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America under President Trump

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Just now, Boges said:

He's actually a laughing stock in much, if not all, of the world. 

I like how you don't include the "whole world" in your comments. Is that because he's a lap dog of Russia and is getting owned in a trade war by China? 


You still don't get it....power beats "laughing stock" every day.   Winning beats losing....just ask Hillary Clinton.

Trump matters more at any G-7 or G-20 meeting than the rest, especially Trudeau, who went begging to Trump for help on China, which continues to kick Canada's ass because of such weak leadership and government.



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1 minute ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

You still don't get it....power beats "laughing stock" every day.   Winning beats losing....just ask Hillary Clinton.

Trump matters more at any G-7 or G-20 meeting than the rest, especially Trudeau, who went begging to Trump for help on China, which continues to kick Canada's ass because of such weak leadership and government.

Yeah I'm sure the American consumer is thrilled with Trump's handling of China by adding to their cost of living by throwing Tariff's on everything. 

I don't see Walmart suddenly shifting to all American made products, do you? 

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6 minutes ago, Boges said:

Yeah I'm sure the American consumer is thrilled with Trump's handling of China by adding to their cost of living by throwing Tariff's on everything. 

I don't see Walmart suddenly shifting to all American made products, do you? 


I am an American consumer and it hasn't impacted me or my family at all.   Products are still way cheaper than in high-tax Canada, especially pump gas, which is refined from...wait for it....Alberta bitumen !   No carbon tax here.

Trump is taking on China in ways that Canada can't even dream of, let alone implement.    Too weak...too dependent...less relevant.


Edited by bush_cheney2004
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4 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

No.  They never will.  Who would build a factory in the US with this kind of reactive leadership in place?


More factories are being built in the U.S. now than in Canada.   Some Canadian firms are relocating to U.S. right-to-work states.


OTTAWA — More a quarter of Canadian firms could move part of their operations to the United States amid uncertainty over the future of the NAFTA trade pact, the nation’s export credit agency said on Friday.

The semi-annual forecast by Export Development Canada underlines the challenges posed by the more isolationist approach to trade of U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration.

EDC said 26 per cent of the 1,002 firms surveyed “indicated that they are moving – or are considering moving – part of their operations inside the U.S. border in response to the elevated uncertainty regarding U.S. trade policy.”



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27 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

More factories are being built in the U.S. now than in Canada.   Some Canadian firms are relocating to U.S. right-to-work states.

The date of your article is from 2017. A deal, in principal, was agreed upon. One both the shitty Trump and JT are happy with. AND the Steel Tariffs have been lifted. 

It's the Dems that think it's a bad deal for Murica. 

Also do you imagine many private-sector factories in Canada are Union shops? Right-to-Work is more for government workers. 

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52 minutes ago, Boges said:

The date of your article is from 2017. A deal, in principal, was agreed upon. One both the shitty Trump and JT are happy with. AND the Steel Tariffs have been lifted. 

It's the Dems that think it's a bad deal for Murica. 

Also do you imagine many private-sector factories in Canada are Union shops? Right-to-Work is more for government workers. 


Doesn't matter...same thing going on for 2018 and 2019...for Kanaduh.

Canadian companies hungry for growth are still turning to the U.S. market



Trump has been far better for business in the U.S. than Trudeau has been for Canada.

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Trump will continue to dominate any political agenda, in and outside of the United States.

Justin Trudeau was so nervous about Trump he established a special team just for dealing with him, but Trudeau still screwed it up:




Trudeau's reelection bid faces the Trump test

....But Trudeau can’t go too far: Trashing Trump directly carries major risks, because the president holds levers that can pulverize the Canadian economy and either has pulled those levers or threatened to. The northern neighbor already faces threats from the president on a trade deal, tariffs and Cuba sanctions.

The dilemma for Trudeau shows just how prominent Trump is on the world stage both substantively and psychologically — nearly every world leader facing an election has to send a message to their country about how they will deal with Trump.

