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Trudeau at the World Leaders G-20

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I really do not know what it is with some of the folks on this board. You seem to enjoy going out of your way to demean the leader of your country and by doing that, demean and undermine Canada and the system which it employs. Stephen Harper was the legitimate Prime Minister of Canada and deserved the respect accorded to the individual who sat in that chair. Justin Trudeau is now our legitimate Prime Minister and deserves the respect accorded to that position.

Why do some of you folks have such a low regard for your country and your citizenship?

The previous title of the thread mentioned that Trudeau was pontificating at the g20, which he was. It's not demeaning and it's accurate.

The same people who found this thread name inappropriate left the thread "Harper the Disgrace" unchanged. That's a disgrace, but whatever. Life's a bit of a sandbox sometimes.

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World business leaders.

You're off on a tangent smallc. We aren't talking about who he was doing selfies with. If you want to start another thread to talk about selfies go ahead. This thread is about Trudeau blowing off the topic of all the murdered people in France to tell world leaders about "a lesson we all need to learn". The people in the selfies is worthy of it's own thread ok smallc?

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He was an embarrassment to Canada on the world stage today, a rookie preaching to well seasoned world leaders about how the world should be run.

His economic agenda was upstaged by reactions to the terrorist attacks on Paris. Every other world leader committed to solidarity with France and to ramping up the fight against ISIS. Trudeau did NOT commit himself.

How can Canadians be expected to respect a leader who embarrasses before the whole world? His 'sunny days' agenda pales in the face of the terrorist onslaught. No one with half a functioning brain will take him seriously.

Yes, he is a rookie, and his first time on the world stage. So let's cut him some slack. And of course he's not going to commit to anything yet. He needs to consult with his advisors. His foreign policy advisor only took the job this week. I didn't hear of anyone thinking Canada is an embarrassment from any of the other world leaders. Do you have a cite for that?

Now, there may be concern from the other leaders about Trudeau's announcements regarding Syria, but that was then and this is now. Let's see how he handles himself in the coming days with regards to questions on Syria.

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PM Harper received little respect here and in Canadian media. Early on there were cheeky sweater jokes and the growing refrain of "Blame Harper".

Justin Trudeau ain't my leader, and already he has proven to be a lightweight. If he can't take the jabs, then he shouldn't be prime minister.

That's what some CBC idiot gets for comparing Trudeau's "honeymoon" to FDR, JFK, Reagan, and Obama.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Yes, he is a rookie, and his first time on the world stage. So let's cut him some slack. And of course he's not going to commit to anything yet. He needs to consult with his advisors. His foreign policy advisor only took the job this week. I didn't hear of anyone thinking Canada is an embarrassment from any of the other world leaders. Do you have a cite for that?

Now, there may be concern from the other leaders about Trudeau's announcements regarding Syria, but that was then and this is now. Let's see how he handles himself in the coming days with regards to questions on Syria.

A cite! You need a cite to know if Trudeau was an embarrassment today?

Look, I have my problems with Trudeau - no doubt, but I agree with the above. To stand there, 2 weeks on the job, during this volatile time and pat his own back and tell the world how Canada has succeeded with their refugees was cringeworthy.

Edited by Hal 9000
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Yes, he is a rookie, and his first time on the world stage. So let's cut him some slack. And of course he's not going to commit to anything yet. He needs to consult with his advisors. His foreign policy advisor only took the job this week. I didn't hear of anyone thinking Canada is an embarrassment from any of the other world leaders. Do you have a cite for that?

Now, there may be concern from the other leaders about Trudeau's announcements regarding Syria, but that was then and this is now. Let's see how he handles himself in the coming days with regards to questions on Syria.

No rookie with a lick of sense would sashay into a world stage and preach to the experienced ones about his great plans. He would get himself established as a world leader first.

A real leader should be able to make decisions without consulting with his advisors. He IS the leader, isn't he? I think the truth is he hasn't the intelligence to make decisions on his own and his 'advisors' are actually the ones running the show.

No I don't have a cite. What I posted was my own take on what was reported. I am a Canadian and I don't like the image he is projecting on his first appearance at the G20. He appears to me as an arrogant dumbass!

I don't know what concern the other leaders have about Trudeau's announcement regarding Syria but it is evident that Trudeau sent a clear message that he is not going to be a part of the coalition and/or live up to Canada's commitment to NATO.

Yes indeed, let's see how he handles himself in the coming days with regard to Syria. If you look on Facebook you will see an inundation of pleas directly to him to rethink his position. My guess is that he doesn't give two hoots what Canadians want. He will do as he pleases and to hell with anyone else.

No I will not cut him any slack. He wanted the job so badly he made impossible promises to everybody for everything. It was all sunshine and roses as long as he was getting the rock star treatment. Now that he has to get down to brass tacks it's a different ball game. There's more to leading a country than having people's adulation.

