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The Slow Painful Death of the Trump Administration

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On 4/3/2019 at 6:46 PM, Realitycheck said:

Yes, and made the US the laughing stock of the entire world. First time that has been done. Not something to be proud of though. <_< 

And this present day buffoon of a prime mistake of Kanuckistan has not made Canada look like an ass of a country. Liberals and democrats are the biggest cheaters and liars of all. Trump may have his faults but they come nowhere close to what this present day buffoon of a leader of Canada has shown us already. Trump is a leader. Trudeau is a loser. 

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On 4/3/2019 at 6:19 PM, Michael Hardner said:

Trump supporters have blind devotion.  He even CHEATS AT GOLF !

He'll be gone soon enough and they will be backpeddling and revising history for awhile.

Nope. Another four more years for Trump coming up. It looks like you will have to suffer for another four more years. I will be loving that. :lol:

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4 hours ago, egghead said:

man, I know, but you should start watching CNN and MSNBC more :lol:;  workers need honor, respect and dignity


LOL. Cute.

Sorry egghead but America doesn't lack morality, Democrats just lack a true understanding of what's reasonable.

1) It's not reasonable to just let people walk across the border for any reason,

2) It's not reasonable to just let people from countries with a thriving terrorist population into your country,

3) Calling a gang like MS-13 "animals" isn't the same as calling all immigrants animals. That's a lie that only gets repeated by extremely stupid/ignorant people

4) People who promised a border wall in previous election campaigns and now say that border walls are racist are hypocrites and people who aren't offended by them are stupid,

5) People who think border walls are racist are stupid,

6) People who think that drones are better than walls are stupid. A border wall is by far the best form of passive defence available - just ask Jim "it's boring here beside the big wall" Acosta. I'll caution you though, he's stupid and he lies a lot.

If you don't agree with absolutely everything I say then you are a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, hate monger. OOoooh it feels good to end my posts with a pre-emptive insult. I think I'm turning into a lib/demmie.



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10 hours ago, Mike Utinne said:

According to many, the US was already the laughing stock long before Trump.


Tthe laughing means little in the grand scheme of things. The powers that be behind American business interests could care less if their figurehead leader is laughed at, as long as their products are being sold, which they are. US foreign  trade has increased not shrunk since Trump came to power.

We have a battle between the coalition of business interests in the capitalist market system still led by the US, versus the centralized business interests of the Chinese Communist Party.

China can not grow much larger without imploding. It can not as it has done up until now, keep building an empire based on debts owed to it from trade imbalance. Debt payments are not coming back fast enough and China can not increase interest rates on debts without collapsing the entire system at this point by triggering bankruptcies. It over-leveraged itself so to speak and now has to scale back its economy but how? In the interim it  has to settle for discounting debts owed to it, to  keep its economy from collapsing and that is triggering internal pressure for it  to  scale back not increase foreign trade which it is addicted to...

Trump bafoonery  is just a distraction from the large economic war taking place and many think China is on the verge of an internal collapse..




Edited by Rue
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48 minutes ago, Rue said:

The laughing means little in the grand scheme of things. The powers that be behind American business interests could care less if their figurehead leader is laughed at, as long as their products are being sold, which they are. US foreign  trade has increased not shrunk since Trump came to power.


Agreed...it means absolutely nothing in that regard.   Canadian "please love us" values cannot be projected on the United States.   Consider that American presidents are not embarrassed by dropping laser guided bombs or shooting Hellfire missiles at people in "foreign" countries, while the present Canadian government is embarrassed and a laughing stock just because of garbage illegally sent to The Philippines and not returned for six years.

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23 hours ago, taxme said:

And this present day buffoon of a prime mistake of Kanuckistan has not made Canada look like an ass of a country. Liberals and democrats are the biggest cheaters and liars of all. Trump may have his faults but they come nowhere close to what this present day buffoon of a leader of Canada has shown us already. Trump is a leader. Trudeau is a loser. 

Irrelevant and a diversion. Since 1965 Democrats have been in power 25 years. In that time there were 3 indictments, One conviction and one jail term. In the same period of time, the Repugnicans have been in power 28 years and suffered 120 indictments (so far), 89 convictions ( so far) and 34 jail sentences (so far). Under Trump, this scorecard will only get fuller.:lol: 

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9 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


the present Canadian government is embarrassed and a laughing stock just because of garbage illegally sent to The Philippines and not returned for six years.

I hope Canada making an offer to the philippines to take back the garbage has nothing to do with the embarrassment, and the news has hurt JT's brand and made the base felt uncomfortable. Can you imagine that Feds to act on garbage becasue of philippines' threat? :wacko:

I belive those are low grade recycling materials. Since China has economic recession, the "garbage" has no where to go but comes home.

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Is this whole "slow death" thing done now? What are Trump's polling numbers vs the gaggle of misfits running against him? 

They're so pathetic that it almost looks like a setup TBH. It's like any actual heavyweight boxer in a title fight against Richard Simmons. 

