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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. This is just getting painful to watch. @Hodad is wrong the vast majority of the time and that's clear to any reasonable person and like most on the left here when he's caught out being wrong he tends to double down on the stupid and hope that somehow it'll magically change for him.... but this is just brutal. It's so obvious that he's got nothing that I"M tempted to start looking for something to support his position out of embarrassment on his behalf!!! (couldn't find anything). Honestly you've got some patience continuing to try to work him through this.
  2. By we you mean you and the voices in your head ? You've never posted a direct site that contradicts my points in your entire life. You post stuff that you think might contradict it because you read the headline instead of reading the article. And then when we read the article together we find out you were wrong and that you simply misunderstood the headline or that the headline was misleading. If you actually learn to take the time to read the articles and educate yourself rather than arriving at a conclusion before you even looked then you might look stupid a lot less often Maybe. LOL! And again, the fact that you only come here to pick fights with me at random makes it pretty clear which one of us is mentally damaged over the issue. I know I'm right, you know you're wrong, you're the one having a problem coping I must say it is true that you have the ability to look stupid with very few words
  3. That's just you admitting that you're not willing to look facts in the face and that's not a great thing to admit. The evidence is they do believe that Canada is broken. There is little doubt that right now Canada is largely broken. The liberals in the left have damaged us horribly to the point where our children apparently would have preferred to be born American then Canadian by a depressingly large amount Well as you say it's not that you're correct it's that you just refuse to believe. The polling is clear. No point in replying to the rest of your post if all you're going to do is deny basic facts that have been presented to you. This is legitimate polling from a legitimate company. So let's change the subject. Obviously you would prefer to lie rather than deal with the truth. Lie to me lie to yourself whatever it takes to avoid dealing with the facts. We saw this a lot in the American campaign over the course of the year. Both myself and many others on the forum and around the world kept telling democrats and their supporters if you continue to try and lie your way through an election you're going to get creamed. And they got creamed. To know lies constantly, and we all know about the big lie involving by and his mental stability for the last 4 years. So my question to you is what kind of Canada do you think we can build if we're going to base it and our decisions on lies? Why are you so convinced that this is a great foundation for our society? I personally believe that facts and truth are the only way to build something solid but that's just my opinion, convince me I'm wrong
  4. Not really. It's technically a different crime but at the end of the day it's a government sitting president using his powers unlawfully to influence an election. I get that you want to try and split hairs to pretend that this is completely new but it isn't. Now he was set to face trial but was pardoned. With trump they never even tried to convict him until the next election rolled around and he was running again. But at the end of the day any so-called evidence has to be tested in a court of law before you can say that he's guilty of something and I'm really sorry that having a judicial system is inconvenient for you but that is the case. This kind of thing has happened before, presidents have been threatened to be tried before, if they really wanted to they could have charged him in time before the next election, there's nothing terribly new about this. And other elected people have been involved in all kinds of schemes as well NY Democrat charged in voter fraud scheme over dozens of absentee ballots | Fox News Arrests in Bridgeport ballot fraud case from 2019 election : NPR Eastern District of Pennsylvania | Former U.S. Congressman and Philadelphia Political Operative Pleads Guilty to Election Fraud Charges | United States Department of Justice At the end of the day what you're basically talking about is a voter fraud claim. And we have PLENTY of those. Well you haven't. That's not an opinion that's a fact. Whether you like it or not trump has never been convicted. You can say that in your opinion it was political but sorry, he was not convicted. The people in charge of determining his guilt did not find the evidence compelling enough to convict him one way or another. A solid case that was never tried!!! And let's not forget that this supposedly solid case was held for 4 years until they decided they needed it for political reasons. He was so guilty that they didn't bother bringing it forward before he decided to run for president again. And a case is not a conviction. Every single case brought before a judge has a strong argument from both sides as to what the truth is and only one of them can be right. And what kind of communist degenerate do you have to be to claim that the fact that he was never tried in court and never convicted is a "Technicality"? There is no doubt that government officials have lied about him in the past including the FBI so you absolutely cannot say that somebody making a case is the same as a conviction. It needs to be tested in court, they chose not to bother until he was running for president again and they knew that if they waited that long and he won they wouldn't be able to proceed. So get your head out of your butt. The degree to which he is actually guilty of a crime cannot be ascertained until he goes to court. He claims he is not guilty. His defense attorneys have made a number of arguments which the court may well find compelling. Or not. We don't know till it happens and because they waited 4 years it's not going to happen. But you're not following the law. The law says a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court. You are insisting that he is guilty without the court. Maybe you should follow the law and stop being ridiculous.