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Canada would be a much safer stronger and better place under Trudeau. It was the conservatives who overrode democracy with religious belief to satisfy their core supporters (the religious fanatics) and they are gone. You will be surprised again how Trudeau will act to make Canada safe and strong as he surprised many including his rivals by his unexpected performance during the long campaign.

The nation was right in dumping the backward corrupt scandalist old conservative regime and replace it with a fresh young energetic open minded feminist liberal government.

So the moderators felt the need to rename the thread because Trudeau was referred to as a noobie, yet they let this drivel stand. Looks like this place is run by a bunch of left wing hypocrites.

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I have been voting in elections since John Diefenbaker was PM. I did not agree with every PM since then but never derided my Prime Minister or his office. I respect and value my citizenship too much to do that.

You may want to go back and reread some of the posts you yourself have made on MLW.

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You may want to go back and reread some of the posts you yourself have made on MLW.

I have. I do and will criticize policies with which I disagree but are supported or initiated by my government. From my point of view, that is quite different from making fun of or deriding the leader of my country. I believe that Stephen Harper did what he thought best for Canadians and I have no doubt that Trudeau and his successors will do the same.

The only reason posters here deride a politician is to agitate those "enemy" posters on this board. At the same time they are diminishing the respect shown to their country (assuming they are Canadians). I agree with the moderators that the practice is adolescent and certainly does not serve to promote any kind of civil and intelligent conversation.

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So the moderators felt the need to rename the thread because Trudeau was referred to as a noobie, yet they let this drivel stand. Looks like this place is run by a bunch of left wing hypocrites.

This is a free country and a democracy and freedom of expression is guaranteed by our Charter and constitution. I have stated my views (which you have likely objected to by making the part bold letters when quoting) however my expressed views like previous government being corrupt and scandalist are based on what I see as plenty of evidence such as:

1. Being found in Contempt of parliament twice.
2. The Senate scandal(Duffy, Meredith, Brazeau and others)
3. Dean Del Mastro, Bruce Carson, Bev Oda, Chuck Cadman, Arthur Porter
4. Repeatedly being in violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and fighting with Supreme Court
5. Firing of Linda Keen for reporting an unsafe nuclear reactor
And they were old because they had been in power for 10 years. And a lot of bills or legislations passed during those 10 years were based on religious beliefs (bill C-36, attempt to override guy marriage, assistant suicide.......). In other words my post was evidence based.
This is not some middle eastern banana republic where people's heads will be chopped off or put in prison for criticizing the government or its leader. I didn't use personal attacks or name calling (like noobie) on anyone but simply pointed out what I viewed as facts regarding previous government's policies. As for Trudeau latest opinion poll by Nanos research indicates that now 70% of Canadians would now see him having the qualities for a good political leader so I can see why moderators may see the need to change any title who may use personal insult on a popular and recently elected leader in a democratic country. Not to mention that now he represents this nation and this country abroad.
Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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This is a free country and a democracy and freedom of expression is guaranteed by our Charter and constitution. I have stated my views (which you have likely objected to by making the part bold letters when quoting) however my expressed views like previous government being corrupt and scandalist are based on what I see as plenty of evidence such as:


This is clearly thread drift. I could write a list of Liberal scandals, but that would also be thread drift.

Is it appropriate to call other countries "banana republics"? Pretty vile vitriol. Broad brush painting.

"Noobie" is not a pejorative. It denotes somebody new.

And please, do you have a cite to show 70% of Canadians have their heads' shoved up their ass?

Edited by Charles Anthony
[---SNIP---] excessive quoting
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Canada would be a much safer stronger and better place under Trudeau. It was the conservatives who overrode democracy with religious belief to satisfy their core supporters (the religious fanatics) and they are gone. You will be surprised again how Trudeau will act to make Canada safe and strong as he surprised many including his rivals by his unexpected performance during the long campaign.

The nation was right in dumping the backward corrupt scandalist old conservative regime and replace it with a fresh young energetic open minded feminist liberal government.

Feminist? What?

Since when should policy be dictated based on that?

How about we base policy based on reality.

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I really do not know what it is with some of the folks on this board. You seem to enjoy going out of your way to demean the leader of your country and by doing that, demean and undermine Canada and the system which it employs. Stephen Harper was the legitimate Prime Minister of Canada and deserved the respect accorded to the individual who sat in that chair. Justin Trudeau is now our legitimate Prime Minister and deserves the respect accorded to that position.

Why do some of you folks have such a low regard for your country and your citizenship?

Just because other ppl, whom I vehemently disagree with, voted for JT does not immediately mean I have some Ohmm moment and respect JT. After just two weeks, he has done nothing I find respect worthy. In fact, I dislike him more now than before.

