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Time to take on far-right terrorists

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5 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Not the same at all. Countries ban the nationals from countries for a variety of reasons.  Trump doesn’t get a pass for his deeply irresponsible remarks.  


Look...I get it...you don't like Trump or his policies.   But he gets to say whatever he wants in another country....doesn't need your approval.

But don't be so naive to think that clashes over immigration and refugees in Canada are because of Trump.

It was a "Canadian value" long before Trump became president.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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7 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Not the same at all. Countries ban the nationals from countries for a variety of reasons.  Trump doesn’t get a pass for his deeply irresponsible remarks.  

It is the same action, you are taking issues with tone and rhetoric, but you give Democrats a pass because they blow sunshine up your ass while doing the exact same thing.

Actions speak louder than words, enough of the silly focus on what Trump says, and put more of an emphasis on what he does.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

I said order of magnitude, and you added attempts, to gin your argument.  I think that's what gin means.

What? They don't count if the RCMP catches them before they kill people!? :o

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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I didn't include those in my summary either.  That would skew the results, as every post from DoP would likely count.

Now you're just being silly. But feel free to count any extremist far right type who was going to murder people for political/ideological/religious reasons but was caught first.

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6 minutes ago, Argus said:

Now you're just being silly. But feel free to count any extremist far right type who was going to murder people for political/ideological/religious reasons but was caught first.

I made a point about order of magnitude and I think we're about there.  This isn't an accounting exercise - there is clearly a threat from both sides.

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1 hour ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Retaliation is not a sufficient explanation for Islamic Terrorist attacks. 

Put yourself in a really viciously oppressed person's shoes.  All I know is that if I was living under the thumb of a brutal dictator and I knew a self-professed Shining Beacon of democracy and freedom was responsible for helping that dictator keep his bloody hands on me I'd be hard pressed not go insane with rage and I'd probably do everything I could to burn that fucking Beacon to the ground right alongside their ally.



It's a culture thing that is causing the Islamic extremists to lash out the way they do, not simply that they are being attacked and anyone else attacked in such a way would respond just as they do, that is obvious bullshit.


Like I said, Muslims clearly  place a really high premium on vengeance.  Just our bad luck our intelligence agencies didn't think about that a little more before picking a fight with so many of them and enraging so much of their world.

You're no different than millions of Westerners who just don't want to believe our society could ever treat a people so badly that they would react so violently to us.

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Put yourself in a really viciously oppressed person's shoes.  All I know is that if I was living under the thumb of a brutal dictator and I knew a self-professed Shining Beacon of democracy and freedom was responsible for helping that dictator keep his bloody hands on me I'd be hard pressed not go insane with rage and I'd probably do everything I could to burn that fucking Beacon to the ground right alongside their ally.


But you are not an oppressed Muslim from those nations, and you don't want to know how many have actually emigrated to that f*cking beacon instead, just like all the rest.

Canada should keep practicing on Haiti until they get really mad too !


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11 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I made a point about order of magnitude and I think we're about there.  This isn't an accounting exercise - there is clearly a threat from both sides.

The threat seems larger and more consistent coming from the Muslims. And we have no real way of dealing with it other than to halt the flood of people coming from extremist societies, halt the flow of money and clerics coming from the likes of Saudi Arabia, and hope t hat those already here moderate and assimilate somewhat.

As to the far right. I'm thinking some degree of compromise would help defuse much of that. Unfortunately, there seems to be not the slightest interest in compromise on the issue which seems to be most concerning to them, that being immigration. When the mainstream media and political parties locked arms and were willing to die on the hill of ensuring there be no screening of potential immigrants to weed out those with extremist views I don't see much chance they're going to do anything whatsoever. That just leaves a continued hardening of attitudes until we see the growth of extremist organizations which then turn political as has happened in Europe. The People's Party might be in the introductory phase of this. I don't expect them to do much with their present mostly-moderate attitude. That being the case they might decide to harden their attitude, and that would draw in a ton of support from the far right.

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48 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You don't have to be to imagine how it feels.

I'm not interested in you projecting your feelings on Muslim extremists. If you think that such an exercise tells you anything, you are misguided. Not everyone would react the way that Islamic extremists do, even if you would in their place, that doesn't justify the reaction. The Islamic extremists attack the West because they hate the West, not because anyone would respond the way did if attacked by the West in a similar manner. Even Western nations that never attacked the Muslim's are getting attacked at similar rates to nations that did, retaliation for invasion isn't what is driving Islamic Extremists, that's just an excuse they use to sway people to their cause.

