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America under President Trump

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12 hours ago, Boges said:

This move in Syria shows that no American ally should feel that Trump has their back. 

No, the good ship Deadbeat set sail way back when George H. W. Bush left Iraqi people in the lurch after calling upon them to rise up against tyranny during the 1991 Uprisings.  The Kurds have seen this playbook before.

Edited by eyeball
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31 minutes ago, eyeball said:

And 2nd amendment folks have lived in la la land forever.

It's actually based on their history. The British took their guns, they didn't like that, so they rebelled, and when they wrote the bill of rights, they put in the second amendment to help prevent it from happening again. A wise precaution, especially given their historical experience.

Many of the second amendment haters simply do not know American history, and fail to understand the context for the second amendment as a result. The rest simply have an irrational fear of inanimate objects, and blame the tool for the actions of the people using that tool for nefarious ends.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The Ukrainian Govt needed those loan guarantees, so they had literally no choice but do Biden's bidding. Don't split hairs. It's the same as lying when you know how dishonest you're being.

He could be Latvian. Or a Martian in disguise. Makes no difference where he's from. It makes a difference that he's a member of the board where Hunter Biden had the $50K per month job that "his dad didn't know about".

Talk about brainwashed. "I didn't hear it on CNN, the place where I get all my misleading information from. It can't go into my brain. Access denied!!! Access denied!!!" 

Dude what was the last thing CNN got right? 

Would you go to a bank and ask for aid but call it a loan?  They are not the same thing.  Aid is a form of charity.  Loans are something you pay back at a later day. 

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4 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

Would you go to a bank and ask for aid but call it a loan?  They are not the same thing.  Aid is a form of charity.  Loans are something you pay back at a later day. 

OK sure Canucklehead. 

It's normal for the family of a VP to get almost $3B in business from countries that the VP is heavily involved in. It's no big d if their family even flies overseas with them just to conduct business deals.

I believe that Joe Biden didn't know that his son got hired to a $50K per month at Burisma over in the Ukraine, and that he didn't ever talk to him about it, and that it's possible that he golfed with his son and another member of the Burisma board but never knew about their job together, and that the fact that Archer wasn't a Ukrainian or an executive makes a big difference, and that the Ukraine didn't really need the loan guarantees so Biden's threat wasn't a motivating factor, and the fact that Biden admitted that he lied about his knowledge of his son's interest in Burisma isn't a big deal, and him firing the VP who investigated Burisma via threat was cool, etc.

CNN said that it was all cool. Is there a higher level of authority than that?

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51 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

OK sure Canucklehead. 

It's normal for the family of a VP to get almost $3B in business from countries that the VP is heavily involved in. It's no big d if their family even flies overseas with them just to conduct business deals.

I believe that Joe Biden didn't know that his son got hired to a $50K per month at Burisma over in the Ukraine, and that he didn't ever talk to him about it, and that it's possible that he golfed with his son and another member of the Burisma board but never knew about their job together, and that the fact that Archer wasn't a Ukrainian or an executive makes a big difference, and that the Ukraine didn't really need the loan guarantees so Biden's threat wasn't a motivating factor, and the fact that Biden admitted that he lied about his knowledge of his son's interest in Burisma isn't a big deal, and him firing the VP who investigated Burisma via threat was cool, etc.

CNN said that it was all cool. Is there a higher level of authority than that?

Yeah there is.  The guardian, Washington post, New York times, etc..but those are all fake news unless their headlines read " trump is the greatest president of the greatest country on earth" 

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57 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

Yeah there is.  The guardian, Washington post, New York times, etc..but those are all fake news unless their headlines read " trump is the greatest president of the greatest country on earth" 

Good to know.

So when is Trump going to jail for collusion Canucklehead? Tomorrow? I bet he wishes that he wouldn't have hired Fusion GPS to funnel money to Christopher Steele and those other foreigners to influence the 2016 election, and then used their fake info to get that FISA Warrant. Brett Kavanaugh goes to jail for those gang rapes on the same day. Hopefully they get those nazi scumbags who hurt poor little Jussie Smollett soon so that they can go to jail too. It's so evil committing a crime like that. Maybe Nikki Haley will go to jail for spending all that money on those drapes. 

