Moonlight Graham Posted September 5, 2016 Report Posted September 5, 2016 Can you refer me to a mainstream source on that? Are you kidding me? Quote "All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.
Rue Posted September 5, 2016 Report Posted September 5, 2016 So the Jews have no right to the land of, what is now, Israel? Your conclusion is based on your not understanding the legal doctrine of possession, the legal doctrine of sovereignty and the history of how Israeli came about. The fact that the doctrine of possession is the primary legal issue involved in determining sovereignty over land does not mean Israel would not have a legal right to land on what is now Israel. You want to come on this board and misrepresent and not take the time to understand the law you think you understand. Don't choose to project on me an ignorance of the law to misstate what I believe. I will again repeat the legal status leading up to the creation of Israel in 1949 and the creation of settlements on the West Bank in this post and in the one after because you choose to deliberately misstate the law of possession and sovereignty provide you sites. It will then be your decision to ignore what I write and continue to make false statements and play the game its too long to read. I provide 32 historic references anyone can corroborate on their own: 1.Prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1949 in what is referred to as pre-1967 Israel or the green line, there was no “Palestinian” Arab state to the west of the Jordan River. 2. Britain violated its mandate given to it by the League of Nations to create a Jewish homeland and took 90% of the geographic area known as Palestine and turned it into a Jewish free Muslim Palestinian state. 3. There was never any Palestinian nation or homeland, only a geographic regional term derived from Greek and Roman occupations referring to the land of Phillistines. 4. At the San Remo Conference in 1920, the Supreme Council of Principal Allied Powers determined that Palestine would be entrusted to Britain as a mandate and that “the Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” 5. That mandate is public domain. So are the memoirs of Winston Churchill placed in charge of implementing that mandate and who admitted Britain deliberately violated the mandate and lied to get it. He stated in his memoirs that Britain owed Arab leaders a favour for defeating toe the Ottoman’s in WW1 and agreed to sabotage the mandate and assure no Jewish state came about. This is why he illegally created Jordan, then flooded the area with non Palestinian Muslims through an immigration policy that paid Muslims to settle in Palestine. 6. The Preamble to the Mandate Document states explicitly that it is based on international recognition: “Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine, and to the grounds for reconstituting their National Home in that country.” 7.Article 2 of the Mandate stated that Britain was responsible for “placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home [in Palestine]”. 8. Article 6 required the Mandatory to “facilitate Jewish immigration . . . and encourage . . . close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes”. 9. Article 7 made Britain “responsible for enacting a nationality law. . . framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine”. 10.Article 11 required the Administration of Palestine to “introduce a land system . . . having regard . . . to the desirability of promoting the close settlement and intensive cultivation of the land”. 11. The Palestine Mandate made no mention of Arab national rights in Palestine. Regarding the non-Jewish population in general, it provides that “nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities”(second paragraph of the Preamble and Article 2 of the Mandate Document). 12. The Mandate made no reference to the political rights of the non-Jewish population. 13. The United Nations Partition Resolution of 29 November 1947 (General Assembly Resolution 181(II)), recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state linked in an economic union, with a special international regime for the City of Jerusalem as a corpus separatum. 14. In fact the above proposed resolution ignored that Britain illegally created a Palestinian state in Jordan for Muslims only and engaged in a new suggestion Jews agree to settle in less than 6% of the remaining Palestine. 15. That resolution which ironically Jews would have been forced to accept given their situation after WW2 was NEVER implemented because it was rejected by all the Arab nations not the Jews. 16. On 15 May 1948, the date of declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel, the provisional Israeli government sent a telegram to the UN Secretary General stating its willingness to sign the declaration and the aforementioned obligations.21 The Arab nations rejected the proposal outright and declared war to rid the Middle East of Jews. 17. Try as the anti Israelis might on this board to change and revise history to ignore the above it is public domain, it is fact and no it does not magically vanish. No Palestine was not simply where pre 1967 Israel and the West Bank were. Never. 18. To this day the Arab League of Nations does not and will not under any circumstance recognize a Jewish state in Israel, only a majority Muslim one. 19. To this day the Charters of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Authority and over 400 other terror cells state in their charter that they will us terror, violence and any means necessary against Jews worldwide and for that matter anyone they define as supporting Israel, until the nation of Israel, Jordan and the West Bank are turned into a Jew free Muslim state. 20. Article 9 of the Palestine National Charter of 1968 determines that “armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.” 21. That same charter in Art. 19 and that “the Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate, and everything that has been based on them, are deemed null and void” . 22. The Palestinian charter defines in Art. 6 that “the Jews who had normally resided in Palestine until the beginning of the Zionist invasion” are considered Palestinians” but in a Palestinian state would be dhimmi since the Palestinian state would be Muslim, i.e., they could not own land or have the same legal rights as Muslims. It also further defines Muslims as any Arab national (anyone claiming to be Muslim) who, until 1947, normally resided in Palestine regardless of whether they were evicted from it or stayed there and then goes further and also includes anyone born, after that date, of a Palestinian father – whether in Palestine or outside it according to Art. 5. 