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1 hour ago, Argus said:

1. The threat seems larger and more consistent coming from the Muslims.  

2. That being the case they might decide to harden their attitude, and that would draw in a ton of support from the far right.

1. I don't think that is clear.  I think the threat from both sides are unstable people weaponized via social media.

2. It doesn't matter.  We don't negotiate with terrorists.

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Attacking the "far right" or limiting speech will not work in a Canada that concurrently imports American and EU rhetroic, while pretending "it can't happen here".

Oh what to do when the false security of "peace, order, and good government" can't win the day and hide such conflicts from plain sight as in years past.

Perhaps there is a longing for the good old days when it was just fighting with Quebec separatists and those pesky "aboriginals".

Damn the interwebs....damn the "alt-right"...and most of all...damn Donald Trump !

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46 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Attacking the "far right" or limiting speech will not work in a Canada that concurrently imports American and EU rhetroic, while pretending "it can't happen here".

Oh what to do when the false security of "peace, order, and good government" can't win the day and hide such conflicts from plain sight as in years past.

Well said. Outlawing free speech isn't going to make anyone in Canada safer, especially in the long run.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Not that Canada would understand, with all the free speech haters and gun grabbers we have up here.

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18 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Well said. Outlawing free speech isn't going to make anyone in Canada safer, especially in the long run.

Exactly, which is why people should need to apply for a LICENSE to express free speech.  You need to be able to answer a few basic questions and show yourself to have the qualities necessary for a free speaker. :P

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Reading the comments here, it truly shows why liberalism has failed. It is inherently intolerant despite claiming to be a tolerant. It is inherently violent and indeed intolerant of any non-liberal ideology, rivaling modern ideologies like racism and communism. Older traditions like Islam are neither welcome, unless of course transformed to no longer pose a “threat.” In a nutshell, Liberalism’s tolerance is mostly a facade covering it's homogenizing desires.

Producing the likes of Trump who is overtly bigoted, after Obama who drone-bombed his way to destabilizing the Muslim world. A system that created Brexit, and intolerance against migrants in disenfranchised communities on one hand - while obsessed in problematizing Muslims for not adopting secular liberal social norms.

It has done nothing but produce conditions of automatisation of people void of traditions, family and spirituality,  spreading paranoia and bigotry, waging endless global wars, produce a bunch of frustrated reactionaries from far-right to far-left whose in disarray, powerlessness, fragmentation, mistrust, economical decay and resentment among its populace. 


Edited by Saudi Monitor
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52 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Exactly, which is why people should need to apply for a LICENSE to express free speech.  You need to be able to answer a few basic questions and show yourself to have the qualities necessary for a free speaker. :P

Hehe, yeah, free speech haters would think that way, silly them.

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1 hour ago, Saudi Monitor said:

Reading the comments here, it truly shows why liberalism has failed. It is inherently intolerant despite claiming to be a tolerant. It is inherently violent and indeed intolerant of any non-liberal ideology, rivaling modern ideologies like racism and communism. Older traditions like Islam are neither welcome, unless of course transformed to no longer pose a “threat.” In a nutshell, Liberalism’s tolerance is mostly a facade covering it's homogenizing desires.

Producing the likes of Trump who is overtly bigoted, after Obama who drone-bombed his way to destabilizing the Muslim world. A system that created Brexit, and intolerance against migrants in disenfranchised communities on one hand - while obsessed in problematizing Muslims for not adopting secular liberal social norms.

It has done nothing but produce conditions of automatisation of people void of traditions, family and spirituality,  spreading paranoia and bigotry, waging endless global wars, produce a bunch of frustrated reactionaries from far-right to far-left whose in disarray, powerlessness, fragmentation, mistrust, economical decay and resentment among its populace. 


I would still far rather live in Canada, Western Europe, and yes, the US than anywhere in the Middle East or North Africa because of the greater freedom, prosperity and security we enjoy in liberal democracies.  Traditional family values do exist in abundance in Western countries, but so does tolerance of different cultural practices and beliefs, as long as they don’t infringe on our basic human freedoms.  The truth is that many of these Islamic countries have stagnated because they have remained homogeneous and suspicious of foreign influence.  Liberal democracy faces the risk of succumbing to similar reactionary insular forces, which is why we have to call out hatred and undo fear and intolerance when we see it.  It exists on the extreme right and left, as well as in fundamentalist religions, some more than others.  Yes family and traditional values are important building blocks and stabilizing forces within a society, but we have to ensure that such institutions don’t unnecessarily constrain human development.  There are many variations of family, which is fine as long as they are positive and healthy, and don’t unreasonably infringe on the rights and freedoms of others.  I think for most people everywhere, family and friends are what matter most. 

