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Why Canada is Great

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16 hours ago, taxme said:

 How many ski hills does BC have? LOL.

A lot more than Saskatchewan. :-(

My favourites are Kimberley, Red Mountain, and Marmot, Alberta. Nancy Green said Kimberley is the best ski hill in the world.

Edited by Queenmandy85
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9 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

A lot more than Saskatchewan. :-(

My favourites are Kimberley, Red Mountain, and Marmot, Alberta. Nancy Green said Kimberley is the best ski hill in the world.

But with all those ski hills that BC has, how does that still make Canada great? Canada is only great when Canada has great conservative leaders. So far, all Canada ever has for leaders are losers who are always trying to make Canada not so great. 

At least Saskatchewan is flat. Sometimes I get tired of seeing mountains and trees all the time. That is why I like Arizona or Nevada? Deserts and rocks only.  A nice change for me. :D 

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14 hours ago, taxme said:

But with all those ski hills that BC has, how does that still make Canada great? Canada is only great when Canada has great conservative leaders. So far, all Canada ever has for leaders are losers who are always trying to make Canada not so great. 

At least Saskatchewan is flat. Sometimes I get tired of seeing mountains and trees all the time. That is why I like Arizona or Nevada? Deserts and rocks only.  A nice change for me. :D 

Skiing is the highest form of human endeavour.

Canada will not have a Conservative leader. We have not had a Conservative Party since Peter MacKay stabbed the party in the back and sold his soul to socialist credit. 

If you want desert, stay in Canada and visit Osoyoos. 

Have a good weekend.

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4 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Skiing is the highest form of human endeavour.

Canada will not have a Conservative leader. We have not had a Conservative Party since Peter MacKay stabbed the party in the back and sold his soul to socialist credit. 

If you want desert, stay in Canada and visit Osoyoos. 

Have a good weekend.

I think that skydiving has to be the most ultimate experience and thrill of all things that one can do.  When one is skiing they can stop without seriously injuring or killing themselves. With skydiving one cannot stop in midair and one can only hope that the parachute opens. Lol. 

Canada has a real and true conservative leader. His name is Maxine Bernier of the People's Party of Canada. Scheer is just another liberal in conservative clothing. Of course Scheer has to be a lot better liberal than this prime mistake that we have running this country today. 

True enough. Osoyoos is quite a desert looking place alright. But I still prefer Arizona over Osoyoos, especially in the winter time. 

Canada can be great. But it is the liberals,socialists,communists,environmentalists and special minority interest groups with all of their communist programs and agendas that are making Canada worse off rather than better off. Canada needs a real and true conservative party and conservative leader to make Canada great again. Old man and young Trudeau have pretty much destroyed this once great WASP nation. Just my opinion of course. 

Have a good weekend also. :)

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1 hour ago, Alex Reese said:


See taxme and the guy who starts with the letter Y..... you are living on occupied land, you are occupying.

Everyone is living on occupied land. England was over run by Danes and Normans. Eastern Ukraine is occupied by Russians. The Blackfeet drove the Kootenai out of south- western Alberta.

Everywhere you go, be it India, Africa, Asia or Europe, people are living on conquered land. Colonialism is part of the human condition. The only difference is Canada and the US now recognize that it was wrong. Most other countries don't give a darn. In spite of the colonial condition, this is a great county. Not perfect, but we are striving to be better.

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3 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Keep The Americans Out, Keep The French In, and Keep The Indians Down. Confederation delenda est.

People don’t know how good they have it here.  The Americans are welcome to buy property and apply for a work permit just as Canadians can do in the US.  The French are a founding people of Canada due to the heavy francophone presence at the time of Confederation, as are the English, from whom we adapted our democratic institutions.  

The reserve system was set up as a protectorate of the Indigenous way of life, which few Indigenous really live today. While the Indian Act seems racist by today’s standards, it isn’t the government or non-Indigenous who want to keep it.  There are vested interests among Indigenous who appreciate the tax savings and other benefits of Indian status.  Most Canadians think that Indigenous affairs represents a massive transfer of taxpayer revenue to support unsustainable remote communities where many people have become accustomed to having things provided for them.  We go along with the broken system waiting for good decisions to come from within the Indigenous community that don’t just involve getting more money from taxpayers.  

