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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. Oh right, I forgot about your horribly weak comprehension skills. I should have expected you'd get confused. Sit down kid. You remember how we talked about how santa wasn't real? And how the easter bunny wasn't real? Carney isn't real either. He lies a lot.
  2. Well actually there is a great deal of evidence of theft and inappropriate spending but i more specifically meant if you take someone's money without asking for permission. Which is what taxes are. To a degree it's tolerated if people feel they're getting back something worthwhile. But if they don't..... It is if the warlords aren't threatening your interests. If the us is planning on less 'gunboat diplomacy' and 'world policing' then it would make more sense to have a smaller but very well equipped force. We can have a discussion about whether or not their slightly more isolationist stance is a good idea but if they're going with it then cuts aren't a bad plan. ROFLMAO!!!!! Oh you have GOT to be joking LOL A CRAPTONNE of media came out and spent almost all their time fawning over Kammy. She had more positive media than any 5 previous presidential candidates The media could not have been MORE in her court, and celebs and stars lined up to endorse and praise her! That is a 100 percent absolute full on miss. Trump got an interview on x and did joe rogan. Otherwise the media hated him. Sure, the cuts are being kept secret. 🙄 C'mon. Yeah. And if there's no answer then those people might very well decide they don't want to pay the taxes to fund it. So you'd better have a decent answer to that question. Because as you say, it's the wealthy that pay most of the taxes. But even the middle class who have healthcare that they pay for through their work and pay for their kids education through the state etc may start asking why they're paying theirs AND someone else's. There's a sense of entitlement in your statements that i don't think you even hear. That's other people's money you're talking about. If you (the royal you) want to have it to spend, you have to be able to convince people it's entirely worth it. Otherwise people are going to play their 'trump' card and here we are. Yeah yeah end of days blah blah. At the end of the day there will still be healthcare, there will still be pensions. And absolutely nobody is stopping you from starting a charity and raising funds from people who are still willing to fund such things if you wish.
  3. Maybe if they had been more accountable when stealing other people's money and spending it it wouldn't have come to this. it wasn't the wealthy donor class that put trump in power. He had far less money than Kamala and the people that voted for him were just average run of the male people. And his approval rating is strong. Everyone has to justify their job. These people thought that didn't apply to them and they are now finding out the hard way that it does . And what people funnel their own money that they earned into is none of your business nor the states. Governments have to justify the taxes they take and if they are spending it on things that the people who are paying the taxes don't like then there will be blowback.
  4. but then why did he lie about it. Conservatives don't like liars. If he had stood up and said honestly we moved the company because the conditions in Canada just aren't that great for investment right now, then fair enough. conservatives would have understood that. But the problem is that would involve admitting that the government he is attempting to lead are the ones that made the conditions this bad in the first place. He's a lying scudball who does the opposite of what he says he believes in. This man does not care about Canada, he does not care about you, he will absolutely steal your money and ruin your country if he gets into power and he will sleep like a baby at night doing it. Wake up It is 100% proven. But of course you'd lie about it, you're liberal and that's a prerequisite
  5. Canada will be severely diminished as a country, probably irreconcilably so. But that's how democracy works. Choose wisely
  6. That might make sense if we were only talking about the violence for one year. But i didn't ask "why was there violence in 2015". I asked "what changed in 2015. DID YOU HAPPEN TO NOTICE THE 10 YEARS THAT FOLLLOWED THAT CHANGE! Nice try kiddo but that attempt wouldn't fly at your usual preschool debate club never mind here Nope. They began in 2016. ONE of the ones i mentioned was finalized in 2019 and has contributed to the ever climbing rate. Swing and a miss. Absoute truth. That is precisely what politicians should do. That is their job. They are to determine if the laws and the judges rulings are appropriate and adopt legislation accordingly. Sure, that's why since we got rid of them the crime rate is gone down. Oh wait..... So you've tried to lie your way through it, you've ignored the truth and the simple facts, but most telling of all you couldn't come up with any explanation for why the absolutely out of control insane climb in violent crime is happening Justin's policies and actions or lack of actions in some cases has lead precisely to this end. He's soft on crime, and the results show. Sorry kid, better luck with your next woke leftist talking point.
  7. How? Would you consider joining the united states and becoming American - Yes We're not currently American and the Americans are attacking us, do you believe that we should defend ourselves against that attack - Yes There's no conflict there at all. Somebody can believe that we should be using a whale against the united states as a weapon or fighting back in one way or another and still say they would consider becoming a part of the united states as an option.
  8. It's no threat held over their heads. They can still report, they can still do all kinds of things but they may not be at the white house press briefers. Chances are their paper is. The last time trump lent just anyone in they started getting handsy with the staff when their time to talk was over. obviously you can't have 5,000 people attend the presser. Obviously the list is going to have to be relatively restricted. This is always been how it is. Why is the Biden White House Kicking Reporters Out? | The Heritage Foundation again, you didn't care when biden did it and now you expect everyone else to care when trump does? Every single thing you complain about is something you kept silent about when someone you liked did it. Now the other side has given up playing by the rules as well WHICH IS INEVITABLE and you're pissy about it. Sorry kid. Too late too bad.
