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Huma Abedin

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There were rumors and innuendoes about Huma Abedin - the right-hand person of one of the most influential and powerful figure in the world, former first lady, former Secretary of State, and possibly future President of the USA Hillary Clinton.  But they just remained dark rumours cited mostly by right-wing sites.  The most troubling is her alleged connection with the Muslim Brotherhood.  Nothing much has been reported about Huma Abedin. Main stream media has been silent.


But with latest scandal about her ex-husband Weiner (and the discovered 650,000  emails in his laptop), Huma Abedin is now in the spotlight.  



The FBI announcement comes on the heels of a report yesterday by journalist Paul Sperry, who gave new details about Abedin’s role in the email scandal.

Protective detail assigned to guard former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her two residences complained that her closest aide Huma Abedin often overrode standard security protocols during trips to the Middle East, and personally changed procedures for handling classified information, including highly sensitive intelligence briefs the CIA prepared for the president, newly released FBI documents reveal.

The security agents, who were interviewed as witnesses in the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s use of an unauthorized private email server to send classified information, complained that Abedin had unusual sway over security policies during Clinton’s 2009-2013 tenure at Foggy Bottom.

Abedin’s influence in these matters, including the revelation in Sperry’s article that “Abedin possessed much more power” over Clinton’s staff, schedule, and security than other former chiefs of staffs, is especially concerning given the links that Abedin has to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to the Muslim World League, a group that Hillary Clinton herself said in 2009 was funding terrorism.



It was only Breitbart that was covering the news when Weiner's sexting scandal broke out.  Thanks to Andrew Breitbart, his persistence had made it impossible for main stream media to ignore. 


With this current email scandal, chances are.....main stream media will also find it impossible to try to sweep Huma Abedin under the rug. 



The Daily Mail picked up on the New York Post reporting by Paul Sperry, writing:

Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin worked at a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11, it has been revealed.

Abedin, who could become the future White House chief of staff if Hillary wins the election, was assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs until as late as 2008, NY Post reports.

The aide was at the journal in 2002 when her mother Saleha Mahmood Abedin, who remains editor-in-chief to this day, published an article which appeared to blame the US for bringing the 9/11 terror attacks on itself, according to the Post.






In Part One of this series, we looked at the people and events behind the history-making first White House Ramadan dinner, held in 1996 and hosted by Hillary Clinton — an event that revealed the shocking ignorance both Bill and Hillary Clinton had about Islam, especially in the light of events such as 1993’s attack on the World Trade Center.


As we detailed in Part One, that “Eid Dinner” event was put together by an organization called the American Muslim Council that was founded and headed by a man named Abdurahman Alamoudi.

Alamoudi, who is now serving a federal prison term for funding terrorism, was a political mover and shaker with ties to not just the Clinton White House, but later to the George W. Bush White House via Republican lobbyist Grover Norquist.

In 1996, Alamoudi was a key Muslim influencer with the Clinton administration. Aside from the Eid dinner, an organization Alamoudi ran was vetting Islamic Army chaplains for the U.S. military.

Another historically significant thing happened in 1996: A 20-year-old George Washington University student named Huma Abedin landed an almost impossible-to-get White House internship.




How can someone with her background end up being a top aide of Hillary Clinton?


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17 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

I'm discussing how Human Abedin is being used as a distraction from reports of Trump's treasonous ties to Russia.


This topic is based on FACTUAL newspaper reports (Daily Mail and NY Post based on article by Sperry) about Huma Abedin.   It started with the FACTUAL newspaper report that her emails were found in Weiner's laptop.

This issue doesn't have anything to do with Trump.  The questions being raised about Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton (since she's her top aide), are all based on facts.



You can't dictate how people respond to a topic just because you don't want to talk about the truth.


I responded to your post.  However, you're trying to pursue this matter in another direction.  It will derail my topic.


Create your topic about the speculation on how Huma Abedin is being used as a distraction.

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I'm sure Bill and Hillary are happily married. No rough roads, there...no sir.

