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This week in Islam


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11 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

the method of bringing up individual crimes as evidence of some great malady is an old one but people seem to think it still works.

ISIS depends on it.  When they instruct individual Muslims to terrorize and many do, yes, it works perfectly.  
Few will clue in that it's actually a group effort.

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Lo and behold:




A man has been shot by police after a number of people were believed to be injured in a stabbing attack around London Bridge.

A person is believed to have started attacking people with a knife and was then, according to witnesses, shot by police.

There are up to five casualties, police told Sky's home affairs editor Mark White.


Don't you just hate it when you are in the midst of denying something is happening and then it does?:rolleyes:

Edited by Goddess
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2 minutes ago, Goddess said:

ISIS depends on it.  When they instruct individual Muslims to terrorize and many do, yes, it works perfectly.  
Few will clue in that it's actually a group effort.

You are underestimating the police. They have access to something more than the papers you choose to read. What would be the use of terrorists committing crimes in secret?

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12 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Lo and behold:


Don't you just hate it when you are in the midst of denying something is happening and then it does?:rolleyes:

I knew, as soon as I heard this news report that you'd be all over it, now that you've decided knife attack = Muslim attack. You might have waited till the assailant was identified before throwing this out here as Islam-inspired.  Even the police involved have asked that people wait for facts before spreading misinformation.

"We are aware of reports circulating on social media.
We will release facts when we can - our info must be accurate."

Goddess, just think of how your credibility could improve if you weren't so eager to prove the evil of Muslims through twisting news stories and jumping to conclusions.

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

Lo and behold:


Don't you just hate it when you are in the midst of denying something is happening and then it does?:rolleyes:

London is done, it`s fallen,  but at least this particular rabid swine got his...  won`t be long before the BBC starts telling us the real danger is from the `far right``  they are allready saying the suicide vest was a `hoax device`  but if  you are stupid enough to wear a suicide vest real or not and carry a knife around anywhere in the UK then you should be shot. 

It is being treated as terror related  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/london-bridge-terror-attack-latest-police-suspect-shooting-a9226371.html





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19 minutes ago, scribblet said:

won`t be long before the BBC starts telling us the real danger is from the `far right`` 

Everyone already knows that.

I'm confused. They say bystanders tackled the suspect, took his knives and pinned him down before the police arrived. And then it says the police shot him dead. What did I miss?


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4 minutes ago, Marocc said:

Everyone already knows that.

I'm confused. They say bystanders tackled the suspect, took his knives and pinned him down before the police arrived. And then it says the police shot him dead. What did I miss?


Well yes, we know the BBC along with CBC will cover up and deflect blame onto something else.    Don`t know what you missed, try reading it.

Meanwhile, more towns added to the list of Asian grooming gangs


As a sickening gang of 17 men and one woman was convicted over the sexual abuse more than 100 girls some as young as 13 it emerged that many experts believe the horrific list of convictions to be merely the tip of the iceberg.

One former Crown Prosecution Service chief Lord Macdonald of River Glaven admitted that in the past investigations had been hampered by police fears of appearing racist.

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3 hours ago, Goddess said:

Lo and behold:


Don't you just hate it when you are in the midst of denying something is happening and then it does?:rolleyes:

Don't you just hate it when someone accuses you of denying that something happens when you have specifically said that you don't.

But well done for focusing on one case of suspected terrorism and ignoring all the cases of stabbings related to crime.

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2 hours ago, Iceni warrior said:

But don't let that stop you jumping to conclusions.

Never let a tragedy go to waste...

Let's face facts here. We're all pretty much conditioned by now to expect that when someone goes berserk on the street or in a shopping mall and stabs people at random it's probably a Muslim. Now you're correct that isn't always the case. But the odds are pretty good. Even though most attacks are thwarted, as in:


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2 minutes ago, scribblet said:

The dead terrorist was known to authorities and had ties to Islamic cells, he was released from prison but wearing a tag.  can't post a link with a tablet it's  in the u.k. mirror. 

Yeah, that's the one in London, but they're talking about the one in the Hague.

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9 minutes ago, Argus said:

Yeah, that's the one in London, but they're talking about the one in the Hague.

That one is of north African descent, no name yet.

Be prepared to be told that the biggest threat is " Islamophobia "

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19 minutes ago, Argus said:

Yes, making it pretty bloody likely.

Yes it is likely but it's still jumping to conclusions until more is known.

Like jumping to conclusions in the cinema machete incident in the UK which had nothing to do with Islam.

It's no better that the left assuming that a black victim must have been a result of a racist attack.

