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Donald vs Hillary

Who will American voters choose: Clinton or Trump?  

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I think Paul Ryan has had enough. I predict he will drop Trump very soon.

The infighting in the Rep party now is quite entertaining. I wonder if they will entertain not endorsing Trump which will break the GOP up and then they need to find a new front man. If that happens, Clinton will get in, but something is happening with the email hack on the Dems recently.

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Everything I dislike about Trump is based on his own words and actions, not what anyone else says about him. He's a vulgar, ignorant, lying, swaggering, self-serving bully.

I'm trying to think of a word for this:

"You know something very nice just happened to me. A man came up to me and he handed me his Purple Heart," Trump said during an event in Virginia.


And I said, 'Man that's like big stuff. I've always wanted to get the real Purple Heart.' This was much easier,"

The seemingly light-hearted comments come amid Trump's ongoing controversy with Gold Star families and new reports detailing his own draft deferments.


Just something really sick about that: duped young men sent to slaughter, killed, maimed, wounded, psychologically damaged ..in corporate wars for profit ... and Trump cracks "This was much easier."

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I'm trying to think of a word for this:

How about Jag-off? That's what Mark Cuban refers to him as:

You know what we call a person like that, you know, the screamers, the yellers, the people who try to intimidate you? You know what we call a person like that in Pittsburgh? A jag-off. Is there any bigger jag-off in the world than Donald Trump?

Initially, I really hoped he would be something different, that as a businessperson, I thought there was an opportunity there. But then he went off the reservation and went bats— crazy.

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Trump, like Brexit and the rise of fascism, is a symptom of a problem not the cause. Sure self serving jag-offs who attempt to use the discontent for personal gain exacerbate the problem, but after the orange embarrassment is gone another demagogue will take his place. When the needs of the people are not being met and their issues ignored by the ruling classes for long enough, anger builds and eventually people get killed. Corporate ownership of US politics, widening income gap, vanishing middle class, a sense of helplessness in public affairs, etc. are all contributing to a feeling of anger and desperation. Instead of attempting to solve some of the root causes, malevolent people tap into this fear and anger by assigning false blame. It's the Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, Gays, Transgendered, etc. who caused X, they will claim....just don't look behind the curtain or the doors of the country club.

Neither Hillary, nor Donald are particularly interested in addressing the number one US issue of big money in the political process. However, the Democrats are the current best shot of reducing it, while also tackling or at least applying Band-aids to some of the underlying economic and social issues. Not to mention the fact that Hillary would make a knowledgeable, calm, diplomatic, intelligent, experienced POTUS and Trump is an intellectually vacuous, thin skinned, inexperienced, embarrassment to a great country. Those who try to pretend that the remaining two options are anywhere close to being on the same level are simply delusional.

Obama covered this well when talking about McCain, Romney and Trump. He said he disagreed with the ideas his opponents presented about the best way to proceed for the country and economy, but never doubted their competence and ability to lead a nation and behave in a dignified, presidential manner. On the other hand, Trump simply cannot even come close to handling the roles required of a President.

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In a one hour briefing with foreign policy officials Donald Trump actually asked the experts, three times, why the US can't use nuclear weapons if they have them. Can you believe that?

It's not that the man is capable but just brash or has harsh tongue and vocabulary of a ten year old, it's that he is light years away from possessing the qualities, intellect, experience and humility required to be presidential.


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Do you think I'm as stupid as FOX viewers that I don't wonder when a video starts in the middle of a conversation and she gets cut off in mid-sentence after saying 'we didn't lose a single person' that there might be some editorial screwing around being done? Sorry bud. It was trivially simple to check this and discover it was taken out of context from a discussion on the multinational military intervention against Libya's Qaddafi.

Some of her flip floppin over the years.

Oh yeah? A politician who flip flops? Shocking! Good thing Trump the pro-choice Democrat never does that!

“Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman,” he told Greta Van Susteren. “I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her.

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In a one hour briefing with foreign policy officials Donald Trump actually asked the experts, three times, why the US can't use nuclear weapons if they have them. Can you believe that?

Of course....it's a question ask by lots of people, including those responsible for operations/policies for American tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.

It's not that the man is capable but just brash or has harsh tongue and vocabulary of a ten year old, it's that he is light years away from possessing the qualities, intellect, experience and humility required to be presidential.

