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Canadian Immigration

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Can Canada have a definable culture?  Eastern Canada has been around for 150 years or so, but here in Calgary at year 1900 there were four thousand people and a wooden fort here (Fort Calgary)

I mean sure, of course there is some early British influence mixed with native, but to say that that wooden fort somehow defines all Canadians seems a little off - especially considering the vast majority of us are all immigrants.  I think the most defining culture that Canada has is that we are far too young to have a definable culture.

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4 hours ago, ZenOps said:

Can Canada have a definable culture?

Yes. Clearly. A culture is the overall generalized collection of values, beliefs, traditions and shared history of a people.

It is that culture which makes things so peaceful in Canada compared to, for example, Pakistan or India.

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11 hours ago, taxme said:

Is it time that we thought about changing our present day pro-third world immigration policy, and reverse that policy.

I agree, though not for any of the reasons you want it. I think we can, because of economic and political circumstances in certain European countries, get more than enough immigrants from Europe. And I think European immigrants are preferable to others because they perform better economically, and because the cultural mix will be better.

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WASPS (white Anglo-Saxon Protestants) are an endangered species in Canada.  There may be many Orthodox, Catholics and others who agree with WASPS and actually form a kind of coalition to support the idea of defending a Canadian culture from the onslaught of those from other parts of world who oppose our culture and traditions.  I believe it has historically been known as a Judeo-Christian culture.  It is the western culture which was brought to North America from Europe starting around 500 years ago.  It has been falling off the tracks in the last 100 years because of pressures of various sorts, including the liberal ideology of "multiculturalism".  Multiculturalism has been a failed experiment in some ways.  One need only look at the mess in Europe to realize that.  One does not have to be a Jew or Christian to still believe in the Judeo-Christian culture as the basis of our western culture and democracy. 

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

 I believe it has historically been known as a Judeo-Christian culture.   

Historically ?  That is a pretty recent term, as I notice.  I really started seeing it after 9/11 as a way to put a fence around people we aren't discriminating against today, this week, this year...

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4 hours ago, blackbird said:

WASPS (white Anglo-Saxon Protestants) are an endangered species in Canada.  There may be many Orthodox, Catholics and others who agree with WASPS and actually form a kind of coalition to support the idea of defending a Canadian culture from the onslaught of those from other parts of world who oppose our culture and traditions.  I believe it has historically been known as a Judeo-Christian culture.  It is the western culture which was brought to North America from Europe starting around 500 years ago.  It has been falling off the tracks in the last 100 years because of pressures of various sorts, including the liberal ideology of "multiculturalism".  Multiculturalism has been a failed experiment in some ways.  One need only look at the mess in Europe to realize that.  One does not have to be a Jew or Christian to still believe in the Judeo-Christian culture as the basis of our western culture and democracy. 

According to a book I read many many decades ago called "Bilingual Today, French Tomorrow" is coming true. The book was written by a man by the name of Andrews, I cannot recall his first name. In the book it was explained how trudeau, and other franco ministers in his liberal cabinet were planning on trying to turn Canada into a french speaking nation. Although Canada has not become a truly bilingual country as they would have liked it to become but they did allow quebec to declare itself unilingual where the francos would be able to protect their language and culture while the WASP'S would lose theirs thru the implementation of multiculturalism. Although the francos have not yet succeeded in doing what they have set out to do but they still continually try to push french down the throats of the rest of the Anglophones in the rest of the provinces. The francos have pretty much taken over Ottawa just by their numbers. Many government jobs are now bilingual making it very difficult for Anglos outside of Ottawa to work in Ottawa. All ministers that have been given posts in any cabinet pretty much now has to speak french. So far from what I had read in that book has pretty much come to pass. 

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Historically ?  That is a pretty recent term, as I notice.  I really started seeing it after 9/11 as a way to put a fence around people we aren't discriminating against today, this week, this year...