23. The Palestinian Authority has stated it will not test the above definition, i.e,., any Muslim claiming to be a descendant of a Palestinian Muslim is one. This means in fact Muslims who travelled to Palestine and were not Palestinians and in fact stole land from or illegally squatted and took land from Palestinian Muslims are now considered Palestinian but if a Jew came from outside Palestine, no they are not. 24. To this day it is the position of the PA that it will not recognize Israel until any Muslim claiming to be Palestinian, with NO TEST, is allowed to be granted citizenship in Israel and be given land that today is owned by Jews of Israel. 25. Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 are quoted by the Palestinian terrorists and PA as their legal mandate to create a Palestinian state. Those resolutions are not legally binding and nothing in them mandates the establishment of a separate Arab state in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as they claim but this fiction continues. 26. Under Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations and in international law, the state of Israel has the right to defend itself. When it went into the West Bank in 1967 that land had been annexed by Jordan and was considered part of the Palestiian state of Jordan. It was only after the Black Sabbath uprising and Arafat failed to seize Jordan for himself from King Hussein, Jordan left the West Bank and Arafat was exiled to Tunisia. 27. Not withstanding the above Hussein massed troops in the West Bank leading up to the 1967 war and Israel defeated the Arab League of Nations again in 1967 after another war to try dissolve Israel. That is when Israel went into the West Bank, tracking down the Jordanian Army who surrendered and went back to Jordan leaving Palestinian terror cells operating at will and attacking Israel requiring Israel set up a series of outposts to serve as tracking posts for the movement of terrorists. 28. Those tracking cells then grew into settlements. 29. The land of the West Bank has never been part of a foreign nation and Jordan which seized it at one point has made it clear they have no interest in it. 30. To this day the Palestinian position remains that Israel occupied a Palestinian nation. Palestine never existed as a nation. In fact the very same Palestinian terror cells who refer to themselves as a nation prior to the war and Black Sabbath uprisings of 1967 ridiculed the name Palestinian or the concept of being a Palestinian national. That term is now used to mean all Muslims on the West Bank who believe Jordan and Israel are BOTH illegal states and must be returned to them to form a Muslim nation on the West Bank. 31. That position is the stated one repeated daily by all Palestinian terror cells and politicians of the supposed political wings of Hamas and the PA.. Lets state it to be crystal clear, the position states anyone calling themselves a Palestinian is entitled to the right of return to the Land of Israel, west of the Jordan river and for that matter, Jordan East of the river. 32. The conflict deals with two current sovereign nations, Jordan and Israel. Neither is going to agree to disappear. This means until Palestinians agree to recognize both states, one as an already existing Palestinian state for Muslims and one for Jews, the myth continues that Jews stole land from them when if anything Britain and the Arab League of Nations conspired and then were assisted by Nazi Germany and then later the Soviet Union into continuing with this bull sheeyit myth that Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia were not created by the British and French as colonial puppet states but Israel came about because it refused to be a puppet state of any of the above. Based on the above it has always been my contention we can not undo the past and the only possible way to achieve peace is a new peace agreement where Palestinian terrorists disarm, a second Palestinian state be created on the West Bank and then form a common market with Israel and Jordan to enable travel and free trade among expedited borders and joint projects providing water, food, oil, jobs. The above can not come about until such time as Palestinian terrorists disband and stop pursuing their violent war to take back Jordan and Israel and hold their own people captive. It is my position that Israel under international law has the right to defend itself and it would be suicidal for it to withdraw from the West Bank until terrorists disarm and agree to recognize Israel as a JEWISH state. It is my position that Mr. Abbas is a terrorist, an anti semite and no different in position and dishonesty and violence then Hamas. It is my position Hamas is fueled and financed by the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran both enemies of each other and both looking to create a puppet Muslim Palestinian state they can control. It is my position Saudi Arabia for years financed Palestinian Terrorists s did Iran but now has pulled back because of Iran's participation. It is my position that it is an out and out lie, to pretend the conflict on the West Bank is only caused by Jews living there. It is my position that if Palestinians want Jews pulled out of the West Bank, they have to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, give up this idiotic notion anyone calling themselves a Palestinian should be granted Israeli citizenship and given land. It is my position the Arab League of Nation created the Palestinian issue by refusing to concede 5% of Palestine to a Jewish state, then deliberately imprisoned Palestinians in refuge camps and told the world they would keep them hostage for generations until Israel was undone as a Jewish state. It is my position the Arab League has used Palestinians, to this day treats them as inferior garbage and refuses them citizenship. It is my position Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Jews, all may have historic rights to the Middle East and that it is absolutely bull sheeyit and discriminatory to pretend any Muslim in the Middle East who went to Palestine is, but any Jew who did is not. Quote I come to you to hell.