The only requirements are defined in the U.S. Constitution. Nothing in there about qualities that the present prime minister of Canada also lacks.

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In a one hour briefing with foreign policy officials Donald Trump actually asked the experts, three times, why the US can't use nuclear weapons if they have them. Can you believe that?

It's not that the man is capable but just brash or has harsh tongue and vocabulary of a ten year old, it's that he is light years away from possessing the qualities, intellect, experience and humility required to be presidential.


Perhaps you could provide a link to an actual news organization of some kind.

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Trump is right to ask such questions if he is to be president. Tactical nuclear weapons are in the U.S. inventory for a reason. Strategic nuclear weapons are for deterrence and first strike options. They are real...they exist for a reason.

President Harry Truman (a Democrat)....used nuclear weapons.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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And I think, again, shes given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard

I think that status quo agenda - from the real rulers of the 'free' world (Ha!), the corporatocracy - is why there is such oppression and angst among the working class, and why there is the Trump phenomenon.


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In a one hour briefing with foreign policy officials Donald Trump actually asked the experts, three times, why the US can't use nuclear weapons if they have them. Can you believe that?

It's not that the man is capable but just brash or has harsh tongue and vocabulary of a ten year old, it's that he is light years away from possessing the qualities, intellect, experience and humility required to be presidential.


And did they give Trump an answer after he asked them three times? Just curious.

I think that all Canadian politicians today fit the description of lacking any quality or substance or intellect. They appear to be nothing more than just a bunch of politically correct fools who appear to be afraid to hear the truth or to tell the truth. In other words I find just about every politician practices very hard on how to try and learn to deceive and suck up to we the sheeple as much as possible just to get elected and then try to stay elected.

Just my personal opinion of course.

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I think that status quo agenda - from the real rulers of the 'free' world (Ha!), the corporatocracy - is why there is such oppression and angst among the working class, and why there is the Trump phenomenon.


The irony is that Trump represents that corporatocracy. He's never known what it's like to worry about money or a job and has never shown the slightest concern for the poor or middle class. He's tapped into this rage from the working class entirely by accident, and is using it for his own purposes. He reminds me of the Tea party. It started out as an expression of anger against the cozy relationship between Wall Street and Washington which resulted in a trillion dollar payout. But soon after it was taken over by the rich, and is now a slick operation run out of Madison Avenue, with first rate web sites run by pros, all paid for by the billionaires. And it's only agenda is to lower taxes. Screw the poor, the sick, the old, the children, screw infrastructure, screw the military, screw everything. Just lower taxes, especially on the rich.

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What drives Trump supporters? Ask Bruce Springsteen

My Home Town

Now Main Street's whitewashed windows and vacant stores
Seems like there ain't nobody wants to come down here no more
They're closing down the textile mill across the railroad tracks
Foreman says these jobs are going boys and they ain't coming back to your hometown
Your hometown
Your hometown
Your hometown
Atlantic City
Now I been lookin' for a job but it's hard to find,
Down here it's just winners and losers /
And don't get caught on the wrong side of that line.
The Promised Land
I've done my best to live the right way, I get up every morning and go to work each day / But your eyes go blind and your blood runs cold / Sometimes I feel so weak I just want to explode
Well, my daddy come on the Ohio works / When he come home from World War Two / Now the yard's just scrap and rubble / He said ‘Them big boys did what Hitler couldn't do.’ / These mills they built the tanks and bombs / That won this country's wars / We gave our sons to Korea and Vietnam / Now we're wondering what they were dyin' for
Well big limousine long shiny and black
You don't look ahead you don't look back
How many times can you get up after you've been hit ?
Well I swear if I could spare the spit
I'd lay one on your shiny chrome
And send you on your way back home
Assholes like Trump don't understand a thing about the sentiment behind Springsteen's songs, of course. They're just self serving scum who see a way of gulling the 'poorly educated' for their own purposes.
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Neither Hillary, nor Donald are particularly interested in addressing the number one US issue of big money in the political process. However, the Democrats are the current best shot of reducing it, while also tackling or at least applying Band-aids to some of the underlying economic and social issues. Not to mention the fact that Hillary would make a knowledgeable, calm, diplomatic, intelligent, experienced POTUS and Trump is an intellectually vacuous, thin skinned, inexperienced, embarrassment to a great country.