I don't know if it is a recent term.  Part of Europe belonged to the Holy Roman Empire since about 300 A.D.  Northern parts were considered as barbaric germanic tribes and were eventually conquered by the Holy Roman Empire. There were pockets of Jews scattered around Europe as well.   Europe was mainly Roman Catholic with some Jews for much of the last 1000 years or more.  Islam conquered in the 7 to 10 th centuries North Africa, and the Middle East.  Islam conquered Spain and tried to conquer France but was eventually driven back out of Spain completely.   So the western world was in fact Judeo-Christian.  I don't know how old that term was.  Perhaps not that old, but the western world was nominally Christian with some Jews.

When Europeans immigrated to North America they took that culture with them.  It was only in the last century or less that immigrants arrived from places outside Europe in large numbers and it became a policy to bring large numbers of immigrants from Asia and other places.  A number of Chinese were brought in around the 1880s to build the Canadian Pacific Railway through the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific. 


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According to website Immigration Watch Canada, at this moment for the year 2017 it has cost the Canadian taxpayer's $10,958,676,619.58. Your tax dollars at work. Just wanted to let you all know how much of your tax dollars are being blown on immigration today. Enjoy.  :)

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Well the Australian government has decided to impose a values test on new immigrants. Facing rising support for nationalist parties Australian PM Turnbull decided that, unlike European governments, he was going to pay attention to the anger at all the new 'others' coming into Australia, and make it a little harder to qualify. Now to become a citizen you'll have to spend four years in Australia (the left wing labour party had reduced it to just one), pass a values test which requires demonstrating your efforts to assimilate, and have a superior command of English. By contrast, of course, European parties, and the Democrats in the US, completely ignored such sentiments as beneath their notice, thus leading to the rise of the far right, and the ascent of Donald Trump.

Canadian political parties and the national media continue to march in lockstep, fully and enthusiastically supporting open immigration, rejecting any kind of screening, and embracing Islam without reservation. Canadians on the other hand, are far and away less enthusiastic. Should the Liberals ever bring in a real proportionate rep electoral system you would quickly find a new anti-immigration party rising in Canada too. 


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4 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Trudeau fumbled the question of unlimited immigration to Canada today on Bloomberg TV, and joked that some people always threaten to move to Canada after elections, but rarely do.   The interviewer suggested that some Canadians did the same thing when Trudeau won office.



In my opinion trudeau should be booted out as PM. Reason being that he is the person responsible for all this illegal criminal nonsense going on by him inviting these illegals too come to Canada if America does not want you. It would appear that they are taking him up on his offer. They appear to be flying all the way from countries like Somalia by way of America to gain illegal entrance into Canada. 

On the BCTV news this morning they reported that there was 700 illegal crossings in February, and another 900 in March. We have not even hit summer yet. Thanks trudeau for making a mockery of our immigration system. You pretty much have made yourself an accomplice in these criminal actions being committed by illegals by your telling the rest of the world to sneak right on in, and we will welcome you with open arms. This PM is a joke. :o

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4 hours ago, Argus said:

Well the Australian government has decided to impose a values test on new immigrants. Facing rising support for nationalist parties Australian PM Turnbull decided that, unlike European governments, he was going to pay attention to the anger at all the new 'others' coming into Australia, and make it a little harder to qualify. Now to become a citizen you'll have to spend four years in Australia (the left wing labour party had reduced it to just one), pass a values test which requires demonstrating your efforts to assimilate, and have a superior command of English. By contrast, of course, European parties, and the Democrats in the US, completely ignored such sentiments as beneath their notice, thus leading to the rise of the far right, and the ascent of Donald Trump.

Canadian political parties and the national media continue to march in lockstep, fully and enthusiastically supporting open immigration, rejecting any kind of screening, and embracing Islam without reservation. Canadians on the other hand, are far and away less enthusiastic. Should the Liberals ever bring in a real proportionate rep electoral system you would quickly find a new anti-immigration party rising in Canada too. 


I guess that we will just have to wait until this PM, and his political henchmen is out of office, hopefully by the next election. The Australian PM was forced to do something that he no doubt did not want to have too. He started to fear the rise of the anti-immigration people of Australia, so he had no choice. But whatever he is doing now is the right way to go to force new immigrants to assimilate, not dis-assimilate.

