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America under President Trump

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

1. The President of the USA can ask any leader of any country to look into something for him. There is nothing wrong with it, and no conspiracy here. If Trump feels like Biden has done something wrong as an American overseas, then it is his job to look into it if Trump believes that a criminal act has been committed by an American. 

Not when it comes to helping with a Political Rival. He also withheld Military Aid Ukraine needed to put the pressure on. Only when this Whistleblower complaint made public was the money finally paid. 


2. Bull chit.

Well your free to put your head in the sand. What source would you believe that Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation? 


3. There is no need to have Trump's son investigated on anything. He has not committed or done anything wrong. 

That was a typo, I meant to type Biden. Please provide evidence that Hunter Biden was under investigation. 




The lie that Joe Biden is an innocent man. The tape tells us all that Biden is not an innocent man. Watch the video again. 


I've seen the video, he brags about getting a prosecutor that the entire Western world wanted fired, fired.



Trump did not threaten the Ukraine government with anything.

Then why did he withhold the money? 



To ask about something is not committing a threat or a crime. 


It is when the sole purpose is to dig up dirt on a political rival. 



 The demorats are taking every word Trump said and spin it around to try and make Trump look like he may have threatened a world leader.

Trump asked for a favour regarding political rivals. How else is it being spun? 




The demorats are in a deep state panic, and are going to do whatever it will take to try and impeach Trump.


And that's why Trump is freaking out on Twitter, they have him on the ropes. :lol:


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7 hours ago, Boges said:

So how exactly does that prove that Biden saved his son from prosecution in 2016? 

I'll willingly concede the whole Hunter Biden thing reeks of nepotism. But that's not illegal. Trump's mantra is nepotism, His Son-in-Law and daughter are part of his administration.


Another admission that President Trump certainly is no worse than Joe Biden & the Obama administration.


And all evidence points to the fact that the prosecutor Biden bragged about getting fired was actually soft on corruption and the entire Western world agreed he had to go. 


Nonsense..."the entire Western world" ???

Besides that, it was not Biden's call and certainly not in the interest of financial gain for his son.

Maybe you also believe that Biden should have gone after soft prosecutors in Canada too ?


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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

Biden is already a politically dead candidate, walking.


Agreed, as this latest disclosure only adds to Biden's substantial political baggage from the past.

Elizabeth Warren would have attacked him on this anyway, regardless of Trump's troubles.

The GOP would love to run against a socialist like Warren in the 2020 general election.

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9 hours ago, Boges said:

You should cite an idiotic claim like that. 


Blue States, by and large, make up the largest US economies while Red states, by and large, make up the smallest. 

Which one of us has the history of making the idiotic claims around here Boges? Honestly you don't want to look back there with the benefit of hindsight.  

Boges - the size of the economies in different regions doesn't make a difference to where the tax dollars that you pay should go. 

New Yorkers want their money to go to municipal and state taxes and they want a break on federal tax. They only want their money to benefit their local area.

The middle Americans don't don't get the federal tax deduction, so more of their tax money leaves their local community and goes into the federal economy. 

So two hard-working Americans pay their taxes and one is supposed to get lots of benefits in their community and the other person's taxes are supposed to go to Washington. Do you see the difference?

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I agree with those of you who say Joe Biden is no better than Trump although measuring the progression of dementia in both of them is difficult at this point and I am dead serious. They both show tell tale signs of dementia including the slurred words, dry tongue, garbled syntax and misappropriation and misplacing of words, being unable to finish sentences, drifting, forgetting what they are saying, exhibiting aphasia constantly, showing tremours, bulging eyes, on and on and on.

If I am a  media manipulator I think they are testing Harris and would only fall back on Warren as a Veep not a main headliner.  Actually watching Bernie Saunders, Trump and Biden is a death watch. One of them is gonna drop dead on the podium.

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3 hours ago, Argus said:

What did they say that was dishonest?

You've already been told that this 'top prosecutor' was almost as lazy about corruption as Trump, and did nothing about it. That was why so many western donor countries pressed Ukraine to replace him with someone more energetic. You've also been told he wasn't investigating Biden or his company when he was replaced.