Either way, the woman's mother is a Grand Pubah in the Muslim Brotherhood. Awfully close to the American throne if they crown Hillary as planned...eh?


But, no worries...Dog is probably making it all-up.


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1 hour ago, DogOnPorch said:

The Mufti was indeed a early member of the Muslim Brotherhood under al-Banna.

Big fan of the Brothers?

The content of the emails on Weiner's computer are immaterial. Their existance has given Mr. Trump the chance to win the election. Personally, I would rather have a secretive, steely-eyed candidate win than a person with no experience and no willingness to listen to people who are smarter. 

The actual hereditary Mahdi is Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahd (aka Siddig El Fadil, aka Alexander Siddig) who played Dr. Julian Bashir on Srar Trek: Deep Space 9. 

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6 hours ago, Boges said:

Wondering why a fundamentalist Muslim that supports ISIS would marry a Jewish guy? 

She has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. When she was young she worked for radical Muslim groups with her sister and  in the media. She has never hidden her views and neither has her Muslim Brotherhood parents. . She is not a fundamentalist Muslim. She considers herself a feminist Muslim which is possible in the Muslim Brotherhood and yes she could marry anyone and still be considered loyal to her cause. Like her mother and father she is openly supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood and has strong ties to it and other Muslim nationalist views and groups. Her views and her parents views are published. She has never made any attempt to hide her views and affiliations.

Interestingly she's been accused of being a Saudi government plant but  the Muslim Brotherhood who she openly supports does not believe in Arab monarchies so there is an inherent contradiction there.

Also she's been accused of being Hilary Clinton's lesbian playmate. I doubt that myself. I have read all the rumours but she's worked for Clinton for 20 years. If anything its probably mother-daughter. Sexual intimacy and working relationships at the same time won't last 5 let  alone 20 years. But hey, I've seen hundreds of these blurbs on the two being  lovers and I don't care.

The point is she could easily have married a Jew or anyone else. Nothing in her beliefs would stop that. Or if you believe she's a spy is what better cover than marrying an idiot Jewish guy who can't keep his pants up. Makes her look like a heroine and who is the bad guy his evil sex Jewish pervert..how far you want to go with the conspiracy stories? Maybe its just a cover to have you feel sorry for a Muslim lesbian and hate Jews? Hmmmmmm?

Come on let's ditch all these damn stereotypes.

The world of politics is about all kinds of paradoxes and contradictions-people claiming one thing and doing another.

My take on this woman is she is a very proud Muslim and yes she has admitted pronounced Muslim Brotherhood views which I would disagree with but it doesn't mean she is not capable of rational discourse with anyone let alone Jews nor does it automatically make her a Saudi or any other kind of spy and no why is she a lesbian because she is Clinton's aide?

She may have some of the same views that saw prominent Muslim Brotherhood members be appointed inside Obama's White House and make a mess of his foreign policy-that worries me but her being proud of her heritage, that's not the issue. Her being Muslim or gay is not the issue. Her views are. Certain views, not all and no I am not into stereotyping her for being Muslim or gay if she was.

I think her influence could be a key factor in foreign policy yes. Some rumours have her being appointed Secretary of State. Others Clinton's Chief of Staff. Some of her views are pretty out there. Others are not. How much influence she would have remains to be seen and if she is a foreign operative that's a concern but its all inneuendo at this point.

Abedin clearly used the wrong email system when communicating with her idiot husband. This could mean she has lost immunity with the FBI over her previous testimony where she denied sending state messages on personal servers. The Wiener emails seem to suggest overlap. They also seem to suggest emails that should not have been put on a non secured line. There are supposed emails out there saying Abedin advises that there were days Hilary was confused and needed notes to remember things. Some people think some of the back and forth between Hilary and Huma may show they were intimate. Others say they were not but the emails say other compromising things.