Rue Posted September 5, 2016 Report Posted September 5, 2016 It is my position that Israeli Jews have as much historic right to claim land on the West Bank as any Palestinian Christian or Muslim and to suggest otherwise is bigoted drivel. It is my position the majority of land titles now on the West Bank claimed by Muslims can not be proven because Arafat blew up the land titles office to hide the fact that most of today's Palestinians on the land and who claim to have title were and are holding fraudulent documents and stole it from actual Palestinian Muslims and Israel is used as a convenient excuse to avoid dealing with that. It is my position that the solution to remove Jews from settlements would be based on political good will NOT law. It is my position Israel has no legal obligation to withdraw to dangerous borders and never did. It is my position that the Palestinian nation if it does come about to expect Jews to leave the West Bank would have to renounce any notion of law of return to Israel for Palestinians. It is my position that the people on this board claiming to pose as experts on the West Bank have not a clue what the land title laws of Israel, the West Bank and Jordan are, have no clue what the law of sovereignty is, and have not a friggin clue that when anyone lives on a land for more than a certain period of time without interruption, they gain right to claim ownership to that land and that causes more conflicts between Muslims on the West Bank then it does Jews and Muslims. Quote I come to you to hell.
Rue Posted September 5, 2016 Report Posted September 5, 2016 I am not here Marcus to take people who refuse to research the law and can not understand the doctrine of legal possession and sovwreignty and t ry educate them particularly when their raison d'etre on this board is to ridicule Western law. However the concept Bush Chaney was referring to can be found by anyone interested: Quote I come to you to hell.
herples Posted September 5, 2016 Report Posted September 5, 2016 It is my position that Israeli Jews have as much historic right to claim land on the West Bank as any Palestinian Christian or Muslim and to suggest otherwise is bigoted drivel. It is my position the majority of land titles now on the West Bank claimed by Muslims can not be proven because Arafat blew up the land titles office to hide the fact that most of today's Palestinians on the land and who claim to have title were and are holding fraudulent documents and stole it from actual Palestinian Muslims and Israel is used as a convenient excuse to avoid dealing with that. It is my position that the solution to remove Jews from settlements would be based on political good will NOT law. It is my position Israel has no legal obligation to withdraw to dangerous borders and never did. It is my position that the Palestinian nation if it does come about to expect Jews to leave the West Bank would have to renounce any notion of law of return to Israel for Palestinians. It is my position that the people on this board claiming to pose as experts on the West Bank have not a clue what the land title laws of Israel, the West Bank and Jordan are, have no clue what the law of sovereignty is, and have not a friggin clue that when anyone lives on a land for more than a certain period of time without interruption, they gain right to claim ownership to that land and that causes more conflicts between Muslims on the West Bank then it does Jews and Muslims. 1. Israel doesn't have a special right to land over anyone else. There is no right to land for anyone anywhere. 2. Muslim Palestinians stole land from real Muslim Palestinians? 3. The settlements are not legal and have been asked to halt their expansion 4. What do you mean with this statement? 5. If Palestine became a nation the law of return wouldn't matter since as a nation they are free to accept anyone they wish. Quote
jbg Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 I am not here Marcus to take people who refuse to research the law and can not understand the doctrine of legal possession and sovwreignty and t ry educate them particularly when their raison d'etre on this board is to ridicule Western law. However the concept Bush Chaney was referring to can be found by anyone interested: Those kind of people will support any system or result that subjugates the Jews. Quote Free speech: "You can say what you want, but I don't have to lend you my megaphone." Always remember that when you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and when you are in the wrong you cannot afford to lose it. - J.J. Reynolds. Will the steps anyone is proposing to fight "climate change" reduce a single temperature, by a single degree, at a single location? The mantra of "world opinion" or the views of the "international community" betrays flabby and weak reasoning (link).