Why do you accept the blatherings of FOX news guests as 100% factual without any evidence?


Stop just quoting leftist talking points as facts Argus. That holds as much water as a marble.

"Lazy about corruption?" If he's so lazy then why did the energetic guy, THAT BIDEN PUT IN HIS PLACE, lack the energy to investigate Burisma? Basic common sense just blows that point to hell. 

And if you don't think that Biden put that prosecutor in place then watch the end of the video I posted where he flippantly mentions that he put a good guy in his spot. His exact quote was "and I put in place someone who was solid."

Burisma is above the law because Joe Biden is above the law. "Countries that said that they wanted the prosecutor fired", if they even exist, had their marching orders from higher up. The US gov't hands out LOTS of money. FYI the board of directors at Burisma also included Alan Apter from Renaissance Capital - the firm that gave Bill Clinton $500K for speaking in Russia not long after the Uranium One deal, and an ex-CIA Agent and former Mitt Romney advisor named Cofer Black. 

It's not just the Ukraine that did a lot of business with Hunter Biden while his dad was a VP. Before Burisma, Hunter was a business partner with John Kerry's step-son, Chris Heinz, in a co. named Rosemont Seneca Partners which did $1.5B in business with China, and that all started while Hunter's daddy was VP. Hunter actually flew with his dad to China on AF2 to conduct personal business with the Bank of China. Who else does that?

When Hunter joined the Burisma board, and started pulling in massive gobs of money in another country where his dad was hard at work, Chris Heinz bailed out.  

So little Hunter Biden just has a history of coincidentally doing a crapload of international business in countries where his dad was hard at work representing the USA at the very highest level, and his dad coincidentally fired a prosecutor who was investigating one of the companies that mysteriously hired Hunter and then replaced that investigator with someone "solid" who never re-opened the investigation..... And now, according to you, Trump needs to keep his mouth shut because the Bidens have the all-clear. There's no need for investigating the Bidens but Trump saying that it needs to be investigated is a crime. 

I can't even believe some of the crap that people here regurgitate. YOU NEED TO THINK FOR YOURSELF SOMETIMES ARGUS!!!!!! THINK MAN! Don't just gobble up lines like "according to my news sources lots of people in foreign governments say that the Bidens are all good so there's no need for an investigation". 

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

What more do the people need. Biden said it right on the video that he pressured the Ukraine government to fire the prosecutor. But the leftist liberal media will tryto keep this little tid bit under the rug. As the communists say: tell the people a lie often enough and they will start to believe that lie. This is what the demorats in a panic are doing today. Going all out in trying to spread another lie often enough to try and make Trump look like a traitor to America and try to nail and impeach Trump before the next election. Why are these demorats so anti-America. They are all acting and talking like a bunch of communists. Trump impeachment It ain't going to work, pardner. :rolleyes:

When the leftist media are in their haste to paint Biden as being as pure as the driven snow they never show that video. Actually, they never show that video. 

Google "biden says that he got the ukraine prosecutor fired cnn" and click videos https://www.google.ca/search?q=biden+says+that+he+got+the+ukraine+prosecutor+fired+cnn&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjxrI-b5P7kAhVNip4KHYuKD_gQ_AUIEygD&biw=1152&bih=649 , you get the video from other sources but CNN just references the quote and calls Trump's accusations inaccurate. I'd love to know if they've ever shown that video.

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5 hours ago, Boges said:

Not when it comes to helping with a Political Rival. He also withheld Military Aid Ukraine needed to put the pressure on. Only when this Whistleblower complaint made public was the money finally paid. 

Well your free to put your head in the sand. What source would you believe that Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation? 

That was a typo, I meant to type Biden. Please provide evidence that Hunter Biden was under investigation. 



Then why did he withhold the money? 

It is when the sole purpose is to dig up dirt on a political rival. 


Trump asked for a favour regarding political rivals. How else is it being spun? 


And that's why Trump is freaking out on Twitter, they have him on the ropes. :lol:


ALL that the Dems have been doing for three years is digging up dirt on a political rival. It's debatable if they even have another job.