There are thousands of emails accusing the two of being lovers. Smut. Innuendoes. However on her Muslim Brotherhood ties, that's out in the open. She was also suspect of am embezzlement and the FBI seemed to have given her a quick once over on that accusation. She has been linked to questionable payments from lobby groups. Some believe she was the dupe, the messenger, the bagman serving as the bribe broker on behalf of Hilary, 

 Hilary and Bill make hundreds of questionable deals. So has every other politician.

Right now Abedin is probably going down as a sacrificial lamb to keep Hilary in power. You won't see her the rest of the campaign.

As of today rumours abound she has made a deal with the FBI to turn on Clinton, others are saying she is going to sacrifice herself to protect Hilary and won't be able to continue as her Chief of Staff or be Sec. of State which is what she wanted.

However it ain't over until its over. People behind the scenes are involved in a  furious campaign of smeers.

My gut tells me its possible she is a Saudi operative but if she got that far and close, it was allowed. You don't get that close after all this time and its not known. So more likely she's no operative, just a genuinely assertive Muslim with some very nationalist views and the rest is Muslim lesbian fabricated horse crap by us arm sofa experts.

As for Clinton so yah she wears pants and has had her flings. Lol, Yoko Ono now has told everyone they had a fling. Clinton's been accuse of having many female lovers and being involved with Vince Foster who they believe the Clinton's ordered killed over bad real estate deals they needed to cover up. Who the hell knows. I mean you read it. Bill was a sex fiend, Hilary is supposedly a butch sex fiend who also had a boyfriend at one point, Vince Foster. Anthony Wiener is a pedophile and perverted losers sexting pictures of his wee wee and Hama Abedin has for sure two radical academic parents who are anti US in the Middle East but she herself with due respect and I say it as a Jew, hasn't done anything to automatically discredit her simply because she's Muslim and proud of that fact.

I mean as a Secretary of State she could be bias against certain countries and maybe cause a major problem with Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Putin and China like Obama did with his overt support of the Brotherhood, then again maybe she doesn't want to be anything other than Chief of Staff and maybe Clinton has her own views-no one knows yet. I think just because she's Muslim and Clinton's aide and married an idiot means she should go down, but down she's going.

Someone is going down in the next week on the Clinton side in exchange for Trump not going in. That's the deal going down. 

Looks like Hilary is being put on a short leash and it would not surprise me her next Chief of Staff is someone put in to seal a deal between her and Republicans agreeing to help her get in.


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This Muslim Brotherhood link is completely idiotic. It is based on the fact that Huma was listed as an associate editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. The journal was founded by her father (deceased - 1993) and is edited by her mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, who is a dean of a Saudi woman’s college in Jiddah. Her brother and sister are also listed as staff members for this academic journal, but how much work she puts into is highly debatable because she has worked full time in Washington for decades. Her mother probably passed her a few articles for comments. The Journal is far from radical, yes some articles with a conservative slant have made it into is as have many others. As an academic journal, it has a very small circulation generally to libraries and universities. 

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The links between Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood is not a simple matter of her having worked for a radical journal.  Huma Abedin who is a US citizen but raised in Saudi Arabia is the daughter of a man who was the  director of an academic journal, where she was a sub-editor – which regularly printed  comments and positions advocating for the Muslim Brotherhood. Its public domain. Likewise,  her mother was president of the Saudi association of female members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and worked with the wife of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. Huma Abedin’s brother Hassan works for Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the religious authority of the Brotherhood and spiritual counsellor of Al-Jazeera. So to pretend she is not liked to the Muslim Brotherhood is just plain stupid considering she has openly admitted all of the above and her sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Let’s get real about the Muslim Brotherhood connection to Obama and now Clinton of which Abedin is but one security concern.

John Podesta, the ex-General Secretary of the White House under the Presidency of Bill Clintonm was in fact appointed Congressional lobbyist for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and he is a key player in Hilary’s campaign.

Last summer (June12  2016, the official Press agency of Jordan, Petra  published an interview with the crown prince of Arabia, Mohamed Ben Salmane,  confirming he had illegally financed Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign to the tune of 20%, despite the fact that she is a woman.

