Boges Posted July 27, 2011 Report Posted July 27, 2011 (edited) Well I certainly agree that if someone send their child to a private school, they should be able to receive a generous tax break. Well I suppose you should run for premiere of the province then. Yours, John Tory Edited July 27, 2011 by Boges Quote
Machjo Posted July 27, 2011 Report Posted July 27, 2011 Well I certainly agree that if someone send their child to a private school, they should be able to receive a generous tax break. The problem with that is that it still treats Catholic schools differently. Now if we were talking about cutting all public funding for Catholic schools and extend the same tax break to Catholics. It's the principle of equality here. The Green party's solution of simply one system is not one I'm particularly fond of, but I'll say at least it does treat all religions equally. The Swedish voucher system would also treat them all equally. The point is, what applies to one ought to apply to all. Quote With friends like Zionists, what Jew needs enemies? With friends like Islamists, what Muslim needs enemies?
Jack Weber Posted July 27, 2011 Report Posted July 27, 2011 Well I certainly agree that if someone send their child to a private school, they should be able to receive a generous tax break. Uh...right... If someone choses to opt out of the public school system they should get a tax break for doing so??? Good luck with that... Quote The beatings will continue until morale improves!!!
kimmy Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 Ghettoes may have more than one force at play. In order for an ethnic ghetto to be born, not only do people from that ethnicity have to move there, but oft times people from other ethnicities have to move away, and refrain from moving there in the first place. Ethnic ghettoes, except in the instance of new construction, are not created by one ethnicity. Which is a real dilemna, isn't it. Because I wouldn't move into a neighborhood like that, and if I was living in one, I'd move out at first opportunity. -k Quote (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
cybercoma Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 I find it funny that Jews will fight to preserve the right to practice their religious laws through organizations like the Jewish Family & Child Services. This agency is allowed to make decisions, as long as they don't break any laws in Canada. Now, I don't like many of the more sexist and oppressive elements of Sharia Law, but I fail to see why we would allow one form of religious arbitration and not another, contingent on that arbitration agreeing with Canadian Charter of Rights and Criminal Code. Quote
eyeball Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 The idea of homogenous Muslim neighborhoods isn't quite the "mosaic" we multicultural-loving Canadians were sold on, is it? I don't think homogenous ethnic enclaves in our cities is a good idea. People become Canadianized by mixing amongst Canadians. -k I agree, but I am starting to lean towards separate enclaves and laws and such for right and left wingers. I mean, you people are like...from Mars or something. I've lived amongst you all my life but I feel more alienated with just about every turn of the news cycle. Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
M.Dancer Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 Uh...right... If someone choses to opt out of the public school system they should get a tax break for doing so??? Good luck with that... Well, maybe not a tax about a taxable grant equal to what the child would receive in the state controlled schools? Either one should have golden handcuffs placed on them for the decisions they make about their children's education... Quote RIGHT of SOME, LEFT of OTHERS If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us
Jack Weber Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 Well, maybe not a tax about a taxable grant equal to what the child would receive in the state controlled schools? Either one should have golden handcuffs placed on them for the decisions they make about their children's education... Uh...No... If you want to opt out,that's your perogative... But my tax dollars should not go to fund the choice you make for your childrens education...And a grant is giving money away... Quote The beatings will continue until morale improves!!!
