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Targeting Muslims, just a new Red Scare

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2 minutes ago, hot enough said:

You are so 10 centuries ago. So desperate. Why are you attempting to hide, to distract from the 4 million Muslims murdered since 1990, so many Muslims murdered because of the Big Lie.

I went down that river once when I was a kid. There's a place in that river - I can't remember - must have been a gardenia plantation at one time. It's all wild and overgrown now, but about five miles, you'd think that heaven just fell on the earth in the form of gardenias. Have you considered any real freedoms? Freedoms from the opinions of others. Even the opinions of yourself.

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50 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

I went down that river once when I was a kid. There's a place in that river - I can't remember - must have been a gardenia plantation at one time. It's all wild and overgrown now, but about five miles, you'd think that heaven just fell on the earth in the form of gardenias. Have you considered any real freedoms? Freedoms from the opinions of others. Even the opinions of yourself.

The Ohio river, Sir?

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

The Ohio river, Sir?

Uh Huh. Did they say why, Willard? Why they want to terminate my command?

2 hours ago, hot enough said:

That's all you have to say now that you have come to your senses?

It smelled like slow death in there...malaria and nightmares. This was the end of the river, all right.

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12 hours ago, hot enough said:

It's called a guy who sees the greatest of evils wants to focus on an inanity to divert attention away from this greatest of evils. Because he is emotionally invested in, what? 25 years of hating on Muslims. 

Did you even read the Red Scare article?

And that 5 to 6 million doesn't even include the 4 million Muslims who have died from the 1990s on. 

Most at the hands of other Muslims, those good time boys you're so keen on.

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56 minutes ago, drummindiver said:

Most at the hands of other Muslims, those good time boys you're so keen on.

 Are you Muslim haters so blind, so jaundiced that you can see the sources - the Physicians for Social Responsibility, ... . You just go on and on repeating the "commie" lies. 


Casualty Figures after 10 Years of the “War on Terror” Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan


Officially ignored are casualties, injured or killed, involving enemy combatants and civilians. 4 This, of course, comes as no surprise. It is not an oversight but a deliberate omission. The U.S. authorities have kept no known records of such deaths. 5 This would have destroyed the arguments that freeing Iraq by military force from a dictatorship, removing Al-Qaeda from Afghanistan and eliminating safe-havens for terrorists in Pakistan’s tribal areas has prevented terrorism from reaching the U.S. homeland, improved global security and advanced human rights, all at “defendable” costs.6 However, facts are indeed stubborn. Governments and civil society know now that on all counts these assertions have proved to be preposterously false. Military battles have been won in Iraq and Afghanistan but at enormous costs to human security and trust among nations. One must not forget the financial costs. 7 The 21st century has seen a loss of innocent civilian life at an unprecedented scale, especially in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Nobody should even dare to ask the question whether it was worth it! As independent U.S. journalist Nir Rosen noted, “the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis are not better off, […] the children who lost their fathers aren’t better off, […] the hundreds and thousands of refugees are not better off.”8



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16 hours ago, hot enough said:

Extremists, you have the gall to say. 

Who do you judge is an extremist? You realize most Canadians would, upon reading your posts, say you are an extremist, right?

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5 minutes ago, Argus said:

Who do you judge is an extremist? You realize most Canadians would, upon reading your posts, say you are an extremist, right?

That is an extremist, and an inaccurate viewpoint. You are definitely an extremist, Argus. Extremists deny reality in favor of their prejudices. 

I was just wondering about you a short while ago, why you fled from various topics because the cognitive dissonance was overwhelming your brain. 

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Just now, hot enough said:

That is an extremist, and an inaccurate viewpoint. You are definitely an extremist, Argus. Extremists deny reality in favor of their prejudices. 

I'm a Conservative. Conservatives are the second biggest party in Canada. Your viewpoints are too far to the left for even the NDP. Therefore, logically, we can state that your viewpoints are extremist and mine are not.

