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Native complaints about Canada's 150th

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Canada's 150th birthday approaches, and it has been accompanied by a growing whinging from natives, a whinging which is frankly offensive and derogatory, and more than a little racist. Yesterday they demanded to be allowed to put up a tipi on parliament hill, and of course, the Trudeau government caved. Calling us 'settlers' and 'colonists' they continue to insist that no one has any rights to the land here but them. And of course, the hand-wringing, spineless progressives all bow down before them, wracked by guilt and self-loathing.

Which is all total garbage.

Let's start with what the natives and their moronic progressive allies continually look back on as the garden of eden prior to Columbus. Well, it was no garden of eden. Most of the natives in our part of the Americans were hunter/gatherers, while others had basic agrarian lives. They were hard, grasping, hand-to-mouth lives which ended quickly (and in 20% of the case by violence). The average lifespan was no more than 35. During those short lifespans they spent virtually all their time and efforts trying to feed themselves. There had been no scientific progress or advances in 1000 years. In fact, scientists say the natives were less healthy just prior to the arrival of Europeans, than their distant ancestors had been. And there were no trainable animals in all the Americans which could be used to help with farming or transportation. As you can imagine, trying to farm with horses and oxen is back breaking work. But trying to farm without them is far worse. 

And if the Europeans had never arrived, life here would still be the same way. So natives should be thanking the Europeans for arriving and pulling them out of endless eons of short, miserable lives of hardship and starvation. 




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Living in the Greater Toronto Area, my exposure to FN is quite limited. Our Premiere likes to remind us we live on the Land of the Mississaugans though. Mississauga is now known more for East Indians than the FN kind of Indians. 

But in the media, a lot of the "outrage" of the treatment of the FN comes from more recent attempts to eliminate their culture than the initial colonizing efforts. See Residential Schools.  I remember a protest year's back where FN leaders wanted an audience with ER2 because the treaties their people signed years back was with the UK and not this federation of Canada. 

Regardless the plight of FN people can actually be ignored by many Canadians that live in actual populated and relevant parts of the country. Multiculturalism and integration of new cultures is the more pressing cultural norm for Canadians, not worrying about our ancestors taking land from Hunter/Gatherers 400 years ago. People who think this land actually is their property have a fringe extreme opinion that is not shared by any significant percentage of the public. 

What I do find weird about the government's treatment of the FN is that they kind of want it both ways. Living a lifestyle in remote regions that don't really promote an environmentally friendly approach but telling everyone else that living in dense cities is more the way to go. Why should governments support people that want to live in areas that are only reachable by plane? The carbon footprint of such people must be massive! 

Edited by Boges
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Why celebrate a country that doesn't even give its people constitutionally protected freedom of speech?

The less people that celebrate Canada day, especially given that the government has decided to waste 1 billion dollars on a giant party, the better.


Also, it's nice to see more people pointing out the sexist double standard where there is no inquiry for missing & murdered indigenous men despite indigenous men being murdered at 3 times the rate as indigenous women.

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5 minutes ago, -1=e^ipi said:

Why celebrate a country that doesn't even give its people constitutionally protected freedom of speech?

The less people that celebrate Canada day, especially given that the government has decided to waste 1 billion dollars on a giant party, the better.

Also, it's nice to see more people pointing out the sexist double standard where there is no inquiry for missing & murdered indigenous men despite indigenous men being murdered at 3 times the rate as indigenous women.

Well most people celebrate by taking a paid Holiday or watching Fireworks and stuff. 

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6 minutes ago, Boges said:

Well most people celebrate by taking a paid Holiday or watching Fireworks and stuff. 

Lol, paid holiday. Where do you think the money comes from to pay for that holiday? Your own paycheck. In the long run, a society only produces what it consumes.


So we are celebrating forcing people to take a Holiday even if they don't want to (and would prefer to work for more money)? Decreasing people's choices reduces their expected utility. That's not something to celebrate.


Also, wasting money on fireworks that could go to paying of debt, reducing taxes, expanding healthcare or giving first nations drinking water is not something that should be celebrated.

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I'm seeing the rewriting of history in favor of fantasy over reality. Renaming things that were never indigenous with indigenous names....etc. Propagating fake stories involving massacres of natives that never occurred...that sort of thing. History be damned...we have feels.


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Trudeau visited with the activists and met with some of them inside the tipi. How interesting that he pointed out to them that he is the first PM to visit with activists who are doing something like this. Now we know the real reason he showed up to talk to them. Not to discuss the issues but to stroke himself. This guy is so full of himself and such a hypocrite.


Friday’s visit lasted about 40 minutes. Trudeau smiled at the visitors who had crowded around the teepee while he was inside but did not make any comments about the meeting.

Ashley Courchene, of the Sagkeeng First Nation in Manitoba, said he was pleased that Trudeau and his wife came to hear from them firsthand.