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On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 3:08 PM, WestCanMan said:

Is this whole "slow death" thing done now? What are Trump's polling numbers vs the gaggle of misfits running against him? 

They're so pathetic that it almost looks like a setup TBH. It's like any actual heavyweight boxer in a title fight against Richard Simmons. 

It's a mental sickness, like PTSD.  We call it Trump Derangement Syndrome down here in the States.  It's an irrational hatred like racism and bigotry.  

Likewise, it doesn't go away even with convincing evidence to the contrary.


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16 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Trump's poll numbers have been pretty consistent for awhile.


Except when they increase, right?


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Approval of President Donald Trump's job performance remains relatively high for him following the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report in late March, and amid a flurry of positive economic news. After jumping from 39% in early March to 45% in the first half of April, Trump's approval rating held at 46% in a new Gallup poll conducted April 17-30.



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28 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Hatred is not rational as it's an emotion.  But hatred of Trump at a certain level is understandable and should be understood by his biggest boosters especially.  If it helps just imagine that 59% of America loves swamps.


Trump's poll numbers have been pretty consistent for awhile.

I absolutely understand that Trump is a flawed human.  We all are.  I have my problems with Trump.  His nepotism pisses me off.  Jared Kushner has no business representing the United States in foreign negotiations.  

Polls, what polls?  Polling done by these people



One of the reasons Trump is hated is simply that America rejected Hillary and chose a man who had Zero experience in government.  He was an outsider to DC, a town built on knowing people, money and favors.  

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16 hours ago, Carlus Magnus said:

I absolutely understand that Trump is a flawed human.  We all are.  I have my problems with Trump.  His nepotism pisses me off.  Jared Kushner has no business representing the United States in foreign negotiations.  

Polls, what polls?  Polling done by these people



One of the reasons Trump is hated is simply that America rejected Hillary and chose a man who had Zero experience in government.  He was an outsider to DC, a town built on knowing people, money and favors.  

Five-Thirty-Eight is a pretty good team.  None of these indicated 100% though.  So presumably the "Princeton Election Consortium" (?) could expected to have the underdog win once every hundred elections.

Also, your rationale would explain why Trump is hated by insiders, but not mainstream liberal types.  

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Here's the composite of his numbers vs the last 9 presidents.  His numbers really don't go up and down much anymore.

What I see in that data is that wars and crises create big spikes of support for a president. Trump has not engaged much in using the US military. No serious wars going on, no battles (so far...). No spikes.

So does that mean according to this data, if a president has high level of support, they are "good"?

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17 hours ago, Carlus Magnus said:

His nepotism pisses me off.  Jared Kushner has no business representing the United States in foreign negotiations.


One of the reasons Trump is hated is simply that America rejected Hillary and chose a man who had Zero experience in government.  He was an outsider to DC, a town built on knowing people, money and favors.  

In regards to 1, agreed 100%. That applies to Ivanka as well whatever the phack she supposedly does.

In regards to 2, of course. Trump was a reaction to the corruption of the Clintons and ironically Trump has shown he is no different.

The question is, is there such a thing as an honest politician, let alone in the US political system where the Congress and Senate define bribery as lobbying and allow Senators to make millions off of insider knowledge of bills about to pass? Those two elements alone necessarily have corrupted the system beyond repair. The almighty dollar has the US and probably the entire world firmly in its trance.

Trump is a reflection of materialist values people crave.

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31 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

What I see in that data is that wars and crises create big spikes of support for a president. Trump has not engaged much in using the US military. No serious wars going on, no battles (so far...). No spikes.

So does that mean according to this data, if a president has high level of support, they are "good"?

Good point. However he could any day have a conflict with China in the South Pacific, Iran, North Korea, Russia in the Ukraine, Venezuela, anything is possible when it comes to foreign conflicts and the military. He had one brief popularity spike when he shot off some missiles in Syria. Interestingly he had no fear removing troops from Syria or scaling down Afghanistan or sucking up to fat boy Kim and Putin. Whether he is the wild card or he is just a puppet for someone else who knows.

I also wonder who really is behind the scenes and are they using Trump as a  direct orchestrated puppet or merely reacting with opportunity to his chaos for their own good when it arises. I am inclined to believe it is more the latter. I think Trump is a voting accident and no one thought he would be elected especially himself.

I think US politics is a chaotic mess with the true interests reacting after the fact to his chaos, not initiating it. I myself am convinced Putin has sex tapes and financial info on him and he is compromised. I think sometimes when you know someone is compromised its best to sit back and watch Putin manipulate him which in fact forecasts Putin's moves and in a way makes it easier to control him rather than removing his patsy.

For anyone to believe Trump is not compromised by Putin is laughable. On the other hand could it be Putin has learned controlling Trump is not the magic power he thought it would be? Could it be he now realizes Trump is just a figure head and never has or can run the substantial powers and procedures of the US government which remains hidden and removed from not just Putin but all Americans?


