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How Fake News Goes Viral

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34 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Many paywall resources are easily accessed with a tweaked browser (e.g Chrome), disabled cookies, cache flushing, etc.

What's easy for you and I and other technically savvy people might still not be easy for most people, who struggle to use any kind of browser, let alone tweak its settings or know what a cookie is. And even for me, though I could go to the trouble of doing that, I most of the time don't bother. Even 3-5 extra clicks is too much to read some article behind a paywall, I'd rather look at an alternative source that isn't behind a paywall, that takes a few less clicks to get to. That's why most people just get their news off facebook or whatever other social media they are on.

Mainstream news sites that decry how more and more people don't listen to them and get their info from "alt" sources have no one but themselves to blame, really. 

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1 hour ago, Bonam said:

The market is way too fragmented. There are like 1000+ different news sources, and each of them want me to pay them money? Forget even paying money, they want me to have 1000 different account and logins? F that. I'll get my news from free sources. The increasing use of paywalls will just force more and more people to only read their one preferred news outlet, forcing people more and more into their ideological echo chambers. 

Hence the importance and necessity of a publicly-funded non-profit broadcaster.

Cue the howls of stupidity. 3, 2,1....

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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Hence the importance and necessity of a publicly-funded non-profit broadcaster.

Cue the howls of stupidity. 3, 2,1....

Sure, a public news source is fine, as long as it can be relied upon to be impartial enough to be better than the "alt" sites that push their ideology. The CBC fits that bill to some extent, although it does have ideological bias it usually doesn't make up its own alternative facts. Not sure such a thing could exist in the US though, politicians couldn't resist getting their hands on it and using it to promulgate their ideology and partisanship. 

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39 minutes ago, Bonam said:

...Mainstream news sites that decry how more and more people don't listen to them and get their info from "alt" sources have no one but themselves to blame, really. 


Agreed, as they are only hastening their own demise.

I run several different browsers and tweaks depending on which news source I want to access....some of those who haven't gone to a full or partial paywall take great exception to any kind of ad-blocker, which is more of a workflow waste of time (whitelist, blacklist, temporary suspend, etc.) 

Russia Today (RT) contract cable access to Canadian markets is an interesting media play that challenges the legacy model as well....I wonder how the CRTC will react if RT gets significant audience share.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Hence the importance and necessity of a publicly-funded non-profit broadcaster.


And still, state broadcaster CBC parrots back foreign wire service content (e.g AP) and cultural click-bait.   Facebook posts and Twitter feeds have become a mainstay for even CBC produced content...pasted right into the story.

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42 minutes ago, Bonam said:

Sure, a public news source is fine, as long as it can be relied upon to be impartial enough to be better than the "alt" sites that push their ideology. The CBC fits that bill to some extent, although it does have ideological bias it usually doesn't make up its own alternative facts. Not sure such a thing could exist in the US though, politicians couldn't resist getting their hands on it and using it to promulgate their ideology and partisanship. 

Hence the importance and necessity that consumers service their bullshit filters from time to time.

Easy peasy. Why people treat this as if it were rocket science is just about the surest sign of bias of all - no one makes more effort to convince people they're to stupid to see a bias than a person who's trying to hide one.

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12 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Hence the importance and necessity that consumers service their bullshit filters from time to time.

The world would be a much better place if more people had functional bullshit filters. Alas, it is not so, and I doubt it will ever be so. 

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15 minutes ago, Bonam said:

The world would be a much better place if more people had functional bullshit filters. Alas, it is not so, and I doubt it will ever be so. 

There a lot of wilful ignorance out there alright but disingenuousness has always been easy to spot.

Pretending you're stupid is another all too obvious sign of bias. 

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  • 9 months later...

CNN is fake news. Fox News Is fake. MSNBC is fake news.

CBC, CTV news is fake.

Everyone has heard it. Everyone has an opinion on this. Who has some proof? 

Links to clips are good, or if you reference things that are common knowledge that's fine, but sites like Snopes that claim to research the truth are to be avoided because they are selective in where they actually search for the truth.

Here's an example of a 7KTVB.com  "fact check" on Anderson Cooper, who stood in a ditch during a flood: https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/verify/verify-viral-picture-of-anderson-cooper-in-deep-water-is-not-from-florence/507-595175925


Cooper addressed the photo in a segment on CNN Monday evening. He explained that he was only standing in the deep waters so that he wouldn't get in the way of evacuation efforts, which were happening on a nearby road with only a few inches of water. In the clips, Cooper is seen referring to the nearby road, along with camera footage of the clear roadways and evacuations. Cooper also explained that his cameramen were standing in the road to keep the equipment dry.