  5. They say they do. That would suggest that they want a lot more than just a little more opportunity. That would suggest they believe canada is broken. I don't know that it does. Again, look at the poll here. Links were provided. Don't conflate It was just 2 years ago that htere was a massive campaign to cancel canada day and a number of towns and cities did. Trudeau has presided over a very serious effort to undermine Canadian pride. Ignoring this issue won't just make it go away. We have to give canadians something to be proud of. For the last 10 years the gov't has refused to do anything to promote pride while letting churches get burned, letting terrorists call for our defeat in the streets etc. He's pitted one group against another constantly for political gain. We have a severe pride deficit in this country. Hilariously trump may be doing more right now to boost national pride than trudeau did in his 10 years as prime minister. If you disagree then tell me what you think the libs have done to substantially promote pride in Canada?
  6. Sorry, you were wrong. I know it's a popular leftist trick to try and suggest that something they don't like has never ever ever happened before even though there are many examples of it happening before. Nixon illegally bugged his opponents for political reasons to win an election. And you still haven't managed to deal with the fact that trump has never been convicted of any wrongdoing with regards to this either. It sounds like you're becoming frustrated, and the obvious reason for that is that you cannot defend your ridiculous position. This is not a unique situation similar things have happened before. Trump has never been convicted of anything regarding this so you can't pretend he has. Sorry for the inconvenience
  7. That would literally be the citizens being responsible Traditionally you do it BEFORE an election actually. The only awareness you're raising is that you're a tard.
  8. Oh look the stalinist thinks only state run media is valid
  9. LOL and it took you ANOTHER month to come back with the claim that YOUR inability to state your position is somehow MY fault ROFLMAO!
  10. The problem especially for her is that she has a bad history of negotiating trade relationships, and trump clearly has disdain for her and Trudeau so it's going to be hard for her to sell that she's going to be good at dealing with him. Further this issue may very well be dead by the time the next election rolls around. It's going to be April before we can even start the next election and trump gets in on Monday. The real question will be how will trump mess with things? There is a very real possibility he could jump in part way through a leadership or election campaign and make a statement like "Carney? I've heard bad things, we wouldn't deal with him" or the like about ANY of the prospects including PP if he felt like it and completely influence the direction of the leadership or election campaign.
  11. How is that your takeaway? The point is if they Didn't have to start all over again they would rather be Americans. That is a very telling and deeply concerning fact. When I was a kid I wouldn't have cared about the cash conversion I would want to be Canadian. These kids would rather put Canada in the rearview mirror if they could. Your reply of "Well they probably won't get the opportunity like that" is not the right response.
  12. He also didn't do a very good job with the bank of england. Like, at all. And worse, he had several scandals there about excessive expenses and paying too much for food and travel. Sound familiar? The liberals simply can't afford to continue to be this stupid, and we DEFINITELY can't afford another Laurentian elite stye PM who's more focused about stuffing his face at the taxpayer's expense than his job.