They were illicitly digging up dirt on trump before the election [buying it from foreigners no less], lying about the veracity of it on the media and in Congress & the Senate, claiming that their bogus evidence was independently corroborated and verified in order to get FISA warrants issued and renewed, they claimed on several occasions that they finally had actual evidence but that was an obvious lie because to this day there's still none [more lying in the Congress and Senate], they had the FBI arrest people for unrelated charges and offer them reduced sentences for fake testimony, and in the end when they had nothing they tried to arrest people for obstructing their fake investigation.

And you think Trump is the bad guy?

If you put a frog in hot water he will jump out but if you tell him a sensational story and get him to parrot it, the story can get more and more ridiculous and he will continue to pimp that story until he dies. Stop frogging.


I've seen the video, he brags about getting a prosecutor that the entire Western world wanted fired, fired.

Here's are some things that you need to try really hard to understand:

1) "the entire western world" did not want that prosecutor fired. Powerful people wanted that prosecutor fired and they did their best to convince us all that the entire western world wanted him fired, and he was just one person up against the vast US propaganda machine. If Biden, Obama, CNN, MSNBC say that Boges or one other specific person needs to be fired what do you think the opinion of "the entire western world" will be? Look at the laundry list of ridiculous positions that the Dems and CNN have taken over the past two years and if they come up with something even dumber tomorrow ten million people will believe them.

2) Biden "putting the next 'solid' guy in place" is just as alarming as him demanding that the first guy was fired. And guess what? The solid new guy isn't investigating Burisma. Is that a shocker? 

3) Trump didn't try to get a political rival investigated, he tried to get someone who bragged about something that has the appearance of being a serious crime investigated. That's not the same as the Dems trying to get someone investigated when the appearance of a crime wasn't there.

4) If the Biden family had a single benefit conferred on them or even received one dollar from a foreign country, in exchange for Joe Biden influencing the American government on their behalf in any way, that's a very serious crime against the American people. Hunter Biden profited massively by doing business in more than one country where his father was extremely influential due to his position in the United States Government. Burisma seemingly gifted Hunter Biden a $600,000 per year job. Hunter Biden flew on AF2 [with his dad] to China and did personal business deals over there while his dad was dealing with the Chinese government. Joe Biden was caught lying about whether or not he knew that Hunter got the Burisma job. It's impossible that Joe Biden didn't ever talk to his son about his new job, so that's another very disturbing lie. Why did he lie if he had nothing to hide? How much of an alarming coincidence is it that Hunter Biden always scored such huge paydays in countries where his dad was working "on behalf of the US government"? It's mind-blowingly stupid to not be alarmed by that. The fact that Biden's family profited by millions of dollars in the countries where he was most involved is extremely suspect. Anyone who says that an investigation is absolutely unwarranted is extremely suspect, or completely ignorant of the law.  


Boges, if Johnny Dingo was your mom's lawyer, and he was representing her in a multi-billion dollar matter with a large company, and you suddenly found out that his son just got appointed to the board of one of their subsidiaries (in a role which he didn't seem qualified for, which paid him $50K per month), would you have serious reservations about how well your mom's interests were being protected? Would you just blindly accept the suggestion that it doesn't need to be looked into? If there was a prosecutor that started an investigation into that company and Johnny Dingo bragged that he had him fired would that raise any alarm bells for you? What if he then admitted that he, Johnny Dingo himself, got a new prosecutor put into that guy's spot and the new prosecutor left that company alone? Would you still say "Aw shucks mom, that Johnny's sure a swell guy".


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18 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Besides that, it was not Biden's call and certainly not in the interest of financial gain for his son.

Nor would it have been Trump's call to have the current President investigate Biden now. 

And there's definitely no Quid Pro Quo as there was no active investigation into Burisma and Hunter Biden at the time. If there was corruption, Viktor Shokin certainly wasn't interested in prosecuting it. 

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11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

ALL that the Dems have been doing for three years is digging up dirt on a political rival. It's debatable if they even have another job.