PIK Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 Israel is slowly becoming everyone's friend, especially with ISIS on the run. The Arabs know if Israel gets into the fight, their will be no gloves on. Quote Toronto, like a roach motel in the middle of a pretty living room.
marcus Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 Your conclusion is based on In 1885, only 8% of the population of Palestine were Jewish. The rest were Arabs. These Jews and Arabs lived in peace. This, until the mass Zionist immigration from mostly European countries. You can try to twist and turn in order the avoid dealing with the above fact and the fact that people were driven and forced out to make room for another group of people from another land, by the colonialists who decided, amongst themselves, that it's okay to divide the Middle East and Africa between themselves. And to implant people from another part of the world and displace the inhabitants. Because of the above, there is a conflict. You can't just go into a land, displace another group of people and expect them to just accept them. Quote "What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.
bush_cheney2004 Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 ....Because of the above, there is a conflict. You can't just go into a land, displace another group of people and expect them to just accept them. Unless that land is in North America, right ? Israel uses "war crimes" while Canada uses "crown crimes" ? Quote Economics trumps Virtue.
herples Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 Unless that land is in North America, right ? Israel uses "war crimes" while Canada uses "crown crimes" ? It is a fatal flaw to look at historical situations like North America through the lens of 21st century morality. Quote
bush_cheney2004 Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 It is a fatal flaw to look at historical situations like North America through the lens of 21st century morality. But it is not historical...Israel's "war crimes" can be evaluated in real time compared to the present actions and policies of North American and other nations. Quote Economics trumps Virtue.
marcus Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 Unless that land is in North America, right ? Israel uses "war crimes" while Canada uses "crown crimes" ? How many times do we need to go over this? Canada, is in no way treating the natives that Israel is treating the Palestinians. Canada has acknowledged its past behaviour and even though it's far from perfect, they are trying to resolve the issue. You want to keep comparing the past to the present, in order to excuse the present, go for it. Next thing, you'll start excusing slavery because it was done in the past. Quote "What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.
DogOnPorch Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 Here's a recent article on Zionist medical experiments on children. Apparently a major landmark was crossed in these Zionist medical experiments. Quote Nothing cracks a turtle like Leon Uris.
bush_cheney2004 Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 (edited) How many times do we need to go over this? Canada, is in no way treating the natives that Israel is treating the Palestinians. Canada has acknowledged its past behaviour and even though it's far from perfect, they are trying to resolve the issue. Canada still has many unsettled land claims. Most of British Columbia was never ceded by treaty. Resource extraction and pollution continue to this day. The impact of racist "Residential Schools" is still being felt. The behaviour is not just in the "past", so lecturing Israel about "war crimes" on occupied territory rings hollow. You want to keep comparing the past to the present, in order to excuse the present, go for it. Next thing, you'll start excusing slavery because it was done in the past. Those who insist on holding Israel to a "war crimes" double standard should accept their own obvious and well deserved criticism. Edited September 6, 2016 by bush_cheney2004 Quote Economics trumps Virtue.