As I have stated continuously, Obama’s half-brother, Abon’go Malik Obama, is the Treasurer for the Brotherhood’s missionary work in Sudan, and also the President of the Barack H. Obama Foundation and follows the direct orders of the Sudanese President, Omar el-Béchir  Bechir is an open supporter of the Brotherhood.

Mehdi K. Alhassani, a Muslim Brotherhod member was placed on the  National Security Council  from 2009 to 2012, Rashad Hussain, also a member of the Muslim Brotherhod  is  US ambassador to the Islamic Conference.  Louay M. Safi, a Muslim Brotherhood member and  current member of the Syrian National Coalition was an  ex-advisor to the Pentagon.

There are numerous articles indicating the tie in between the Muslim Brotherhood which started Hamas and Al Quaida and Obama and the Clintons. The open alliance between the Muslim Brotherhod, Erdogan, Morsi and the Sudanese leader clearly were principal players in training the Muslim militia which turned into ISIL and turned on Obama after it got rid of Ghadaffi and instead of simply proceeding next to take out Assad turned on Obama for propping a Shiite dictator in Iraq.

The  Clinton Foundationemployed Gehad el-Haddad as director of the “Climate  Project “. He is a top leader in the Brotherhood, and who was the son o f one of the co-founders of the Brotherhood,

Some claim the Muslim Brotherhood was a joint creation of the CIA-MI5 in the early 1950’s. Some claim its an organization based on the Masons, using the same organizational structure and has many Masons and elite Muslim leaders in its organization an is based on the Masons only is exclusive to Muslims and is a power network deeply entrenched with past Western governments.

The Muslim Brotherhood is an organization that mixes very nationalistic but not religious concepts of the collective Muslim identity and power. It denounces Arab monarchies as backwords and sees Iran and Shiiites as its principal enemy as it is Sunni in origination. It however has fractured relationships with the Sunni monarchies. The Brotherhood openly supports rebels against Syria along with Saudi Arabia. It assists Al Nusra thw wing of Al Quaida operating in Syria because it founded Al Quaida and Hamas. Saudi Arabia is allied with it in that regard and yet Saudi Arabia, the current military regime in Egypot, the UAE, Kuwait, and Jordan, all monarchies, are considered antiquated by the Brotherhood which wants them done away with. However because Iran is a greater threat, it holds off and is allied with Saudi Arabia in Syria, and in civil wars in Bahrain, Yemen and Iraq against the Shiites. The Muslim Brotherhood supports Al Quaida in Afghanistan and is anti Daesh-ISIL.

A current Muslim Brotherhood cell in Jordan agitates to overthrow King Abdullah.

Saudi Arabia has paid off Sunni fundamentalist cells outside the Brotherhood as well, i.e., Wahabi extremists.

 Now when one looks at the jihadist leaders in the world they often come from the Muslim Brotherhood or the Sufi Order of the Naqshbandîs – the two components of the Muslim World League, which is a Saudi anti-Arab nationalist organisation.

The complex relationship between the current Saudi government and the Muslim Brotherhood both temporarily aligned fighting ISIL  and both having created it with Morsi, Erdogan and Obama plays out.

However the picture has emerged after 8 years of Obama that at some time the CIA allied with the Muslim Brotherhood using Obama as their broker. Some say Obama is a CIA appointed puppet pushed through the ranks to facilitate that link. Some argue the CIA blew it trying to use the Muskim Brotherhood to control the Middle East and set up Muslim Brotherhood puppet states in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq.

Now what does this all have to do with Hilary and Huma?