“There’s not a lot he could promise outright. I think we are glad that he did come and say that what we did was very, very important,” said Ashley Courchene, of the Sagkeeng First Nation in Manitoba.

“He did bring up a good point that at no time in the past have prime ministers met with people who are doing something like this. I commend the prime minister for coming,” he said.


Does he not realize other groups are watching his actions here and will demand the same attention when they decide to squat somewhere.

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16 minutes ago, -1=e^ipi said:

Lol, paid holiday. Where do you think the money comes from to pay for that holiday? Your own paycheck. In the long run, a society only produces what it consumes.

So we are celebrating forcing people to take a Holiday even if they don't want to (and would prefer to work for more money)? Decreasing people's choices reduces their expected utility. That's not something to celebrate.

Also, wasting money on fireworks that could go to paying of debt, reducing taxes, expanding healthcare or giving first nations drinking water is not something that should be celebrated.

So are you just opposed to Paid Holidays in general? Would you prefer if we went back to Dominion Day on July 1st or Generic Summer Holiday, like we do in February. 

Municipalities do events like Canada Day festivities to generate activity actually. People go to see Fireworks, Maybe they buy dinner or have some drinks at a bar. OR people buy their own fireworks. 

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20 minutes ago, Boges said:

So are you just opposed to Paid Holidays in general?


If people want a contract with paid holidays, I'm not against it, though I think it pointlessly complicates things. Working 50 weeks earning $520 per week and having 2 weeks of unpaid vacation is the same as working 50 weeks earning $500 per week and having 2 weeks of paid vacation.


As for the government forcing people to take certain days off and/or giving preference to certain days such as Christmas, Easter, New Years, Canada Day, etc. I am opposed to that.


20 minutes ago, Boges said:

People go to see Fireworks, Maybe they buy dinner or have some drinks at a bar. OR people buy their own fireworks. 

And that money used to pay for that dinner / drinks / fireworks etc. means they have less money to spend at other times of the year. It's not creating more consumption, it's just changing the timing of consumption. A society, in the long term, consumes what it produces, you can't get around that.


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19 minutes ago, -1=e^ipi said:


If people want a contract with paid holidays, I'm not against it, though I think it pointlessly complicates things. Working 50 weeks earning $520 per week and having 2 weeks of unpaid vacation is the same as working 50 weeks earning $500 per week and having 2 weeks of paid vacation.

There are jobs that don't have vacations. Other people who work on Holidays and get more money. 

Do you oppose labour laws in general? 



And that money used to pay for that dinner / drinks / fireworks etc. means they have less money to spend at other times of the year. It's not creating more consumption, it's just changing the timing of consumption. A society, in the long term, consumes what it produces, you can't get around that.

Not sure about that, people like to be around other people. Festivals etc do generate money for communities. 

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1 hour ago, DogOnPorch said:

I'm seeing the rewriting of history in favor of fantasy over reality. Renaming things that were never indigenous with indigenous names....etc. Propagating fake stories involving massacres of natives that never occurred...that sort of thing. History be damned...we have feels.


Well, if there's anyone who knows what this feels like it would be you.

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The Liberal gov'ts Ontario have allready given them a huge swath of land including Algonquin Pk. and Ottawa, which they say, is just the beginning.

Time to end apartheid reservations and do away with the Indian Act.   We are ALL equals, no more race based preferential treatment.




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2 hours ago, scribblet said:

The Liberal gov'ts Ontario have allready given them a huge swath of land including Algonquin Pk. and Ottawa, which they say, is just the beginning.

Time to end apartheid reservations and do away with the Indian Act.   We are ALL equals, no more race based preferential treatment.


The irony, of course, is that you can be called a racist for saying that...

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3 hours ago, -1=e^ipi said:

Why celebrate a country that doesn't even give its people constitutionally protected freedom of speech?

The less people that celebrate Canada day, especially given that the government has decided to waste 1 billion dollars on a giant party, the better.


Also, it's nice to see more people pointing out the sexist double standard where there is no inquiry for missing & murdered indigenous men despite indigenous men being murdered at 3 times the rate as indigenous women.

I see no reason to be proud to be Canadian at all that much anymore. Trudeau has embarked on a course of trying to destroy Canada by his criminal actions of allowing illegal aliens to commit the crime of entering Canada illegally. JT is now an accessory to this crime by inviting illegals to enter this country illegally. Trudeau has been a disaster for Canada. Canada has a PM that has contributed to an offence against the Criminal Code of Canada, and he needs to step down or be arrested. Canada will not be starting off on a good footing of it's 150th birthday if this guy is allowed to continue on being the PM of Canada. 

