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Just now, WestCanMan said:

It's a waste of time to say "fact check the WashPo" now. You know as well as I do that they're extremely politically motivated at best, and outright liars at worst. 

They'll spin, omit, slip through some "mistakes" that they can retract on page six at a later date, etc. It's literally all garbage.

When did they ever come out and say "OK we totally botched it on the Kavanaugh story. Looking back now it's really embarrassing that we covered that story in such a biased and corrupt manner."


They do what they do and they leave their trail of slime for all to see, but people like you ignore it and just gobble up the next thing they spew. It's hilarious/pathetic/astonishing.

I'm not talking about the MSM, I'm talking about this Whistleblower complaint and the transcripts released yesterday. 

Are those all Dem lies? 

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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

LOL at still talking about Hillary. Perhaps she should be impeached. :lol:

I notice you haven't refuted any claims. 

Ummmm, that's all I ever do here. By the time we get to the bottom of this one, and the MSM is winding down their drivel because they know they've been exposed as fraudsters, they'll switch to the next over-sensationalized garbage and you'll be regurgitating that.


"These women were being told by the CBP officers to drink water out of the toilet. They were drinking water out of the toilet." [but we never bothered to turn on the video cameras that we all have on our phones] That was a good one. Lots of people here gobbled that up.

"Walls are racist!" [Yup. And my car is a homosexual]

"Women have to be believed!" [mainly when they can't name a location, or a year, and their own witnesses deny any knowledge of the alleged incident. The exception to the rule is when the women have actual physical evidence and actual witnesses but they are testifying against Bill Clinton]. You gotta be a special kind of stupid to believe that. Should we open up that old thread? LMAO!

"There's a new Kavanaugh victim BOMBSHELL STORY!!!!!" [Nope it was another landmine. But stupid Dem Presidential candidates jumped in on it and screamed IMPEACH KAVANAUGH right away. It's like they don't know about fake news yet.]

"Sessions said that he never talked to Russian gov't officials or agents about collusion. BUT HE WAS RECORDED ON A PHONE CALL TO KISLYAK!!!!!!!! DUN dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnn!" [um, are we supposed to assume that you mean they talked about collusion? Like, hellooooooo? Can you finish that sentence? Because you know that stupid people will run around saying that is evidence of collusion]

"Walls don't work. I'm standing here beside a wall on the border, and there aren't illegal aliens running around here. So this is proof that we don't need the wall."  ????????????????????? CNN was even dumb enough to show that footage. Open mouth, insert foot.

"Russian collusion is a big nothingburger" - Van Jones, the one time he told the truth. But CNN pushed Russian collusion for a year after that admission. Then the truth came out that there was no evidence of Russian collusion, just evidence that Russians offered to collude. That's kind of suspicious.

"The FBI isn't properly investigating Dr Ford's allegations! Kavanaugh needs to be impeached now!!!" [Yes they are. They just went to an undisclosed location and asked people who were never named as witnesses (because the ones who were named as witnesses already said that they never heard of this before) to talk about things that almost happened in a random year in the late 80s. Or they're laughing because D Ford was caught on several other lies and the FBI might be corrupt but they're not as dumb as the avg CNN viewer.]

"Racist white people put a noose around my [Jussie Smollett's] neck and threw bleach on me!!!! Waaaaaah!!!!" Nope, his own co-conspirators did it to dredge up racial division, but CNN says he did it for [I can't even remember the stupid reason they gave. Maybe because he was angry that his hemorrhoid medication wasn't working. It was something equally stupid]

"The Synagogue shooting happened because of Trump's anti-Semitism!!!!" [sure, he's Benjamin Netanyahu's best friend on this planet, and his daughter got married to a Jew in a Jewish wedding ceremony and his grandkids are being raised as Jews and then he gave that Jewish son-in-law a job in the Whitehouse...... Trump's as bad at being an anti-Semite as Jeffrey Epstein was at being prudish.]

This is the next, shiniest one. Three days from now there will be another and you'll go for it hook, line and sinker. Just like this one.

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3 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I read the complaint is second-hand information, not direct.

 = hearsay.

But backed up by the transcript released yesterday. 

He drew the same conclusions that anyone, not in the bag for Trump, would come to. 

Asking for a favour of political dirt on opponents immediately following the ask for Military Aid by the President of the Ukraine, with the context that Military Aid was being withheld, is obviously seeking assistance from a foreign government for political reasons. 

