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America under President Trump

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Someone else being shown the White House door. Sebastion Gorka, failed Hungarian politician, mouth piece for the likes of Breitbart, Fox News, and most recently President Trump, leaving town apparently over his far right leaning connections. And then there is that medal he wears.


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From the people who brought you "alternate facts", we're proud to present... "alternate history"!!

President Trump had an interesting interview with the Washington Examiner, in which he asked why the American Civil War happened. He suggested that if Andrew Jackson, rather than Honest Abe, had been President, the Civil War wouldn't have happened.


"I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later you wouldn't have had the Civil War," he said. "He was a very tough person but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw with regard to the Civil War, he said 'There's no reason for this.'"


It's highly improbably that Andrew Jackson was really angry with what he saw regarding the Civil War, given that he had been dead for 16 years before the Civil War started. It's especially unlikely that he said "There's no reason for this", unless he said it through a Ouija Board.

Could Jackson have avoided the Civil War?  Sure. Given that Jackson was a slave owner himself, one doubts whether he'd have gone to war to abolish slavery. Jackson was pro-slavery and one suspects that his solution to the Civil War would have been a deal in which slavery didn't get abolished.  Regarding Jackson's "big heart", the fact that Jackson is irreparably associated with the Trail of Tears speaks volumes about that. By modern standards he was a pretty horrible person.

About the only thing Trump got right about Andrew Jackson is that he was tough. He was a legendary soldier, as well as a guy who tended to settle his personal disputes with fistfights or gunfights. In one duel Jackson faced a famed gunfighter and got shot right in the chest... he shrugged off the bullet-wound and shot his opponent in the face. They couldn't remove the bullet because it was too close to his heart, and so he spent the rest of his life randomly coughing up blood as a result. Between his soldiering and gunfighting, Jackson got shot so many times that it was said "his chest rattled like a bag of marbles" when he coughed. If Andrew Jackson were alive today he'd smack the crap out of Trump for being a draft-dodging wuss.


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I actually enjoy listening to President Trump.  I believe the wall will make a difference.   He seems to have some good ideas.  I'm glad to see he doesn't bow and scrape to the mainstream media.  I think they are biased probably because they are so used to being close to liberals and having their own way.  Somebody comes along that is contrary to the liberal agenda has thrown them off balance.  He doesn't follow the script they expect him to follow. 

He is on CNN right now making some good comments about N. Korea, praising Kim Jung Un a little bit.  This is makes a lot of sense.  Instead of calling him down at a time when there is a serious threat with N. Korea, he is trying to establish some kind of communication and cool the situation off.  This might not be a bad idea.  Of course democrats are condemning Trump's comments.  Nothing else has worked, so why not give it a try?  It doesn't matter what Trump says or does;  the democrats condemn it.   If there is a war, it could be catastrophic.  We don't know if Kim Jung Un will soften his position but it sure couldn't hurt to try at this point.  Trump has said he is willing to meet Kim Jung Un.  Anything should be done to stop the crisis and stop N. Korea from pursuing nuclear capability.

Edited by blackbird
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14 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I actually enjoy listening to President Trump.  I believe the wall will make a difference.   He seems to have some good ideas.  I'm glad to see he doesn't bow and scrape to the mainstream media.  I think they are biased probably because they are so used to being close to liberals and having their own way.  Somebody comes along that is contrary to the liberal agenda has thrown them off balance.  He doesn't follow the script they expect him to follow. 

He is on CNN right now making some good comments about N. Korea, praising Kim Jung Un a little bit.  This is makes a lot of sense.  Instead of calling him down at a time when there is a serious threat with N. Korea, he is trying to establish some kind of communication and cool the situation off.  This might not be a bad idea.  Of course democrats are condemning Trump's comments.  Nothing else has worked, so why not give it a try?  It doesn't matter what Trump says or does;  the democrats condemn it.   If there is a war, it could be catrostrophic.  We don't know if Kim Jung Un will soften his position but it sure couldn't hurt to try at this point.  Trump has said he is willing to meet Kim Jung Un.  Anything should be done to stop the crisis and stop N. Korea from pursuing nuclear capability.

