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Iqra Khalid and Motion M-103

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

1. Take a look as to what is going on in Canada today. We are having more problems now with religions and languages and cultures today than we ever had before our past immigration policy was changed and a new immigration policy implemented which was started by no doubt your hero old man Trudeau.

2. The liberals are trying to destroy a country that was once a great nation and where the people were living in peace and harmony before the likes of the Trudeau's came along and who have shown that they have no love for the old Canada but just hatred and for the destruction of the old Canada on their pea brain minds.

1. No cites, more scaremongering.  I never said Trudeau was my hero....

2. No cites, more scaremongering.

5 minutes ago, taxme said:

3. Take a look at all Muslim countries out there yourself. Is that what you are trying to tell us is what you want for Canada?   

4. You are talking to a real nationalist patriotic conservative Canadian, and not a wimpy liberal emotional one. Yahoo. :D

3. You missed the point about theocracy, naturally, or are purposely ignoring the obvious point.

4. Anger is an emotion too.  I don't care if people are conservative or liberal but I can't discuss with them if they use fake cites.

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24 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

And in the same post, you decry 'bigotry'.  And you are defending an OP which itself engages in 'guilt by association'.  Your argument is transparently self-contradictory, and is designed to deceive.  

Western society was designed to accommodate plurality of views and to remove discrimination between religions by the state.  You and the OP are essentially posting for a Christian theocracy, which is about the worst idea there is.  Take a look at Iran today to find out how theocracies are enjoyed by the people.


Stop misrepresenting other people's views. I oppose all monotheism equally; Christianity is based on a lie started by Constantine that Jesus Christ was a real man who died for the sins of the world. Jesus is the sun; the four Gospels are the four solstices/equinoxes and the twelve Zodiacal signs are the twelve tribes of Israel, twelve apostles etc. It's all nonsense, just as Islam is, but if people choose to believe either, that's up to them.

What I don't accept is people believing they have the authority (God-given or otherwise) to treat in a particular way, which is exactly what political Islam does as over 60% of the Qur'an is devoted to handling non-Muslims.

It just so happens that Christianity does not have the kind of socio-political substrate that Islam has which is currently trying to corrode the West from within, which is why I'm not bothering to talk about it, though I could at length.

Your bigotry is bursting at the seams at this point, and you really strike me as a social jihadist.

Do you notice how Michael Hardner is the sole source of sowing discord in every single thread trying to deal with the fascist nature of political Islam? Who is paying you, George Soros? Such sickness of the mind.

Edited by 9-18-1
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1 hour ago, Gingerteeth said:

A study which hasn't been completed making your concerns unfounded. 

How are my concerns unfounded given my concerns are related to what the study will 'find'?

My concerns are not yet born out in reality, but there is no evidence they are unfounded given the personalities and motivations involved.

Edited by Argus
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50 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

As an analogy, an anti-US govt. thread that submitted government responsibility for 9/11 would be a non-starter for me.  The only discussion possible on this thread, for me, is to address the illegitimate and dishonest OP.

Why would you try to discuss facts with someone who clearly will not or cannot accept reality?

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31 minutes ago, Argus said:

Why would you try to discuss facts with someone who clearly will not or cannot accept reality?


See "social justice warrior":


a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views.

"these social justice warriors want to apply their politically correct standards and rules to others' speech"


Motion M-103 is a direct result of such ideology.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Well, not be a pro multiculturalist like others here appear to be, and being the so-called resident racist here, what I would suggest is that all Muslims be banned from immigrating to Canada. If they are going to be a possible terrorist problem and threat to Canada and Canadians in the future than the right and proper thing to be doing is stop all immigration from Muslim countries.

All I can say here is that if Canada had kept in place our past immigration policy of bringing in more British and European immigration, and less non-British/European immigration, Canada would not be the mess that it is starting to find itself into today, and idiots like Ikra would not be doing and getting away with what she is being allowed to get away with today.

What was your policy on Catholics from Ireland during the IRA years?

Do you really need to sink to the level of calling Iqra an idiot, we already have one person trying to lower the level of discourse. 

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3 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

...by the authors directly underneath your post.

I can't believe how stupid people are.

Thomas Quiggin

You mean the Tom Quiggin from the Fraser Institute and the self defined Terrorism and Security Analysts of Canada Network. Yes, people are stupid to accept bogus credentials.

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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. No, because a document attached without reference isn't believable.

2. It's a 'Motion', hence the 'M'.  It's not a 'law' hence it doesn't outlaw anything.  This is another example of a falsehood from you, and further reason why you should stop posting.  

Islamic ideology is to make the world submit to Islam one way or another.

Liberals think they can welcome Islam and everything will be fine.  Ordinary liberal voters are being deceived by liberal leaders who are only interested in votes.  This is why ordinary liberals voters are very naive.  Nobody can reason with them because they are blindly following their leader who assures them everything is fine.  They think these other cultures like Islam are going to be open-minded and embrace diversity and multiculturalism.  What they ignore is the fact that is often not the case in Islamic countries where churches and even Mosques are being bombed frequently by other sects of Islam.  Even in countries in Europe there are all kinds of problems developing.  There is no tolerance or diversity allowed when radical elements become large and influential.

