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The Slow Painful Death of the Trump Administration

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

IMO she lost when she said "basket of deplorables". She alienated some of her own people when she went down to Trump's level, and she literally eradicated any chance of voter apathy on Trump's side. She basically dared them to come out and vote. 

It's weird how fake news spawned the election loss, which spawned the whole investigation, which spawned another two+ years of fake news. 

It's like the movie "Dirty Cop" or whatever with Harvey Keitel, where he just keeps digging himself in deeper and deeper. It's painful to watch.


Yes, the fake news polling became a reinforcing feedback loop for the Clinton campaign, convincing themselves that they had victory in the bag.   Bill Clinton warned them not to ignore the critical states that ultimately cost Hillary the election.   Those who continue to whine about "popular vote" do not understand that U.S. presidential elections are not won by only New York or California.

Clinton was also warned not to go down to Trump's level of rhetoric ("basket of deplorables"), because she could never compete with him that way.   Trump baited and cornered each of his opponents, and the news media helped him do it for free.  

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a remarkable chapter in U.S. political history, and Hillary Clinton is just another John Kerry, writing books about what could have been.

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2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Yes, the fake news polling became a reinforcing feedback loop for the Clinton campaign, convincing themselves that they had victory in the bag.   Bill Clinton warned them not to ignore the critical states that ultimately cost Hillary the election.   Those who continue to whine about "popular vote" do not understand that U.S. presidential elections are not won by only New York or California.

Clinton was also warned not to go down to Trump's level of rhetoric ("basket of deplorables"), because she could never compete with him that way.   Trump baited and cornered each of his opponents, and the news media helped him do it for free.  

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a remarkable chapter in U.S. political history, and Hillary Clinton is just another John Kerry, writing books about what could have been.

I gained a ton of respect for the American voter after that election. 

They were literally browbeaten day after day in the newspapers, news shows, late night comedies, by stand up comedians, actors, actresses, singers.... you name it. It was a full-court press on the American voter to vote for Hillary and they saw through it all.


CTV and CBC led the majority of Canadians around by the nose. It was pathetic. We'll pay the price for generations to come.

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

CTV and CBC led the majority of Canadians around by the nose. It was pathetic. We'll pay the price for generations to come.


There was an arrogance of expectation for an automatic Clinton victory and presumed crashing of the "glass ceiling".    The American networks started to sober up after Florida was called for Trump, and then it became a "whitelash" (CNN Van Jones) because Trump destroyed her blue wall.  

I watched a replay of CBC election coverage with Peter Mansbridge and crew, but only David Frum was the voice of reality that they wanted to continue to ignore.  Ashleigh Banfield tried to explain the pending "doom" to a Canadian audience, others just cried and wept when faced with a Clinton loss like so many American lefties and progressives who assumed that Trump would lose.

Not only did Clinton lose, but so did the news media, as did the polling wonks.  Trump ruined their fake news celebration.


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impeachment , in-coming  ^_^


Democrats' Impeachment Divide Tests Pelosi

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will convene a meeting Wednesday morning to hear from Democrats on whether to move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Trump.



Can some one kind enough to explain why Dems want to impeach Trump so badly? That move breaks all political morality :wacko:

Edited by egghead
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20 hours ago, egghead said:

impeachment , in-coming  ^_^


Can some one kind enough to explain why Dems want to impeach Trump so badly? That move breaks all political morality :wacko:

The threat of impeachment and the perceived seriousness of the FBI investigation were enough to get the Dems control of the House. They want to use that to their advantage again. 

They definitely can't admit defeat on collusion now, despite the fact that they have no evidence. It would just prove that they were lying, because they kept on acting as if they were seeing real evidence, and that evidence has been proven to not exist. And the only other things that they can run on in the next election are climate change and socialism. Can those issues beat his economy, or his successes in foreign affairs? Nope. They need collusion to offset those.  

And honestly, collusion is like the perfect accusation, because it can never be fully disproven. 

You could easily prove that someone said something if you had good audio or video evidence of it, but how can Trump prove that he didn't say anything inappropriate to Russians? He would literally need to have video evidence of every second of his life for the past 4 years in order to prove that he didn't do a specific thing that just takes a few minutes. There is evidence that the Russians repeatedly offered help, which would suggest that he never accepted their previous offers, or (DUN dun dunnnnnnnn) even that it was an attempt at entrapment, but that's weak.

Just like in the Kavanaugh case, Democrats have somehow conned a large percentage of the public into believing that the burden of proof lies with the accused.

You can't tell the Dems' idiotic faithful that placing the burden of proof on the accused is basically the death of freedom itself, because so many of them literally eat out of the Dems' hands.

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On 5/21/2019 at 6:28 PM, egghead said:

Can some one kind enough to explain why Dems want to impeach Trump so badly? That move breaks all political morality :wacko:

You do know that political morality is an oxymoron right ?  (I'll wait while you Google oxymoron) ...