Kim extra judicially murders his own relatives and other with anti-aircraft guns, just to put on a god damn show. Trump would "be honored" to have him visit. WTF is wrong since you seem to have this total belief in religion that should perhaps sway you against this kind of brutal, murderous activity. But then oh yeah, religion. I wait with baited breath to see if Kim and Duterte actually arrive at the WH.  

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1 minute ago, Omni said:

Kim extra judicially murders his own relatives and other with anti-aircraft guns, just to put on a god damn show. Trump would "be honored" to have him visit. WTF is wrong since you seem to have this total belief in religion that should perhaps sway you against this kind of brutal, murderous activity. But then oh yeah, religion. I wait with baited breath to see if Kim and Duterte actually arrive at the WH.  

The same could be said for a lot of dictators in the world.   They are absolutely corrupt and commit heinous crimes.  But you still have to deal with them and if it is possible to avoid an all out war with N. Korea, then you have to do what you have to do.  War could mean millions of innocent people would die on both sides.  If you can placate your enemies with a few words, then by all means do that and try to get them to cool off.  It does not mean you condone what they have done.  When your enemy has his finger on the nuclear trigger, you better use your head.

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7 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The same could be said for a lot of dictators in the world.   They are absolutely corrupt and commit heinous crimes.  But you still have to deal with them and if it is possible to avoid an all out war with N. Korea, then you have to do what you have to do.  War could mean millions of innocent people would die on both sides.  If you can placate your enemies with a few words, then by all means do that and try to get them to cool off.  It does not mean you condone what they have done.  When your enemy has his finger on the nuclear trigger, you better use your head.

Well I have to say I am intrigued by your optimism that a little visit to the WH would convince Kim to take his finger off that nuclear trigger, if he even has one, and welcome democracy and stop being the supreme dictator, stop murdering anyone who speaks out against him,  and bring his country in line with others to comply with such things as international trade and human rights laws etc. But I'm afraid it's also extremely naive. Duterte has murdered thousands of addicts to try and clean up the country's drug problem. You want to invite these boys for a little dinner and a chat? Obviously you are not using your head. 

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24 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The same could be said for a lot of dictators in the world.   They are absolutely corrupt and commit heinous crimes.  But you still have to deal with them....


Agreed....Prime Minister Paul Martin had no problem cutting deals with Libya's dictator ( Moammar Gaddafi).


So President Trump can do it too....and will.

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14 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Agreed....Prime Minister Paul Martin had no problem cutting deals with Libya's dictator ( Moammar Gaddafi).


So President Trump can do it too....and will.

Kim might be safe. He doesn't have oil.


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13 hours ago, blackbird said:

I actually enjoy listening to President Trump.  I believe the wall will make a difference.   He seems to have some good ideas.  I'm glad to see he doesn't bow and scrape to the mainstream media.  I think they are biased probably because they are so used to being close to liberals and having their own way.  Somebody comes along that is contrary to the liberal agenda has thrown them off balance.  He doesn't follow the script they expect him to follow.

More like because he's a pathological liar, an arrogant, bullying narcissist, and appallingly ignorant about almost every facet of life, economics, government and international politics.

And he has the morals of a pimp.

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12 hours ago, blackbird said:

The same could be said for a lot of dictators in the world.  

No. It can't. There are death camps in North Korea that rival those of Nazi Germany for the number of innocents slaughtered there. Tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands die in them every year.

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

No. It can't. There are death camps in North Korea that rival those of Nazi Germany for the number of innocents slaughtered there. Tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands die in them every year.

That may be true and it is deplorable.  But the goal here is to prevent an all-out war with N. Korea (and maybe China which backed N. Korea in the Korean War), which could involve nuclear weapons, that could kill millions of people on both sides.  A war of words hasn't worked.  Maybe it's time to try to get him to calm down and negotiate.