Edited by Zeitgeist
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16 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


He's one of my YouTube subscriptions as he makes sense to me. That he doesn't make sense to you is more your problem than mine. 

It's not that it does not make sense, it does not line up with your overall rhetoric. That was the issue I stated.

16 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

Unlike you, I've read the Quran and am familiar with the various books of Hadiths (sayings of Big Mo). I often accompany my posts with supporting verses from the Quran/Hadiths as needed.

I have a bone to pick with Christianity, as well. But more for the science vs religion than Christians actively blowing-up "unbelievers"...as Islam does.

Good for you, you can read a book. I am just not that obsessed with Islam as you are. I am not saying you are a lover of Islam, but you do have some kind of obsession for it.

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10 hours ago, eyeball said:

Put yourself in a really viciously oppressed person's shoes.  All I know is that if I was living under the thumb of a brutal dictator and I knew a self-professed Shining Beacon of democracy and freedom was responsible for helping that dictator keep his bloody hands on me I'd be hard pressed not go insane with rage and I'd probably do everything I could to burn that fucking Beacon to the ground right alongside their ally.

Like I said, Muslims clearly  place a really high premium on vengeance.  Just our bad luck our intelligence agencies didn't think about that a little more before picking a fight with so many of them and enraging so much of their world.

You're no different than millions of Westerners who just don't want to believe our society could ever treat a people so badly that they would react so violently to us.

Here we go again other a juvenile poorly written response. You make a negative comment slurring all Muslims. Then you make an Coptic statement that concludes people who are Muslim terrorists behave that way because the West victimized them which is absolute stupidity as most have never been in contact other he West or engage in violence. Then using your idiot reasoning we should assume the idiot who killed people in NZ is a victim of the West? 

I would suggest you give some thought before you respond and stop p!aging yourself as a victim. Your writings on the forum can't get any more stupid than what you wrote above. 

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@DogOnPorch  and many other far-right who's obsessed with Islam, are actually sympathetic to Islam.

No wonder many of them are converting Islam.



German politician who was a member of a controversial far-right party that believes “Islam is not a part of Germany” has resigned amid reports that he has converted to Islam.  



France’s National Front sacks Muslim convert councillor


Former lawmaker from far-right Dutch party PVV becomes Muslim after writing anti-Islam book


Far-rights. neo-Nazis, and white nationalist are not having a good time these days it seems. Without a doubt many white nationalists acknowledge Islam to be the truth.

So much of the right wing comprise of people who had enough of the leftist cultural project that pushes feminism, homosexuality, transgenderism, crossdressing, sexual promiscuity, bestiality, collapse of marriages and family institution etc. And anyone who is opposed to this cultural project on society and does not embrace that filth with smiles and rainbow pins as a fascist. People are tired of this garbage.

They know Islam is the antidote for this cancer,  but these white nationalists and far-rights don’t want to admit the truth, so instead of accepting Islam, they have to come up with a silly ironic meme, for this reason, “White Sharia.”

It is time for far-rights and white supremacists to face these simple facts, and hopefully more of you will open your eyes to the truth.



Edited by Saudi Monitor
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11 hours ago, eyeball said:

Put yourself in a really viciously oppressed person's shoes.  All I know is that if I was living under the thumb of a brutal dictator and I knew a self-professed Shining Beacon of democracy and freedom was responsible for helping that dictator keep his bloody hands on me I'd be hard pressed not go insane with rage and I'd probably do everything I could to burn that fucking Beacon to the ground right alongside their ally.

Like I said, Muslims clearly  place a really high premium on vengeance.  Just our bad luck our intelligence agencies didn't think about that a little more before picking a fight with so many of them and enraging so much of their world.

You're no different than millions of Westerners who just don't want to believe our society could ever treat a people so badly that they would react so violently to us.

Your comment suggesting all Muslims put a high premium on vengeance is an idiotic stereotype and no different than the bigoted generalizations you accuse "Westerners" or "rightwingers" of making about Muslims. It also is part of a larger idiotic misconception you continue to advance that Muslim terrorism is caused by the West and if the West ignores Muslims presto suddenly they are all non violent. Its past idiotic but its par for the course with your contributions on this forum, simplistic, juvenile and without any logical basis.

Using your logic the fool who shot the people in NZ is a victim of the West as well and had he been left alone would have simply played with is boom-a-rang.

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