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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. There's no side to be had there. Those ar just simple facts. It's your own hatred and bigotry that causes you to think that if someone says a fact that doesn't agree with your ideology they must be on the other side. This is the same weak thinking that we see when the left insists that we follow the science when it supports them and then utterly demands that the science be ignored and refuses to speak on it when it doesn't support them. These are simple facts. Trump frequently uses this tactic for negotiations. He never intended to apply tariffs, he wanted to see if he could shake loose a few extra benefits for the border and then tackle his real issues which is trade and he wanted to create an environment that he believes is beneficial for that. I'll leave it to you to argue whether that is a good thing or a bad thing or if we should be pro trump or anti trump, but regardless of any of that that fact remains that that's what happened. I don't appreciate people using terms like woketard overly much, I don't feel a contributes to the debate, but it would really be great if you could stop acting in a way that makes that term pop into everybody's head right off the bat
  2. This is it. Countless other cultures have suffered far far worse and yet bounced back to make good lives for themselves often within a generation. I'm half Irish and heard all about some of the trials and tribulations that my family faced on that side. The other half was ukrainian Mennonite and that family fled the great Revolution with half the family dead and the clothes on their backs to start life anew in a country where they didn't even speak the language. And their children were hugely economically successful despite the trauma. By the way. a LOT of immigrant parents raised a fuss about their kids being forced to attend 'english cathoilic' school against the parent's will. But for some reason the first nations are crippled until the end of time as a race and a nation because they were forced to go to school.
  3. Of course. Every former prime minister either does or does lecture tours for insane amounts of money or both. Even when you're doing things perfectly legally and on the up and up there's lots of money to be made from having been the prime minister. And he was prime minister for 10 years However, harper wasn't doing business with any of those people before he became prime minister. And nothing he did as prime minister would have particularly helped them. Carney however Will be in a direct position to benefit people he's already working with and making deals with tremendously. The rewards he'll be able to reap Would be exponentially larger. You can make good money working the system honestly that you can make insane money if you are corrupt like Trudeau was and like carney would be But hey, if you can't trust a multi-millionaire international banker with three different citizenships, who can you trust? You going to still pretend you care anything at all about government corruption?
  4. I don't know that he wants everything. But as far as Canada goes I think he had some very specific targets in mind. He wants an end to supply management so his chickens and eggs and milk can be sold here, he wants access to other restricted industries like banking and telecoms and cell phones etc, he wants car manufacturing to come back to the states more. Maybe a few other things.
  5. No. But my point wasn't that he didn't get anything at all out of this, it was that he didn't get anything new between "tarrifs go into affect tuesday" and "we're pausing them". He already had pretty much all the commitments that trudeau made before then. The rest is just reannouncing stuff he'd already committed to or things we're already doing. The only truely new thing is a "fentanyl czar". Like, when you call it a czar you're pretty much admitting out of the gate they're just a showpiece Otherwise it would be a minister. in other words, i go back to my original assessment when this all started 3 months ago and say he never intended to apply tarrifs, this was a negotiating tactic and a bluff to gain extra concessions from mexico and canada and create a favorable environment for his economic negotiations. And maybe biatch slap trudeau a little. I'm sure he would have pulled the trigger if something happened to force him but it's pretty obvious that was not his intent.
  6. Awww so cute watching you try to chase your tail Keep coping little boy
  7. Absolutely true. In fact Justin won the election partly based on that. Remember when he said we must throw our doors open and accept vastly more refugees? And that picture of that kid washing up on the beach showed up and everybody got emotional and Trudeau said the only reason we don't double or triple our refugees and increase immigration is the will to do so? Remember all that? Pepperidge farm does During harper's time virtually everyone said the immigration policies were fantastic, including immigrants both current and former. Even the opposition grudgingly admitted it. Trudeau took one of the best immigration systems in the world, flooded it and broke it. He has now turned one of the most pro immigration countries in the world against immigration. But sure, lets pretend it had nothing to do with him
  8. Neither did i actually. But his attitude of entitlement in demanding others give to him what he felt he had coming absolutely did. And yes, his tax policy played a role. He brought in the first sales tax, he reduced taxes on 'special interest groups' and put that burden on the successful romans, etc. That and he demanded reforms that others were opposed to but he forced it on them regardless. Do not kid yourself. The senators would not have acted on their own without encouragement and support from others. It turns out when you push your will on others and demand they give you what YOU want like that people rebel one way or another, and it rarely ends well. That socialist sense of entitlement (what's yours is actually mine, render it) inevitably leads to rebellion.