Rue Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 (edited) In 1885, only 8% of the population of Palestine were Jewish. The rest were Arabs. These Jews and Arabs lived in peace. This, until the mass Zionist immigration from mostly European countries. You can try to twist and turn in order the avoid dealing with the above fact and the fact that people were driven and forced out to make room for another group of people from another land, by the colonialists who decided, amongst themselves, that it's okay to divide the Middle East and Africa between themselves. And to implant people from another part of the world and displace the inhabitants. Because of the above, there is a conflict. You can't just go into a land, displace another group of people and expect them to just accept them. Speaking about twisting and turning how is it you don't acknowledge that history existed before and after 1885 nd you arbitrarily chose that date. How about you explain how those Jews you refer to were as much Arabs as any Muslim in Palestine. How about you explain how the majority of Musims today calling themselves Palestinian are descended from non Palestinian Muslims? How is it in your world if a Jew comes to Palestine they aren't Palestinian but when a Muslim does, presto automatically they are? Go on explain your reason for that. Explain how Jews of Palestine by the way were not Arabs. Explain what an Arab is and how you have reinvented the word to include Muslims not descended from Arabs (Beduins). Explain how in history you only look at 1885 and ignore any other time period not convenient to you. Explain how in your bigotry only a Muslim can be a Palestinian not a Jew. Explain it. Explain how Jews were colonialists when they came to Israel to escape the actual colonialists, i.e., Nazis, European nations that persecuted them, Arab nations that persecuted them. On do explain how Israelis are colonialists the colonial puppet states of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, in fact the entire Arab League of Nations were not.. Explain how Jordan, Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia were not colonial states created by the British or how Morrocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon and Syria were not French colonial states or Libya an Italian then British colony. Do explain How Sudan was not a British colony and how Egypt was not at one point a British colony and then with Syria and Iraq, Nazi German colonies. Do explain how the Arab League of Nations who couldn't finish the war they started to defeat the Jews of Israel in 1949 were led by the British military, French military officers, and ex Nazis. Please explain. Speaking of twisting and spinning, in your world, you've been taught a Jew is a dhimmi, a khafir, an inferior non believer who can not own land or have a state because we are non believers, infidel, descendants of people who robbed Ishamel of his legitimte place in the world. Go on explain to them what you were taught in your Mosque and won't admit on this board. Explain why you use an Anglo name as your pen name and not a Muslim name. Explain why you won't admit you are Muslim. Explain to them that at the pith and substance of your entire argument is the belief that Jews are inferior animals ans you learned that in a Mosque. Go on please. Do that and then remind me again how its me twisting and turning. Lol. Edited September 6, 2016 by Rue Quote I come to you to hell.
Rue Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 How many times do we need to go over this? Canada, is in no way treating the natives that Israel is treating the Palestinians. Canada has acknowledged its past behaviour and even though it's far from perfect, they are trying to resolve the issue. You want to keep comparing the past to the present, in order to excuse the present, go for it. Next thing, you'll start excusing slavery because it was done in the past. 1. When have you been on the West Bank? What year, month and time? Where did you travel? 2. How is it you have not discussed the treatment of Palestinians by Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Palestinian Authority, Intifada, PFLP? 3. How is it you discuss the way Israel treats Palestinians but not how Palestinians treat Palestinians or Israelis? You see Marcus or whatever your real name is, one way or the other you either haven't ever been to Gaza or the West Bank or if you have, you are one selective bigot. Which one is it? If you claim to know the state of Palestinian existence on the West Bank or in Gaza how is it you do not discuss what Hamas et al is doing? Hmmm? How is it you have not noticed more Palestinians are killed by their fellow Palestinians then by Israel? What world do you live in? Tehran? Deerborn, Michigan? Where exactly? Quote I come to you to hell.
Rue Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 Here's a recent article on Zionist medical experiments on children. Apparently a major landmark was crossed in these Zionist medical experiments. Oy for a second I thought you were gonna quote Al Jazeera when I saw "Zionist medical experiments on children". Lol. You just never know on these threads. I mean the PA and Hamas still run tv shows claiming Israelis steal the organs of Palestinian children. First we took their blood to make matzah, now corneas, kidneys, livers. Blood thirsty Zionist vampires. They still run it as documentaries. Now me, I only eat matzah made from grey aliens. Tasty. Quote I come to you to hell.
Scott Mayers Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 ANY country staged to constitutionally favor some particular religion(s), culture(s), ethnicity(ies), or people, are discriminatory and unworthy to be defended TO outsiders in argument because they by default limit at least some 'outsider' in their minds based on inherent factors that people cannot help being either born into or 'inherit' by virtue of some 'culture'. Israel to the world is deemed to be supposedly 'democratic' akin to places like Canada and the U.S.. It is obvious that other countries that impose Muslim rule are no different in principle. But for those, like Afghanistan, we have no delusion that they are actually something they claim they are. this is NOT the same for Israel and why many are troubled with them. They pretend to be a 'free' and 'fair' country when they are not; Places like Arabia do NOT feign this. It is for this reason mainly that makes them hypocritical and worthy to be questioned. If Israel is NOT being 'fair' we have no right to care to fight on their behalf whether other 'terrorists' in kind may or may not affect them in the Middle East. Quote
Hudson Jones Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 (edited) But it already happened in Canada (and the United States), and is still happening. Labeling Israel's actions "war crimes" will not change the past or the present in North America. Happened, but not happening. There is a difference. Both our last prime minister and current prime minister have apologized for many of the wrongs against the aboriginals. Of course there are still issues that need to be addressed, but Canada is NOT treating the aboriginals the way Israel is treating the Palestinians. Not even close to being comparable. A better comparison is the treatment of the blacks by the Apartheid government in South Africa. Edited September 6, 2016 by Hudson Jones Quote When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. Gandhi
Hudson Jones Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 You just never know on these threads. I mean the PA and Hamas still run tv shows claiming Israelis steal the organs of Palestinian children. This did happen: Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families Quote When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. Gandhi
bush_cheney2004 Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 Happened, but not happening. There is a difference. Both our last prime minister and current prime minister have apologized for many of the wrongs against the aboriginals. Of course there are still issues.... Apologize ? So what ???? Yes, there are still "issues" is still happening. Lecturing Israel about "war crimes" when it faces real existential threats while Canada just wants to keep/steal more "aboriginal" land and resources because that is what Canada has always done. Unlike Canada or the U.S., Israel does not send the IDF to invade and bomb nations far across the sea to commit more "war crimes" ! Quote Economics trumps Virtue.
