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Moonlight Graham

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Everything posted by Moonlight Graham

  1. The Crown doesn't make any decisions whatsoever though, Parliament does, who are supposed to represent us. It's not the 15th century anymore. Serving the Crown just means you follow the law. We should all follow the law... usually.
  2. What if it's mostly the truth though? At least we have MAID. Doomlight Graham is back! It's not hopeless though if the suicide cult leader can be voted out.
  3. If you want to govern you at least need to represent the will of a good number of the general public. Most staunchly conservative positions just don't fly with most Canadians.
  4. You've said some interesting things. Let me sit with them and respond when I have more time.
  5. Thank you for your thoughtful responses, it's much appreciated. 1, I just don't agree with you on this. Our values give birth to our actions. If we have the wrong values as a society then our actions will be poisoned by them and we'll be led astray. Bad values mean bad actions and policies. We can criticize policy, but it's even more productive to cut the dragon off at the head. Bad values that are spread to many others is like a disease and it needs to be cured by better values. This is the place to discuss both values/ideology and specific policy. There is a culture war happening and I'm not going to sit by the sidelines as the values I think are harmful spread throughout our governments, education systems, workplaces, media etc just because it causes conflict and makes us uncomfortable. You say the discussion is "limited". I very strongly disagree. The discussion is the very root of many of our problems because, again, bad values give birth to bad actions. You said above: "I don't like the ideological angle, and criticizing people for their values. At their worst, these discussions just turn into culture wars which are anti-political and work against the purpose of having a discussion board in the first place." Totally disagree. I know you don't like it, but we need to talk about it. Discussion boards aren't just for coldly breaking down policy details. There's nothing more political than our values. The culture wars are extremely political because politics is about power, they aren't "anti-political". The values that win the day shape almost everything in our government, plus our schools, workplaces, media etc. You want us to put our heads in the sand because it makes you uncomfortable? I will not comply. This thread is called "What happened to Canada", and it's not just a bad policy here and there, it's about VALUES, so let's talk about them right here, right now, this is EXACTLY the place to talk about them. If this makes you uncomfortable you're free not to participate, but please don't tell me what I or anyone else should or shouldn't talk about. Conflict is often uncomfortable , but avoiding conflict doesn't solve problems. Politics is about conflict because it's a struggle for power and then implementing a vision (values) through actions (policy) using that power. 2, Our Governor Generals, the Liberal MP candidates, and the cabinet are all chosen through a "woke" lens (gender and race quotas). The civil service does the same thing in its hiring as a matter of policy. You're free to research these things if you like. 3, His actions tell me what kind of person he is and what his values are. Cut the head off the dragon by getting rid of the leader and his government. 4, No i think you think you might be labeled a racist if you agreed with me. Same with agreeing on point #2. Am I wrong? I challenge you to give me the honest truth on this. We all think this way. That's why I don't go on Facebook and argue these points, I'm going to use anonymous message boards to avoid the judging stares of people who are offended by uncomfortable facts. 5, Stating what I believe to be the truth sometimes risks becoming offensive. You're a nice guy whom I like personally and so I don't want to offend you nor do I enjoy it, but i'm also not going to lie or suppress what needs to be said. These are a part of my values. I want you to get uncomfortable because I want to hear what you think outside the shackles of the social norms that seek to restrict all of our opinions, myself included in my real life. I believe truth and free expression of it are very important values for a healthy functioning society. Accepting the woke culture war values because that's less uncomfortable than the conflict that arises from resisting it is a bad value IMO. Anonymous message boards might be the only safe space for these conversations we have left. The universities and media aren't (cancel culture). 7, If the crowd is wrong then the crowd needs to be convinced, through argument, or else society suffers. We'd still believe that the sun revolved around the earth. I'm not Socrates or Galileo or Darwin but I embrace their values and the examples they set and we should all do the same. If you're not willing to take the public whippings then at least get out of the way of the people who are.
  6. The cops just needed to purchase a few tow trucks from someone. Is that really an emergency? Lol.
  7. Just inject the medicine the government wants you to take and then STFU. Funny how indigenous protestors blockading our railroads across the country and hijacking our economy and trade wasn't deemed a national emergency.
  8. We should all care about when the government abuses its power and infringes on people's Charter rights. Sadly it just seems most people only care about it depending on whether they agree with the agenda, but that's not how the rule of law works.