Well technically,we now know that  instead of using one of the secured servers of the Federal State, the Secretary of State under Hilary ordered the installation of a private server in Huma Abedin’s home  to be able to use the Internet without leaving any trace on a machine belonging to the Federal State. It appears Hilary’s private technician was ordered and  voided the server before the arrival of the FBI, so that it was impossible to know why she had set up such a network but that the FBI noted that the private server was not protected by the same security system as the State Department server. So at that point he FBI knew Hilary  committed a security fault but not much else. Until some days ago when, the FBI confiscated the computer of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, the now  estranged husband of Huma Abedin, The FBI  has found e-mails from the Secretary of State on his computer meaning necessarily Human Abedin lied to the FBI previously that this was not the case and so has lost her immunity from further FBI investigations. So the question is does she protect Hilary and possibly go to jail and abandon her connection to Hilary, or does Hilary play this out because as some say she wants Abedin as her Secretary of State or Chief of Staff.

What we also know is The FBI has been at war with the CIA over the Muslim Brotherhood run of the White House and control over foreign policy.

The FBI unlike the CIA consider the Muslim Brotherhood to be a terrorist organization and therefore want all Muslim Brotherhood out of the White House starting with Abedin.

So are the materials that have come out damning in that they show a Muslim Brotherhood connection, an intimate lesbian connection, connections between Abedin and the Saudi Government and Muslim Brotherhood or other damaging smut?

Its yet to play out but we also know this Trump has under his wing many Generals within the US military network that feels it has been compromised by the CIA and Obama-Clinon-Muslim Brotherhood and want anyone but her even reluctantly Trump.

Clinton’ achilles tendon has been all along her connection to the Muslim Brotherhood let alone through Abedin. Its that connection that blew up in her and Obama’s face in Benghazi, Syria and Iraq and she’s supposed to continue the cover up after Obama goes.

Is Trump really the other elite choice of the powers behind the scene or a fluke accident?

How is it possible such an ignorant man could rise to the head of the Republican party?

What is going on behind the scenes to have liquidated any serious contender but have Hilary openly impale herself on her connections to the  questionable Muslim Brotherhood?

Is Huma Abedin innocent or a deliberate plant? Her husband we know was a Clinton puppet they were going to get in as New York Mayor as a favour. Was that so he would be Abedin’s cover to prevent both lesbian and Muslim Brotherhood gossip? Is he the wild card he unravelled it all intentionally or did the FBI set him up to fall to go after Clinton through her achilles tendon, Abedin?

Is Abedin simply a smary beautiful Muslim woman stereotyped by her parents and her job?

Its all up to speculation.

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15 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

With all that said, she's actually kinda hot!

Yes she is. Are we allowed to say that? She's got quite an academic background as well. Make no mistake

This is no step and fetch it gopher. This is her confidante and calling the shots for her.  Whoever she is she has brains and to put up with Clinton she has to be disciplined as hell. Intelligent people this close to power and related to the  Muslim Brotherhood are bound to make some peoole nervous.

Some call her the Muslim Henry Kissinger. Some believe he is to be appointed head of National Security, or the Secretary of State which is what the CIA want but the FBI and military don't want.

It could be why behind the scenes some people could be giving Clinton the message cut her if you want to be President.

Sounds like Hilary doesn't take orders from anyone though. Maybe she's fighting the power behind the scenes who have said either Huma goes or  you go..

Let's see if she ditches Huma. Being a political animal one would think she would although it may be too late at this point.

If Hilary does not ditch her I doubt she would make it past a selection process to become Sec. of State or National Security Adviser. If she did, you know the Muslim Brotherhood influence stays at the White House. Since the Saudis heavily finance Clinton's campaign and they may want Human to stay Clinton may have her hands tied and can't jettison her causing a soon to come further show down with the FBI and Justice officials even if she is elected.

O.k. I am saying this now. Doesn't surprise me if either Vice President candidate within a year is the President because whoever gets elected is going to be indicted and impeached or "die of natural causes".. Actual assassinations are too messy and risky with all the cell phones.

Donny has a heart attack, Hilary has a massive stroke.  It aint over.I believe people behind the scenes are not done quite yet and like neither.

Then I predict Jeb Bush as Vice President or Joe  Biden coming back again as Veep  Mark my words. I speak with the illiuminati daily.