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I don't see a problem with Trump trying to make Kim Jung Un feel like a Big Boy.  That's ultimately what Kim Jung Un wants... he wants everybody to think he's a Big Boy. (Trump understands this, because that's all Trump wants too.)

Tell everyone KJU is "a smart cookie". Invite him to the White House for a formal meeting. Treat him like a Big Boy. If that gets the crazy fat-kid to calm down and act like a grown-up, that's brilliant. I support Trump 100% on that.

Trump trying to start a bro-mance with Rodrigo Dutarte is more bizarre, though.

I mean, the dude claims he rode around town on his motorcycle shooting drug-addicts to death. Either he's a psychopath, or he's a delusional psychopath. There's no other interpretation.  My suspicion is that he dreamed he was riding around town on his motorcycle shooting drug-addicts to death while he was watching The Terminator and high on a bong-full of super-strong Philippines chiba-chiba.


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Trump now wants to "fix" the First Amendment because he's mad that the New York Times is writing negative articles about him.

Clearly, when Republicans talk about how much they love the Constitution, they really only mean the Second Amendment (some probably appreciate the Fifth as well... looking at you, Lt. Gen. Flynn).

Obviously Trump is a snowflake. Perhaps instead of messing with the Constitution he should retreat to his safe space and play with his plush toys for a while.

What a big baby.


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14 hours ago, kimmy said:

Trump now wants to "fix" the First Amendment because he's mad that the New York Times is writing negative articles about him.

Clearly, when Republicans talk about how much they love the Constitution, they really only mean the Second Amendment (some probably appreciate the Fifth as well... looking at you, Lt. Gen. Flynn).

Obviously Trump is a snowflake. Perhaps instead of messing with the Constitution he should retreat to his safe space and play with his plush toys for a while.

What a big baby.


Does anyone seriously think Trump has ever read the constitution or knows anything about it, or cares?

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14 hours ago, kimmy said:

Trump now wants to "fix" the First Amendment because he's mad that the New York Times is writing negative articles about him.


Thank you for confirming that President Trump is being very presidential, just like many previous U.S. presidents' objections to negative press...like Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford....all the way back to Lincoln.



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42 minutes ago, Argus said:

Does anyone seriously think Trump has ever read the constitution or knows anything about it, or cares?

Nope but the cost of a golf membership at Mara Lago has doubled to $200,000. Can't lose sight of the important stuff.

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I just watched the latest "episode" of the White House briefing. Sean Spicer's responses to the majority of questions which dealt with the "wall" and healthcare were about as convoluted as ever I've heard. A lot of head scratching among the press corps, and I assume anybody else listening. It seems if you happen to have a pre-existing condition your state can simply apply for a waiver and bye bye coverage, or same thing if you happen to move to a state that has a waiver. And the "wall" is going to be basically a few "picket fence" repairs to certain voids in the existing picket fence. I do have pity for Spicer, it must be difficult dealing with the shapeshifting that emanates regularly from Trump. 

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On 5/2/2017 at 0:04 AM, bush_cheney2004 said:


Agreed....Prime Minister Paul Martin had no problem cutting deals with Libya's dictator ( Moammar Gaddafi).


So President Trump can do it too....and will.

Yea seems Regan liked Gadaffi, and so did Clinton.

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12 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

Four more years of hand wringing to go.

The hand wringing I can stand, it's the bitching and moaning that gets tedious!  What would make it all worth it though, is a fired up economy, North Korea muzzled and a resulting win in 2020.  I think I would actually laugh my ass completely off, which is quite hard for a shark to do.

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Trump doesn't seem to have looked up when Andrew Jackson died, and he sends Sean Spicer up in front of the press and TV cameras to speak for him and try and tell us we don't know the difference between a wall and a fence. Maybe he should be "fired" 

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On 2017-05-04 at 11:40 PM, Omni said:

Trump doesn't seem to have looked up when Andrew Jackson died

I don't get what the big deal was about this, other than it seems like the media purposely misconstrued what the President said. His initial remarks in that statement included- “Had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War." Obviously he knew that Andrew Jackson was no longer alive when the civil war actually began.

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