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Moonlight Graham

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Everything posted by Moonlight Graham

  1. The Charter was written in 1982, not 1867. I don't want the government or anyone else knowing or tracking when I visit a porn site or what porn I watch. What I do or where I go isn't anyone's business and people have a right not to be followed because governments, like police, abuse this power, which is why the rights exist in the first place. That's why police can't tap your phone or put a tracker on your car or barge into your house and rifle through your drawers either on a whim. If they suspect a crime then get a warrant to access that info.
  2. The Charter guarantees against search and seizure without a warrant. It's a non-starter. I'm sick of people, including the Liberal government, using "security" as an excuse to violate our Charter rights.
  3. Where? It's illegal and contrary to the Charter. You need a warrant to track people. They also did it in secret.
  4. Where have the CPC proposed such things, or anything like it? It's the opposite of their usual takes
  5. And? Look up the word "nation-state". Israel legally bought a ton of land in what's now Israel in the 1800s until end of WWII. They wanted to share the land in the region with Arabs, who didn't want to share and attacked the Jews, and this has been going on ever since.
  6. 1. In other words an Arab majority state that will politically dominate the Jews and make them a vulnerable minority against people with violent genocidal hatred against them. 2. Israel isn't ethnically cleansing Gaza
  7. Your OP is a lie and clear misinformation, even according to your own article you posted that you didn't even bother to read: [Quote]He didn't offer further explanation, and his office quickly followed up with a clarifying statement asserting that the Tories don't believe in the imposition of a digital ID.[/quote]
  8. Let's not forget this doozy: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadas-public-health-agency-admits-it-tracked-33-million-mobile-devices-during-lockdown
  9. Arguments on twitter aren't infiltrating the offices of our MP's to influence policy or rigging the outcomes of elections in some ridings.
  10. Foreign interference is a much bigger threat to our country than the usual political squabbling.
  11. I assume because trans people want rights to enter bathrooms and we're debating it.
  12. Should cis males be able to enter and use women's bathrooms? Should we have laws against that?
  13. Trudeau is saying PP is "attacking" trans people for answering a question? LOL.
  14. The question is whether public owned libraries should be used for story time with drag queens. I don't care if it's done in private. I think it's not age-appropriate to do it in our public owned libraries. Drag is a sex fetish essentially. No issue with that but not appropriate or even understandable for young kids. Can be discussed among teens in sex ed
  15. Should parents have right to consent and right to opt out of the education? I think so.
  16. 1. The problem is when rights collide, like trans use of bathrooms vs biological women wanting their own bathroom space to feel safe. I get why trans women want to use women's bathrooms, and why some women feel unsafe alone with a 6'3 220 lbs biological man who is a trans woman in the bathroom or change room. No easy answers there. Problem also occurs when talking about minors, who need to be protected from some harms. Should parents be able to give their 10 years alcohol to the point of drunkenness? As an aside, hunting is by far the most ethical way to obtain meat from land animals, compared to e.g. farms and grocery store meat. Many don't like participating in the violence and firearms though. 2. You might want to, it shows where rights go over the line. 3. I'm ok with it, but what if it is clearly sexual like the trans women doing very sexual stripper moves in front of small children like in the posted video? I think that's over the line and some kind of child abuse. What if it makes cis women unhappy re: sports, and changerooms? It's a conflict in rights now. No matter what is decided one vulnerable group will be happy and the other group will be unhappy.
  17. Liberals are polling at 23%, and 20% for NDP, and 40% for CPC. At this point the Liberals are fighting for official opposition status in next election. Trudeau just needs to resign for the good of his party and the country.
  18. They'll wait for as long as possible to call the election. Spring doubtful
  19. They have similarities and differences, which I outlined. What is the problem in understanding that exactly? Trudeau doesn't commit violence against political opponents. He is a corrupt bully who punishes dissent. Trudeau unethically pressured the AG to get a corporation in the city of his riding off the hook legally, and when she wouldn't do it he punished her with demotion and replaced her, then when she blew the whistle he spearheaded the effort to get her kicked out of the party, then lied about it. Are the Russian oligarchs treated much differently?
  20. Trudeau is not Putin. He doesn't murder political opponents. But Trudeau isn't an ethical politician, he did hardly anything against Chinese election interference that benefited his power until it went public and then he tried to block any investigation, his punishment of JWR's whistleblowing of his own corruption was abhorrent, the minor crimes the freedom convoy committed (illegally parking in the street, noise nuisances, blocking a bridge) does not legitimize his abuse of power by using the Emergencies Act. Putin is much worse than Trudeau, but they're both power-hungry and controlling narcissists who punish dissent and don't respect democracy. They lie constantly and don't want to be held accountable for anything. People who generally support either of them are crappy people in my estimation.
  21. It's a fact that Russian disinformation campaigns etc tried to sway people to vote Trump over Clinton and Biden. You think that makes Trump upset?
  22. The people that defend Putin have been manipulated by Trump and the pro-Trump media pundits to support him, even though he's been aggressively anti-West for decades. Trump likes him because Putin helped get him elected and they're both narcissistic domineering bullies.
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