Edited by Boges
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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

Ummmm, that's all I ever do here. By the time we get to the bottom of this one, and the MSM is winding down their drivel because they know they've been exposed as fraudsters, they'll switch to the next over-sensationalized garbage and you'll be regurgitating that.

This is the next, shiniest one. Three days from now there will be another and you'll go for it hook, line and sinker. Just like this one.

That rambling doesn't address the reason 45 is facing Impeachment hearings. So refuting those claims is useless. 

What does Jussie Smollet have to do with Trump? 

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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

I'm not talking about the MSM, I'm talking about this Whistleblower complaint and the transcripts released yesterday. 

Are those all Dem lies? 

It's a lie to say that there's anything criminal, or worthy of impeachment in it. 

These whistleblowers are supposed to be heard and have the merits of their concerns weighed in a private and professional manner. It's important to have these things come out into the light of day. In due time they make it to the press if there's anything to them.

The process isn't there for the dropping of huge, fake bombshells before they're even looked at. "IT'S A WHISTLEBLOWER SO YOU KNOW IT'S 100% TRUE AND THAT IT'S HUGE!!!!!! CNN SAYS THAT THIS IS REASON FOR IMPEACHMENT!!!!! EVEN BOGES IS SAYING IT NOW [but he has repeated everything else that CNN has said for the last two years and he has been wrong every    single    time   without   fail] THE PRESIDENT IS NEVER ALLOWED TO DO THINGS THAT THE DEMOCRATS JUST DID."

Honestly, you know, 100%, that Hillary and the Dems colluded with Russians to start the Russian collusion investigation, and now they're saying that it's illegal for Trump to do 1/4 of what Hillary did, and the Dems are going on the attack to lay down cover fire for the Bidens.

You give me one good reason why a gas co in the Ukraine would suddenly hire Hunter Biden and pay him tens of thousands of dollars per week? Are you honestly saying that there's nothing there? It was quickly and quietly investigated by Obama's justice department and it's all good? Is that where you're at Boges? The US gov't just randomly got an investigation stopped and then got a prosecutor fired and "there's nothin to see here folks." No one over 12 should be that naive. Why can't the Republicans say "there's nothing to see here folks" after a 2 yr investigation, thousands of subpoenas and interrogations? There were even people arrested on completely unrelated charges who were offered reduced sentences for (false?) testimony. Honestly they had ZEEEEEROOOOOOO evidence of an actual crime so they exerted an extreme amount of force to coerce people into saying that there was one. WTF? You think that's normal? And that someone just saying "Bidens are clean, move on" is legit in this context?

Boges, you need to say this out loud a couple times, just for kicks: "It's ok for the VP of the USA to use government money to force a foreign power to stop an investigation into a company where his son was on the board of directors making a salary of over $50,000 per month. A quick, private investigation under the VP's own administration was enough to permanently clear his and his son's name, and for anyone to raise questions about it is a crime."

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

It's a lie to say that there's anything criminal, or worthy of impeachment in it. 

These whistleblowers are supposed to be heard and have the merits of their concerns weighed in a private and professional manner. It's important to have these things come out into the light of day. In due time they make it to the press if there's anything to them.

The process isn't there for the dropping of huge, fake bombshells before they're even looked at. "IT'S A WHISTLEBLOWER SO YOU KNOW IT'S 100% TRUE AND THAT IT'S HUGE!!!!!! CNN SAYS THAT THIS IS REASON FOR IMPEACHMENT!!!!! EVEN BOGES IS SAYING IT NOW [but he has repeated everything else that CNN has said for the last two years and he has been wrong every    single    time   without   fail] THE PRESIDENT IS NEVER ALLOWED TO DO THINGS THAT THE DEMOCRATS JUST DID."

Honestly, you know, 100%, that Hillary and the Dems colluded with Russians to start the Russian collusion investigation, and now they're saying that it's illegal for Trump to do 1/4 of what Hillary did, and the Dems are going on the attack to lay down cover fire for the Bidens.

You give me one good reason why a gas co in the Ukraine would suddenly hire Hunter Biden and pay him tens of thousands of dollars per week? Are you honestly saying that there's nothing there? It was quickly and quietly investigated by Obama's justice department and it's all good? Is that where you're at Boges? The US gov't just randomly got an investigation stopped and then got a prosecutor fired and "there's nothin to see here folks." No one over 12 should be that naive. Why can't the Republicans say "there's nothing to see here folks" after a 2 yr investigation, thousands of subpoenas and interrogations? There were even people arrested on completely unrelated charges who were offered reduced sentences for (false?) testimony. Honestly they had ZEEEEEROOOOOOO evidence of an actual crime so they exerted an extreme amount of force to coerce people into saying that there was one. WTF? You think that's normal? And that someone just saying "Bidens are clean, move on" is legit in this context?