No, if they could get power by impeaching Trump of course they would.  The American polls show it's not a popular move though so they won't do it.  Does Trump 'deserve' impeachment ?  Well... that's a question... :D 

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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

You do know that political morality is an oxymoron right ?  (I'll wait while you Google oxymoron) ...

No, if they could get power by impeaching Trump of course they would.  The American polls show it's not a popular move though so they won't do it.  Does Trump 'deserve' impeachment ?  Well... that's a question... :D 

A better question is, do Americans deserve Trump?  Unequivocally yes I would say.

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They don't want to impeach him, because they cant.  Impeachment talk is just that - talk, it's meant as nothing more than to keep the pot simmering come election time.  Unfortunately, some of the more dingbat variety democrat, like AOC, Tlieb, Maxine and Bernie don't quite understand the game.  Eventually, Nancy will proclaim that impeachment is just not in the best interest of americans.

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51 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

How so?  Isn't voting him out the point of the election.  If impeachment is the rally cry, you're implicitly asking for his re-election.

"Impeach Trump!" and "Russian Collusion!" were the rallying cries that got Dems control of the house.

They don't appear to have a "Plan B" right now unless you count social media posts of Pocahontas drinking beer and Beto going to the dentist lol. "Green New deal!" lmao. 

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There's real danger in going the Impeachment route for Dems.  We just went through 3+ years of the press slamming Trump and saying bad shit about him, then 2 years of Mueller was going to end him, the walls are closing in, etc.  Only to have him proclaimed innocent by the guy they banked on getting Trump.  The last thing the Dems need is a poorly ran Impeachment hearing with charges and no proof, just to see Trump cleared in Impeachment proceedings.


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After more than two years in office, the Democrats are still trying to erase a historic political defeat in 2016.   The party is still reeling from the Hillary Clinton collapse and dismantling of Obama's legacy.  Candidate Donald Trump was not taken seriously by the lefty elites or media wonks and now they will struggle to defeat an incumbent U.S. president with a booming economy.   Defeating Trump has taken a back seat to any policy positions.

.....MUST....BEAT...TRUMP !

(God...he drives them nuts.)


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Good post b_c2004

As noted above The Deplorables comment had impact, the padded polling blurred the true picture, as did the arrogance and expectation.  Hillary's first campaign slogan was IT'S HER TURN.  How presumptive is that ? What none of them saw coming was a quiet rebellion to the status quo that had been building for about 25 years.  IMO, it's rooted in Globalism, Social issues and Immigration.  I'm a fan of Howe and Strauss' 4th Turning book and theories.  The Trump election perfectly fits that.

HRC was always a shitty candidate.  She is a person who can leverage people to ally with her behind the scenes but few seem to really like her.  She can say all the right words written for her, but she doesn't engender trust, no charisma.  Back in 2007 during her first run I predicted she would never be POTUS, this is when she was leading and BHO was a relative unknown.  The basis for my prediction was simple in that people just didn't want to see her face everyday, here her voice or want her representing them.  Hell, even her husband has rejected her.

The Dems can't let it go, but they are not alone.  Plenty of weasels in the GOP that won't either.  It's the Deep State that can't stop trying to take Trump out because they have to much power, money and influence to lose.  He's not an insider.  Plus he's a big threat going forward even if they neutralize his policies and is able to serve out his full term like any other POTUS.  They've rigged the game, they can't have people thinking an outsider can come into Washington DC and run their town.  If they don't destroy Trump, if they allow Trump any kind of success, then it opens the doors to all kinds of outsiders that average folks might put into the Whitehouse.  Further, they painted themselves into a corner on the first day he ran by mocking him and not taking him seriously.  By the time we got to Xmas 2015 they'd made Trump out to be a monster and criminal, then they have just kept up with it.  IMO, they are the verge of doing real, long lasting damage to themselves by not dropping it.

Since Mueller found Trump clean, the ratings of the hate Trump media have tanked, seriously reruns of childrens shows rate better than primtime CNN. People were willing to listen, wait and see.  They've allowed the investigation and it's over.  If they keep up with further investigations, impeachment, getting his taxes people will actually start to see Trump as a guy being abused by the system and have sympathy for him.



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Below I'm linking a series of articles by a blogger putting the current 4th Turning into current times.  He began writing the series of articles in September of 2015.  When Hillary and Jeb were the frontrunners for POTUS, and Bernie and Trump were the crazy outsiders challenging the system.

Neil Howe, who co-authored the 4th Turning has read the articles and commended the Burning Platform for their work.


