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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. Keep reading kiddo Donald Trump shared statements from the relatives of 13 soldiers killed during the chaotic US evacuation from Kabul as they hit out at Kamala Harris after she criticized the former president’s involvement in a ceremony honoring the service members. Statements. Plural. see - that's what happens when you can read more than one line not ALL families signed ALL complaints or statements - but ALL of them critisized harris ROFOLMAO!!!! You just went on for an entire post talking about how I didn't read... AND YOU DIDN"T READ IT!!!! LOLOL How EFFING stupid do you have to be to do that LOLOLOL You are SO DUMB that you literally missed the obvious - NOBODY said they all signed the same document, but that they ALL COMPLIANED. Which is TRUE. Only if you can't read kiddo LOLOL well there you go You're now officially too stupid for this thread
  2. He says while launching into a fact free and substance free tantrum Here you go kiddo.
  3. Nope they don't They always tie it in to gun seizures or other restrictions. Hell even in your own example - What is an "assault type weapon'? One that looks scary to you'? One that has 'the shoulder thing that goes up"? (look it up, classic). There are universal background checks to buy a gun, that hasn't been a problem. What recent killer bought a gun legally and didn't get a background check? "common sense' to democrats is 'ban all guns'. Period. Like i said -you can see it in this very thread yourself. Until that stops the ACTUAL issues cannot be addressed. And here's a little clue for you - most of the issues have nothing to do with guns. Whether a killer uses a gun or a knife or a plane or a truck or a bomb it doesn't matter to the dead people. Mostly laws that affect owners can ONLY reduce accidents. Which is fine, but not what we're discussing. Remember that the biggest mass killing in us history did not involve a gun.
  4. And yet that monster happily throws his children into the car and drives them every day!!! Clearly he hates children and wants them to die. He must love his hyundai pony more than he loves his own kids (Snif! the horror! THE HORROR!) I had to think about that for a minute but... fair point actually
  5. 1 - that's not what an analogy is. Buy a dictionary. 2 - at no time in the 1700's did "white people" decide to take over the world. Various COUNTRIES did, but even if those countries were predominently white they spend more time fighting OTHER white countries than they did anyone else. So it had nothing to do with "white people" wanting to take over anything. 3. Every OTHER race was also represented by countries trying to take over the world and gain territory so what you're REALLY saying is that countries want that - not races. 4 - you're an !diot.
  6. HOLY SHIT - You ACTUALLY GOT UP EARLY Thinking about this? Or did you stay up all night Posting at like 4 in the morning crying like a baby over how you're not REALLY upset! (snif!!) LOLOL Yeah kid, nothing says that you're not emotionally scarred at all like being so upset you can't even sleep over it And you're up to THREE meme's per post now you're literally takeing the time to go out on the internet and find three pictures or gifs you think really "teach me a lesson" and express what your poor broken heart is feeling and then come back here and post them !! BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Holy crap, what are you, like twelve or something?!?! This is so Effing Hilarious i can barely stand it LOL 🍿🍿🍿(munch munch)🍿🍿🍿
  7. The reason he's doing this is he's tanking in the polls, and the reason he's tanking in the polls is people are tying him to the liberals and their failures. If he doesn't call an early election he'll go into the next election as "sell out singh", the guy who was the liberals' door mat and who gave them the power to do everything they did that was bad. If he goes to an election now he'll be able to say "we weren't the pawns of the libs - they betrayed the honest rail workers and so we brought them down to fight for the working man! it's not desirable to do winter elections but i have a feeling that they'll try to bring down the gov't this september to shoot for a november election. Remember that their target is really the liberals, not the conservatives although that's who they'll campaign against. Failing that he HAS to go in the spring, probably over the budget. He absolutely cannot afford to wait till the scheduled election date. As to his pension as long as he gets re-elected even if we go to an election this fall he'll still get his pension. So he might be willing to risk it if it means he might get to stay on as leader for another term.