  9. 2. The federal government makes a lot of policy decisions through a "woke" ideological lens. They discriminate in hiring in federal workplaces based on gender and race as a matter of policy. I think how our government treats people matters. There's a difference between being accepting vs self flagellation. Indigenous peoples and the Quebecois and immigrants are happy to protect, defend, and maintain their culture and heritage. My identity is "Canadian" so why is my culture and heritage treated like its so worthless by its own leaders? Our PM making Canada into a blank-slate is extremely insulting to me and everything our families have done to help build this country into what it is. I'm a Canadian nationalist, which just means that I love this country and its heritage, but "Canadian nationalist" is a boogieman word for progressives because of their guilt-ridden self-loathing. Their ideology is a disease on this great nation. 3. If he had good policies I could live with him being a bad person. 4. No I never said you thought I was a racist, i meant that in the general sense. But I do think you and many others naturally recoil at opinions/policies that want to reduce immigration because it comes with the "racist" tag, and nobody likes being accused of possibly being a racist. 5. Ok i'll try to stop. It's just frustrating to have discussions without someone that is so unwilling to offend when I believe a particular truth that's considered "offensive" needs to be said plainly and action taken. This is harmful to our society and is rampant amongst the population. 6. I'm not comparing myself to those people, I'm just using very famous examples to make a point about truth and mainstream resistance to it. Progress is IMPOSSIBLE without the gadflies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadfly_(philosophy_and_social_science)
  10. I know, the Obama speech is the exact opposite, a huge contrast. Unity, what a concept! Trudeau doesn't know what's best for the country because he's a fool and his post-national and woke ideologies are divisive. And I disagree, he wants to virtue signal as well, show Canadians and the world how welcoming we are. We can be welcoming but not have to give up our national identity and our history etc. It's a lot easier to shape a country into a post-national state when you sweep its national history and culture under a rug and start with a blank slate. Sure, don't want to offend the Quebecois or indigenous or an immigrant or anyone else with pesky national culture and national unity. Hmm I can't believe that the military is having a recruiting problem... I've been saying this for years about immigration, and it irked you and you argued that housing builds were keeping pace with immigration numbers, which was nonsense. But now that the mainstream are finally starting to agree with me well now I guess i'm no longer just an anti-immigrant racist and you're allowed to agree with me since a more broadly accepted stance won't be as likely to offend someone. You might consider at some point taking a stance that isn't based on sticking your moist finger in the air and seeing which way the wind is blowing. Some things are more important than being liked by everyone all of the time. Galileo and Charles Darwin weren't liked by everyone in their day either, but they were right.
  11. So which part of Russia or China are you actually from?
  12. Life is also a highway. And I want to ride it. All night long.
  13. I think identity politics is having a meaningful impact to our culture, employment, and unity. You can't just ignore reality.
  14. No it's a very specific form of over-politeness obsessed with race and gender and trying to make sure everyone fits into some kind of identity quota. It's not very polite to discriminate against someone based on their race or gender. Maybe you're retired and don't lose out on jobs and promotions because you don't have the right shade of skin or genitals.
  15. Sure let it all burn down. It's going to come to head at some point anyways. This is the result of decadence in our society. We're too well-off, and thus everyone is coddled, spoiled and entitled and afraid of everything and more indifferent to our politics because why care if things are so easy? Well things are getting harder and I'm glad, it's a wake-up call. This will get the kids off their phones. The great depression/WWII generation took nothing for granted but they don't run society anymore and most are dead anyways. Justin Trudeau is the spokesperson for the coddled, spoiled, entitled, narcissistic people we've become. Somebody fire these rich kids now please. That weasel PeePee isn't much better.
  16. You guys are fighting over the scraps while the corporate dawgs sodomize working Americans. Sodomy is sodomy no matter what brand it carries.
  17. Too bad the Liberals are exactly the same. We're getting daycare and pharmcare and dental care only because the NDP hold their balls in a noose and it doesn't hurt the rich in Canada, it actually helps them. All paid for by charging it to the debt, no skin off the nose of the Liberals, it's not their money. Don't worry the Liberals would never raise taxes on the rich, that would be like taxing themselves. So the Liberals are corrupt, and the CPC are too, and the federal NDP aren't so much (yet) because they've never governed. The second they got into power they'd sell us all out, you can bet your RRSP on it. Nothing changes until the system changes. Trudeau and PP can each sh*t. Singh too. You're not a Canadian, you're a Brit anglo loyalist. Another tribalist in our midst. Eat sh*t like all the rest.
  18. And what's my "tribe"? My tribe is called "Canada", and we all belong to it. Don't worry I don't have a PeePee sign on my lawn. Does criticizing this woke left nonsense make me a boogieman or something? Does it offend you? Who cares. Yes this woke nonsense is eroding our social and national unity, and it's anti-liberalism. Liberalism is where everyone has the same individual rights in a society. Everyone is treated the same regardless of race, religion, gender etc. Liberalism is where people are judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. This government has failed at that and embraced the opposite because all they see is race and gender etc.. Everyone is tokenized, everyone is a member of a tribe rather than just a Canadian. In a "post-national state" there is no nation called Canada, it's just a place where a bunch of different tribes live and fight over power. If everyone is a Canadian first and foremost there's a lot less fighting over power because we're fighting for the interests of the same things. The other major problem in this country is political corruption from corporate and foreign entities. I've discussed this at length including with you. I am for the interests of our country and the interests of its regular everyday working people and am proud of that and have never wavered from it. You don't have a monopoly on caring about transparency and accountability. I'll have to read this article when I have more time.
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