The courts can make decisions about land claims, but most people know the truth, that many of these contested lands were occupied by different peoples over the centuries and that most Indigenous didn’t have much concern about land during early settlement.  Treaties were signed centuries ago and it’s hard to discern their fairness in a modern context.  There was no Manifest Destiny plan in Canada to attack Indians or take their land, and certainly no plan to eliminate them.  We have gotten into the bad habit, especially under the federal Liberals, of apologizing for things over which the present generations have had very limited or no influence.  Out of guilt and politeness we try to be better and the question of accountability within Indigenous communities rarely comes up.  This is particularly evident with missing and murdered Indigenous females, where two thirds of the perpetrators are Indigenous.  

To anyone who thinks Canada is some colonial apartheid state, no one is keeping you here.  You reveal your ignorance of history and world affairs.  You will quickly realize when you live elsewhere how much this country tries to please everyone, how much taxpayers provide in public services, and how much opportunity there is for those who try to make it in the private sector.  It doesn’t really get any better elsewhere, except in terms of the winter weather.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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6 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

To anyone who thinks Canada is some colonial apartheid state, no one is keeping you here.  You reveal your ignorance of history and world affairs.  You will quickly realize when you live elsewhere how much this country tries to please everyone, how much taxpayers provide in public services, and how much opportunity there is for those who try to make it in the private sector.  It doesn’t really get any better elsewhere, except in terms of the winter weather.  

Well, I agree with you partly but you seem to simultaneously think trying to please everying is a factor in our success, as well as something we should stop doing with regards to native unhappiness if I read this right.  It's not that difficult to broker solutions.  You just have to kick out the troublemakers, which is basically The Rebel and the poisonous populist bullshit makers and foreign agents trying to destroy us.

We don't have to throw money at problems, nor do we have to ignore them.  We just have to stop listening to the blowhards and have a real conversation.

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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Well, I agree with you partly but you seem to simultaneously think trying to please everying is a factor in our success, as well as something we should stop doing with regards to native unhappiness if I read this right.  It's not that difficult to broker solutions.  You just have to kick out the troublemakers, which is basically The Rebel and the poisonous populist bullshit makers and foreign agents trying to destroy us.

We don't have to throw money at problems, nor do we have to ignore them.  We just have to stop listening to the blowhards and have a real conversation.

I don’t think our conversations factor in, sadly.  I think governments cut the cheque and let Indigenous groups disagree until the call comes for more money and action on unrelated matters like guaranteed basic income.  That’s why I think the sensible move for any political party is to maintain current funding with adjustments for inflation, encourage Indigenous self-government and self-reliance, let the courts decide land claims, and focus on other matters. We can fund top Indigenous-decided priorities within those funding levels.  

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5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Everyone is living on occupied land. England was over run by Danes and Normans. Eastern Ukraine is occupied by Russians. The Blackfeet drove the Kootenai out of south- western Alberta.


In the US people love the Sioux, they have a mythology that paints them to be this high minded people.  But they were originally Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes people.  Then they got the horse and ran the local tribes out of the Northern plains.  Some of those tribes no longer exist, and the Sioux had a big hand in destroying them.  No one says the Sioux needs to leave the Black Hills and go live in East St Louis.  But East St Louis is their native land.


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2 hours ago, Carlus Magnus said:


In the US people love the Sioux, they have a mythology that paints them to be this high minded people.  But they were originally Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes people.  Then they got the horse and ran the local tribes out of the Northern plains.  Some of those tribes no longer exist, and the Sioux had a big hand in destroying them.  No one says the Sioux needs to leave the Black Hills and go live in East St Louis.  But East St Louis is their native land.


The Sioux were pushed westward from their traditional lands . . . . they become a part of the 'horse culture' of the Great Plains. They were pushed into the traditional Crow territory, and the Crow were pushed into Blackfoot/Peigan/Blood territory. Many bloody tribal wars. 

As above  . . . do the Sioux apologize endlessly to the Crow people?  I doubt it.

