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Soldiers of Odin - Good idea or trouble brewing?


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In case you haven't heard of them, the Soldiers of Odin are a group that started in Finland in 2015, in response to Finland's acceptance of thousands of refugees. It's stated purpose is to protect everyone, but especially women, from criminal immigrants, but also to help everyone regardless of their ethnic background. Mike Ranta, the founder, has a criminal conviction for a racially-motivated assault, is a self-proclaimed neo-nazi and a member of the far-right organization The Finnish Resistance Movement. Many of the higher ranking members also support neo-nazism and white supremacist ideologies. They claim these views are not shared by all members of the organization. Their private Facebook page has some pretty disturbing elements. Still, other than a false claim made by one of their members, they don't seem to have done anything to attract police investigation.

A chapter has opened up in both Hamilton and Edmonton. The Edmonton group's mission, according to Joel Angott, is to ensure safety for everyone, observe and report problems, and he says that the group supports multiculturalism and sustainable immigration. (Edited to remove incorrect link).

So, are these groups as innocuous as they claim? Do they represent and protect Canadian Values? Do we need such groups in Canada?

Edited by dialamah
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I imagine they just want to wear cool T-shirts.

Like you say, there's some dodgy stuff on the Facebook page, but I loved the picture about keeping religion away from children.

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I welcome more overtly racist conservatives in Canada, Canadians need more examples of who the real trouble-makers are in the world.

I just wish there were more lefty groups willing to get in the face of conservatives in similar fashion.

Lefty's are too wimpy to form groups and patrol against the clear and present danger of conservatism in Canada, I think. Not to mention, they are probably home smoking dope they bought with the free government hand-outs they voted for. Although, given all the work the conservatives must do to support the lefty contingent, I'm surprised they have time to patrol streets to keep us safe from the Conservative Muslim Horde.

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I just wish there were more lefty groups willing to get in the face of conservatives in similar fashion.

Isn't that just what we're doing on here every time we show disgust and contempt for barbaric religious and cultural practices?

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Importing so called hate groups is a Canadian value, as it has been going on for a long time. Plus there is no shortage of legacy "hate" policies that were/are home grown. Definitely a strong Canadian value given historical empirical data.

Can't say I entirely disagree. But still a lot better here than in the US. Heck, if I had to choose between a Muslim and a Republican, I'd take the Muslim every single time. :P

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OMG the parrallels are so obvious, im overcome by the realizations of the errors of my ways! WOE

This post should be locked, its a troll, others have been locked for much less.

Actually it's not troll post. If you read the comments beneath the stories and web pages, there seems to be a lot of support for these groups. It's mainly the authorities who seem to think they might be on the way to becoming violent, as well as some particular left-wing group. I thought I'd get some conversation going here about it.

Sometimes a post is just a post, even if someone you don't agree with posts it. :)

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Can't say I entirely disagree. But still a lot better here than in the US. Heck, if I had to choose between a Muslim and a Republican, I'd take the Muslim every single time. :P

As a loyal Canadian, this relentless sense of self righteous smugness that continually emerges always makes me throw up a bit in my mouth. And it is almost always in the context of pretending we are better than Americans.

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People who join street-patrols observing peace often tend to be themselves far from being peace-loving types of people.

Maybe they'll get bored and go away ...


Operating in a structure very similar to a motorcycle club, the group has opened chapters in Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, British Columbia, and possibly more in the past two months.


In the club's Canadian charter, they explain its reasoning for forming in the great white north:

"Between the allowing of illegal aliens into this country and giving them the ability to vote and drive, accepting refugees from countries that hate us while Canadians are on the streets, releasing confirmed terrorists back to their organizations to cause more harm against Canada, and demonizing anything that has to do with European Culture to try and create racial tensions to turn citizens on one another; we as Soldiers Of Odin realize that it is time to take back our streets, provinces, and country."

How noble.

Now we have to take back the streets from them.?


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"Between the allowing of illegal aliens into this country and giving them the ability to vote and drive, accepting refugees from countries that hate us while Canadians are on the streets, releasing confirmed terrorists back to their organizations to cause more harm against Canada, and demonizing anything that has to do with European Culture to try and create racial tensions to turn citizens on one another; we as Soldiers Of Odin realize that it is time to take back our streets, provinces, and country."

In the abstract, that's not a bad premise at all. That's a strong sense of community that they are expressing. The issue begins when one tries to define what "take back" means. How will they behave in carrying out that objective?

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In the abstract, that's not a bad premise at all.

Yes, we can't be allowing immigrants ("illegal aliens"??) to "vote and drive" !

Good grief!


That's a strong sense of community that they are expressing.

Not my community. ?

The issue begins when one tries to define what "take back" means. How will they behave in carrying out that objective?

They're not taking my street back.

Does your street need taking back Bryan?

Where are these mythical streets that need taking back?


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So, are these groups as innocuous as they claim? Do they represent and protect Canadian Values?

We don't know.

Do we need such groups in Canada?

It's not a matter of whether we need them or not.

There will be groups such as those that respond to surge of refugees! It's inevitable.

To protect one's own interest, is only natural. Look at Calais right now.

Calais blockade: Protest targets migrant Jungle camp


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Importing so called hate groups is a Canadian value, as it has been going on for a long time.

Frederick Douglass found out long ago that we don't need to import racism. It's been a part of Canadian culture for centuries. In fact, when he returned to the United States he criticized Canadian racism because it was much more insidious than American racism. At least in the United States the racists are overt and proud of their racism. In Canada, they pretend they're not racist, despite treating black people and foreigners like crap. In this way, Canadian racism could be seen as much worse than racism in the United States. It's the same reason David Duke, leader of the KKK, is getting more support from the black community in his campaign race than Donald Trump is getting in his. Trump's racism is seen as more vile because he's a racist who pretends he isn't or is too stupid to see that he is.

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