...Trudeau was at first so concerned about the potential for Trump-triggered crises that he not only rearranged his Cabinet, he also created a rapid-response unit to deal specifically with all things Trump. The dedicated Canada-U.S. unit operates like a campaign war room within Trudeau’s office and is run by the person who ran the prime minister’s 2015 election war room. The team coordinates Canada’s response to things like Trump threatening to impose tariffs and rip up trade deals.

It’s a necessity: Trump dominated the Canadian political agenda after taking office, though to a lesser extent lately with domestic controversies and policy debates heating up.




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35 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Canadian companies hungry for growth are still turning to the U.S. market

Should be happy with that. Means both of our nations can start to shrug off China.  But there are a few who can turn a positive in an attempt to take a jab at Canada. But we know US corporations won't put up with that for long. They NEED the cheap slave labour that China can offer in the amount they do.

I shall also mention that when US corporations being manufacturing back to the USA, it will be HEAVILY automated, meaning there won't be the jobs available in the number that people think would happen IF this is all brought back to the US.  So duping the US population yet again.

Aside from a couple hopefuls of mine, I predict Trump will get elected again, and then after that, the decades downward trend continues with the next crap POTUS.


NOTHING changes.


14 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Trump will continue to dominate any political agenda, in and outside of the United States.

Let's just hope he's not stupid to start a war with Iran. I mean when your military is causing issues abroad for many nations, I guess you can accept the blame that the rest of the world is putting on the USA.

Yes Trump dominates the political talk. Agenda is not the correct term here. But he gets the attention for many of the wrong reasons.

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Well,  big fight on the house floor as as Speaker Pelosi spoke in favour of a proposed resolution condemning "racist" comments by President Trump --  but, Pelosi's words were eventually ruled out of order by  Democrat House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.  Not clear but it appears she lied about getting the OK from the head Parliamentarian.  Pretty ironic that Pelosi was just called a racist by OAC.  

Also,  when words are taken down, the member accused of using inappropriate language must be seated in the House chamber and wait for the ruling, but Pelosi did not.   It appears she violated house rules and left the floor.   Shoulda had the popcorn out.


It seems the Democrats are self destructing as a new internal poll shows that AOC and the 'squad' could be taking them down.  










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10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You keep trying to distance yourself from AOC, but the genesis of our whole back and forth here is your reply to a post about AOC's complaints about inhumanity at the border.

No the genisis is that other people including Republicans and some of the most hard-boiled right-wing conservatives on the planet were talking about inhumanity at the border before AOC.  You still haven't taken the time to question your judgement or shatter you illusions about the CATO Institute have you? This would be hilarious if it wasn't so profoundly pathetic.



If you don't believe AOC then speak out against her quotes, or ignore her quotes, don't back them up. Just yesterday another American Congresswoman quoted AOC's claim that people were being forced to drink out of toilets at the border 'concentration camps'. You're no better than she is.

From where I'm sitting it appears AOC and others are backing up CATO.  What am I supposed to do, write off CATO as an affiliate of CNN too or maybe even Pravda?

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3 hours ago, GostHacked said:

I predict Trump will get elected again, and then after that, the decades downward trend continues with the next crap POTUS.


I say that's good! To the world, the US was too stupid to be a superpower anyway. Let others have it and hopefully they will turn the world into a better place.


3 hours ago, GostHacked said:

NOTHING changes.


Yes, nothing changes and it never will. The American people and the American leadership are not listening to you. That is why Canadians and the rest of the world has to make these changes themselves!


3 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Let's just hope he's not stupid to start a war with Iran.



If they do, Canada does have an option not to join.


3 hours ago, GostHacked said:

I mean when your military is causing issues abroad for many nations, I guess you can accept the blame that the rest of the world is putting on the USA.



Which makes me wonder why the world hasn't united against the USA! This is the point I keep making and nobody wants to listen to me! And don't give me the: "they are too powerful" speech because we all know that's a lie.


3 hours ago, GostHacked said:

But he gets the attention for many of the wrong reasons.