Too bad we can't go back to when Obama was President. I'm sick of all the rioting, looting, arson and the racial division that has sprung up under Trump. There was none of that from 2014-2016. It's been 3 straight years now that several cities have been experiencing riots. I hate all these mass shootings of police officers too. And maybe Obama could get the economy going, and get some jobs for black people, who all lost their jobs when Trump became President and the stock market tanked. This recession (more of a depression actually) sucks. Obama can also get rid of all the border walls that Trump put up, because, unlike the walls that Obama put up, Trump's walls are racist. Putting kids in cages will also be OK again when Obama is President. Hopefully Trump didn't destroy the cute little kiddy cages that Obama built.

Obama will be way tougher on Syria too. They still remember what happened to them the last time they gassed people when Obama was president. It was subtle, yet devastating. Trump completely lacks that awesome subtlety. The Russians won't invade any more countries either. 

Geez Canucklehead, ya think we should watch some CNN together? They've been right about everything they said for the past few years. We'd really know what was going on if we watched CNN.

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37 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

If we watched CNN we'd probably see a lot of Syrians getting murdered thanks to your trump.  Disgusting treatment of allies.  

I'll admit that I'd be crapping my pants right now if I was a Kurd in Syria, but to be honest I don't truly understand each and every conflict over there.

Given the MSM's track record for inaccuracy, how quickly people change sides over in the middle east, how much they all love killing each other, and how many terrorists they all have or secretly support, I doubt that many people in North America have a really solid understanding of what's actually happening.

The war "against" islamic state involved countries that may or may not have actually been sympathetic to them, different rebel groups that took turns fighting everyone, maybe Russia really fights isis maybe not, Russia definitely fights US-backed rebels, Turkey has been accused of aiding isis, the Kurds have been accused of terrorist attacks against Turkey, Turkey has acted as a floodgate for "refugees" that most likely includes thousands of terrorists heading into Europe, etc. 

I guess we'll see how true Turkey stays to their word of not committing another genocide like the one they still deny against the Armenians, and then we'll see what the repercussions are if they cross a line with Trump. I don't think that Turkey is going to be a member of NATO for long. Maybe they'll be out of the EU as well but I would say that their NATO days are numbered for sure.

If I just had to put my money on something in that region it would be that they're all losers.


Edited by WestCanMan
Deleted my awesome swear-word.
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12 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I'll admit that I'd be crapping my pants right now if I was a Kurd in Syria, but to be honest I don't truly understand each and every conflict over there.

Given the MSM's track record for inaccuracy, how quickly people change sides over in the middle east, how much they all love killing each other, and how many terrorists they all have or secretly support, I doubt that many people in North America have a really solid understanding of what's actually happening.

The war "against" islamic state involved countries that may or may not have actually been sympathetic to them, different rebel groups that took turns fighting everyone, maybe Russia really fights isis maybe not, Russia definitely fights US-backed rebels, Turkey has been accused of aiding isis, the Kurds have been accused of terrorist attacks against Turkey, Turkey has acted as a floodgate for "refugees" that most likely includes thousands of terrorists heading into Europe, etc. 

I guess we'll see how true Turkey stays to their word of not committing another genocide like the one they still deny against the Armenians, and then we'll see what the repercussions are if they cross a line with Trump. I don't think that Turkey is going to be a member of NATO for long. Maybe they'll be out of the EU as well but I would say that their NATO days are numbered for sure.

If I just had to put my money on something in that region it would be that they're all assholes.


Right.  Backing up the u.s. for years fighting off isis and they are called @$$holes and left to die for Putin. 

It's because of ignorant people like you the u.s. has become what it is, and why things like 9/11 happened in the first place.  



Ever heard of this?  Do you even know what it will lead to?  


Btw, not cnn.  

Edited by Cannucklehead
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13 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I'll admit that I'd be crapping my pants right now if I was a Kurd in Syria, but to be honest I don't truly understand each and every conflict over there.



Sorry to hear you're responsible for 9-11.

