Just saying how hypocritical you sound....

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On 7/18/2019 at 9:46 AM, Boges said:

Just brining home the point that Trump's tweet was idiotic and ignorant trash as well as being racist. 

But how do we know for sure that the guy who was fined for refusing to rent to black people and called for a ban on Muslims and called Mexicans rapists and called Puerto Ricans lazy and called for the execution of innocent black teens is a racist? If only there were a clear sign.

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4 hours ago, marcus said:

But how do we know for sure that the guy who was fined for refusing to rent to black people and called for a ban on Muslims and called Mexicans rapists and called Puerto Ricans lazy and called for the execution of innocent black teens is a racist? If only there were a clear sign.

Trump was given awards for de-segregation, his overall record on the matter is pretty good, pointing to a small settlement as proof of racism is silly. 

Islam is religion not a race and the "Muslim ban" was about banning people from problem countries identified by the Obama administration, it was not a ban on all Muslims or a ban on only Muslims from those problem nations. 

Puerto Rico is a place, not a race. He was not referring to all Puerto Ricans either, just their incompetent government trying to blame the federal government for all the problems.

He called some illegal immigrants coming from Mexico rapists, which is true, he did not refer to all Mexicans as rapists, or all illegal immigrants as rapists either.

Those innocent black teens confessed to a crime, back when Trump called for the Death Penalty for them, almost everyone thought they were guilty, and being pro-death penalty isn't racist. Once it became clear that they were innocent, Trump changed his tune accordingly, he didn't want the death penalty for them because he was racist against blacks, that's nonsensical Trump hater spin.

You have no evidence of Trump's racism whatsoever, you just cherry pick and spin stories that make Trump haters think he's racist because they never look into anything and are confirmation biased against Trump, so believe any story that paints him a negative light.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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