Then don't give him any attention at all. After all, he is president of the USA, not of Canada or the world.

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13 hours ago, eyeball said:

No the genisis is that other people including Republicans and some of the most hard-boiled right-wing conservatives on the planet were talking about inhumanity at the border before AOC.  You still haven't taken the time to question your judgement or shatter you illusions about the CATO Institute have you? This would be hilarious if it wasn't so profoundly pathetic.


From where I'm sitting it appears AOC and others are backing up CATO.  What am I supposed to do, write off CATO as an affiliate of CNN too or maybe even Pravda?

You're completely unable to comprehend the difference between:

-AOC saying things like "detention centers are concentration camps" and "border guards are forcing people to drink from the toilet" (and her idiotic squad members are repeating them in Congress), and

-things like "detention centers are overwhelmed, there's not enough money in the system right now to deal with so many illegal aliens". 


Here's the difference eyeball - what AOC is accusing the US of is "intentional inhumanity", that's the first thing that you need to understand. 

The other thing that you need to understand is that detention centers aren't free and they can't magically create space, or food. If the Democrats refuse to build a wall, and refuse to fund the border, and refuse to stop encouraging illegal immigration just to score political points then detention centers will continue to run on fumes and the people who get lumped in there will have a rough go.


An AOC-inspired domestic terrorist just got killed attacking a detention center. He has roughly the same understanding of the overall situation as you have. He's listening to people who are saying the same things that you are, and some of those things are obvious lies and others have been proven to be false. Ilhan Omar and the Democrats refuse to condemn that act of terrorism against a federal facility in their own country. They can't even comment on it because once they open up that can of worms they'll have to answer tougher questions like "why is a domestic terrorist quoting the squad?"

It's never a good time to say things that you know aren't true eyeball, and it's just as bad to pretend that you're proving them by quoting sources that say things which are saying completely different things. If you can find me a quote by CATO that says something like "they're running concentration camps" or "it's the Republicans who are creating/encouraging a situation where massive hordes of illegal aliens are rushing the border" or "Republicans are encouraging intentional inhumanity at the border and in detention camps" then I'll admit that CATO is backing you and AOC. 

Remember that AOC's quote specifically makes it seem as though underfunding isn't the cause of any of the inhumanity. You're pretending to back that up with a Republican's own quotes (which don't do that at all) and CATO's own information. You're either engaging in deception or you're an imbecile.

I don't doubt that among the tens of thousands of border guards and detention center guards there are at least a few a-holes, but that's impossible to avoid. Can you prove that Republicans or the bad old US government are encouraging that? I know you can't. But I can prove that Dems are exacerbating the problems at the border six ways from Sunday and that they're inspiring domestic terrorism with their stream of blatant lies (the ones that sucked you in hook, line and sinker). 

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If the guards weren't taunting and abusing prisoners, If they weren't laughing about all of this online then maybe we could see it as only a budget issue.


People who ignore this problem, or worse defend it, show us how far partisanship can go.

We forgot to remind people about democratic morality, since about 1965.

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20 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

If the guards weren't taunting and abusing prisoners, If they weren't laughing about all of this online then maybe we could see it as only a budget issue.


They are detention prison guards, not Mother Teresa.



People who ignore this problem, or worse defend it, show us how far partisanship can go.


Agreed....guards were doing the same thing when Obama was president and built the detention centers with chain link "cages".



We forgot to remind people about democratic morality, since about 1965.


Nothing special about then or now, and I sure as hell would not want to bring 1965 back.

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On 7/16/2019 at 12:34 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


More factories are being built in the U.S. now than in Canada.   Some Canadian firms are relocating to U.S. right-to-work states.


