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America under President Trump

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8 minutes ago, Shady said:

That's my point.  It doesn't.  But one gets characterized one way, and one another way.  I agree, they're both abuses of power.  One by a law enforcement agency infringing on people's civil liberties.  But ho hum, the mainstream media doesn't care.  Because anything that goes against Trump is ok by them.

Then I agree with you. The media is anti Trump or ridiculously pro Trump-either way I agree the media at this point is not helpful. Its all opinion pieces one extreme or the other-can't argue with that. I think the media whatever that means lost its credibility years ago when it stopped reporting, and decided it could editorialize and instead of simply reporting what was happening began telling us what we were seeing rather than let us observe the facts and decide for ourselves by leaving their opinions out of it.

Journalism like history should objectively report, not  editorialize.

I don't know what deep throat means or false news because nothing I hear from anyone these days is 100% truth or ever was especially when it comes out of the mouth of someone like Trump whose perceptions are as deluded as it gets.

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1 minute ago, Rue said:

The point is you too engage in nothing to worry about hear Americans like hysterical, anti-social psychopaths. Its great.  You bet I hate Trump. I think he stands for everything the US was founded upon to challenge. He is the very tyrant Americans formed a country to rebel against-he ironically is exactly the kind of person America created its very existence to liberate itself from. Yes I hate Trump. He makes a mockery of American democracy and its institutions which I happen to support. He makes a mockery of Americans.


...and come up way short on knowing America's history.    America is not a democracy...it is a constitutional republic.   The U.S. has done very well for itself by often breaking lots of "rules"....this will not change.   Trump was elected to break things too.



See my take on history is a bit different than yours. When I see history repeating I don't need to wait for the camps to be built to speak up. I at least learned that. You think I am gonna sit on my ass while Trudeau floods this country with illegals placing them in camps which is what he's actually doing? You think I agree with him anymore than I do Trump. They are both totalitarian narcissistic fools with an inability to perceive any feelings but their own.


Thank you for proving my point...America has and will make choices that are often in direct conflict with each other....and history will note and often admire both.   Trump is just another American president navigating enormous domestic and foreign policy issues, created long before he ever entered office.    So he gets to do things his way, same as other presidents....why hold him to a different standard just because you hate him ?

Try to be a little more objective....when informed by U.S. history.



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3 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

The more you cry about how terrible Trump is, the stronger Trump becomes. Keep whining.

No that smell you refer to is because he does not change his panties or brush his teeth.

Hitler did not become strong because no one challenged him.

Your analogy I disagree with. I think the most dangerous thing one can do in a democracy is to remain silent when someone is stripping that democracy of all the basic

principles and institutions that enabled that democracy.

I do concede Trump mobilizes his support by playing on fear and when people challenge him he appeals to his supporters using those challenges as the basis of fear he uses to get them to support him.

However that exercise of uniting his followers by getting everyone to hate him I self destructive and like Hitler eventually it turns on Trump as it did every other tyrant deposing of them in a violent manner.

Fer crying out loud Yzermandius, he just turned on Billy Graham Jr. for questioning him and is now turning on the very fundamental Christians who voted for him. He has no care in the world who he insults and pisses off. He's simply creating chaos which fuels the coming hurricane with his hot air.

Trump is like a balloon. Eventually he will burst and not by politicians standing up to him, but ordinary people and I think Trump is over-estimating his popularity and so are you.

He has a ceiling on who likes him and its shrinking not growing. Each day as he puffs, that pop is coming closer.

I now believe he may not even last the first term not because he will be found guilty in the Senate, but the exact opposite. Its going to force Republican Senators who are forced to protect him in the Senate find themselves losing votes they once had from their own supporters not winning votes from Democrats.

I don't believe Christians who really follow their religion believe what he is doing is Christian and they will in the long run have a say in this. Republicans lean heavily on a traditional Christian vote and what he's doing is not something those people support. When you get a Conservative like Billy Graham Jr. speaking out against him that is a new turning of the tides so to speak.

His lack of decency, his lack of morality can no longer be excused by them for partisan reasons. They are signalling they have had enough just as they did with Nixon.

My prediction now is back to I think before the next election he has a "heart attack" and either dies from it or is disabled permanently. The so called deep state no longer uses bullets and gunmen in grassy knolls.  If I was Putin I would be looking for another compromised stooge to back and clearly it aint Biden.

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9 minutes ago, Rue said:

My prediction now is back to I think before the next election he has a "heart attack" and either dies from it or is disabled permanently.


Better try harder..."fascist" FDR was "disabled permanently" by polio...hidden from the American public.      Still a beloved American president.


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On 12/19/2019 at 10:46 AM, -TSS- said:

I would love to hear  average Trump-haters explain in detail what this impeachment is about. I bet most of them would struggle to give a credible answer.

"The facts in this instance are unambiguous: the president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president's political opponents,. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral."  - Christianity Today

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4 hours ago, Shady said:

I never said it wasn't wrong.  But it wasn't to smear, it was to investigate.  

Get real. His own ambassador said he cared nothing about Ukraine, only about Biden. And not one American or Ukrainian or EU agency has shown the slightest interest in anything Biden or his son did there. Besides, the idea that Donald Trump, probably the most dishonest and corrupt man to ever occupy the White House, would be interested in 'investigating' political corruption for any reason other than discrediting his political opponent is laugh out loud ridiculous.


