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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. You can thank the TrootOWE’s (and central Canada) for this. The ruin of a nation. I get on a transit bus amongst 8 or 9 and am the only Caucasian. Canada is lost.
  2. I’m only suggesting we can all attempt to cooperate with the greater community or not. I suggest there are two “problems”.
  3. Why is the “west” even talking with China? They are vile. Like Russia, we need to move on and leave these losers behind.
  4. My personal grocery prices are up 30%+ in a year. News reports on inflation as per the federal government are bold faced lies
  5. “Natives” are no such thing. They are descendants of immigrants from northeastern Asia via the Bering Strait. The western hemisphere was populated north to south.
  6. All lives matter. Who disagrees with that?
  7. I’ve been told that “ALL Lives Matter” is racist. The 53% suggests Adams is right.
  8. History proves you wrong. The World Court will also adjudicate what Canada owes Alberta in extorted funds. canaDUH, as always, is on thin ice.
  9. The then mayor of Miami once shot and killed two intruders in his home. When did central Canada get Canada so messed up?
  10. Um, duh, the World Court which has rules on this very thing in places like Africa. Alberta could not be land locked.
  11. Canada’s swan dive off the cliff continues. Those actually supporting these charges scare me. It being central Canada, I have no doubt a jury will convict.
  12. California by itself would be the ninth most prosperous nation on earth. Alberta doesn’t need the Canadian folly and International Bodies would never allow a land lock.
  13. Tough one for me. Longtime fan. I’ve noted the empty stadiums. Ottawa is flooding the 3rd world who aren’t fans. it’s not just the CFL. Canada is being ruined
  14. It’s never been a democracy. Get Alberta Out and negotiate payback. It will break Canada via the World Court. Not a bad thing.
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