Boges, you need to say this out loud a couple times, just for kicks: "It's ok for the VP of the USA to use government money to force a foreign power to stop an investigation into a company where his son was on the board of directors making a salary of over $50,000 per month. A quick, private investigation under the VP's own administration was enough to permanently clear his and his son's name, and for anyone to raise questions about it is a crime."

Just so you know, once you bring up Hillary I stop reading your post. It's 100% irrelevant.  

As to everything before that. Claiming it's a lie went out the window when the transcripts were released yesterday. 

Seeking Aid from another country for personal political gain is a crime. 

Even if Biden did it, which he didn't, it doesn't justify what Trump did. And that's why the whistleblower made the complaint.  

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

"It's ok for the VP of the USA to use government money to force a foreign power to stop an investigation into a company where his son was on the board of directors making a salary of over $50,000 per month. A quick, private investigation under the VP's own administration was enough to permanently clear his and his son's name, and for anyone to raise questions about it is a crime."

That Prosector was corrupt and wasn't actively investigating Hunter Bide. 

That being said, if Trump thought those actions were sufficiently shady, him and Rudy can go with that on their own personal time.

But it's a crime to solicit the dirt from another country's leader. Especially when they're withholding military aid from said country. 

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I’m no expert here, but I think this is how it went down.

Hunter Biden makes $50k a MONTH working for a Ukrainian company.

A Ukrainian prosecutor investigates the company.

Then Hunter’s dad, the VP, holds up $1 Billion in aid until the prosecutor is fired.

But somehow it’s Trump’s fault.

Here’s the Ukraine transcript: It shows the president asking the Ukrainian leader to look into 2016 goings on, including Biden’s son. But there are not 8 mentions, as has been claimed, nor is there any clear quid pro quo — U.S. $$$ in exchange for Ukraine investigating Bidens.     https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Unclassified09.2019.pdf

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11 minutes ago, Boges said:

Just so you know, once you bring up Hillary I stop reading your post. It's 100% irrelevant.  

As to everything before that. Claiming it's a lie went out the window when the transcripts were released yesterday. 

Seeking Aid from another country for personal political gain is a crime. 

Even if Biden did it, which he didn't, it doesn't justify what Trump did. And that's why the whistleblower made the complaint.  

It's only irrelevant to you because you want it to be. It's actually a precedent. Look that up.


Seeking Aid from another country for personal political gain is a crime. 

Even if Biden did it, which he didn't, it doesn't justify what Trump did. And that's why the whistleblower made the complaint. 

It's pure speculation to say that investigating an actual crime has anything to do with the election. 

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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

It's pure speculation to say that investigating an actual crime has anything to do with the election. 

So then why not investigate other instances of crime and corruption globally? Remember when MBS had a journalist murdered? 

You'd have to have your head in the sand to deny that this wasn't about digging up dirt on Biden. 

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Regarding the Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin 



But Ukrainian prosecutors and anti-corruption activists with knowledge of the matter argue that the timeline of developments in the Burisma case and Shokin's stint as chief prosecutor simply does not fit the narrative being put forward by Trump and his allies.

Moreover, they say that Shokin himself was the biggest obstacle standing in the way of the investigation.


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10 minutes ago, Boges said:

That Prosector was corrupt and wasn't actively investigating Hunter Bide. 

How do you know that? 

It took a two year investigation to clear Trump of collusion, which no one ever saw any actual evidence of, yet you still think he's guilty.

There was no actual investigation of Biden, just something hastily conducted by his own government, and there is plenty of actual evidence that he did something illegal. He actually gives that evidence himself on video. Yet you don't even question his innocence.

So... Biden basically investigates himself, you think it's all good. The FBI investigates Trump and finds no evidence but you still think he's guilty. You gotta admit that doesn't make you look intelligent.


That being said, if Trump thought those actions were sufficiently shady, him and Rudy can go with that on their own personal time.

But it's a crime to solicit the dirt from another country's leader. Especially when they're withholding military aid from said country. 

Hillary ad the Dems just did it so how can they call that a crime? Yeah I said Hillary. It's extremely relevant. Grow up.

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