How about waiting until the victim's blood has gone cold before linking every attack to Islam.

Edited by Iceni warrior
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“We are at this moment searching for a suspect, no one has been arrested yet,” police spokeswoman Marije Kuiper told reporters at 10 p.m.

Kuiper said police did not yet have a description of the suspect, but she said an initial police statement that he was a man in his 40s of North African descent had been wrong.

“At this moment all scenarios are still open,” she said.


This is why it is best to wait before making assumptions.

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On 11/28/2019 at 9:29 AM, Goddess said:

Google machete attacks and you'll see that every country that took in Islamics, is being subjected to random machete attacks - not from crime, but random attacks on authorities and domestic violence.

I did google "machete attacks" --- the first hit was about a non-Muslim criminal who killed a senior using a machete and a hammer.  The next two were from within Canada, neither of which identified the attacker as Muslim, or the attack as terror - one is a meth user, and the other wanted a cigarette..  There were other hits around the theatre attack (a gang thing, nothing about Muslims or terror), one in Athlone which does not identify anything but the gender and ages of the attackers.  Another from Toronto which was domestic violence; if the country of origin is any indication, they would be Buddhists.   I had to click into each story because not one of them included "Muslim" in the headline.  

Of course, once I added the word "Muslim" to the search query, I got a list much more like the one you so nicely screenshot for us.  So, how amazed are we that you'd do a google search for "Muslim machete attacks", post it, and then claim that all you had to do was google "machete attacks"?   

Just for fun, I googled "Alberta machete attacks" - cause you live there, and maybe you'd be interested.  First hit:  attacker was Greg Fox, from Little Pine First Nation.  Second hit was a road-rage incident, no personal details provided.  Third hit was a good old-stock Canadian, judging by his name, Dillon Richard Runions - he's to undergo psychiatric assessment.  Two more incidents listed are also clearly not Muslim or terror related.  Not a Muslim machete wielder in sight.  

Your attempt to spread the idea that Muslims are instigating machete attacks around the world fails miserably.   Maybe you'd be more persuasive if you didn't resort to hyperbole, misinformation and outright lies.

ETA:  I just noticed - your "google search" was actually just a bunch of links from "Jihad Watch" - even more of a lie than I thought!  You are such a propagandist; no better than DoP, or the Islamic extremists the two of you pretend all Muslims are.  How sad I am about that, cause up till now I believed you were well-intentioned, merely wrong.  

Edited by dialamah
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Well, Jihad Watch is credible enough, it reports incidents from around world most often with links to the original source.  If they are making stuff up and reporting it, then  it would not be credible.

The LondonBridge terrorist Usman Khan successfully won an appeal against an indeterminate sentence for terrorism offenses after complaining his prison sentence was too long  so got it reduced..   Lucky Brits ...    https://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/news/stoke-on-trent-news/london-bridge-usain-khan-tunstall-3595297

In 2017, The Times reported that Intelligence officers have identified 23,000 jihadist extremists living in Britain as potential terrorist attackers so there are lots more on the loose. 


A convicted terrorist is released from prison every week in the UK - Meanwhile, Mayor Khan assigned 900 officers to ‘hate crime’ duty, which requires monitoring “speech”!  



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1 hour ago, scribblet said:

Well, Jihad Watch is credible enough, it reports incidents from around world most often with links to the original source.  If they are making stuff up and reporting it, then  it would not be credible.

That's not enough.  Are they telling the accurate story, the whole story, and are they vilifying someone ?

I could publish 'Jew Watch' and only publicize crimes by Jews... what does that do, do you think ?

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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

That's not enough.  Are they telling the accurate story, the whole story, and are they vilifying someone ?

I could publish 'Jew Watch' and only publicize crimes by Jews... what does that do, do you think ?

They tell the story with links,  so as accurate as any media reports I suppose, because all we know is what we have to read, are they vilifying someone - well maybe the terrorists.  They explain why Jihad Watch  https://www.jihadwatch.org/why-jihad-watch

You could do that but you wouldn't find much to publish as Jews aren't killing random people on a London bridge, or in a Hague street, it's radical Islamists who do that very visibly. 

 Islam is highly visible as a source of religiously motivated violence and terrorism.  Sure, not all Muslims are radical extremists but there are enough radical Islamists running around that it has become an international problem.    Not only are they slaughtering each other but they want to slaughter us also, the same loons are the people who want to establish a global Caliphate with Sharia and all that entails.  You know “treat women as dogs and beat them” and “exterminate the Jews”.