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47 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

If we watched CNN we'd probably see a lot of Syrians getting murdered thanks to your trump.  Disgusting treatment of allies.  


How long should the USA sit in Syria? Should the US fight Turkey? Should we be sending troops?

As BC points out, we abandoned the Kurds long ago.

Virtue signaling without virtue.

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6 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


How long should the USA sit in Syria? Should the US fight Turkey? Should we be sending troops?

As BC points out, we abandoned the Kurds long ago.

Virtue signaling without virtue.

Trump tweeted Wednesday that the withdrawal involved roughly 50 service members. An administration official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of U.S. involvement in the region described the number of soldiers involved to be between 50 and 100.

So the great american war machine cant keep 100 soldiers there to stop a bloodbath?  Even reps are criticizing trump for pulling them out.  But you know better than them too, right?
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4 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

Trump tweeted Wednesday that the withdrawal involved roughly 50 service members. An administration official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of U.S. involvement in the region described the number of soldiers involved to be between 50 and 100.


The estimate of Canadian service members in Syria is ZERO...for a long time.



So the great american war machine cant keep 100 soldiers there to stop a bloodbath?  Even reps are criticizing trump for pulling them out.  But you know better than them too, right?


Trump's stated policy was to leave Syria, not stay just to keep Washington D.C. and deadbeat "western allies" happy.

Turkey is a NATO ally....Kurds are not.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


So the U.S. must stay...while Canada claims it is "not our fight" ?

Seriously ?

How is it our fight?  We are not "world police" 

If anything it would now be the U.N. who should step in, and they have also criticized trump for leaving.  But yeah, they all know nothing.  You brainwashed trump fans know what's best.  

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1 minute ago, Cannucklehead said:

How is it our fight?  We are not "world police" 

If anything it would now be the U.N. who should step in, and they have also criticized trump for leaving.  But yeah, they all know nothing.  You brainwashed trump fans know what's best.  


Is Canada not a "western ally" ?   Why does Canada and other nations get a pass ?

Why is it America's fight inside Syria ?

The U.N. should send in the mighty Canadian peacekeepers !


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8 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Is Canada not a "western ally" ?   Why does Canada and other nations get a pass ?

Why is it America's fight inside Syria ?

The U.N. should send in the mighty Canadian peacekeepers !


We spent years there fighting off isis along with many other countries.  Now you spit in their faces and run like cowards while they destroy everything that they all fought for( the u.s. fought against isis as well) and call it a way to save money?  They are going to cause a disaster for the world and the cause of anti terrorism.


Maybe I should go over to the u.s. and start waving a cccp flag around then?  Bet you'd start waving a pistol in my face and start foaming at the mouth.  

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6 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

We spent years there fighting off isis along with many other countries.  Now you spit in their faces and run like cowards while they destroy everything that they all fought for( the u.s. fought against isis as well) and call it a way to save money?  They are going to cause a disaster for the world and the cause of anti terrorism.


Maybe I should go over to the u.s. and start waving a cccp flag around then?  Bet you'd start waving a pistol in my face and start foaming at the mouth.  


You should volunteer to fight with the Kurds. They're your friends, right?

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8 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

We spent years there fighting off isis along with many other countries.  Now you spit in their faces and run like cowards while they destroy everything that they all fought for( the u.s. fought against isis as well) and call it a way to save money?  They are going to cause a disaster for the world and the cause of anti terrorism.


What part of "Canada cut and ran from Syria long ago" do you not understand ?   Why is it America's job to stay in Syria while other nations refuse to do so ?

It was a big disaster when Obama was president too and he did far less.....still love him ?



Maybe I should go over to the u.s. and start waving a cccp flag around then?  Bet you'd start waving a pistol in my face and start foaming at the mouth.  


You would never get across the border.   

Canada left Afghanistan too....typical.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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49 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

Trump tweeted Wednesday that the withdrawal involved roughly 50 service members. An administration official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of U.S. involvement in the region described the number of soldiers involved to be between 50 and 100.

So the great american war machine cant keep 100 soldiers there to stop a bloodbath?  Even reps are criticizing trump for pulling them out.  But you know better than them too, right?


I think a lot of people want a war.

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