LMAO. If the cameras can stay on the road to stay dry, then why can't he? It takes a lot longer to get the cameras out of the way of vehicles than it does for him to just step aside. Also, fences in the background and a house to his left are good reference points for how deep the water actually is. He's standing or kneeling in a ditch, lying about the weather. We all know what ditches are Anderson, we're not that stupid unless there are boobs in our face (hey wait, what's Fox news up to?). The site claims that the accusation is false, based on the fact that the weather event used in some memes was inaccurate, but let's be honest - it doesn't matter where or when it occurred, only that he did what he did.


Side note: If you want to see a textbook example of an anti-America, radical extremist gateway site, check out AJ+ on FB. Their formula is pretty solid, but their agenda is sickening. Here's how they roll:

- Post lots of warm, fuzzy stuff to give the impression of being a positive site, dedicated to finding the best of humanity. Make that seem like your brand.

- Do solid in-depth reporting on non-politically charged events.

- Find true stories about despicable acts that were committed by Americans, as far as 100 years ago or more, exaggerate and skew them, and insinuate that the actions taken in that moment are representative of all Americans up to and including today (ie white Americans). Especially slavery, which is only ever viewed as purely an American phenomenon. (Truth be told America is 240 or so years old and slavery has been illegal for more than half of that time. Compare that with areas like Iran (aka Persia) where slavery had a solid 4,000 year run, and only ended when the rest of the world ended it for them).

- Post more warm, fuzzy stuff.

- Distance terrorism from Islam at all costs, and never talk about Islamic State period. But whenever a terrorist attack is committed by someone of a different religion; go in depth, give every single victim a sweet, loving face and a heartwarming backstory.

- Glorify Palestinian violence. Ignore the fact that their terrorism ever has anything at all to do with Israeli security efforts. 

 - Post more warm, fuzzy stuff.




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CBC fake news from 2016......


On November 10, HonestReporting Canada liaised with senior editors at our public broadcaster calling on CBC Radio to broadcast an immediate on-air correction to remedy a significant error stated by reporter Nil Köksal in a report broadcast the day prior.
Reporting from Istanbul, Köksal erroneously stated the following: “… and an ominous response from the Middle East. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying a Trump presidency would effectively end the idea of a Palestinian state, but as they welcomed the political upset, ripples of the Trump reality were felt elsewhere around the world.”
You can listen to this report at the following link.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu did not make this statement that this CBC reporter wrongly attributed to him and he still supports a two state solution in solving the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Instead, Naftali Bennett, Israel’s education minister, did. Importantly, Bennett’s views do not represent official Israeli government policy.


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On 12/1/2016 at 6:35 AM, dialamah said:

Majority of fake news was delivered to conservatives/republicans in order to create support for Trump.   

Buzzfeed analyzed news stories and concluded that conservative sites were twice as likely as liberal sites to run false or misleading news.

Is that what you were referring to?


A lot of “fake news” FB is just silly crap, meant to suck people in to make comments. 

Theres no need for fake left wing news on FB, there’s enough on CNN and MSNBC. 

If you think I’m joking, just think about how many of the stories which are negative or damaging to the Whitehouse come from anonymous sources, smear campaigns (like the Kavanaugh trial), jilted Omarosa, or the BS Russian Collusion drama. 

If you muted your tv while CNN was talking about things that “only their anonymous sources are privy to”, ie things that they can go on about for weeks but can’t be proven to be fake, what would you have left? Peace and quiet.

I watched 15 minutes of disgusting Rachel Maddow one day about 4 months ago. It’s still on my pvr. She starts off talking about a story from an anonymous source, who was quoting someone else who theoretically was present at a Trump meeting, and everyone at the meeting said her quote was bogus. In order to corroborate her story, she referenced another meeting where an anonymous source made another claim that was refuted by everyone present, and then she tells her viewers that there’s a pattern there lol. Yeah we can see it Rachel. That’s why no one with an iq over 75 watches your show.

I can make up 50 stories about Obama from anonymous sources, they don’t corroborate each other .



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Calling CBC fake news and then regularly posting articles from Breitbart/Alex Jones/Foxnews is funny to me.

It seems as though as long as information doesn't go along with the exact same theme and agenda and if, for example, a piece that is not flattering to the Dear Leader, then it is labeled as fake news. 

