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It’s funny that when Trump does something wrong it’s abusing power..  But when the FBI does something wrong it’s “a mistake”.  Regardless,

FISA Court issues highly unusual public rebuke of FBI


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12 minutes ago, Shady said:

It’s funny that when Trump does something wrong it’s abusing power..  But when the FBI does something wrong it’s “a mistake”.  Regardless,

FISA Court issues highly unusual public rebuke of FBI


Ahhh so you admit that Withholding aide to try and smear a political rival is wrong. 

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I think he will be thrown out. There are so many Republican hopefuls to become President next year so that they will vote against him in the Senate. 

On the other hand, if he doesn't get thrown out his position is even stronger and he is actually counting on that.

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On ‎12‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 4:27 PM, Shady said:

It’s funny that when Trump does something wrong it’s abusing power..  But when the FBI does something wrong it’s “a mistake”.  Regardless,

FISA Court issues highly unusual public rebuke of FBI


Trump does many things wrong and he does many things that could be considered abusive.  Some of the things he does wrong are abusive some of them are just stupid. However virtually every time he communicates it is to insult someone and that is both wrong and abusive.

He has lowered the office of the President and what it should stand for to nothing but a full toilet that needs to be flushed and cleaned.


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7 hours ago, -TSS- said:

I think he will be thrown out. There are so many Republican hopefuls to become President next year so that they will vote against him in the Senate. 

On the other hand, if he doesn't get thrown out his position is even stronger and he is actually counting on that.

If they could vote anonymously maybe. But those political whores don't dare vote against Trump because it would upset the base. And the base only knows what FOX tells them. And FOX tells them this is all nothing but the Democrats trying to frustrate democracy.

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3 minutes ago, Argus said:

If they could vote anonymously maybe. But those political whores don't dare vote against Trump because it would upset the base. And the base only knows what FOX tells them. And FOX tells them this is all nothing but the Democrats trying to frustrate democracy.


No...there was never any chance that Trump would be removed from office without bi-partisan support for the alleged "crimes and misdemeanors".   Like Bill Clinton's impeachment, this is a purely political process by design.  Congress was polarized/weaponized this way long before Trump came along.


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Impeachment on abuse of power just passed in House with majority support.  Majority meaning virtually every democrat who voted said Yes and every GOP saying no.

That just tells this vote is totally crooked and one or both of these parties is just voting to try and best keep their jobs instead of standing up for the country.  Congress is corrupt.  How sad.  This vote isn't ideological or left or right, he either looks to have broke the law or not. What a bunch of traitors to their country.

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Trump approval rating goes up to 45%. This is the official gallup poll.

Trump Approval Inches Up, While Support for Impeachment Dips
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump's job approval rating has inched up again and is now at 45%. The president's ratings have increased six percentage points since the House of Representatives opened an impeachment inquiry against him in the fall.

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On 12/16/2019 at 6:29 PM, Rue said:

Can you respond without an exclamation mark!?

Can you respond without rhetorical questions?

Can you make an actual  point?

How about this  writing style!?

Its damn annoying!?



But you still took the time to read it and respond to it !!!


Edited by Bear Claw
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1 hour ago, Bear Claw said:



But you still took the time to read it and respond to it !!!


Because you and I are funny!?



Can we talk Trump?!?

The thread is about Trump!?

Ok serious now Bear et al, how do you guys at this point possibly rationalize how a President openly mocks US laws, fellow Americans, widows, anything that moves? You find that dignified?

Do you believe a President or leader of a nation has some sort of obligation to control his emotions and behaviour? Is the office Trump represents something that requires he act in a dignified manner? 

The POTUS is an office you get elected to but for a max. of 8 years. It precedes you and procedes you and is bigger than you. It is not just a partisan seat to engage in partisan politics but a ceremonial position in which you are expected to represent all Americans not just the ones who think like you or like you.