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On 11/1/2016 at 3:22 AM, betsy said:

There were rumors and innuendoes about Huma Abedin - the right-hand person of one of the most influential and powerful figure in the world, former first lady, former Secretary of State, and possibly future President of the USA Hillary Clinton.  But they just remained dark rumours cited mostly by right-wing sites.  The most troubling is her alleged connection with the Muslim Brotherhood.  Nothing much has been reported about Huma Abedin. Main stream media has been silent.


But with latest scandal about her ex-husband Weiner (and the discovered 650,000  emails in his laptop), Huma Abedin is now in the spotlight.  


Not hard to figure out. Like most Canadians, Americans are asleep at the switch. The fake and phony corporate controlled media has been able to lull them to sleep for decades, and has been giving them the impression that for decades all is well in Washington. But I believe that they are starting to see the light, and may be just waking up as to how they have been getting fleeced by their corrupt political leaders all these years, thanks in part to Donald Trump.As far as Aberdin goes? Rumor has it that another one has disappeared, and has bit the dust, so to speak. According to the internet when Hillary doesn't like you, Watch out.  



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This video by Anonymous gives a very simple, detailed explanations about Huma Abedin, and her ties to terrorist group and Saudi Arabia. 

This video also provides an instruction how you can google sources and check out the facts yourself.





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7 hours ago, betsy said:

This video


All this video does is show that the Muslim World League in London happens to share a postal address with Abedin's mother's journal. If the Muslim World League is a terrorist organization, then why do the British government and intelligence communities allow it a prominent location in London? This is the kind of crap that is being spread, and the unthinking just swallow it up.  The journal itself is a small circulation academic publication that looks at Muslim minorities living in non-Muslim societies, and has a wide range of peer reviewed articles; calling it a radical Islamist propaganda publication is ridiculous. 

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54 minutes ago, ?Impact said:


All this video does is show that the Muslim World League in London happens to share a postal address with Abedin's mother's journal. If the Muslim World League is a terrorist organization, then why do the British government and intelligence communities allow it a prominent location in London? This is the kind of crap that is being spread, and the unthinking just swallow it up.  The journal itself is a small circulation academic publication that looks at Muslim minorities living in non-Muslim societies, and has a wide range of peer reviewed articles; calling it a radical Islamist propaganda publication is ridiculous. 


Ask the British government!  Apparently, some countries do list Muslim World League as a terror organization.  Why are we surprised that there would be attempts to white wash the connections?  Just like this article below that's meant to dismiss the whole thing, and yet the author also said:



Meanwhile, Abedin’s mother founded an aid organization in the 1990s called the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child, which at one point was said to be affiliated with International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief. IICDR was banned in Israel years later for allegedly supporting Hamas, a Palestinian offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, under the auspices of yet another group, the Union of Good. The Union of Good was designated by Treasury in 2008 for aiding a terrorist organization.



There are just too many "coincidences" with Huma Abedin when it comes to terrorist organizations.

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My best friend in High School is now a Roman Catholic Priest. A member of my team at work was sympathetic to the military wing of the Roman Catholic Church. Does that mean I am a radical papist terrorist? 

This crap reminds me of the McCarthy witch hunts. There is no difference between some one who hates Muslims and some one who hates Jews or Americans. A Nazi is a Nazi is a Nazi.

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16 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

My best friend in High School is now a Roman Catholic Priest. A member of my team at work was sympathetic to the military wing of the Roman Catholic Church. Does that mean I am a radical papist terrorist? 


That alone?  No.


But when you have more than one "coincidences" that puts you in the circle of terrorist financiers, and organizations.......of course you become a "person of interest."




This crap reminds me of the McCarthy witch hunts. There is no difference between some one who hates Muslims and some one who hates Jews or Americans. A Nazi is a Nazi is a Nazi.

Only when you end up securing a top-aide position to the Secretary of State in just 2 years......and only when you're likely to  hold a position of high power in government. 

That's the difference here.

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