marcus Posted September 7, 2016 Report Posted September 7, 2016 (edited) Canada still has many unsettled land claims. Most of British Columbia was never ceded by treaty. Resource extraction and pollution continue to this day. The impact of racist "Residential Schools" is still being felt. The behaviour is not just in the "past", so lecturing Israel about "war crimes" on occupied territory rings hollow. Those who insist on holding Israel to a "war crimes" double standard should accept their own obvious and well deserved criticism. Get real buddy. There is a big difference between having disputes and launching airplanes, helicopters, tanks and a military who shoot and kill at anything that moves. Even women and children with a white flag in their hand, wanting to escape a building that is being bombed are okay to kill. Why? Because the Israeli government will do what it can to sweep it under the rug. There is a big difference between how Canada treats the natives and how Israel tears down Palestinian homes, killing, injuring and jailing protesters. Putting children in indefinite detentions. Creating Jew-only roads, towns and facilities. Creating cantons, separated by Jewish only roads. Cutting off towns from each other and hospitals by illegal walls. Making children walk miles to school, only to be harassed by religious zealots who have taken over their homes and lands. No one who has even a bit of knowledge of the area and knows about the treatment of Palestinians by Israel will ever take your comparison seriously. As it has been mentioned already, a better comparison would be the treatment of blacks by the Apartheid South African government, who, not surprisingly, was quite close to Israel. Edited September 7, 2016 by marcus Quote "What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.
bush_cheney2004 Posted September 7, 2016 Report Posted September 7, 2016 (edited) Get real buddy. There is a big difference between having disputes and launching airplanes, helicopters, tanks and a military who shoots at anything that moves. Even women and children with a white flag in their hand, wanting to escape a building that is being bombed are okay to kill. Why? Because the Israeli government will do what it can to sweep it under the rug. There is a big difference between how Canada treats the natives.... True...the "natives" are already conquered, subjugated, dispossessed, and marginalized. No need for military action at home...Canada crosses oceans to do it to "natives" elsewhere instead. How many "war crimes" would that be ? Canada's "rug" is now NATO. Israel is not a NATO member. No one who has even a bit of knowledge of the area and knows about the treatment of Palestinians by Israel will ever take your comparison seriously. As it has been mentioned already, a better comparison would be the treatment of blacks by the Apartheid South African government, who, not surprisingly, was quite close to Israel. Of is far easier to rationalize Canadian "war crimes" away in the past or present, because only Israel should be held to a different standard. I seriously doubt that Canadians would accept years of rocket attacks because of unsettled land claims. One would expect that three bastard children of the British Empire would get along just fine, and they do, "war crimes" included. Edited September 7, 2016 by bush_cheney2004 Quote Economics trumps Virtue.
marcus Posted September 7, 2016 Report Posted September 7, 2016 True...the "natives" are already conquered, subjugated, dispossessed, and marginalized. No need for military action at home...Canada crosses oceans to do it to "natives" elsewhere instead. How many "war crimes" would that be ? Canada's "rug" is now NATO. Israel is not a NATO member. Of is far easier to rationalize Canadian "war crimes" away in the past or present, because only Israel should be held to a different standard. I seriously doubt that Canadians would accept years of rocket attacks because of unsettled land claims. One would expect that three bastard children of the British Empire would get along just fine, and they do, "war crimes" included. You continue to try to convince yourself and others and if I'm in the mood, I'll continue to point to your terrible comparisons. Others, can be the judge for their own decisions. Quote "What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.
eyeball Posted September 7, 2016 Report Posted September 7, 2016 when anyone lives on a land for more than a certain period of time without interruption, they gain right to claim ownership to that land. Meaning might makes right which explains the uninterrupted violence. There's really nothing criminal going on in the ME at all, never has been. Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
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