Just now, hot enough said:

I was just wondering about you a short while ago, why you fled from various topics because the cognitive dissonance was overwhelming your brain. 

Because the brainless gruel you post bores me. It's so far out there on the fringes it doesn't even require a rebuttal.

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14 minutes ago, Argus said:

I'm a Conservative. Conservatives are the second biggest party in Canada. Your viewpoints are too far to the left for even the NDP. Therefore, logically, we can state that your viewpoints are extremist and mine are not.


Hitler was a conservative too. Very very conservative, like Paul Ryan, Jesse Helms, Billy Graham the war criminal, Nixon and Kissinger, Reagan the butcher of Nicaragua. Nice company. 


Because the brainless gruel you post bores me. It's so far out there on the fringes it doesn't even require a rebuttal.

A typical cowardly conservative meme. Professor Leroy Hulsey isn't on the fringes; he says, categorically, that there is zero chance that the NIST report on WTC7 is true. As a discerning conservative, you would have to understand the implications of that.

Is the cognitive dissonance once again roiling your brain?

Edited by hot enough
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18 hours ago, hot enough said:

All this nonsense about Muslims is simply a repeat of the vacuous, empty-headed nonsense that went on in Canada and, more virulently, in the USA, the bastion of freedom of thought and expression. 

I sure do see a lot of folks described perfectly in the following article, folks who can't or what is becoming more apparent, WON'T think. 

What was probably the worst thing of all was the leaders, the media, the people we expect to be responsible being pulled into the same evil morass as the easily duped low lifes. 

We see the same things happening here, today, right at this website, people absolutely refusing to look at, discuss, ponder anything that goes against their blind world view. How does a group of people become so wedded to such evil lies?




18 hours ago, hot enough said:

Please, Goddess, logic. 4,000,000 to [what pitifully small number in comparison]. Let's look at this in a balanced manner. I said I would look at all. 


18 hours ago, hot enough said:

What has this got to do with anything but a feeble attempt at distraction? This was a zero issue for you, and everyone else, prior to September 11, 2001. 


17 hours ago, hot enough said:

Yeah, right tossers. 

This would have been when the US was using the Afghan people's lives, one US official thought one to two million would be alright, to "give the Soviets their own Vietnam".

And you warm, kind, benevolent folks remember the "US's mistakes", you know, those times when their hearts were in the right place but they made a few errors. The folks who you all grew up lovin' because they made such great movies about how they saved people from the savage [fill in the blank].




17 hours ago, hot enough said:

Extremists, you have the gall to say. Right after you see a common US high official who is much more extremist, much more vicious, much more amoral, I give you, Brzezinski. Just one little cog in a long parade of equally vicious US administrations.


17 hours ago, hot enough said:

Another US high official, much much worse than a tosser, I give you Henry Kissinger, himself a Jew. 

These examples of deeply amoral individuals are not the exception, they are the rule in the American prez administrations. 




16 hours ago, hot enough said:

It doesn't bother me at all. What shocks me is how you can be so shocked at someone who thinks a body should be killed and just two of the many US tossers who were responsible for maybe 5 or 6 million people between them who were actually killed.


16 hours ago, hot enough said:

I just had a look back. It seems that you are more bothered by "Complete idiots burning books on the ends of sticks.  Tossers", than you are by two men, and I quote, "who were responsible for maybe 5 or 6 million people between them who were actually killed".



16 hours ago, hot enough said:

2. Bombing Cambodia: “[Nixon] wants a massive bombing campaign in Cambodia. He doesn't want to hear anything about it. It's an order, to be done. Anything that flies or anything that moves.” (link


This has a typo in it. Nixon actually said, 

Anything that flies ON anything that moves. meaning, Anything we, the USA has that flies [and can bomb] on anything on the ground in Cambodia that moves.

And here we have Kissinger describing a war crime, targeting civilians, directed to do so by the prez of the USA.