This does not mean I am not a proud Canadian. On the contrary.

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No rookie with a lick of sense would sashay into a world stage and preach to the experienced ones about his great plans. He would get himself established as a world leader first.

Yes I agree, though considering how Harper deviated from what people expected from Canada it makes some sense for Trudeau to reiterate how things will be going forward.

A real leader should be able to make decisions without consulting with his advisors. He IS the leader, isn't he? I think the truth is he hasn't the intelligence to make decisions on his own and his 'advisors' are actually the ones running the show.

You've just described a dictatorship.

That isn't what democracy is about.

We don't elect leaders to make our decisions for us. We elect them to consult with us and represent our views.

Mind you, I agree that unelected political staff 'advisors' have too much power.

No I don't have a cite. What I posted was my own take on what was reported. I am a Canadian and I don't like the image he is projecting on his first appearance at the G20. He appears to me as an arrogant dumbass!

IMO slightly better than arrogant meanie Harper.

I don't know what concern the other leaders have about Trudeau's announcement regarding Syria but it is evident that Trudeau sent a clear message that he is not going to be a part of the coalition and/or live up to Canada's commitment to NATO.

Not true.

But we'll do it differently.

Yes indeed, let's see how he handles himself in the coming days with regard to Syria. If you look on Facebook you will see an inundation of pleas directly to him to rethink his position. My guess is that he doesn't give two hoots what Canadians want. He will do as he pleases and to hell with anyone else.

No I will not cut him any slack. He wanted the job so badly he made impossible promises to everybody for everything. It was all sunshine and roses as long as he was getting the rock star treatment. Now that he has to get down to brass tacks it's a different ball game. There's more to leading a country than having people's adulation.


He has some maturing to do.


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Just because other ppl, whom I vehemently disagree with, voted for JT does not immediately mean I have some Ohmm moment and respect JT. After just two weeks, he has done nothing I find respect worthy. In fact, I dislike him more now than before.

This does not mean I am not a proud Canadian. On the contrary.

To be a Canadian supporting our electoral system you show respect for the office. Individuals will rotate through that office. To demean the individual is to demean the office and to weaken the system under which we are being governed.

We have a system that decides on which individuals are placed into positions of power in our country. It will never satisfy every Canadian. That is why we have elections to change the people who are in those positions of power.

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To be a Canadian supporting our electoral system you show respect for the office. Individuals will rotate through that office. To demean the individual is to demean the office and to weaken the system under which we are being governed.

We have a system that decides on which individuals are placed into positions of power in our country. It will never satisfy every Canadian. That is why we have elections to change the people who are in those positions of power.

I disagree.

I respect the institution and process.

It does not immediately translate into respecting the person that process has elected.

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I disagree.

I respect the institution and process.

It does not immediately translate into respecting the person that process has elected.

I disagree. I do not believe that one can undermine or demean a person in a leadership position without weakening the position. The position of leader and the power it represents cannot vary with the individual elected to that position.

When a Prime Minister or a President enters a room everyone stands and stays standing until the leader sits. That was true for Diefenbaker, Nixon, Reagan and Harper. It is the same for Obama and Trudeau. The personality of the temporary office holder has no relationship to the respect shown that position. The position is far more important then the temporary occupant.

I respect your position and have been tempted to share it in the past when referring to leaders with whom I vehemently disagreed but had to catch myself lest I lose respect for the office.

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Feminist? What?

Since when should policy be dictated based on that?

How about we base policy based on reality.

It IS based on REALITY. Women and men are EQUAL and this fact must be reflected in our democratic government. That is equal number of female and male ministers. And of course women given equal rights and representations.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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Citizen, he got a free ride from the media, they actually helped him big-time to get elected.

I really don't think so. I think that it was conservatives bad campaign strategies as well as many scandals and bad policies during their 10 years reign which gave a strong majority to liberals who were at third party status. Trudeau did quite well as well you can't possibly deny that. Especially when the conservatives painted him very falsely as an underdog with no skills and experience or capabilities then they shot themselves in the foot. Even now that the nation has seen him as performing as prime minister, based on latest Nanos research Trudeau is regarded by the nation (70%) as having the qualities for a good political leader and definitely the preferred Prime Minister(more than twice that of Harper and Mulcair).


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Citizen, he got a free ride from the media, they actually helped him big-time to get elected.

And yet, 9 out of 10 media who offer endorsements, endorsed the other party. I don't see where he got a free ride; the media was constantly repeating the Conservatives "not experienced" propaganda,and I saw plenty of experts invited to weigh in on the matter. That he rose above both the Conservatives attack ads, and the media's focus on his lack of experience suggests that the Canadian public is not as stupid as Conservatives hoped they were.

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