The Indians in this country have received billions in taxpayer's tax dollars for decades now, and they still are not happy.They are a bunch of non-deserving leeches that have been given plenty of money over the decades, and they all should be wealthy as hell by now. To continue to cater to their whining and crying is never going to solve the problem. They have had plenty of time to get with the program, and they refuse to do so. To heck with them. It is time for them to forget the past and get on with life, and the future.Let's be honest here. If it were not for the Europeans coming to North America they would not have all the toys they have now like, cars,TV's and ATV's, and so much more. Europeans upgraded their program of life and living, and all we Europeans get is more whining and crying by a bunch of ingrates. Tear that Tepee down. I find it offensive, and racist.    

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3 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

I'm seeing the rewriting of history in favor of fantasy over reality. Renaming things that were never indigenous with indigenous names....etc. Propagating fake stories involving massacres of natives that never occurred...that sort of thing. History be damned...we have feels.


Like changing the name from the Queen Charlotte Islands in BC to Haida Guay. The massacres that were going on were happening between the different native indian tribes that would hunt down and kill each other. The Europeans put an end to that practice. Now they have to learn to live with one another without trying to kill one another. The ndians should be dam glad that the Europeans showed up. I will admit though that the Europeans were quite hard on them, and many atrocities did occour against them when they first arrived in North America. But that is all in the past now. Let's just all forgive and forget. 

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4 hours ago, -1=e^ipi said:

Lol, paid holiday. Where do you think the money comes from to pay for that holiday? Your own paycheck. In the long run, a society only produces what it consumes.


So we are celebrating forcing people to take a Holiday even if they don't want to (and would prefer to work for more money)? Decreasing people's choices reduces their expected utility. That's not something to celebrate.


Also, wasting money on fireworks that could go to paying of debt, reducing taxes, expanding healthcare or giving first nations drinking water is not something that should be celebrated.

Oh c'mon now? I enjoy celebrating a good fireworks show now and then. It's great for children and adults and is quite entertaining and it has to help us all to forget our problems for an half hour or so. I have no problem watching some of my tax dollars for fireworks go up in smoke. I think that it is tax dollars well spent. But that is just me. 

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7 minutes ago, Omni said:

Yeah those Europeans never had any wars did they. Sheesh!

At least we put an end to the killings that went on between those Indian tribes, and pretty much civilized them. That was a bonus for us Europeans to have done just that. The Europeans have always been fighting among themselves for centuries because of your ZOG ilk that promoted and paid for it to happen. The Europeans have not yet made any effort to try and figure that one out yet. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

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7 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

I'm seeing the rewriting of history in favor of fantasy over reality. Renaming things that were never indigenous with indigenous names....etc. Propagating fake stories involving massacres of natives that never occurred...that sort of thing. History be damned...we have feels.


Not to mention "The noble savage", living in peace and in complete harmony with the environment. Supreme BS.

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7 hours ago, capricorn said:

Trudeau visited with the activists and met with some of them inside the tipi. How interesting that he pointed out to them that he is the first PM to visit with activists who are doing something like this. Now we know the real reason he showed up to talk to them. Not to discuss the issues but to stroke himself. This guy is so full of himself and such a hypocrite.


Does he not realize other groups are watching his actions here and will demand the same attention when they decide to squat somewhere.

Amazing what a nice smile will do. I mean, the man is a celebrity, come on. Get some selfies for the facebook...

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1 minute ago, OftenWrong said:

Not to mention "The noble savage", living in peace and in complete harmony with the environment. Supreme BS.

In my neck of the woods, the local native population used to regularly flee in terror from a tribe known as the Haida. They took slaves from weaker tribes.

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Canada generally hasn't treated aboriginals very well over the centuries so i see the point of their complaints.

However, the narrative that "this land is native land" is filled with BS. Yes there's many parts of Canada where natives have legit land claims, and some treaties in the far past that were signed through deception/trickery, but it's important to remember that when Europeans began colonizing the North American continent, the vast, vast majority of the land wasn't occupied or even set foot upon by aboriginals.  The land mass that is now called Canada was largely unoccupied wilderness of vast forests, swamps, grasslands, tundra, and ice as far as the eye could see. 

You can't make a claim to land you didn't occupy or use.

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21 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Canada generally hasn't treated aboriginals very well over the centuries so i see the point of their complaints.

They got the apology, they got the big payout and the inquiry. They got the Pope on his knees. What more do they need?

I'll tell you what they need, to stand up and get up off their own asses. Man up, make something of themselves, on their own. They've certainly got the resources. Or at least, the big Chiefs have. No accountability, but they want more money. This lifestyle is their dope now.

Canada would do well to help them by cutting them loose.

Since 1995, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development (the department responsible for the bulk of aboriginal funding) has spent $115-billion. Last year alone, it spent $8.5-billion, with 84% of the money going directly to aboriginals, First Nations governments and programs for natives.

Killing aboriginals with our kindness

Pope expresses 'sorrow' for abuse at residential schools

70 per cent of murdered aboriginal women killed by indigenous men: RCMP

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