16 hours ago, hot enough said:

"I'm not", two little word you say and then off you go on tangents when you are faced with just two US men that share the responsibility for the deaths of millions.

"But, oh, I want to talk about my youth and other totally extraneous events - 5 million slaughtered doesn't mean much to me."

You were never very keen on them. Wow!


16 hours ago, hot enough said:

So, while 5 to 6 million people were slaughtered by the US, with help from the UK, and others, you want to ensure that your little story gets told.

How to describe such ?? conceit, absolute disregard for humanity, ?? self absorption, what the hell is this?


15 hours ago, hot enough said:

How many people have clicked on the links in the Kissinger post to read more on the deeply evil history of the USA? 

As Artie Johnson used to say, "Veeeery veeery interesting!"

Very Interesting But Also Stupid



14 hours ago, hot enough said:

You mean like the US supporting PolPot and the Khmer Rouge. After the US killed a million or so Cambodians, [not that it matters to you] they set the stage for the slaughter of how many millions more. That didn't concern the USA/Kissinger, he still wanted to be their friends. 

“How many people did (Khmer Rouge Foreign Minister Ieng Sary) kill? Tens of thousands? You should tell the Cambodians (i.e., Khmer Rouge) that we will be friends with them. They are murderous thugs, but we won’t let that stand in the way. We are prepared to improve relations with them. Tell them the latter part, but don’t tell them what I said before.” 

-Henry Kissinger


14 hours ago, hot enough said:

You are so 10 centuries ago. So desperate. Why are you attempting to hide, to distract from the 4 million Muslims murdered since 1990, so many Muslims murdered because of the Big Lie.


30 minutes ago, hot enough said:

Hitler was a conservative too. Very very conservative, like Paul Ryan, Jesse Helms, Billy Graham the war criminal, Nixon and Kissinger, Reagan the butcher of Nicaragua. Nice company. 

A typical cowardly conservative meme. Professor Leroy Hulsey isn't on the fringes; he says, categorically, that there is zero chance that the NIST report on WTC7 is true. As a discerning conservative, you would have to understand the implications of that.

Is the cognitive dissonance once again roiling your brain?


7 minutes ago, hot enough said:

The Physicians for Social Responsibility are fervent in their anti American bigotry? Who knew?

Why not try making some sense, dd?

Sorry....just responding g to your last post.  My eyes were already glazed over from all your previous anti American bullshi!

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38 minutes ago, hot enough said:

Hitler was a conservative too. Very very conservative, like Paul Ryan, Jesse Helms, Billy Graham the war criminal, Nixon and Kissinger, Reagan the butcher of Nicaragua. Nice company. 

Uh...Hitler lead the National SOCIALIST party, and was anything BUT a "conservative".  He belongs with the rest of the Heros of the Left - Mao, Stalin, etc.

Look, the US is far from perfect, but without them, the counterpoint to communism (a GENUINE threat to democracy) would not have existed post WWII.

I agree, Islam itself is not the problem (any more than the US itself is a "problem") but the radical elements within.  Problem is: Islam seems to have no mechanism and no desire to reign in their extremists, whereas the West eventually can and will deal with these things out in the open. - just as we are free to do right here and right now.

Care to share which caliphate welcomes such discussion?


Edited by cannuck
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6 minutes ago, hot enough said:

Just another of the typical brilliantly academic responses one sees here at MLW.

Maybe more posters would be inclined to discuss this with you if you weren't foaming at the mouth with hatred, and responded to the points being made, without the barrage of snark and insults.

Just a suggestion.

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24 minutes ago, cannuck said:

Uh...Hitler lead the National SOCIALIST party, and was anything BUT a "conservative".  He belongs with the rest of the Heros of the Left - Mao, Stalin, etc.

A typical uniformed response, gleaned from equally uninformed right wing websites. You can tell where you are coming from by your added comment.