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1 hour ago, -TSS- said:

Trump isn't that different to any other Presidents;

He is unquestionably the most ignorant man to ever set foot in the oval office. I mean, his numerous character flaws might be at least somewhat ameliorated if he was a capable president, but he's appallingly ignorant about every aspect of life while also being too lazy to bother to learn and too arrogant to acknowledge his ignorance.

He is VERY unlike other presidents.

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On ‎12‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 9:09 AM, godzilla said:

I kinda feel sorry for Trump though... I mean, he had a rather tough time growing up. His brother didn't survive that. And now he is so obviously inwardly empty of things and clings to his own delusions of grandeur. Even his business is obviously built on money laundering for Russian oligarchs, north korea etc... Its a pretty empty existence. And its not like the history books will be quoting him or anything except in mokery.

I get you but Hitler  and Charlie Manson had tough childhoods too. Not a sufficient reason to feel sad for them. Many bullies come from screwed up childhoods. You can only use that excuse so long to rationalizebehavior. We all have had struggles. Some of us take those episodes of turmoil and turn them into positive lessons on how to overcome and turn bad into good while  others it is an excuse to engage in negative behavior. Ultimately its an individual decision and in the case of Trump it is hard to believe he has done anything positive for anyone in his life to entitle him to any compassion. He may very well have and if so, good for him. All I go by and address is his pubic record which he chose to make public to rationalize his behavior. If he was doing all the things he does and harming no one but himself it would be none of my phakin business. On that private level I am no better than him or in the position to judge but once he puts himself public and starts telling others what to do, I get to challenge that, we all do and we should not feel compassion for people who hurt others and deliberately do so. I probably would save any compassion for the people he hurts and so necessarily his wife and children as well.


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Speaker Pelosi asks (impeached) President Trump to deliver State of the union Address to Congress:


Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Friday invited President Trump to deliver his annual State of the Union address on Feb. 4.
"In their great wisdom, our Founders crafted a Constitution based on a system of separation of powers: three co-equal branches acting as checks on each other. To ensure that balance of powers, the Constitution calls for the president to 'from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union,' " Pelosi wrote in a letter to Trump.
"In the spirit of respecting our Constitution, I invite you to deliver your State of the Union address before a Joint Session of Congress on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 in the Chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives."


...because she knows Trump will still be president.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Tell Rue that comparing Trump to Hitler helps Trump by diminishing the credibility of those making the comparison, and he doubles down on it. TDS is a helluva drug.

With enemies like this, Trump doesn't need friends, he can coast on the enemies of his enemies to vote for him, just to spite the Rue's of the world. The more Trump's enemies compare him to Hitler, the more swing voters they drive away from the Demohacks. These haters do a better job of driving people to vote for Trump than even his supporters do, keep comparing Trump to Hitler dummies, you're the most counter-productive haters of all time.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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On 12/20/2019 at 10:41 AM, Rue said:

The media is anti Trump or ridiculously pro Trump

I agree, but I'd say that the media is either pro-Trump or ridiculously anti-Trump. 

I say that because the anti-Trumpers have been making things up and sensationalizing falsehoods now for years and I don't find that the pro-Trump media is engaging in anything of the sort, at all. From the anti-Trump side, Van Jones admitted to knowing that Russian collusion was a big nothingburger over a year before the collusion delusion was exposed. That's a heluva long time to keep publishing hyperbolic, vitriolic fake news (lying and slandering).

What's worse than the fake news that's coming out of the left is the slick, underhanded way in which their propaganda is packaged to turn their unwitting viewers into useful idiots. They use emotionally-charged photos and videos to convert their bogus stories into long-term memories, and then even if they have to backtrack later (they do it as subtly as possible), the bias that they have created remains. The parts of the news which don't fit their narrative are down-played or just omitted altogether. Case in point, the CNN viewers' complete lack of awareness of the FBI corruption that was central to the perpetuation & seeming significance of the collusion investigation.

Devin Nunes had briefed the whitehouse on Russia's intent to influence the election long before the 2016 election, when Nunes was the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, but Obama's whitehouse laughed it off. The FBI was aware that the dossier was crap when they submitted it to the FISA court as verified. Yet CNN pretends that this Russian collusion is the Republicans' fault and Trump was actually guilty, etc, etc.

I'm old-skool, and to me an unsubstantiated allegation is heinous, and a knowingly-false accusation is asking for a serious beating. Every Trump-related CNN story contains one of those two elements.


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8 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

His haters are his best supporters, they just don't know it.

I agree that it has finally gotten to that point.

I think that the IG Report which finally shed light on all of the FBI skullduggery was a huge turning point for Americans.

Before that point there were some minor wins and losses on both sides, Trump had the biggest win because the investigation eventually had to come out and admit that there was no real evidence of collusion, but that investigation didn't have official witch hunt status imo until the depths of the FBI treachery was revealed. Now everyone in America knows for certain just how little integrity the Dems and their MSM really have.

It's at the point where 90% of Americans know what's going on and the Dems have support from the truly idiotic 10% plus the 30% who still try to live in denial. 

In the next election the Republican voters will be amped, they will have the majority of the support from the independents, and the weak Dem candidates will suffer heavily from voter apathy.  I hope that Trump gets an even bigger election win next time. If he doesn't then the Dems will never learn a lesson from this and America is doomed to keep going through this sort of thing.


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1 minute ago, Cannucklehead said:


Sure thing, Comrade.

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