  8. Why are you like this? He speaks in complete sentences every day constantly. The answers questions all the time. He doesn't frequently slur his speech. He said crazy things since he was in his twenties. And his ability to lie has nothing to do with dementia or anything like that You may not like the guy and you could probably articulate reasonable arguments to that effect. But that doesn't mean he has dementia
  9. Hey @Black Dog, remember when you said there was no evidence that democrats immediately virtue signal and attack gun owners making a reasonable dialoge impossible? Yeah. Come get your boy.
  10. Yet strangely you're fine with the 1,184 childrens deaths by automobile accident. Nobody NEEDS a car. well over 2000 per year die due to unintentional injury but you don't seem to care about that. or the 400 pool deaths per year - drowning kids so you can take a dip is fine. You'll happily kill 128 youth in sports accidents just so you can watch your ballgame. Wow - it's amazing how many children you're willing to slaughter just so you can pretend that guns are some how different than anything else. Because he's been hard programmed by the left that all guns are evil, guns themselves cause people to jump up and kill other people, anybody who likes a gun wants children dead, and that somehow guns are magically different than swimming pools or cars or swing sets or accidentally drinking cleaning solutions or the literally thousands of other deaths that occur as a result of unfortunate accidents every year This is what I mean when I say the democrats and their supporters and those woke leftists make it impossible to have a reasonable conversation about how to reduce violence
  11. And it's never too late to start speculating on the next candidates for one or both of them depending who wins Personally i'm rooting for a desantis / AOC showdown.
  12. Sure they did, they're OK as LONG as the left gets to virtue signal about it! there's plenty of mass stabbings or other types of killings but they just don't get the democrats as excited as a good gun killing does! That's why they talk in terms of gun violence, rather than just violence
  13. Nobody anywhere said it was. What people said was it was a benefit to biden when the original "Wildly favorable estimate" was made. By lying about what the issue is you demonstrate your own dishonesty and partisanship. And the estimate was (gasp) the least accurate estimate (no way!) in close to 2 decades (Shock!) and just happens to strongly favor biden and made him look much better than he should have at the time (shock! I'm socked, are you shocked). Look. Nobody is claiming that you are the most intelligent person on this board. But you are never going to sell the idea that you can't see why it would benefit Biden at the time to look like he was doing better than he was on the economy. The fact you try to pretend you can't understand is just beyond childish.
  14. Spilt my coffee a little And it's especially relevant seeing as robosmith still has to use the shallow end of the pool with the other kids.
  15. I know, it's illegal to bring a gun there AND It's illegal to murder people. I think we all suspected that some of these criminals might break one law, but the idea that they would break TWO !!! Nobody saw that coming. If only we had even MOAR laws this would all stop! Make it double mega super secret squirrel illegal and this ends tomorrow!
  16. he's sinking in the polls. And the reason he is sinking in the polls is people are beginning to associate the liberals horrible track record as being his fault for propping them up. He has realized that the longer this goes on the worst that gets and his NDP could be down to 10% of the vote by the time the election rolls around at the rate he is going. In other words he could be fighting with the greens for position. Can't just break the deal for no reason, there has to be a catalyst or he looks horrible. The recent rail strike and the government's referral to the labor board for arbitration gives him at least the semblance of an excuse that he can hide behind to explain why he's Bailing. If he does this but still props up the government it'll actually wind up looking worse for him. And in less than a year a new election starts no matter what he does, so he's rapidly running out of road to make things happen on his own terms. He might not call an election, but he would be Beyond stupid not to. I'm sure his NDP caucus is aware of this and is pressuring The Living Daylights out of him to break the alliance and call an election
  17. Oohh the lies desperately trying to defend the dems. It was the largest percentage correction in over 15 years and nobody said it benefits harris, they said it benefitted biden when he announced the original "guestimate". And you'd have to be dishonest as the day is long to suggest you don't immediately see how making it look like the economy is stronger than it is benefits the gov't. Seriously, you expect people to believe you can't understand why higher job growth might make a gov't look better? Well, at least we know you're not being honest with us. Suspected as much but that's pretty much an admission. "I can't imagine how a gov't would benefit from stronger economic news, it baffles me!!" Sigh.
  18. LOL and i see we're at the point where you get so worked up and angry you start "slurring" your words again Happens every time. You have fun at dinner and say hi to mayor McCheese for me! enjoy the happy meal! (don't choke on the toy!)
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