  9. That's actually not accurate. It's often said but demonstrably not rue. Thats usually just how long we take to give up on a gov't But even then not always and if there's no alternative that looks better people don't move. But there have been many examples of provincial gov'ts lasting much longer times. Most of the time tho another party makes a good pitch and people are willing to try, Or they don't, look at Ford who's about to win another term. The voters biatch about him all the time but they don't like the other choices and so he keeps getting reelected. The libs before him were in power for almost 2 decades. Generally speaking people need to have something to move to that they perceive as better.
  10. Because he hasn't done it yet. If it's important to him he'll get around to it. You can hardly say he hasn't been busy with other things
  11. The guy is top of the league when it comes to economics. He's proven that plenty of times. I get that you're bitter and angry that your side has already destroyed our economy in our country. but lying about it won't change anything
  12. Dude, pointing out the CBC is extremely biased in favor of the liberals is like pointing out that Hitler was not a friend to Jews. Do not expect anyone to be shocked at your revelation
  13. I said that because I do know what I'm talking about and proved it. Sorry to see you're still crying about it Have a cookie and a nap, you'll feel better
  14. No I'm like liberals and the woke conservatives tend to be a little bit more complex in their thinking. They can like someone and still disapprove of some of the things that they do. They can also disapprove of someone but still like some of the things they do. I think most conservatives are outraged over his insults to canada, most agree that we do have to strengthen our borders, most believe he's proven we have to reduce our dependency on the us militarily and economically, many disagree with his tariff nonsense, etc etc.
  15. i woudln't pretend to be shocked if that's the case.
  16. And everyone sane says if they spent that much and couldnt' prove anything then most likely there's nothing to prove. Sorry kid.
  17. I don't think you really thought that sentence through. I think you meant to say I defended sending away the kids who were born in America When you get mad your English skills start to slip in any case what I said is the law could be changed to allow for it without a constitutional amendment. Their parents aren't American, and their parents were illegally on American soil, therefore it's arguable that birth place citizenship should not apply. It would be quite different if their parents were american In this case again it is the parent who is canadian, not where they were born. so this is consistent. Granting someone citizenship because of their parents being citizens is one thing. Even granting birthplace citizenship to those who are born in the country to parents who are in the country legally is one thing. Granting it to a child of illegals is essentially allowing the child to benefit from crime as well as the parents. As I said previously taking citizenship away for crime is at least defensible. You make it so easy to pick on you and you don't pay attention
  18. They feel they do, America is able to successfully conduct operations in those countries partly because of their relationship with israel which provides information and logistics. ANd isreal has the bomb because they developed it along with south africa i believe. (which is a real plot twist). Canada CHOSE not to have the bomb, we could have had them no problem. Sure it does. Every time they pick the fight and lose they go screaming to the united nations who turns around and forces Israel to stop and then gives hamas lots of money and perks and power. This has worked several times now. Unfortunately this time they failed to truly understand the backlash that would come from killing that many civilians and taking that many prisoners. The united nations has not come to their rescue and they are getting the crap beaten out of them and they don't know how to stop it And trying to pizz off Israel so as to create sympathy from the rest of the world and get them selves slaughter makes no common sense at all and neither do you. Hello? You enjoy pushing Israeli propaganda all the time. Biden did put some pressure on Israel, he was trying to walk both sides of the fence by both supporting them for the Jewish community and opposing them for the Palestinian community and is often the case in such circumstances he wound up making neither happy. and yes, the Palestinians at this point are just getting bombed into small bite-sized pieces and there's very little they can do. Hamas could surrender tomorrow but won't. Hamas and Gaza Went A bridge too far with their attack and now it's got out of control for them. They would have been better off trying to negotiate something under Biden, I don't think trump is going to have much sympathy for them And stop whining, or I'll take your Soother away
  19. It'll still be attractive for at least the foreseeable future. In addition those same pipeline routes can also carry natural gas pipelines which is growing in popularity. The conservatives have long called for a energy corridor from coast to coast carrying electricity oil and natural gas etc so that all provinces can share their energy with the rest of Canadians. Quebec and BC have tons of hydropower, BC has natural gas, Alberta has natural gas and oil considerate etc we should literally be able to power our entire country independently and buy our own product.
  20. Maybe. Marcon says he thinks he's just doing his usual 'stir the pot and send everyone into a tizzy before negotiations" routine which certainly has a ring of truth about it, With trump all you can really do is assess the results. Sometimes he acts bat crap crazy and it turns out that he had a plan and things worked out really well. Sometimes he acts bat crap crazy and it turns out he's just bat crap crazy for the fun of it So we'll see. 6 months from now either the war will have ended or not, and there will either be a fair and reasonable settlement or there won't. We can judge him then.
  21. Well it is certainly true that carney will not be facilitating the construction of any new pipelines regardless of what he promises. He only does that in other countries pipelines get built when business has confidence that the government has their back and will help overcome the obstacles they face pushing through the pipelines. The conservatives are certainly better suited for that Dougie you're not even a Canadian. You've said so a million times and we are thankful that you are kind enough not to associate yourself with us. So Canadian politics is probably something you're not going to be qualified to speak on
  22. If that's true how did they get rich? The vast majority of rich people didn't start off rich. but the fact that it's rigged in their favor certainly does explain why the top 1% pays about 50 some odd percent of the taxes. Oh.... wait.....
  23. So if they're increasing the spending, why would the population need to shrink in order for it to be effective? look, we all know and accept that you're dumb. But I think we'd all really appreciate it if you could try harder not to be so obvious just so that we felt like we were having an intelligent conversation with you once in a blue moon
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