The nation, however, is not immune to the lasting damage that is being done to it by Trump’s success in normalizing post-factual politics. It is being poisoned by the injection into its bloodstream of the cynicism required of those Republicans who persist in pretending that although Trump lies constantly and knows nothing, these blemishes do not disqualify him from being president.

When George F Will is that contemptuous of a Republican nominee you know they party is in trouble.


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Just something really sick about that: duped young men sent to slaughter, killed, maimed, wounded, psychologically damaged ..in corporate wars for profit ... and Trump cracks "This was much easier."

Bush Jr avoided service overseas with the help from his family. Then used the military later on Iraq.


Do you think I'm as stupid as FOX viewers that I don't wonder when a video starts in the middle of a conversation and she gets cut off in mid-sentence after saying 'we didn't lose a single person' that there might be some editorial screwing around being done? Sorry bud. It was trivially simple to check this and discover it was taken out of context from a discussion on the multinational military intervention against Libya's Qaddafi.

She said it during a town hall that Clinton and Sanders attended. She said it, no editing of her words were needed.

Now you are assuming there was US military boots on the ground in order to get rid of Qaddafi. It was all air power and naval blockades, so they were out of range in terms of 'attacking' Libya. She may be right there, that no Americans were lost during that time of the Libyan war. But her fumbling of her handling of Banghazi brought to the forefront her inadequacies of her so called 'leadership'.


She's as crooked as they come, but don't let that stop you from thinking she is a really good person.

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The irony is that Trump represents that corporatocracy. He's never known what it's like to worry about money or a job and has never shown the slightest concern for the poor or middle class. He's tapped into this rage from the working class entirely by accident, and is using it for his own purposes. He reminds me of the Tea party. It started out as an expression of anger against the cozy relationship between Wall Street and Washington which resulted in a trillion dollar payout. But soon after it was taken over by the rich, and is now a slick operation run out of Madison Avenue, with first rate web sites run by pros, all paid for by the billionaires. And it's only agenda is to lower taxes. Screw the poor, the sick, the old, the children, screw infrastructure, screw the military, screw everything. Just lower taxes, especially on the rich.

Who don't the predatory billionaire corporatocracy take over and own?


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She said it during a town hall that Clinton and Sanders attended. She said it, no editing of her words were needed.

And yet, such editing was provided anyway.

She was speaking about US military intervention. The deaths in the attack on the consulate came much later.

But her fumbling of her handling of Banghazi brought to the forefront her inadequacies of her so called 'leadership'.

What fumbling, specifically?

And no, I don't think she is a 'wonderful person' just wonderfully better than Trump.

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What drives Trump supporters?

Ask Clint Eastwood.

“He’s onto something, because secretly everybody’s getting tired of political correctness, kissing up,”

Mr. Eastwood, 86, told Esquire magazine in an interview published Wednesday. “That’s the kiss-ass generation we’re in right now. We’re really in a pussy generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells.”


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Ask Clint Eastwood.

“He’s onto something, because secretly everybody’s getting tired of political correctness, kissing up,”

Mr. Eastwood, 86, told Esquire magazine in an interview published Wednesday. “That’s the kiss-ass generation we’re in right now. We’re really in a pussy generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells.”


Eastwood is so right on about the evils of political correctness, and how we are all living in a kiss butt generation. We need to get away from this nonsense of not being able to give an opinion or point of view about whatever or whomever just because it might offend or hurt somebody's feelings. We truly have become a wimpy-pussy generation. Political correctness was created for one thing only, and that was to stifle freedom of speech.

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Former CIA director (2010-13) Michael Morell will be voting for Clinton and refers to Trump as a security threat.

I am neither a registered Democrat nor a registered Republican. In my 40 years of voting, I have pulled the lever for candidates of both parties. As a government official, I have always been silent about my preference for president.

No longer. On Nov. 8, I will vote for Hillary Clinton. Between now and then, I will do everything I can to ensure that she is elected as our 45th president.

Two strongly held beliefs have brought me to this decision. First, Mrs. Clinton is highly qualified to be commander in chief. I trust she will deliver on the most important duty of a president — keeping our nation safe. Second, Donald J. Trump is not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a threat to our national security.


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