They were illicitly digging up dirt on trump before the election [buying it from foreigners no less], lying about the veracity of it on the media and in Congress & the Senate, claiming that their bogus evidence was independently corroborated and verified in order to get FISA warrants issued and renewed, they claimed on several occasions that they finally had actual evidence but that was an obvious lie because to this day there's still none [more lying in the Congress and Senate], they had the FBI arrest people for unrelated charges and offer them reduced sentences for fake testimony, and in the end when they had nothing they tried to arrest people for obstructing their fake investigation.

And you think Trump is the bad guy?

If you put a frog in hot water he will jump out but if you tell him a sensational story and get him to parrot it, the story can get more and more ridiculous and he will continue to pimp that story until he dies. Stop frogging.

Here's are some things that you need to try really hard to understand:

1) "the entire western world" did not want that prosecutor fired. Powerful people wanted that prosecutor fired and they did their best to convince us all that the entire western world wanted him fired, and he was just one person up against the vast US propaganda machine. If Biden, Obama, CNN, MSNBC say that Boges or one other specific person needs to be fired what do you think the opinion of "the entire western world" will be? Look at the laundry list of ridiculous positions that the Dems and CNN have taken over the past two years and if they come up with something even dumber tomorrow ten million people will believe them.

2) Biden "putting the next 'solid' guy in place" is just as alarming as him demanding that the first guy was fired. And guess what? The solid new guy isn't investigating Burisma. Is that a shocker? 

3) Trump didn't try to get a political rival investigated, he tried to get someone who bragged about something that has the appearance of being a serious crime investigated. That's not the same as the Dems trying to get someone investigated when the appearance of a crime wasn't there.

4) If the Biden family had a single benefit conferred on them or even received one dollar from a foreign country, in exchange for Joe Biden influencing the American government on their behalf in any way, that's a very serious crime against the American people. Hunter Biden profited massively by doing business in more than one country where his father was extremely influential due to his position in the United States Government. Burisma seemingly gifted Hunter Biden a $600,000 per year job. Hunter Biden flew on AF2 [with his dad] to China and did personal business deals over there while his dad was dealing with the Chinese government. Joe Biden was caught lying about whether or not he knew that Hunter got the Burisma job. It's impossible that Joe Biden didn't ever talk to his son about his new job, so that's another very disturbing lie. Why did he lie if he had nothing to hide? How much of an alarming coincidence is it that Hunter Biden always scored such huge paydays in countries where his dad was working "on behalf of the US government"? It's mind-blowingly stupid to not be alarmed by that. The fact that Biden's family profited by millions of dollars in the countries where he was most involved is extremely suspect. Anyone who says that an investigation is absolutely unwarranted is extremely suspect, or completely ignorant of the law.  


Boges, if Johnny Dingo was your mom's lawyer, and he was representing her in a multi-billion dollar matter with a large company, and you suddenly found out that his son just got appointed to the board of one of their subsidiaries (in a role which he didn't seem qualified for, which paid him $50K per month), would you have serious reservations about how well your mom's interests were being protected? Would you just blindly accept the suggestion that it doesn't need to be looked into? If there was a prosecutor that started an investigation into that company and Johnny Dingo bragged that he had him fired would that raise any alarm bells for you? What if he then admitted that he, Johnny Dingo himself, got a new prosecutor put into that guy's spot and the new prosecutor left that company alone? Would you still say "Aw shucks mom, that Johnny's sure a swell guy".


There was no active investigation into Burisma or Biden's son. Biden getting the Viktor Shokin fired would actually create more interest in Hunter Biden. 

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36 minutes ago, Boges said:

There was no active investigation into Burisma or Biden's son. Biden getting the Viktor Shokin fired would actually create more interest in Hunter Biden. 

Interest in Hunter Biden doesn't seem the least bit unwarranted though. Honestly how a VP's son can do so much business with a subsidiary of the Bank of China is crazy:


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15 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Interest in Hunter Biden doesn't seem the least bit unwarranted though. Honestly how a VP's son can do so much business with a subsidiary of the Bank of China is crazy:


Oh so we're on to China now. :rolleyes:

I suspect Trump can't threaten to withhold Military Aid to dig up dirt on Biden like he did with Ukraine. 