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18 minutes ago, Rue said:

The question is, is there such a thing as an honest politician, let alone in the US political system where the Congress and Senate define bribery as lobbying and allow Senators to make millions off of insider knowledge of bills about to pass? Those two elements alone necessarily have corrupted the system beyond repair.

Certainly there could be. Such a person, if they exist would likely not thrive, they would soon be isolated and become ineffective. Too much virtue not being a good thing, in politics.
I'm no expert in US history or presidents, but the name Jimmy Carter comes to mind.

Edited by OftenWrong
trimmed quote. trim trim trim! ;)
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9 minutes ago, Rue said:

Good point.

Thanks. Would I make a good lawyer?   :)

10 minutes ago, Rue said:

He had one brief popularity spike when he shot off some missiles in Syria. Interestingly he had no fear removing troops from Syria or scaling down Afghanistan or sucking up to fat boy Kim and Putin. Whether he is the wild card or he is just a puppet for someone else who knows.

This missile strike provoked a strong negative reaction from Russia-

The Russian President′s spokesperson said the U.S. strike was "an act of aggression against a sovereign country violating the norms of international law under a trumped-up pretext", which "substantially impaired Russia–United States relations". The Russian foreign ministry denounced the strike as being based on false intelligence and against international law, suspended the Memorandum of Understanding on Prevention of Flight Safety Incidents that had been signed with the U.S., and called an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council. Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov compared the strike to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Russian prime minister Dimitry Medvedev said the attack placed the U.S. on the cusp of warfare with Russia. Russia has sent the frigate Admiral Grigorovich to the east Mediterranean in response, and warned that the US strike could have "extremely serious" consequences.


So either this was a cover-up or the US president is not entirely beholden to Mr. Putin.

The rest is hard to understand because of all the noise in the media. It's all just lies, lies and again more lies. The poor public has no way of knowing what to believe anymore, but must believe something... and that choice is often based purely on partisanship. Truth and facts are now replaced by belief, which is of course in each of us malleable. That is the crime being perpetuated here, your honour...

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

So does that mean according to this data, if a president has high level of support, they are "good"?

I don't think the 'good'ness of a president can be assessed, but maybe time provides some perspective.  Trump seems to think that 'popular means good' and that he is indeed popular.  He fills arenas full of his supporters and submerges himself in their vacant cheers while he spatters nonsense at them.

It's a portrait of vanity that we haven't seen since pre-French Revolution or maybe Roman times.  

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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I don't think the 'good'ness of a president can be assessed, but maybe time provides some perspective.  Trump seems to think that 'popular means good' and that he is indeed popular.  He fills arenas full of his supporters and submerges himself in their vacant cheers while he spatters nonsense at them.


That's OK....Obama did the same thing...."Hope and Change".   

It's about winning (Obama & Trump)...and not losing (McCain, Romney, & Clinton).

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2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

1. That's OK....Obama did the same thing...."Hope and Change".   

2. It's about winning (Obama & Trump)...and not losing (McCain, Romney, & Clinton).

1. I don't remember "look at me" rallies hosted by Obama.  I think hope and change was the campaign, not the theme of self-congratulatory stand-up comedy shows held in arenas during his administration.  When he was supposed to be working.

2. It's not about winning.  It's about feeding a human failing and refusing to own up to ones' faults.  Of course, the biggest hamburger is the best thing and as you have pointed out - even a civil war isn't such a big deal if it's a big one...


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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. I don't remember "look at me" rallies hosted by Obama.  I think hope and change was the campaign, not the theme of self-congratulatory stand-up comedy shows held in arenas during his administration.  When he was supposed to be working.


Then clearly you choose not to remember not only the Obama campaign in 2008, his attacks on Hillary Clinton, and slogan use after becoming president.   Obama even continued his ego stroking after leaving office, as he feared his "legacy" would be lost.



2. It's not about winning.  It's about feeding a human failing and refusing to own up to ones' faults.  Of course, the biggest hamburger is the best thing and as you have pointed out - even a civil war isn't such a big deal if it's a big one...


All U.S. presidents have faults...every...single...one of them.

The political challenge is indeed winning when faced with such obstacles, and Trump has demonstrated an uncanny ability to not only survive things that would have normally killed any other politician's standing, he actually thrives on such things, commanding even more media attention...even in Canada.

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2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

1. the Obama campaign in 2008, his attacks on Hillary Clinton, and slogan use after becoming president.   

2. All U.S. presidents have faults...every...single...one of them.

3. The political challenge is indeed winning when faced with such obstacles, and Trump has demonstrated an uncanny ability to not only survive things that would have normally killed any other politician's standing, he actually thrives on such things, commanding even more media attention...even in Canada.

1. Yeah, you are moving the goalposts.  Nothing like what Trump is doing, sorry.

2. And in the USA bigger is better... YUGE FAULTS and YUGE CONSTITUTIONAL CRISES are better than small character flaws... got it.

3.His political acumen was bold and inspired, and his strategists won a historic political battle that was intuitive but I won't say brilliant... not until we determine that Russia didn't fix the voting machines :D

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