M.Dancer Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 But my tax dollars should not go to fund the choice you make for your childrens education...And a grant is giving money away... Why not? My tax dollars go to fund choices other parents long as it the state sanctioned choice. Where there are alternatives, the government should nurture those alternatives to reduce the strain on the system. As it is the TDPSB is doing what it can to stay above mediocre...parents who who something else should not be penalized by being forced to pay twice. Quote RIGHT of SOME, LEFT of OTHERS If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us
treehugger Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 I thought pray in schools was removed because it did not cover all religions, along with many other things that have been why is this case any different. ONLY CHRISTIAN PRAYER WAS REMOVED WITH ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS CANADIAN LIKE THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. so typical and disgusting! Canadians have to step back and let foreigners have the rein! Quote
bloodyminded Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 ONLY CHRISTIAN PRAYER WAS REMOVED WITH ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS CANADIAN LIKE THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. so typical and disgusting! Canadians have to step back and let foreigners have the rein! Who, exactly, are these "foreigners"? Quote As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand. --Josh Billings
AnOpenMind Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 What I feel is instead of fighting the muslims against their right to pray, why don't the other religions fight for THEIR right to pray instead of trying taking someone elses. For the comment about the muslim child saying 'my feet are cleaner than your face', obviously comes from a hopefully still growing mind and some ignorance to go along. You can't tell me kids of the same religion don't say ruder things to each other? We need to open our minds and not just accept the similarities of people but the differences; which is the most important. I have Muslim, Jewish, Athiest, Hindu, Christian friends that we all help each other understand how they view religion. I might not agree even 50% of the time but in this short life who cares how they want to live their lives? as long as they respect me my religion, actually even if the individual didn't respect my religion, I wouldn't have a problem because of the fact you don't know every individual person in this world. There are bad apples in every religion and no one can tell me otherwise. Respect each other and Live. - A Muslim Quote
Shakeyhands Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 I thought pray in schools was removed because it did not cover all religions, along with many other things that have been why is this case any different. Ummm... because they don't force people of other faiths or no faith to attend? Quote "They muddy the water, to make it seem deep." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Sir Bandelot Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 The idea of homogenous Muslim neighborhoods isn't quite the "mosaic" we multicultural-loving Canadians were sold on, is it? I don't think homogenous ethnic enclaves in our cities is a good idea. People become Canadianized by mixing amongst Canadians. -k I agree but then, we have such things as "Chinatown", "Little Italy", places like that. Quote
Machjo Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 ONLY CHRISTIAN PRAYER WAS REMOVED WITH ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS CANADIAN LIKE THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. so typical and disgusting! Canadians have to step back and let foreigners have the rein! i don't see how we can determine a person's place of birth based on his religion. I've met Arab and Chinese Christians, Salish, Innu, and Mohawk Baha'is and even an Algonquin Muslim. I don't see how adopting a religion suddenly makes one a foreigner. By the same standard, does an indigenous North American who adopts the Christian faith suddenly become a foreigner? Quote With friends like Zionists, what Jew needs enemies? With friends like Islamists, what Muslim needs enemies?
kimmy Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 The details: I was at Yonge-Dundas Square with my nine-year-old son. We ate pizza. We drank bubble tea. And I used my new Canon camera to take photos of this neon shrine.Suddenly, a woman wearing a hijab ran toward me. She was part of a group that included two women wearing full face-covering burkas. She was screaming: “We are Muslim! You do not take pictures of us!” (Odd. I can’t find the “no photos” rule in the Qur’an.) I informed the lady I was in a public square in a democracy. I can actually take pictures of whomever I please. And then: Ka-pow! Her fist collided with my face. Worse, she almost knocked my new camera from my hands. My son and I were then surrounded by a mob of about 20 people, many of whom were speaking Arabic. One kept demanding I surrender my camera to him. It was surreal. Was I in Toronto — or Riyadh? (...) The officer interrogated the woman. She was still hysterical. Good. The constable would encounter firsthand what I had been forced to deal with earlier. The cop walked back to me. No charges would be laid, he said, because he believed the woman’s story — namely, she was merely trying to knock the camera out of my hands. Got that? Apparently, attempted property damage is OK. If a face gets in the way of a would-be vandalizing fist... hey, accidents happen. The Syrian eyewitnesses were speechless. I continued to plead my case. Toronto Police cruisers are emblazoned with the slogan, “To serve and protect”. But increasingly, the unofficial slogan seems closer to, “F.I.D.O.” (“Forget It; Drive On.”) -k Quote (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