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7 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Most Canadians think that Indigenous affairs represents a massive transfer of taxpayer revenue to support unsustainable remote communities where many people have become accustomed to having things provided for them.

Repeating your lie, however many times, does not make it true.

Canadians do not support Indigenous people. They support us: Revenues from business and industry on traditional Indigenous lands are received by Canada. A portion of that is allocated to First Nations budgets. The rest is used by Canada for Canadians. 

Indigenous people don't use our money.

We use their money. 


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18 minutes ago, jacee said:

Repeating your lie, however many times, does not make it true.

Canadians do not support Indigenous people. They support us: Revenues from business and industry on traditional Indigenous lands are received by Canada. A portion of that is allocated to First Nations budgets. The rest is used by Canada for Canadians. 

Indigenous people don't use our money.

We use their money. 


How many times did you have to repeat that to believe it....First nations do not control jack shit in this country, some of you may actual believe that shit, but your fooling yourself…..if they did I would bet they would have a much larger piece of the pie. and we as in the rest of the country would be begging for scraps....

They do use our money, and lots of it, and like a lot of other issues in Canada, Canadians don't  care as long as the pogey checks come in on time, and nobody screws with the NHL games... it is someone's else problem...

How many Canadians protest on parliament hill to improve the lives of Native Americans, keeping in mind we are a nation of 36/40 million people....

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7 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Well, I agree with you partly but you seem to simultaneously think trying to please everying is a factor in our success, as well as something we should stop doing with regards to native unhappiness if I read this right.  It's not that difficult to broker solutions.  You just have to kick out the troublemakers, which is basically The Rebel and the poisonous populist bullshit makers and foreign agents trying to destroy us.

We don't have to throw money at problems, nor do we have to ignore them.  We just have to stop listening to the blowhards and have a real conversation.

Just kick out the ones who don't agree with us! Which is basically the Toronto Star and the CBC and the BLM and ANTIFA types.

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45 minutes ago, jacee said:

Repeating your lie, however many times, does not make it true.

Canadians do not support Indigenous people. They support us: Revenues from business and industry on traditional Indigenous lands are received by Canada. A portion of that is allocated to First Nations budgets. The rest is used by Canada for Canadians. 

Indigenous people don't use our money.

We use their money.

They have none. That we sit on land that might, at one point in time, have been part of hunting grounds they claimed, is irrelevent. What would those lands be worth without us? Nothing. Natives had not advanced in scientific or technological development in a thousand years when we arrived. Had we never arrived they'd still be walking and canoeing from place to place, shitting in the woods, freezing in the cold dark and dying at 30.

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10 hours ago, Alex Reese said:


See taxme and the guy who starts with the letter Y..... you are living on occupied land, you are occupying.

We don't occupy anything this nation belongs to Canadians, all Canadians ,including the girl in your video, where she enjoys all the freedoms and rights that go with being a Canadian, such as freedom of speech, the right to practice her religion, or celebrate any of the Iranian religious holidays as she see fit....

Not all Canadians are happy with being Canadian...but then again who gives a rats ass...there are lots of days i'm not happy with the way things are run here....one day when she grows up she will see this nation for what it is, a free country that provides her and her family peace and security her home nation could not provide...I just wonder could a Jew or gay person could walk down town Iran and say the same things on free media.  But what do I know I 'm one of those white colonist racist bastards who live here. 

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8 minutes ago, Argus said:

Just kick out the ones who don't agree with us! Which is basically the Toronto Star and the CBC and the BLM and ANTIFA types.

Lets not forget, liberals, Greens, and NDP....plus the rednecks...

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30 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

How many times did you have to repeat that to believe it....First nations do not control jack shit in this country, some of you may actual believe that shit, but your fooling yourself…..if they did I would bet they would have a much larger piece of the pie. and we as in the rest of the country would be begging for scraps....

I did not say Indigenous Nations "control" their money. They don't. Canada assumes control of Indigenous revenues and uses them to support the rest of us (otherwise known as theft). 

Canada is great because I can rightly accuse Canada of theft ... and the police don't come to my door and haul me away ... yet. Lol 

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