The current President has no emotional impulse control and is a classic example of a sociopath. He has a narcissistic personality disorder in which he can't differentiate his own identity and thoughts from those of others in the sense he can not possibly imagine they are different. If there is any sort of conflict in his narcissistic mind the other side becomes an immediate threat to be killed if not physically by words.

This  behaviour is played out time and time again. He has no ability to perceive or sense any kind of feelings of others. His own feelings are superficial, glib, surface level immediate and attached to serving what ever impulse comes though him at the moment. There is no thought to what he says. in terms of how it will serve or harm others. Every word out of his mouth is about demanding something he wants.

Homo sapiens by nature are pack animal apes and so we by our inherent primate behaviour  look to a psycho/sociopath to lead us. We like to call them alpha-males.

Take a look at the history of most civilizations, its usually a psycho-sociopath (both words mean the same thing) leading it until it evolves past a certain level of collective awareness.

For the United States at this time to have turned to Trump as a leader is a vivid sign of some sort of serious collective psychosis. This is a country that has had a vast range of leaders but look at who the leaders were and please do not tell me Trump is on the same level as anyone before him.

America has always had a love affair with John Wayne-Clint Eastwood-Charles Bronson type tough bad asses..but today it appears Americans can't differentiate what they watch on t.v. and in movies from real life and thus they vote in a t.v. celebrity as President. Sheer insanity. They actually believed his fake board room. the money money money anthem, signify leadership[ qualities and an admirable person to lead others.What a far cry from Lincoln or the Roosevelts.

America has always had a fascination with fascists. It flirted with Hitler, Generals McArthur and Patton. Ironically To win WW2 it required a leader the exact opposite of a flamboyant sociopath like Patton to unify the other armed forces and put individual egos  like Patton's or Montgommery's to the side. This is where Eisenhower came in-he's everything Americans today would not like, rational, soft-spoken, disciplined, always considering the range of options available and weighing and assessing the wide range of views on an issue to determine  course of action. 

The closet personality one can find in US Presidents to Trump is Teddy Roosevelt a man with classic hyperactivity and dyslexia. However this man was no psycho-sociopath. He cared about peoples' feelings particularly the opposition's. His charm was that he cared about everyone he encountered genuinely. Trump would like to think he is a Teddy Roosevelt but he's not. He can't create a vision as Roosevelt did because he's not connected to anything larger than him in life like Roosevelt was. Teddy Roosevelt invited black leaders to lunch at a time when segregation was loud and blatant. He was able to sit with trade unions and get compromises. Yes he was a warrior which Americans love, but he was a genuine soldier not a draft dodger and he followed a strict code of discipline and behaviour with his men never asking them to do something he would not and never humiliating anyone.

Trump is a pathetic man. A small, pitiful underdeveloped soul with a classic sociopathic mind unable to perceive anything around him that does not suit his immediate need to be gratified.In this sense I believe the next generations of Americans are looking at the ones in front of them and I hope for our sake Trump gives them a classic example of what happens when someone and people as a whole stop caring and get caught up simply in the greed of filling their immediate needs.

The sole complement anyone could possibly give Trump is he's been good for the economy. That is if course a crock of shit. He has not a clue what policies his government has done for business. He is removed from any actual policy creation and can not read or for that matter follow a  conversation. He's a figurehead. 

As for the myth the US economy is doing better,  in terms of global economy the multi-national corporations are now doing better because they can now create free trade agreements to give them access to cheaper labour and countries with no labour or safety laws. That's whose doing better and they are doing better precisely because they use stooges like Trump to distract from their agenda which is simply making all of us more dependent on an economic distribution network controlled by forces outside government.

He appeals to the fear of Americans. He appeals to them by making them feel frightened and he is the one to save them. That is pathetic sociopathatic manipulation.

The only thing Americans have to fear is themselves and the fact this fear drives them to turning to false Gods and prophets.


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38 minutes ago, Rue said:

....America has always had a fascination with fascists.


You mean like FDR ?   FDR really admired Mussolini....but he ran afoul of the U.S. Constitution, except for the internment of Japanese citizens....too bad for them...eh ?