 Boris Johnson wrote a piece a few years ago


To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia — fear of Islam — seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture — to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques — it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victim’s mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim.



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On 11/27/2019 at 7:27 AM, Michael Hardner said:

There are many challenges there, but luckily you still have your youth :lol:

Make that "health" and I'll agree with you. I try to follow the basics (proper diet/avoiding the obviously bad stuff: smoking, alcohol, drugs....including prescription drugs doctors try to push even for marginal benefits if any/ strength training+ aerobic exercise/  and getting enough sleep is very important....that about covers it). Most medical conditions are self-inflicted...."lifestyle illnesses" today. Though many of the root causes of these are external conditions imposed from outside that raise stress and anxiety levels of more and more working people today.

I have to deal with the natural aging and slowing down of the body....which is very obvious if you run....and compare how long it takes you to run a mile at a comfortable pace today compared to 10, 20, 30 years ago. In the gym, I had to give up "muscle building" workouts in my 40's (or do serious damage to connective tissues) and re-focus on slowing down the loss of muscle mass and increase in body fat that comes with aging.....so I guess if you're active for a long time, you can't deny the passage of time, but just make the necessary adjustments B) 



I used to think I was a leftist, until I realized that most of the time I am just pointing out the basics of a small-l liberal democracy to people who say things like "xyz should be hanged", people who have no idea where our laws came from or how they work.

I went from the "right" (especially when all the 9-11 bs was going on and turning right wing bloggers into millionaire celebrities) but it didn't take me long to decide that liberalism is too vague and unwilling to examine root causes of so many economic and geopolitical problems and dilemmas today....so I kept moving 'left", but aside from being anti-capitalist, I'm not sure what sort of socialist model would lead to a saner and sustainable world. Liberalism is too short-sighted it seems, to focus on long term problems.


Some basic facts about Islam are that there aren't many of them, they're not projected to be a huge number, they don't vote as a bloc and they are much like many other religion when they live in a western context.  Extremist terrorism is a threat, yes, but on the same scale as other terrorist threats and Muslims are also the targets of rightista extremists.  None of this is 'leftist'.

Lot's here to pull apart!  Very true that Muslims do not all think alike or vote alike....even in Muslim majority countries! Terrorism is essentially irregular warfare and today's terrorist groups can't be separated from past terrorist groups, which have been mostly anarchists, left and right political movements, ethnic groups fighting colonialism or state oppression. And in our time, the Al Qaeda's and ISIS even, have been utilize by the CIA, MI-6 or Mossad, when it suited their objectives....I'm thinking here of the "terrorist" threats facing the US's Kurdish allies that were employed to attack Syrian Government forces and cities held by the Government back when it seemed they could eliminate Assad. MSM lost all credibility back then when no one asked exactly who these "moderate" rebels were or what they represented. But as soon as they are threaten western interests, they're back to being terrorists again!


There are groups like Jihadwatch that fund puposeful hate propaganda against Muslims, and you even find people quoting them on here.  Why ?  To disunify, to villify and to foment hate.

I used to go to Robert Spencer's Jihadwatch and satellite sites he spawned back after 9-11 for daily updates. But, it has to be noted that at the time, many of us who were trying to look a little deeper than Bush's buzzwords: "War On Terror", "Islam is a peaceful religion" or "Tiny minority of extremists" didn't find these answers satisfying.....even from 9-12. So Spencer and similar cranks like instant multimilionaire - Pamela Geller, filled the gap for a lot of people. BUT what disturbs me is that most people who went to Jihadwatch for answers or frequented the assortment of rightwing sites at the time, never looked for contrary opinions or looked into faults in Spencer ideology. The primary one the people here who promulgate the notion that one and only one of the world's major religions has mind control properties that turn all Muslims into bloodthirsty killers of non-Muslims is that they can't explain why or how Muslim extremist groups arose or why some of them turned to terrorist attacks. Nor do they comment on all of the other religions that are connected with suicide terrorism - like Hindu Tamils living in predominantly Buddhist and Muslim Sri Lanka! Why did suicide bombings start and why did they stop? Same question for the anarchist terrorists of the 19th century to Palestinian terrorists fighting Israeli occupation!  My theory is that religious justifications come in afterwards to sanctify political motivations. 



I invite you to friend me on Facebook, where I make an effort to never let a thoughtless, hateful, stupid propaganda post go unanswered.  More people need to do that, to counter the paid fake accounts that are out there.



Thanks! I'll have to think about that one as I've been off Facebook for a number of years now! I didn't really need it and found it an annoyance when I deactivated my account, and what I hear later is that it just keeps getting worse!

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