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49 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Islamic ideology is to make the world submit to Islam one way or another.

This is akin to saying moderate Islam doesn't exist.  It's a very paranoid and un-Western viewpoint.


49 minutes ago, blackbird said:

1.  This is why ordinary liberals voters are very naive.  Nobody can reason with them because they are blindly following their leader who assures them everything is fine. 

2. They think these other cultures like Islam are going to be open-minded and embrace diversity and multiculturalism.   

1. Most of the country votes liberal or conservatives.  And a large number swing from party to party.  Your characterization is far too simple, ie. Liberal=dumb, Conservative=smart

2. You seem to think one kind of human is just evil, for some reason. 

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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

This is akin to saying moderate Islam doesn't exist.  It's a very paranoid and un-Western viewpoint.


1. Most of the country votes liberal or conservatives.  And a large number swing from party to party.  Your characterization is far too simple, ie. Liberal=dumb, Conservative=smart

2. You seem to think one kind of human is just evil, for some reason. 

Nope I don't think a kind of human is evil.  I think a religion is false, like other religions and cults are false.  But characterize it any way you wish.    That's why I am thankful to believe the Bible.  But many don't believe the Bible or even know what's in it, so they will remain in darkness.  That's how one distinguishes between truth and error. 

Many conservatives support parts of liberal thinking, but generally it seems to be the liberal or left that doesn't believe it.

Edited by blackbird
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10 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

No, I suppose we should agree with persecution of religious minorities, and white supremacists.  Your assertions are mixed-up.   Are you trying to say you're tolerant of other religions, and minority groups to which you don't belong ?


I can discuss reality very well with anyone who uses truthful sources, and has a different perspective... as long as that perspective is on reality, and is given honestly.

The OP can't even get its deceptions on whether M-103 outlaws speech or not.

I am tolerant of anyone or any group as long as they do not try to push their programs and agendas on others. 

I only offer up websites that have something truthful to say and report real news, not fiction or fake news. The Right Edition website is one of my favorites because they are very honest in their reporting. You will only read or hear the facts as to what is happening without any prejudice or bias or the promoting of any hatred or violence towards anyone. 

M-103 should never have been allowed to have been discussed in the first place in the halls of government. There may have been some Muslim feelings being hurt at times but they need to live and get over it just like Christians who have to live every day with attacks and the mocking of their religion by, of all religions, Islam. Hollyweird will never attack Muslims but they have no problem attacking and mocking Christianity. Muslims call anybody who is not a Muslim an infidel. The Christians do not call Muslims infidels, now do they? But did you see anybody in the Christian religion trying to bring a motion forward to match the M-103 motion? Nope, and you never will. Christians do turn the other cheek something I think that you should try and explain to Muslims seeing that you appear to have no problem backing them up all the time on no matter what they say or do. Just saying. 

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10 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

And in the same post, you decry 'bigotry'.  And you are defending an OP which itself engages in 'guilt by association'.  Your argument is transparently self-contradictory, and is designed to deceive.  

Western society was designed to accommodate plurality of views and to remove discrimination between religions by the state.  You and the OP are essentially posting for a Christian theocracy, which is about the worst idea there is.  Take a look at Iran today to find out how theocracies are enjoyed by the people.


I cry "bigotry", you say? I need you to point this out further for me because I have no idea as to what the hell you are talking about. So, I happen to agree with a communist on something, and suddenly that now makes me a communist(guilt by association)? I think that it may be you who is trying to make members here appear to be trying to deceive others when they are not trying to do so at all. Maybe you just have a comprehension problem. You are great with all your fancy talk but in reality you may be the biggest deceiver of all here. Hey, we never know. 

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18 minutes ago, taxme said:

...M-103 should never have been allowed to have been discussed in the first place in the halls of government. There may have been some Muslim feelings being hurt at times but they need to live and get over it just like Christians who have to live every day with attacks and the mocking of their religion by, of all religions, Islam. Hollyweird will never attack Muslims but they have no problem attacking and mocking Christianity.


True...getting their feelings hurt is part of the liberal democracy experience....nothing special about Islam / Muslims.

Being mocked and criticized is the price of admission.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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10 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. No cites, more scaremongering.  I never said Trudeau was my hero....

2. No cites, more scaremongering.

3. You missed the point about theocracy, naturally, or are purposely ignoring the obvious point.

4. Anger is an emotion too.  I don't care if people are conservative or liberal but I can't discuss with them if they use fake cites.

I have given many websites here for you and others to go view and read. If you wish to call what they say is scaremongering than go ahead make your day. But some of the things you have said here in the past has made it appear as though you are a scaremonger here also. You appear to support Trudeau and his immigration and Muslim policies for Canada. Guilt by association. 