dre Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 The idea of homogenous Muslim neighborhoods isn't quite the "mosaic" we multicultural-loving Canadians were sold on, is it? I don't think homogenous ethnic enclaves in our cities is a good idea. People become Canadianized by mixing amongst Canadians. -k I don't think homogenous ethnic enclaves in our cities is a good idea. People become Canadianized by mixing amongst Canadians. I don't think homogenous ethnic enclaves in our cities is a good idea. Trying to prevent them would be a WAY worse idea. Its pretty hard to stop people with common traits from clustering together in a free society if they choose. We have always had ethnic neighborhoods... china towns, irish neighborhoods, italian neighborhoods, asian neighborhoods. Doesnt seem like a big deal to me. Quote I question things because I am human. And call no one my father who's no closer than a stranger
Oleg Bach Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 The question and only question in my mind is would a similar allowance be made for christians, jews, mormans, scientologists, jevoha's eye witnesses..... I rather doubt it It is either a secularist public school system or it is not. Muslims are just more aggressive and understand that our liberal democracy is a weak concept - so they just give us a push and we kindly and most politely in the great Canadian way - comply. The other angle is that within the Muslim community as well as say the new arrivals that are say Orthodox Christians from Ethopia..believe that they are not displacing Canadian relgious rights because in their minds we have no religion - we are all infidels - so what the heck - they just fill the void - the religious power vacume...oh as far as the above writer...they mention "scientologists" - they should have no rights what so ever in allowing them to have influence over our young or naive..they are strickly a fabricated money cult. Quote
eyeball Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 -k The cop walked back to me. No charges would be laid, he said, because he believed the woman’s story — namely, she was merely trying to knock the camera out of my hands. This is just plain wrong but its the result of cops not doing their jobs properly, not Islamification, whatever the hell that means. Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
M.Dancer Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 This is just plain wrong but its the result of cops not doing their jobs properly, not Islamification, whatever the hell that means. And what exactly is the result of the cops not doing their job that would have prevented the assault my the muslim? Perhaps we need an anti burkha law for them to enforce? Quote RIGHT of SOME, LEFT of OTHERS If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us
Michael Hardner Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 And what exactly is the result of the cops not doing their job that would have prevented the assault my the muslim? The police tend to use their personal judgement in these things, and the article doesn't state whether the plaintiff in the case was a "nice guy" or a "douche"... Quote Click to learn why Climate Change is caused by HUMANS Michael Hardner
jacee Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 The police tend to use their personal judgement in these things, and the article doesn't state whether the plaintiff in the case was a "nice guy" or a "douche"... A douche. A civil response, in a democracy or otherwise, would have been to to say "Sorry ... didn't realize ... won't take your pic anymore." Sometimes common decency and respect, once informed of objections, is more likely to resolve a situation than law. I saw a man in a public playground taking pictures of children. I told the creep to stop and I followed him until he left the park. One's legal right to photo anyone in a public place is NOT the only critical factor. Sometimes one has to use human judgement. Quote
Scotty Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 I think that they would, except that the accommodations for other types of prayer are a lot easier, I think. I don't think there's any way a public school would close off the cafeteria or gym and give it over to a bunch of Christian kids for prayer, led by a priest or whatever. Not during regular school hours. No way. Quote It is an inverted moral calculus that tries to persuade the world to demonize one state that tries its civilized best to abide in a difficult time and place, and rides merrily by the examples and practices of dozens of states and leaderships that drop into brutality every day without a twinge of regret or a whisper of condemnation. - Rex Murphy
Scotty Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 I agree, but I am starting to lean towards separate enclaves and laws and such for right and left wingers. I mean, you people are like...from Mars or something. I've lived amongst you all my life but I feel more alienated with just about every turn of the news cycle. And who would pay for the left wing enclaves given most left wingers have little or no money? Quote It is an inverted moral calculus that tries to persuade the world to demonize one state that tries its civilized best to abide in a difficult time and place, and rides merrily by the examples and practices of dozens of states and leaderships that drop into brutality every day without a twinge of regret or a whisper of condemnation. - Rex Murphy
Scotty Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 Who, exactly, are these "foreigners"? Muslims who practice a form of the religion which is based on the backward culture of their homelands. Quote It is an inverted moral calculus that tries to persuade the world to demonize one state that tries its civilized best to abide in a difficult time and place, and rides merrily by the examples and practices of dozens of states and leaderships that drop into brutality every day without a twinge of regret or a whisper of condemnation. - Rex Murphy
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