Richard Evans, in his magisterial three volume history of Nazi Germany, is quite clear on whether Hitler was a socialist: “…it would be wrong to see Nazism as a form of, or an outgrowth of, socialism.” (The Coming of the Third Reich, Evans, p. 173). Not only was Hitler not a socialist himself, nor a communist, but he actually hated these ideologies and did his utmost to eradicate them. At first this involved organizing bands of thugs to attack socialists in the street, but grew into invading Russia, in part to enslave the population and earn ‘living ‘ room for Germans, and in part to wipe out communism and ‘Bolshevism’.

The key element here is what Hitler did, believed and tried to create. Nazism, confused as it was, was fundamentally an ideology built around race, while socialism was entirely different: built around class. Hitler aimed to unite the right and left, including workers and their bosses, into a new German nation based on the racial identity of those in it.
Socialism, in contrast, was a class struggle, aiming to build a workers state, whatever race the worker was from. Nazism drew on a range of pan-German theories, which wanted to blend Aryan workers and Aryan magnates into a super Aryan state, which would involve the eradication of class focused socialism, as well as Judaism and other ideas deemed non-German.

When Hitler came to power he attempted to dismantle trade unions and the shell that remained loyal to him; he supported the actions of leading industrialists, actions far removed from socialism which tends to want the opposite. Hitler used the fear of socialism and communism as a way of terrifying middle and upper class Germans into supporting him. Workers were targeted with slightly different propaganda, but these were promises simply to earn support, to get into power, and then to remake the workers along with everyone else into a racial state. There was to be no dictatorship of the proletariat as in socialism; there was just to be the dictatorship of the Fuhrer.



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7 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Maybe more posters would be inclined to discuss this with you if you weren't foaming at the mouth with hatred, and responded to the points being made, without the barrage of snark and insults.

Just a suggestion.

And you have missed the foaming at the mouth hatred being levied at Muslims who have done nothing how?

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31 minutes ago, cannuck said:

Look, the US is far from perfect, but without them, the counterpoint to communism (a GENUINE threat to democracy) would not have existed post WWII.

I agree, Islam itself is not the problem (any more than the US itself is a "problem") but the radical elements within.  Problem is: Islam seems to have no mechanism and no desire to reign in their extremists, whereas the West eventually can and will deal with these things out in the open. - just as we are free to do right here and right now.


More claptrap, more historical nonsense. The US is clearly the problem. When you illegally invade more than 70 countries, slaughter tens of millions, steal their wealth, commit genocides, how are you different from Nazi Germany?

Four million Muslims murdered since 1990 according to the US Physicians for Social Responsibility. Do you folks ever read anything?


Care to share which caliphate welcomes such discussion?

Certainly not any of the US installed vicious right wing dictatorships. Those are what is responsible for the large numbers of murdered innocents. 

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4 minutes ago, hot enough said:

More claptrap, more historical nonsense. The US is clearly the problem. When you illegally invade more than 70 countries, slaughter tens of millions, steal their wealth, commit genocides, how are you different from Nazi Germany?

Four million Muslims murdered since 1990 according to the US Physicians for Social Responsibility. Do you folks ever read anything?

Certainly not any of the US installed vicious right wing dictatorships. Those are what is responsible for the large numbers of murdered innocents. 

Most people provide links to claims they cite. 

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18 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Maybe more posters would be inclined to discuss this with you if you weren't foaming at the mouth with hatred, and responded to the points being made, without the barrage of snark and insults.

Just a suggestion.

You posted this as a response to my response to drummindiver. Did you not notice how he failed to address any of the sources I had quoted - all he did was make a silly assertion that had no basis in fact.

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6 minutes ago, Boges said:

Most people provide links to claims they cite. 

You folks don't read anything. It is right on this page, page 2.

And that is a laugh. Most of you folks just continue to make unsubstantiated Red Scare/Muslim comments that are simply repeats of right wing hate websites.

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