All these Trudeau lovers just never seem to get it. Trudeau has been a disaster for Canada. No one has bothered to tell me as to what King Trudeau has done in his four years of dictatorship that has made Canada great? All I ever seem to be getting from that fool is more tax hikes, more government/red tape and less freedom of speech. Our politicians refuse to try and make Canada great as it once was. The leftist liberals in Canada thinks that the more big government Canada creates the better things will be. I think they call that socialism and socialism does not work. Venezuela was once a rich and prosperous country. Gas was once five cents a liter. Today, it is fast becoming a basket case thanks to the implementation of socialism/communism. I am surprised that Canada has any factories left. If Canada would cut red tape, cut taxes, and give businesses more freedom Canada could become great again. 

I am still waiting for some of the pro leftist liberal members here to show me something that king Trudeau has done for Canada and Canadians that is making Canada great. By the looks of things, I will be waiting for a very long time. Aw well. :D

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On 7/16/2019 at 12:23 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


You still don't get it....power beats "laughing stock" every day.   Winning beats losing....just ask Hillary Clinton.

Trump matters more at any G-7 or G-20 meeting than the rest, especially Trudeau, who went begging to Trump for help on China, which continues to kick Canada's ass because of such weak leadership and government.



I never see any of the world leaders at any of the summits running to and surrounding our prime mistake of Canada. They appear to want to stay away from him. Some try to make it appear as though the rest of the world despises Trump but they sure do like to be around him and kiss his ass when he is available to do so. Most if not all of those summit leaders are jealous of Trump. Why? Because they are not real and true leaders. Trudeau being one of those non leaders. Most are corrupt and probably despise their people and their countries. It was so embarrassing to see Trump grovel at the feet of Trump to try and get Trump to help get back those two Canadians held in the Chinese communist gulag illegally. China just laughs and spits on Trudeau. I wonder if Trudeau still admires China as he once said he did? The Chinese know better than to throw two Americans illegally into a Chinese communist gulag call. Trump would give them one ultimatum. Let them out now or else. Trump is a real and true leader which most leftist liberals are just not use to seeing. They have been brainwashed into believing that Trump is another Hitler. What stunned foolish those brainwashed people are. Aw well. 

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On 7/8/2019 at 9:28 AM, WestCanMan said:

Like I said before, but you dodged the point - "no one has witnessed inhumanity at the border".


11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's never a good time to say things that you know aren't true eyeball, and it's just as bad to pretend that you're proving them by quoting sources that say things which are saying completely different things. If you can find me a quote by CATO that says something like "they're running concentration camps" or "it's the Republicans who are creating/encouraging a situation where massive hordes of illegal aliens are rushing the border" or "Republicans are encouraging intentional inhumanity at the border and in detention camps" then I'll admit that CATO is backing you and AOC.

No, you'll never admit to anything of the sort because you're a pathetic worthless liar.  Case in point, the way you move goalposts when you're cornered - you originally got your panties in a twist when I told you that people, including some very right-wing conservatives, were reporting inhumanity being witnessed at the border before AOC ever reported anything.  Now your stupid tits are in a wringer because I provided evdience, that proved the point you had the nerve to accuse me of dodging, and so now you need evidence of those people saying something new.

Go fuck yourself you fucking child.  I know we're expected to play the ball and not the player in these threads but when you offer nothing but your own pigheaded stubborness to substantiate your point you become the ball.

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:


No, you'll never admit to anything of the sort because you're a pathetic worthless liar.  Case in point, the way you move goalposts when you're cornered - you originally got your panties in a twist when I told you that people, including some very right-wing conservatives, were reporting inhumanity being witnessed at the border before AOC ever reported anything.  Now your stupid tits are in a wringer because I provided evdience that proved the point you had the nerve to accuse me of dodging so instead you want evidence of those people saying something else.

Go fuck yourself you fucking child.  I know we're expected to play the ball and not the player in these threads but when you offer nothing but your own pigheaded stubborness to substantiate your point you become the ball.

Lol eyeball, you're just backing up your stream of lies and deflection with more lies and deflection. I haven't moved the goalposts at all.

I proved that you backed AOC's idiotic lies with quotes that didn't actually back her claims at and I stand by that. I'm right on point and you're still toeing the line for the moron who is inspiring domestic terrorists. 

Get an emotional support llama if you can't handle it.


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