Donald Trump really has some people wrapped around his fingers. He's a salesman that targets an audience who are so easily triggered emotionally. If he can sell cheap mail-delivery steak through infomercials, and sell himself as a self-made billionaire, and continuously sell this "alternate reality", then we're going to continue to devolve into this black and white world where communicating our thoughts will get us nowhere. Because if you don't follow the agenda, then you're spreading fake news.

To a lesser extent, you can see this mob, singular mentality from the so-called feminist movement. 

Some people are so easily manipulated. 

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I accept that NYT can show major biases and I read their news always with a grain of salt. That said, did anyone see the piece on Trump and how he came into his wealth? It's well done. It shatters the b.s. Trump has been selling. Which is that his father gave him a million and he took that and created his wealth. Pure B.S. 

I really hope that Trump supporters are able to show enough integrity and separate themselves from the lemmings whose automatic response is to dismiss the information and say it's fake news.


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3 hours ago, marcus said:

Calling CBC fake news and then regularly posting articles from Breitbart/Alex Jones/Foxnews is funny to me.

It seems as though as long as information doesn't go along with the exact same theme and agenda and if, for example, a piece that is not flattering to the Dear Leader, then it is labeled as fake news. 

Donald Trump really has some people wrapped around his fingers. He's a salesman that targets an audience who are so easily triggered emotionally. If he can sell cheap mail-delivery steak through infomercials, and sell himself as a self-made billionaire, and continuously sell this "alternate reality", then we're going to continue to devolve into this black and white world where communicating our thoughts will get us nowhere. Because if you don't follow the agenda, then you're spreading fake news.

To a lesser extent, you can see this mob, singular mentality from the so-called feminist movement. 

Some people are so easily manipulated. 

I always hear about the fake news from Fox, but it's like an urban myth. No one ever provides any proof of it. Do you ever watch Brett Baier's newscast? He's head and shoulders above Lisa LaFlamme etc here.

LaFlamme asked this question in all seriousness, with an accusatory tone:  "Did Donald Trump commit treason when he asked Russia to look for the 33,000 missing emails?" It's one thing for a casual observer to read the quote in the paper and think it might be serious, but anyone without Asperger's Syndrome knew Trump was making a joke. Should our Canadian broadcasters really be inferring that A POTUS has committed treason when they actually KNOW that he did not? Is that what journalism in this country has come to?

They covered the Duffygate for 3 years like it was the most important news story of the decade. $90K total. WTF?

Have you compared Hannity's track record to that of Lyin Lemon on CNN, or Rachel Maddow & Lawrence O'Donnel on MSNBC? Evidence of collusion as per all the CNN and MSNBC opinion shows isn't coming, but the people in the FBI that Hannity has been calling out on Fox are falling like bowling pins, and CNN doesn't even talk about it. Isn't it a really big deal when so many members of the FBI are caught red-handed? If they were acting against Obama when this happened they'd all be apoplectic at CNN. They don't report on it, because it runs contrary to their narrative. It's no big d apparently.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So after CNN and MSNBC spent the last 2 years completely silent about Madonna's dreams of blowing up the whitehouse, and Kathy Griffin's severed head photo, and Maxine Waters/Corey Booker/Hillary Clinton et all calling for people to act out against Republican Congressmen, and members of the Trump family getting ricin/anthrax scares at their homes, they're suddenly acting like they're against this sort of thing now that the pipe bomb scare has happened to some Democrats. 

Those morally bankrupt losers failed to see the connection between their own anti-Republican/anti-Trump vitriol (RACISTS MISOGYNISTS BIGOTS!!!!) and the baseball shooting or Rand Paul getting attacked in his own yard, and then they equate Trump calling out their fake news with pipe bombs going to Democrats. Last I saw M the Democrats and the fake news media were completely different people.

They call it "freedom of speech" when them and their useful idiots call for or condone outrageously violent threats, but when Trump says "fake news" they think that he's crossing the line and calling for violence against them lol.

Is this debate over yet? Will the people who supported CNN and MSNBC finally throw in the towel?


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On 10/24/2018 at 9:39 PM, WestCanMan said:

So after CNN and MSNBC spent the last 2 years completely silent about Madonna's dreams of blowing up the whitehouse, and Kathy Griffin's severed head photo, and Maxine Waters/Corey Booker/Hillary Clinton et all calling for people to act out against Republican Congressmen, and members of the Trump family getting ricin/anthrax scares at their homes, they're suddenly acting like they're against this sort of thing now that the pipe bomb scare has happened to some Democrats. 