  9. He got the 1.5 billion out of the whole mess. And I don't think he's taking much of a victory lap. As I keep mentioning there's been a delay of 30 days, he hasn't said he won't tariff us. Now we're sitting down to a negotiate the important stuff on his terms. I don't think he thinks of this is an end game or a victory or a loss or anything like that. I think for him this was just a warm-up to set the stage for what really matters to him Sure, I don't see a problem with any of that. Even if he never does put tariffs on the fact that he would threaten shows we can't really trust the Americans and we have to develop our own markets and our own companies. And it isn't over yet, god knows what he might ask for next
  10. No we didn't. He didn't give him anything new, other than to promise to appoint a fentanyl czar. Otherwise nothing really changed and certainly there was no promise to Secure the border Trump did better with Mexico but trump hasn't even yet begun to fight for what he wants. That's what happens now. He's going to spend the next month negotiating like hell to get a better trade agreement with Canada and access to things like our banking our telecommunications our food and poultry industries that are currently shut off on other areas where we severely limit how much the Americans can do. Sounds like he's also going to be putting pressure on the American car manufacturers to start bringing jobs back home
  11. I never pretended that it wasn't the only two hated him. When did I say that? Someone said that he must render under Caesar what is Caesar's and I say how did that work out for him and somehow you are making that be about Elites and Natalie's and public opinion? Kid, you have the attention span of a goldfish
  12. Again, how is having a temper tantrum and saying any bullshit that comes to mind to freak people out a sophisticated 3D chess move? This is simple. He talks about it in his books he has always done this and if you'll recall I mentioned that this is how this was going to play out back when all of this started and I said it was just a negotiating tactic to set the stage for economic discussions. Now I'm right you're coming up with some sort of bullshit about it being a 4D move. This is what I said 3 months ago. This is how trump operates. He creates confusion and panic and says all kinds of crazy things and threatens and intimitdates and in the end when everybody's in a kefuffle he'll walk in put down his demands on the table and you see what he really wants and he hopes that the pot has been stirred so badly that you'll agree to what he says just to get back to peace. But what I love is that I say this is how something is going to happen then it happens then you turn around and make some sort of weird claim about it being a conspiracy theory just because what I said was going to happen happened. Maybe you should start listening to what I say and you'll wind up looking less uninformed later
  13. How did he cave exactly? He got a crap ton of soldiers out of Mexico and he got 1.5 billion out of Trudeau for border security, he still has the tariffs he hasn't said he wouldn't use them he's just said he's pushed pause for a month, he's had everybody afraid and panicking and he has set the tone and finally come out and said what he's looking for for the next 30 days of negotiation if he doesn't get what he wants we might still have tariffs so people are nervous and panicky about it. What exactly did he lose? How did he cave
  14. Yeah that guy's an !diot. And he's not the first to use this tactic by the way. There have been a few American presidents who have successfully used exactly the same tactic, and as much as I realized I'm about to open a can of worms it was also a favorite of Hitler who managed to get a hell of a lot of land ever before he had to go to war to get it.
  15. How the hell do you figure that you have to be a chess genius to throw a temper tantrum to get everyone off balance? I mean hell it's right in his book as his favorite negotiating tactic. There's nothing remotely sophisticated about it. You must have the education of a great three student to be impressed by the tactic of turning over the table and knocking the pieces on the floor before you begin the game Yes, but as we've just determined you're a bit of an imbecile. He has exactly the same leverage he always started with. He put the levees on pause for 30 days, everybody is going to be stressing during those 30 days about whether or not they're going to come to a deal or whether or not he's going to actually carry on with the tariffs. Which is going to put a great deal of pressure on the countries negotiating with him. He hasn't taken anything off the table, he's given up nothing and managed to get a commitment of 10,000 soldiers from Mexico and a commitment of 1.5 billion from Canada and he hasn't given up a bloody thing. And he can still throw the tariffs on in 30 days if he doesn't like what he hears Advantage? He's got a bunch of stuff from nothing and he's still got all the power he had since day one. I'm sorry but this stuff is obviously way over your head.