I think we can all agree that there's some serious nepotism going on with Hunter Biden. But that can't be used as a political tool by Trump. Trump is an synonym for Nepotism.

Trump is trying to dig up corruption, and so far no credible evidence would appear to exist. 

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2 hours ago, Boges said:

Oh so we're on to China now. :rolleyes:


China is part of the same investigation because Hunter Biden has a track record of making boatloads of money in countries where his father pays a lot of official state visits. Going to China on AF2 and doing huge business deals doesn't pass the sniff test.


I suspect Trump can't threaten to withhold Military Aid to dig up dirt on Biden like he did with Ukraine. 

That's just speculation. Trump already gave the Ukraine Javelin Missiles before that, and he has explained that he was holding out while he was trying to get other countries to chip in. His version makes sense. It's not even close to the quid pro quo that Biden did when he bent the Ukraine's arm. Biden set the standard for dealing with the Ukraine that way.


I think we can all agree that there's some serious nepotism going on with Hunter Biden. But that can't be used as a political tool by Trump. Trump is an synonym for Nepotism.

Yes, we agree on that much. But the flipside of the HBiden nepotism is Joe Biden's admitted quid pro quo, and then setting up his own prosecutor that was "solid". If there's a dictionary definition of using your government position as a tool for making money and kicking down foreign countries it's what Joe and Hunter did.

Foreign influence peddling to get Hunter a lucrative job in the Ukraine and a huge deal with the state-owned Bank of China, using the American propaganda machine to destroy the reputation of a foreign prosecutor, using $1B worth of government leverage to get a quid pro deal to get you'r son's fat out of the fire, appointing your own fake prosecutor in the Ukraine... 

Now it's not so surprising that the Dems know how to get prosecutions started in the US. It seems that they own the prosecution racket domestically and abroad.


Trump is trying to dig up corruption, and so far no credible evidence would appear to exist. 

Trump is punching up at the Dems' powerful prosecution machine, and Biden blurted out the evidence himself.

The information that has come to light in the last two years about how much control the Dems are asserting over the judicial processes at home and overseas is alarming.

"We can pay foreigners for election dirt, if anyone else does it, it's a crime. Maybe one day we will catch someone and make an example of them. Our high-ranking officials are above the law, there is no need to investigate any of them no matter how inappropriate their actions appear to the naked eye. We can arrest people for crimes unrelated to an investigation that is completely lacking evidence and offer reduced sentences for coerced testimony and that's all good."

This also ties in with their desperate bid to keep Kavanuagh out of the SC. The Dems and CNN are just a couple of SCJs away from running the table. Can you imagine President Hillary with all this prosecutorial power, her above the law status, a stacked supreme court, the CNN/MSNBC propaganda machine, and Dem-friendly prosecutors propped up in foreign countries with large GDPs? She won't even need to get lucky with suicidal witnesses anymore, and she won't need to say "I don't remember" 30 times for every one of her scandals. They just won't "exist". 

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22 hours ago, Boges said:

Not when it comes to helping with a Political Rival. He also withheld Military Aid Ukraine needed to put the pressure on. Only when this Whistleblower complaint made public was the money finally paid. 

Well your free to put your head in the sand. What source would you believe that Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation? 

That was a typo, I meant to type Biden. Please provide evidence that Hunter Biden was under investigation. 


I've seen the video, he brags about getting a prosecutor that the entire Western world wanted fired, fired.


Then why did he withhold the money? 

It is when the sole purpose is to dig up dirt on a political rival. 


Trump asked for a favour regarding political rivals. How else is it being spun? 


And that's why Trump is freaking out on Twitter, they have him on the ropes. :lol:


So, just what is your beef with Trump anyway? Why does what Trump says or does appear to bother you so much? Is Trump your President? I can never understand as to why so many Canadians like yourself get all uppity about what Trump says or does unless you/they are American? So, why does Trump get you all worked up? Please explain this to me. Over. 