Part 1 Catalyst https://www.theburningplatform.com/2015/09/10/fourth-turning-crisis-of-trust/

Part 2 The Grey Champion https://www.theburningplatform.com/2015/09/14/fourth-turning-crisis-of-trust-part-2/#more-105369

Part 3 Economic Stress https://www.theburningplatform.com/2015/09/27/fourth-turning-crisis-of-trust-part-3/

Part 4 Social and Cultural Stress https://www.theburningplatform.com/2015/11/28/fourth-turning-politicians-driving-the-world-towards-war/




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1 hour ago, Carlus Magnus said:

Good post b_c2004

It's the Deep State that can't stop trying to take Trump out because they have to much power, money and influence to lose.  He's not an insider.  Plus he's a big threat going forward even if they neutralize his policies and is able to serve out his full term like any other POTUS.  They've rigged the game, they can't have people thinking an outsider can come into Washington DC and run their town.  If they don't destroy Trump, if they allow Trump any kind of success, then it opens the doors to all kinds of outsiders that average folks might put into the Whitehouse.  Further, they painted themselves into a corner on the first day he ran by mocking him and not taking him seriously.  By the time we got to Xmas 2015 they'd made Trump out to be a monster and criminal, then they have just kept up with it.  IMO, they are the verge of doing real, long lasting damage to themselves by not dropping it.

How many people does it take to run a Deep State, is it comparable to the multi-agency chemtrail program?  Maybe its the same people.  It must number in the tens if not hundreds of thousands.

Edited by eyeball
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:lol: Cute

Use whatever term you like Deep State, Swamp, Establishment, the Wall Street-Beltway Elites.

These are people in power, that get rich under a system leveraged by big business, and lawmakers that keep it legal for wealth to be concentrated.  They like politicians they have leverage on, and are in the system and on board with the establishment.  Follow the money.  In 2016 all the Wall Street money was lined up behind HRC and Jeb, keep the status quo.  Those two families made the elites rich with Globalism, concentrated wealth with the 1%, fucked over the average family at the same time.  They did it a number of ways.  One of the big ways was exporting manufacturing jobs to 3rd world shitholes where they could pay slave wages, offer no health care or retirement.  A deal they could never have gotten in Western Nations.  Then, what jobs they couldn't export they promoted illegal immigration to take over menial labor.  Because these 3rd worlders are illegal, big business can use them up and a line of replacements is ready.  It works for the 3rd world illegal because being poor in Western Nations is about 10x as good as being poor in a 3rd world shithole.  But it doesn't work for the average working family.  Trumps immigration and Trade policies are a threat to the entire system that concentrated all that wealth.

Not a conspiracy, just a rigged unbalanced economic system that favors those in power financially and politically; and they are not about to give it up easily.


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Trump's victory didn't open the door for just any outsider, only politically skilled outsiders. It's wishful thinking that if Trump is successful, that lots more outsiders will be elected POTUS in the future, because outsiders that are as politically saavy as Donald Trump don't grow on trees. Simply being an outsider isn't going to get you elected.

Trump is not going to drain the swamp, or put a dent in draining it, the Establishment ain't scared of him, they just preferred Hillary. This is not a new era of politics, it's just the loop repeating itself. Trump is just Nixonian backlash against the Obama admin, just as Nixon was Nixonian backlash against the Johnson admin. Ain't nothing new here, America is just back to the Nixon part of the Vietnam loop.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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I can't even believe how hypocritical and stupid Dems and their voters are.

Latest: Trump is going to declassify some documents from the Russia probe and the Dems and some of their puppets, Brennan, are furious.

Basically the hue and cry is "Let's investigate Trump over claims that we know to be phony and when they are eventually debunked, instead of admitting that we lied about the validity and seriousness of the original claims, let's pretend that there are new things to investigate that are super-important. And then let's ..... HEY WHAT'S GOING ON? TRUMP IS RELEASING INFORMATION ABOUT CRIMES THAT WERE DISCOVERED DURING THE RUSSIA PROBE!!!!! THAT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!! WHO WOULD LEAK EVIDENCE OF CRIMES!!!!!' lmao.

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On ‎5‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 4:23 PM, Yzermandius19 said:

Trump's victory didn't open the door for just any outsider, only politically skilled outsiders. It's wishful thinking that if Trump is successful, that lots more outsiders will be elected POTUS in the future, because outsiders that are as politically saavy as Donald Trump don't grow on trees. Simply being an outsider isn't going to get you elected.

Trump is not going to drain the swamp, or put a dent in draining it, the Establishment ain't scared of him, they just preferred Hillary. This is not a new era of politics, it's just the loop repeating itself. Trump is just Nixonian backlash against the Obama admin, just as Nixon was Nixonian backlash against the Johnson admin. Ain't nothing new here, America is just back to the Nixon part of the Vietnam loop.

My views are somewhat different, but you capture a lot of good points.  

Nope, doesn't open the door to just any outsider...……………. this guy will never be POTUS



It certainly will take someone politically astute, but it was the biggest glass ceiling no one talked about, and still don't talk about.  

Trump hasn't drained the swamp, and likely won't.  But he's one helluva disruption to their operations.  His biggest value is that he throws a monkey wrench into the Globalist gears ready to make us all citizens of the rainbow world.  I'm good with that.  I do see some reforms coming in regard to FISA warrants, his slashing of regulations is great and most of all I don't have to live in Hillary's Dystopian America.








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