FDR served for 3+ terms....very admired to this day as one of the greatest U.S. presidents.

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On 12/17/2019 at 4:27 PM, Shady said:

It’s funny that when Trump does something wrong it’s abusing power..  But when the FBI does something wrong it’s “a mistake”.  Regardless,

FISA Court issues highly unusual public rebuke of FBI


And your point Shady? If the FBI was abusing power as you say and not making a mistake, how does that make Trump's abuse a mistake as well? How does a second wrong make the first one right. You and Trump supporters use this argument all the time-others are abusive so Trump can be as well? 

Please do not tell me there is a double standard against Trump. He is no victim. It is precisely because he is the President he uses the double standard in his favour to abuse others. He is no victim of anyone. Give it a rest with that victim crap that he is some sort of Joan of Arc martyr. 

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23 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


You mean like FDR ?   FDR really admired Mussolini....but he ran afoul of the U.S. Constitution, except for the internment of Japanese citizens....too bad for them...eh ?

FDR served for 3+ terms....very admired to this day as one of the greatest U.S. presidents.

Wow did you miss the point.

Ok first we take this article which clearly you read:


Well now FDR and many Americans openly admired Trump and Hitler. Yes many British and Europeans did as well including that pathetic excuse who abdicated from the British throne and well known American industrialist anti semites like Henry Ford....and?   So does this mean  if I compare Trump to Mussolini that is a good thing because FDR at one point liked fascists for being efficient? We have a Prime Minister in Canada who openly hero worsipped China for the same reasons FDR et al did Mussolini....where does that get Trudeau now with China and what happened to the US after fawning all over Hitler and Mussolini?

You bet Americans flirted with Hitler and Mussolini and that is precisely the point...people both left and right in the US liked Hitler and Mussolini and now we  have in Canada a putz like Trudeau a sheltered rich boy who admires China burned by the very people they worshippe

So what is your point?Does this mean because Trump is a fear mongering fascist and you think he is efficient this is the only thing to consider?

Does it mean you have no clue Trudeau, Roosevelt, everyone who hero worships false god fascist idols does not get burned?

Why does your analogy remove the admiration you refer to from its actual full context and consequence?

Where were you after the US and FDR had to  go to war precisely because these people they admires for efficiency had no respect for the most basic of democatic and humane principles of law?

What kind of analogy were you making? FDR of all people had to admit he was wrong and there was more to it then sampling admiring someone for being efficient and as the price for that efficiency came out and became known people like FDR realized just how wrong they were and had to challenge everything they were admiring. yah you forgot that part. How many times have I heard the comment, Hitler and Mussolini made trains run on time...and?

In your analogy heroworshipping brutal tyrants has no ultimate consequences as long as the train runs on time? Is that it.  Because if its not then you prove my point, looking blindly away from fascists and admiring what they do (Trump makes the economy better-the modern rationalization for making trains run on time))and we do not learn that people who admired tyrants in the past had their asses burned to a crisp and millions died because of their mistakes. Nah not you right. You c is precisely why you should have learned from history what Trump is and why cheer leading him is so dangerous. The only reason you defend him is because you think he serves your best interests. If he didn't and he was a leftist and called himself a socialist, you would have wanted him dead by now.

As for the internment of Japanese citizens...too bad for them? What the hell does that have to do with Trump? Now you do what claim Trump treats "illegals" the way he does because his country is in a declared state of war against their nations? Is that your analogy? Are you telling me you do not know the difference between dealing with aliens in your country from a country in a declared state of war with you and those who are not from countries in a declared state of war with you? Are you telling me there is no difference?

So great, Because we in Canada and the US arrested and detained Japanese, German and Italians during a declared state of war, that means its ok to arrest and detain anyone and suspend the Constitutions of our countries?

So when do you start arresting people and placing them in camps based on their  nationality..do tell me when that starts.