Those morally bankrupt losers failed to see the connection between their own anti-Republican/anti-Trump vitriol (RACISTS MISOGYNISTS BIGOTS!!!!) and the baseball shooting or Rand Paul getting attacked in his own yard, and then they equate Trump calling out their fake news with pipe bombs going to Democrats. Last I saw M the Democrats and the fake news media were completely different people.

They call it "freedom of speech" when them and their useful idiots call for or condone outrageously violent threats, but when Trump says "fake news" they think that he's crossing the line and calling for violence against them lol.

Is this debate over yet? Will the people who supported CNN and MSNBC finally throw in the towel?


None of those people are the POTUS. You don't think he should be held to a higher standard? Waters, Booker and Clinton called for people to confront them not commit violence against them. Trump started this shit, now he is stepping in it. Looks good on him.

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4 hours ago, Wilber said:

None of those people are the POTUS. You don't think he should be held to a higher standard? Waters, Booker and Clinton called for people to confront them not commit violence against them. Trump started this shit, now he is stepping in it. Looks good on him.

Trump is saying fake news, because CNN and MSNBC are fake news. That's not a call to action, like get in their faces, make it so they can't sleep in their own homes, etc. Even worse is when people like Maxine say that he's harming your children. Fear mongering is like a call to serious violence.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Trump is saying fake news, because CNN and MSNBC are fake news. That's not a call to action, like get in their faces, make it so they can't sleep in their own homes, etc. Even worse is when people like Maxine say that he's harming your children. Fear mongering is like a call to serious violence.

Like I said, Trump started the call from the first day when he announced he was running and called Mexicans rapists and murderers. He hasn’t stopped since. The idea that he might start acting presidential is a ship that has sailed and a president that could at least act like a human being also seems too much to ask.

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On 10/27/2018 at 7:28 PM, Wilber said:

Like I said, Trump started the call from the first day when he announced he was running and called Mexicans rapists and murderers. He hasn’t stopped since. The idea that he might start acting presidential is a ship that has sailed and a president that could at least act like a human being also seems too much to ask.

You know you're lying when you say that, and then you instantly proceed to talk trash about Trump like it's no big d.

He said "they're not sending their best. They're sending their rapists, drug dealers and murderers....".

That's 100% true. People who own businesses, and doctors, engineers & lawyers etc, don't rush the border at midnight with their kids. Those people cross legally. 

Most of the people who cross illegally are unskilled and speak little or no english, and there are a lot of people crossing the border that are human traffickers, carrying drugs, prohibited guns, etc in. You might be too politically correct to speak accurately and truthfully but that's not always the best policy. 

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On 10/27/2018 at 8:04 PM, eyeball said:

So I'm the "conspiracy theorist" now eyeball? Try again. I've posted plenty here to back every claim I make here, you just make baseless accusations and insults with absolutely nothing to back you but the opinions that you were force-fed on CNN.

I can't say for certain whether you're unwittingly regurgitating lies that you heard on CNN or if you're part of the "tell the same lie enough times and it becomes truth" crowd, but either way your opinions here are completely without merit up to this point. Try posting at least one actual fact or a verifiable link one day. Amaze us all.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

You know you're lying when you say that, and then you instantly proceed to talk trash about Trump like it's no big d.

He said "they're not sending their best. They're sending their rapists, drug dealers and murderers....".

That's 100% true. People who own businesses, and doctors, engineers & lawyers etc, don't rush the border at midnight with their kids. Those people cross legally. 

Most of the people who cross illegally are unskilled and speak little or no english, and there are a lot of people crossing the border that are human traffickers, carrying drugs, prohibited guns, etc in. You might be too politically correct to speak accurately and truthfully but that's not always the best policy. 

My guess is that I have spent more time in the US southwest than Trump and the Hispanics I have come across on a daily basis are anything but the type Trump goes on about. Nice people who aren’t afraid of work are the people I see.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

So I'm the "conspiracy theorist" now eyeball?

Clearly. If you call CBC fake news and regularly post articles from Breitbart/Alex Jones/Foxnews then there's absolutely no doubt about it.  You might as well be quoting Alfred E. Newman.


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39 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Clearly. If you call CBC fake news and regularly post articles from Breitbart/Alex Jones/Foxnews then there's absolutely no doubt about it.  You might as well be quoting Alfred E. Newman.


There you go again with another insipid and dishonest post. I've made my case against the CBC, and I've never quoted Breitbart or Alex Jones. You've still never made a single valid claim against Fox News so once again your post is completely without merit or integrity. 

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