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22 hours ago, Boges said:

Not when it comes to helping with a Political Rival. He also withheld Military Aid Ukraine needed to put the pressure on. Only when this Whistleblower complaint made public was the money finally paid. 

Well your free to put your head in the sand. What source would you believe that Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation? 

That was a typo, I meant to type Biden. Please provide evidence that Hunter Biden was under investigation. 


I've seen the video, he brags about getting a prosecutor that the entire Western world wanted fired, fired.


Then why did he withhold the money? 

It is when the sole purpose is to dig up dirt on a political rival. 


Trump asked for a favour regarding political rivals. How else is it being spun? 


And that's why Trump is freaking out on Twitter, they have him on the ropes. :lol:


1. Joe Biden did the same thing to the Ukraine when he was the VP of America. Hello out there!

2. Well, your free at anytime to get your head out of the sand.  The prosecutor of Ukraine is the source, and who was investigating Biden's kid, and who later got fired because of Biden. FOX news is always my source for the truth. CNN, MSNBC and CBC are never to be relied on for the truth unless one is into listening to bull chit fake news.

3. The entire world did not want him to be fired. It was Joe Biden that wanted him fired. 

4. Why did Biden want to hold the money back from being handed over to the Ukraine? 

5. All politicians do that very day. Politics is a dirty game. Are you from earth? Just wondering. 

6. Biden pretty much threatened the President of Ukraine that if he did not fire the prosecutor Ukraine would get no money. What more do you need?  Trump is not the bad guy here. Biden is though. 

7. Trump is getting fed up with those demorats who will not quit. They are determined to get Trump impeached no matter what. They still have nothing on him and never will. They are just playing games and wasting millions of American taxpayer's tax dollars over bull chit that they know is all bull chit. If someone kept bothering you all the time over nothing, I think that you would also start to "freak' out. Trump uses Twitter because Trump knows that is the only way that he can get the truth out. The leftist liberal lying MSM will never tell the truth as far as Trump goes. They prefer to lie and try to make Trump look like the bad guy. They do not realize that it is they who are starting to look like the bad guys here. Go, Trump, go! ;)

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19 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

When the leftist media are in their haste to paint Biden as being as pure as the driven snow they never show that video. Actually, they never show that video. 

Google "biden says that he got the ukraine prosecutor fired cnn" and click videos https://www.google.ca/search?q=biden+says+that+he+got+the+ukraine+prosecutor+fired+cnn&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjxrI-b5P7kAhVNip4KHYuKD_gQ_AUIEygD&biw=1152&bih=649 , you get the video from other sources but CNN just references the quote and calls Trump's accusations inaccurate. I'd love to know if they've ever shown that video.

The leftist liberal fake and lying MSM media in America will never show anything that will make Biden look like the bad boy here. Biden is Mr. Wonderful to them. Puke. I have my doubts that the likes of CNN or MSNBC, nor our own CBC , would ever have their activist pro demorat actors show the video of old Biden on their phony news networks, and especially that Joe is now running for President. The MSM cannot allow old Joe to look bad at this time. They have to keep trying to hide the facts from the American people that old Joe is not so Mr. Wonderful at all. Ha-ha-ha.  

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21 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Stop just quoting leftist talking points as facts Argus. That holds as much water as a marble.

"Lazy about corruption?" If he's so lazy then why did the energetic guy, THAT BIDEN PUT IN HIS PLACE, lack the energy to investigate Burisma? Basic common sense just blows that point to hell. 

Because there was no evidence of wrongdoing?


I can't even believe some of the crap that people here regurgitate. YOU NEED TO THINK FOR YOURSELF SOMETIMES ARGUS!!!!!! THINK MAN!

LOL. Imagine a fanatic member of the Trump cult telling anyone else to think for themselves! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! :lol:

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On 9/29/2019 at 3:18 PM, eyeball said:

C'mon, you can say it...its just on the tip of your tongue.


23 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Stop just quoting leftist talking points as facts Argus.