Man you pro Trump people are something else the way you try twist history and the blatant violation of democratic fundamental principles a President is sworn to uphold to justify Trump being a pathetic two bit fascist. God bless Trump. Work on that one hand salute will yah right now its awful weak you Trump groups don't have the balls to hold your hand straight out only half way like you are afraid. Go on shout it out Zieg Donald Trump! Fuehrer of America! 

So when do you guys replace the idiot red hats with a more complete uniform complete with jodphurs, riding boots and shit brown shirts No doubt you'll have your uniforms made in a swet shop in Asia. Made in America. Right.


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17 minutes ago, Rue said:

What is your point?


The point is obvious...America will choose leaders with rhetoric and policies that appeal to enough voters.   Nothing different about Trump in that regard.

Trump has not interned American citizens like FDR, nor does he plan to.   All illegals should be deported , not interned.   Obama violated the Constitution with DACA...fascist  !!!!

...and you left out "fascist" General MacArthur from the WW2 reference...you know...the other WW2 ?   Trump loves MacArthur !

You hate Trump...we get it...but don't pretend that he doesn't have great & admired company in U.S. history...and future.

America's choice...not yours.


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34 minutes ago, Rue said:

And your point Shady? If the FBI was abusing power as you say and not making a mistake, how does that make Trump's abuse a mistake as well?

That's my point.  It doesn't.  But one gets characterized one way, and one another way.  I agree, they're both abuses of power.  One by a law enforcement agency infringing on people's civil liberties.  But ho hum, the mainstream media doesn't care.  Because anything that goes against Trump is ok by them.

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2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


The point is obvious...America will choose leaders with rhetoric and policies that appeal to enough voters.   Nothing different about Trump in that regard.

Trump has not interned American citizens like FDR, nor does he plan to.   All illegals should be deported , not interned.   Obama violated the Constitution with DACA...fascist  !!!!

...and you left out "fascist" General MacArthur from the WW2 reference...you know...the other WW2 ?   Trump loves MacArthur !

You hate Trump...we get it...but don't pretend that he doesn't have great company in U.S. history...and future.

America's choice...not yours.


The point is you too engage in nothing to worry about hear Americans like hysterical, anti-social psychopaths. Its great.  You bet I hate Trump. I think he stands for everything the US was founded upon to challenge. He is the very tyrant Americans formed a country to rebel against-he ironically is exactly the kind of person America created its very existence to liberate itself from. Yes I hate Trump. He makes a mockery of American democracy and its institutions which I happen to support. He makes a mockery of Americans.

General McArthur was a fascist, No different than Patton and had Truman not stepped in he would have had the world blown up in a nuclear war precisely because he was full of himself.

Its precisely why inn WW2 long before Korea his own Navy and Armed Forces despised him. He was the anti-thesis of a true leader-he was an arrogant, narcissistic, self admiring peacock.

The leaders who garnered the respect of their men did not do it by fear they did it by showing their men they did what they spoke and they acted as they asked others to act. No leader in any military unit can lead if he can't get the same shit in his fingernails and McArthur never got shit in his nails.

You want anti-thetical examples of good leaders. try Omar Bradley and Eisenhower. They put their egos on the shelf. They did what Trump can not, listen, consider all ranges of possible solutions and approaches, never say things out in the open that could humiliate others, carried on trying to play down false flattery and always treating people with a consistent degree of politeness and decorum. 

By the way I thought Montgommery was an asshole as well for the same reason.

Real leaders don't scream, they speak. Real leaders don't bully and humiliate they inspire people by presenting positive visions that unite, not fear mongering to make them feel threatened and divided. Get back to me when you deport everyone. Hitler planned at first to deport all his Jews. Then he changed his mind.

See my take on history is a bit different than yours. When I see history repeating I don't need to wait for the camps to be built to speak up. I at least learned that. You think I am gonna sit on my ass while Trudeau floods this country with illegals placing them in camps which is what he's actually doing? You think I agree with him anymore than I do Trump. They are both totalitarian narcissistic fools with an inability to perceive any feelings but their own.


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