  16. No it means I don't have an exact count of how many. Could be 30 could be 50 could be 100, thanks to Biden will never know. But I know it was more than one, or there have been no reason to pardon Them and they wouldn't have needed a blanket pardon, would they
  17. Well you're having your usual meltdown I see and I can tell we're only a poster so away from you breaking out the homosexual fantasies First off thank you for just proving the point that you were trying to deny that you didn't know whether he was black or not. Maybe if you're going to deny something don't admit it in the next Line LOLOL y0u're such a tard. second off the correct answer there would be why would anybody make any assumptions, you should equally assume that he would be or wouldn't be. So you knew he could be but you just didn't care. And the reason for that is because you're an encourageable hypocrite No I didn't. I used a common phrase and said dance monkey dance to indicate that his behavior was similar to the proverbial monkey dancing to a hurdy-gurty. I didn't actually call him a monkey. And he was not offended and didn't take it the way that you want him to take it. In fact nobody did. You're the only person who tried to twist it and turn it into something that was racial. I didn't care. He didn't care. I call all the kids in my family little monkeys all the time I don't look at it as a pejorative. But you cared. Because you're a racist you like to try and make other people look like racists. But you were the only one who cared Yeah here you are and again you're doing the same thing but somehow it's all okay Hypocrite, racist, liar, short-term memory problems...... black dog! LOL you're the whole package buddy
  18. I don't think it was and I don't think diplomacy won the day either
  19. And you were wrong. Yeah it will. No they won't. The tariffs never actually happened, Americans never actually suffered. In the end they'll look at it as trump fixed the economy and made things better and then JD Vance will step in and say listen I'm sort of like Trump but I'm a lot more sane and moderate and I'm looking for ways to bring people together and he'll walk away with the next term. The democrats in the meantime will bring Boy George out of retirement and make the entire election about dei, transsexualism, the right is Hitler, all the voters in the last election are stupid, and basically get their clocks cleaned again. Sorry, I suppose I should have said spoiler alert
  20. So to be clear regardless of the specific ones I may or may not be aware of it sounds like there's a lot that nobody was aware of that they need protection from. So will now never know the full scope of it. So having answered your question you can answer one of mine. If they committed no crimes, why did they need to have a blanket pardon that encompassed everything?
  21. I predict a long series of very short posts from you over the next few weeks till they realize you've got them pegged
  22. Sorry, I missed this i'll respond now Well amusingly this was the exact debate that was being held when the first Trudeau won his first election. Basically we call this supply management, where we're going to artificially control the supply of certain goods and services for strategic reasons. To keep it simple, we limit competition in certain things to make sure that the Canadian industry does not get wiped out and we become dependent on others. While most of our agricultural industry can fend for itself it was recognized at the time for example that chickens and eggs are subsidized in the united states and they use poor quality practices so our producers would get wiped out if our market was flooded with American eggs and chicken. That would mean moving forward we would be beholden to America for eggs and chicken and if they ever decided to cut off trade for some reason we would be in real trouble. Considering what's just happened you have to kind of think about that. The same with our financial Industries, telecommunication Industries air transport and certain other Industries which if they weren't protected might get wiped out or bought out by American interests and no longer have the best interests of Canadians at heart. Now is that still appropriate? Some way to allow competition without giving up our ability to still be independent? Is this a policy we should be pursuing for all of the areas that we are? These are valid debates. I don't know that there is a simple yes or no answer, the issue is a little complex. But trump wants us to dump as many of those protections as he can possibly talk us into in order to allow Americans to compete in Canada and expand their markets. You have to weigh the pros and cons of allowing the Americans to control key strategic Industries in Canada with the fact that supply management always means we pay more money for things we could have gotten cheaper. It really deserves its own thread, it's a great question and you tell me
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