There it is. :lol: 


1 hour ago, Argus said:

LOL. Imagine a fanatic member of the Trump cult telling anyone else to think for themselves! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! :lol:

I'm still getting over WCM's sense that Argus is some sort of lefty.  All I can say is just don't ever associate me with the left again.

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

The leftist liberal fake and lying MSM media in America will never show anything that will make Biden look like the bad boy here. Biden is Mr. Wonderful to them. Puke. I have my doubts that the likes of CNN or MSNBC, nor our own CBC , would ever have their activist pro demorat actors show the video of old Biden on their phony news networks, and especially that Joe is now running for President. The MSM cannot allow old Joe to look bad at this time. They have to keep trying to hide the facts from the American people that old Joe is not so Mr. Wonderful at all. Ha-ha-ha.  

I was just thinking today about how atrocious it was that he just sat there and blabbed about doing something that was so blatantly inappropriate and possibly even criminal. When he looked to the person on his left, at the end of that video, and said “and then I put someone solid in that position” you could tell that they were both embarrassed for him.

It makes me wonder if he would be equally stupid if he was the president of United States. 

“Joe, the first rule about fight club is no one talks about fight club”. 

“Yeahhhh no problemo. I’m cool.”


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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:


There it is. :lol: 


I'm still getting over WCM's sense that Argus is some sort of lefty.  All I can say is just don't ever associate me with the left again.

He has taken sides with some hilarious left wing causes like Kavanaugh and the whistle-blower bs. I can’t stand phoney talking points. 

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Because there was no evidence of wrongdoing?

LOL. Imagine a fanatic member of the Trump cult telling anyone else to think for themselves! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! :lol:

There is evidence, you just don’t understand how big of a deal it is for a VP to use his position as a butterfly net for cash, or to outmuscle members of foreign government to cover your tracks. 

For a come back the only thing that you can do is act like it’s a crime to support Trump or say that Fox News is a cult but you never catch me saying anything that’s not entirely true. Isn’t that weird?

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

There is evidence, you just don’t understand how big of a deal it is for a VP to use his position as a butterfly net for cash, or to outmuscle members of foreign government to cover your tracks. 

Oh like you give a damn! Trump does that every day and you jump and down and applaud wildly.

Even Republicans wanted that prosecutor gone.

A recently unearthed letter from 2016 shows how then-Vice President Joe Biden had strong Republican support for his push to reform the public prosecutor’s office in the Ukraine.

Released by Republican Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio), and noted by CNN this morning, the letter is addressed to former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko and signed onto by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) and then-senator Mark Kirk (R-Ill.). Three Democratic senators also attached their names to the correspondence.


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Well there's the Quid Pro Quo ya'll were looking for. 




Then, on 29 August, the tone of discussions changed. Mr Zelenksy's aide Andriy Yermak sent a curt message to Mr Volker, including a link to a Politico story headlined Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia.

Mr Taylor, the senior diplomat in Ukraine, seemed to voice his concerns about the motives for the delay.

"I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign," he said.


I like how the Trump lackey denies there is a Quid Pro Quo and then states that there should stop being a paper trail. :lol:




In the interview, Volker told lawmakers that the Ukrainian government had a lot of questions about why the military aid was being held up and he did not have a good explanation, according to the sources describing the testimony.

Volker also testified that the Ukrainian government was concerned that a meeting with the Ukrainians and Trump was being put on hold but did not understand the reason.




Volker also told congressional investigators that he raised concerns with Giuliani about using former Ukrainian prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko as a source for information about the Bidens and other controversies, warning that Lutsenko was not credible.

The Washington Post first reported Volker's testimony that he raised concerns to Giuliani about the credibility of his sources.

Volker, who resigned one day after he was named in the release of the whistleblower report last week alleging Trump was using the power of the presidency to ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens for political gain in the 2020 election. Trump has denied any wrongdoing.



Edited by Boges
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13 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

There is evidence, you just don’t understand how big of a deal it is for a VP to use his position as a butterfly net for cash, or to outmuscle members of foreign government to cover your tracks. 

Besides the video, which doesn't reveal motive, cite evidence that Biden got the prosecutor fired to save his son from prosecution. 

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