  13. Yes. i realize you're techologically a luddite but voice tech has been around for quite some time. Welcome to 2025 Right, voice technology is completely fake and made up. Nobody can use that. You totally got me LOLOLOL Holy shit kid, are you still using an apple 2 or something? I do most of my work typing with voice as well, its much faster than i can type. Try lilyspeech, you can use it for free and it's quite customizable as far as custom words and emoji symbols and such. Extremely accurate. Most people out there know about voice dictation these days, sorry to hear you're so behind the times. Oh look, we're entering meltdown You've never 'reasoned' a day in your life, that's why you wind up looking so stupid You say something dumb and then spend the rest of your time desperately trying to distract from it by pretending that an english word doesn't mean what everyone knows it to mean. It's a cheezy way to try to distract from the fact you're wrong. Which is how we get 10 pages of you claiming 100 - 50 isn't REAAAALLY 50 you see because blah blah. And while that one was hilarious it's only one of many. IT's pretty obvious you know you're in the wrong. LIke i said , i'm not the one who regularly chases YOU around the forum
  14. Awww muffin At least you rarely provide cites that prove yourself wrong, (or any at all for that matter), you just go straight to saying dumb things to start with and wind up having to false quote people just to have something to argue with
  15. It literally never is. Like I said about 95% of the time you joining the conversation is a cheesy grade five level personal attack which is the best you can master to make your beat up low self-esteem feel better When you do post a site it almost inevitably proves that you're wrong. That's why everybody laughs at you You'll notice that it's not ME following YOU around the forum trying desperately to look relevant LOLOL!!! You kind of sink yourself right there I can't really think of any. There's a few center left and maybe a few center right but real centrists aren't that common. Most people lean one way or another a bit.
  16. God helps those who help themselves.
  17. He's already admitted that. The definition is fluid to him. To him a definition means something that changes whenever you feel like it on a whim without general consensus, especially for marketing purposes. To me that's not the definition of definition as i would define definition but if you do use his definition for definition that I guess the definition of definition must be fluid as well. And this is why it's impossible to talk to the work left
  18. Yeah, that's not on here that's when you're asleep and dreaming The only one you've ever knocked down with one sentence is yourself. Usually when you're posting something that proves you wrong because you didn't read it carefully LOL Your biggest problem is emotional instability. Often you'll start off if one or two halfway decent points and our exchange will be friendly but the moment you realize one of your points is faulty you spiral into a full meltdown and then it's basically just an exercise of making fun of you for the next couple of pages. If you'd learn to think a little before you typed, did a tiny bit more research before you got into an argument, and didn't have meltdowns that turns your brain into mush you might actually be interesting to talk to. As it is though I really do enjoy the comedic value you bring to the forum
  19. I've told you a million times that for me this takes next to no time. It only seems like a lot of time for you because you type with two fingers, and it takes you a while to read the replies because you have to sound each word out I knocked this stuff out while I'm watching TV, on hold waiting for someone, bored for 2 minutes, I even posted a couple posts from my bike while I was cycling just to try out the new phone holder and headsets But you literally spend all your time obsessing about me and desperately trying to convince me how much time I spend here. You realize I'm actually aware of the truth right? You can't somehow trick me into thinking I spend more time on this than I actually do, And if you haven't been able to make me feel bad about it for a couple of years now it's not looking good that you will be able to in the future. But it's all you've got. You can't attack me on anything else so it's always about the post count Was that too long? I'm sorry, I probably should have broken that into a couple of posts. That's your entire afternoon gone now reading that LOL!!
  20. And you spend it all chasing me LOLOL awww how sweet. I must be so important to you It's no wonder you don't come here more. If i looked as stupid as you do every time i showed up i'd probably stay away too
  21. You don't have an audience. You have spectators, like any monkey in a zoo.
  22. This is why they lose elections.
  23. And each other for that matter. Canada may look more to europe for items the source in the US and may keep that up moving forward to reduce dependency on the us. Also it makes it more worth it to develop some businesses at home to provide for what the US currently does. This kind of thing is exactly why we brought in 'supply management' to protect our food supply and why we don't allow our telecoms to be owned by foreign nations.
  24. No sitting president has been convicted of trying to steal an election. And btw, nixon. Look him up.
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