I cannot believe that all one needed to become a citizen is to put in one year of living in Australia. This just shows just how much those liberal left wing crazies think about or could care about becoming a citizen of Australia. This has allowed those new immigrants to pretty much not even have to worry about assimilating. Get their year in of probation, and that is it. Be multicultural, and not become an Australian. Will we ever see the day when Canada finally does decide to follow Australia? We will not know until the next federal election. But by then it may be too late for Canada at the rate that the rest of the world is being criminally allowed in. 

Our political parties and the media are complicit and tied together in this criminal illegal invasion of Canada. They have no problem showing contempt and hatred towards any Canadian who dares to question Canada's immigration policy. As if those Canadians have no right to speak or question whatever the government decides what it thinks is good for Canadians. The only politician that at least says that she wants to do something about it is conservative candidate Kellie Leitch. The rest are all mum on immigration. We may need to have an anti-immigration party come forward to stop all this criminal illegal immigration ridiculous nonsense going on. 

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On 4/20/2017 at 10:49 AM, Argus said:

Canadian political parties and the national media continue to march in lockstep, fully and enthusiastically supporting open immigration, rejecting any kind of screening, and embracing Islam without reservation.

None of that is true. 

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On 4/12/2017 at 1:23 PM, Argus said:

Yes. Clearly. A culture is the overall generalized collection of values, beliefs, traditions and shared history of a people.

It is that culture which makes things so peaceful in Canada compared to, for example, Pakistan or India.

You know you are fabricating, yet you continue to fabricate. Canada is peaceful because it doesn't have the USA committing vicious acts of terrorism, war crimes, it isn't murdering, poisoning, "shaking and baking", your kith and kin, causing birth defect, saturation bombing, napalming, ... . 

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21 hours ago, dre said:

LOL, yeah... 

Then why the cover up? Why have the RCMP and the media stopped reporting on how many of these illegal criminals are entering Canada? 

So far for 2017 10 billion tax dollars have blown on legal and illegal immigration. By the years end who knows how much it is going to cost the Canadian taxpayer's? And you think that this is alright?  No wonder Canada is in trouble with attitudes like "LOL, yeah? 

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How can there be illegal immigrants in Canada anyway? Is it because there is a new boss in the neighbouring country directing the flow elsewhere as that is the only way those illegal immigrants can possibly enter Canada?

Namely, they are unlikely to come from the North-Pole nor Russia nor crossing the Atlantic on rickety boats is as easy as crossing the Mediterraneann

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2 hours ago, hot enough said:

You know you are fabricating, yet you continue to fabricate. Canada is peaceful because it doesn't have the USA committing vicious acts of terrorism, war crimes, it isn't murdering, poisoning, "shaking and baking", your kith and kin, causing birth defect, saturation bombing, napalming, ... . 

It is Canadian culture that is in trouble here in Canada. It is not fabrication. Why bring up America? Be thankful that they are not invading and bombing Canada. 

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1 minute ago, -TSS- said:

How can there be illegal immigrants in Canada anyway? Is it because there is a new boss in the neighbouring country directing the flow elsewhere as that is the only way those illegal immigrants can possibly enter Canada?

Namely, they are unlikely to come from the North-Pole nor Russia nor crossing the Atlantic on rickety boats is as easy as crossing the Mediterraneann

There have been illegals in Canada for decades. They come on work visas or student visas or visitor visas and simply don't leave. Or they come as refugees, their claims are denied, and they disappear into the woodwork.

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On 4/12/2017 at 7:34 AM, ZenOps said:

Can Canada have a definable culture?  Eastern Canada has been around for 150 years or so, but here in Calgary at year 1900 there were four thousand people and a wooden fort here (Fort Calgary)

I mean sure, of course there is some early British influence mixed with native, but to say that that wooden fort somehow defines all Canadians seems a little off - especially considering the vast majority of us are all immigrants.  I think the most defining culture that Canada has is that we are far too young to have a definable culture.

Canada pretty much had a British/Waspish culture about it that worked very well for centuries until papa trudeau came along, and then he started to change all that, and now we are being forced to learn and accept every other culture and tradition on earth thanks to that francophone destroyer. Quebec has been a disaster for Canada, and still is.   

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