I have given you plenty of websites for you to go visit. Not enough? Do you want some more?  

Indeed, you never seem to ever try to get my point? Theocracy a la Islam you mean? :D

Who is angry? You? As I have told you at least a dozen times there is no point in discussing anything with you because you are not willing to have an open mind and only believe that all alternative news websites are fake news websites even though in many cases they have been proven to be right in what they have reported as fact. I guess that only the MSM in your view is where one will get all the real true facts, right? 



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6 hours ago, blackbird said:

Islamic ideology is to make the world submit to Islam one way or another.

Liberals think they can welcome Islam and everything will be fine.  Ordinary liberal voters are being deceived by liberal leaders who are only interested in votes.  This is why ordinary liberals voters are very naive.  Nobody can reason with them because they are blindly following their leader who assures them everything is fine.  They think these other cultures like Islam are going to be open-minded and embrace diversity and multiculturalism.  What they ignore is the fact that is often not the case in Islamic countries where churches and even Mosques are being bombed frequently by other sects of Islam.  Even in countries in Europe there are all kinds of problems developing.  There is no tolerance or diversity allowed when radical elements become large and influential.

There are just some people here that just don't get it, and probably never will. Just by how Islam treated the feminist/lesbian Premier of Ontario the way they did a few months back should tell them or anyone else with an ounce of brains that Islam will never accept diversity or multiculturalism or how things are done in Canada. Muslims want Sharia law and they will not be happy until they can get it allowed and be practiced in Canada. In some cases Sharia law has already been implemented in some cities in Canada. Give them an inch and they will surely take a yard if allowed to do so. :(

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9 hours ago, ?Impact said:

What was your policy on Catholics from Ireland during the IRA years?

Do you really need to sink to the level of calling Iqra an idiot, we already have one person trying to lower the level of discourse. 

Well, Catholics were not a threat to Canada. Better Catholics rather than some foreign 10th century archaic Islamic religion coming to Canada that believes in treating women like crap and kills gays or throws people off roof tops. The Catholic religion was no angel of a religion but hey the Catholics came to Canada and did not commit such atrocities like that other religion that Canada has to deal with, and does all those things mentioned above. Just saying. 

Well, what kind of a fool of a Muslim woman would want to have Sharia law implemented in Canada at all where she as a woman that will be treated like chit by that religion? After all the dear darling Ikra did belong to the Muslim Brotherhood and many other radical terrorist Islamic groups. What the hell did she come to Canada for if she does not want to become a real and true Canadian? She is not a Canadian, she is a Muslim, and she would like to see Sharia law come to Canada with the hope of probably in time turn Canada into an Islamic country in the future. Hey, you never know. 

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9 hours ago, ?Impact said:

You mean the Tom Quiggin from the Fraser Institute and the self defined Terrorism and Security Analysts of Canada Network. Yes, people are stupid to accept bogus credentials.

There are so many stupid people in Canada that accept the teachings of liberalism as if liberalism had the right credentials to teach anything at all. If anything, liberalism is all bogus. 

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8 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

No, and judging by the number of posts and fantastic claims you are making about yourself, I suspect you are the same poster as Omni, here to troll us.

You picked a good name for yourself.

10 hours ago, ?Impact said:

You mean the Tom Quiggin from the Fraser Institute and the self defined Terrorism and Security Analysts of Canada Network. Yes, people are stupid to accept bogus credentials.

Right; readers here should trust your (sweeping and dismissive) judgment over his, along with the four other authors.

Everyone who has spent decades observing these trends in various countries/institutions are completely wrong, and you are right, and your credentials and tenure (on a public internet forum) lend weight to your sweeping dismissal as you sit on a public internet forum and give single-sentence answers in response to several hundreds of pages of research (which you obviously didn't read).

Do you realize how stupid this makes you look? Try engaging with the content itself and demonstrate if/where the research is inaccurate. Here is my guess: you either can't, or won't.

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20 hours ago, Argus said:

How are my concerns unfounded given my concerns are related to what the study will 'find'?

My concerns are not yet born out in reality, but there is no evidence they are unfounded given the personalities and motivations involved.

Those personalities advocated for a motion. They don't do the actual study hence your concerns are unfounded.

Edited by Gingerteeth
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2 minutes ago, PIK said:

So it would be illegal for us to laugh at trudeau/boyle with this law.

There is no law, it's a 'motion'.  The idea that the government would/could easily pass a law that censors criticism of government (or religion for that matter) reveals a lack of understanding of politics and the law.

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2 hours ago, Gingerteeth said:

Those personalities advocated for a bill. They don't do the actual study hence your concerns are unfounded.

They are the ones doing the study, or their underlings who will take direction from them. Government 'studies' generally come to whatever conclusion the government of the day wants them to.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

There is no law, it's a 'motion'.  The idea that the government would/could easily pass a law that censors criticism of government (or religion for that matter) reveals a lack of understanding of politics and the law.

A majority government can easily pass any damn law they want to.

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