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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. They don't even talk a good game really
  2. Why don't you explain your position and then we can go over it? You're so afraid that your position and what you said is completely indefensible that you are actually scared to try to explain it. Even you know that the transgender rights movement is a fraud, And that's why you are absolutely petrified about being exposed and why you refuse to explain your position. Honestly you should feel terrible
  3. Stephen harper let us through troubled times. He gave mark carney instructions based on his plan, carney did it and we were prosperous. That doesn't make Carnie a leader In addition the Prime Minister does not pick the head of the Bank of Canada. The governor is picked by the board of directors. The bank of canada works very closely hand in glove with the govt but is technically an independent organization. Wrong twice in one sentance, very efficient of you
  4. What's really weird is that they're really not using anything BUT your rules All you need to do is add something about homosexual fantasy replies when flustered and i think you'll have them pretty much locked down
  5. Actually i stole it from eyeball who used it the other day LOLOLOL And the 'fail' just keeps coming with you doesn't it
  6. No, you're just dodging. It was a very simple question. You said i didn't understand your positon, i said you didn't have one but if you do lets hear it and it turns out you can't. So obviously you were just full of shit and can't explain yourself at all. Like most on the left you just repeat the talking points you're told and don't understand them or care to and can't explain them if asked and now everyone can see your full of shit. Well, that's probably about as much fun as I should have at the expense of the mentally disadvantaged, did you want to continue looking stupid o r did you want ;to move on now? LOL
  7. Yeah I don't care who you are, that was funny I think trump was the best choice for America given their options but what the heck, i'll jump in with a few i've heard: An executive order to rename the country of turkey to chicken until they toughen up And start contributing to Nato An executive order forcing the people of Boston to pronounce it "chowder" like normal people An executive order forbidding people to raise their hands at the same time he does for comparison purposes An executive order authorizing the expenditure of funds necessary to help out that Nigerian prince And executive order extending the impending 25% tariff on Canada and Mexico to include a similar tarrif on nancy pelosi and AOC. An executive order banning Chihuahuas until they learn to "shut the f up and behave themselves"
  8. So carney got the opportunity to change the election from a carbon tax election to something else, and he went with making it an election on 'woke'. With this guy leading the party in the next election campaign, the liberals will be lucky to get enough seats to fill a Hugo. I was going to say 'smart car' but given the circumstances that seems wildly inappropriate.
  9. Well in either case we both agree that the midterm elections will cost him dearly if he pisses the public off between now and then. And as most of the seats that will be coming up in the senate are republican it would be very easy to flip enough. I personally think you're underestimating their abject hatred of trump and strong desire to make him "Fail' and to "beat" him etc. Normally I agree that what you are saying would be the case but I think trump is kind of special for them. I honestly believe they would do it for no better reason than to laugh in his face. And there is a practical consideration. If he gets taken out then Vance becomes president and he will still be a lame duck president because of the house and senate and they can basically we can him as a candidate for the next presidency once trump's Term is over. That has some value, most people already see he's going to be a strong contender for the nomination and would make a difficult opponent
  10. So you still can't explain your position
  11. The democrats are not only not having the necessary conversations that they should be having about their party position and why they didn't appeal to voters, they're actually still actively blaming the voters and saying that they are all stupid ignorant people who don't deserve the right to vote. Which is a really great way to win them to your side for the next election These people live in an isolated rarified air environment and they don't realize that everyone outside of that environment sees the world entirely differently. Including tonnes of center left people who would normally consider themselves on the left when it comes to voting. If there isn't a revolution on the left where the moderate left kicks the elite and the woke out and takes control again then it'll be vance in 4 years and he'll probably get 2 terms ,and the dems will walk in the snow for over a decade. LOLOL Whoops! Looks like i really hit the nail on the head there little guy Triggered leftie is triggered Also, all your base are belong to us. Cope harder kiddo
  12. The sad cope is strong with this one.....
  13. TRIGGERED AGAIN!!! Robotop goes WZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzttttt
  14. No, you didn't which is why I mentioned it in my reply. And you can't now. Why don't you make three or four more posts not explaining your position, that'll really prove your point I suppose you could always try and come up with some fake ass answer to make it look like you've thought about it since then but you very obviously cannot explain your position. I on the other hand can explain in detail clearly any of the positions I hold. I arrive at them with thought and logic and reason I'm like you who arrive at yours with emotion and repeating the bullet points of your echo chamber. Which is why you're struggling now. Typical left-wing, you can repeat what you've heard but you can't think or understand what it means. You are slightly less intelligent than a parrot
  15. Not even close. Trudeau was easily the worst prime minister ever, both historians and the general public seem to agree. Wrecking the Canadian Forces is nothing compared to wrecking the Canadians, and right now most can't afford housing or food properly
  16. And it's worth mentioning that the midterms are going to be a lot more important for him than even normally would be for presidents. If the democrats win sufficient support in the house and the senate they are absolutely 100% going to find a reason to impeach him and throw him out of office. Guaranteed. Sure, that requires a 2/3 vote in the senate but a bad midterm could hand that to the dems very easily. There's 35 seats up for grabs and most of them are republican so if they get flipped it wouldn't take that many to make impeachment a real possibility. Only about 15 or so seats would have to flip in the senate to give them the ability to do that. I would think trump has to have realized that and be aware that he would be extremely vulnerable. A trade war that significantly impacts the people of the state is going to get him in trouble and put him at risk
  17. He isn't doing anything now. He's committing to do stuff in the future when he won't be here. I haven't heard about any new agreements being Signed or parliament voting on anything. We'll see. But honestly I think the real fireworks are about to begin
  18. Wealthy people don't get wealthy because they waste money They get wealthy because they hoard every penny they can get. Some of the richest multimillionaires i know still haggle with vendors and drive an extra block if the gas is cheaper by a few cents at that station. Certainly that will be the liberals pitch during the election, vote for us to help stop the evil Poilievre from winning we must all of us on the left band together in unity, huzzah!! We've seen it many times from them. However we have seen this new leader Vibe vanish extremely quickly as well. Kamala shot up in the states and was supposedly slightly ahead of trump for most of the election and certainly never far behind, but come election day it turned out that this simply wasn't the case. But sadly for the NDP Jaggers has definitely put them in an undesirable rock / hard place interface situation and any decision they make now could be the wrong one.
  19. No you can't. That was my point. Your inability to do so since then has proved my point already. Thanks for playing kiddo
  20. That's a tall order. You need to understand that this started back in the late '60s early 70s and both Canada and America. Prior to that there were a number of disincentives for women to continue working once married. For example one of the biggest was that banks did not calculate the woman's income when working out how big a mortgage the couple could have. Only the males income counted because it was assumed the female would become pregnant and stay at home with the children at some point in the not too distant future. Women rightfully and understandably complained and in the late '60s early 70s that changed and women's income became part of the mortgage affordability calculation. As a result people could afford to pay more homes. Women didn't work much but they often went back to work after their children got to a certain age at least part-time and brought in some supplemental income. Housing prices went up during the '70s pretty significantly. Women began to work more and more. This trend more or less continued through the '80s and '90s and as high inflation drove interest rates up it became more and more necessary to have two incomes to support a household. So the situation remained. Take a look at the fertility rates There was a dip for the great depression and ww2 but otherwise rates were high until we hit the 60's, by the end of the 60's it fell to historic lows and then started to fall again over time and has never recovered. That's WITH immigrants who have more children on average (tho their children don't) There were other factors but the end result is that nowadays the price of homes and living REQUIRES two incomes, it's harder and harder to have more than one kid. The number of single child homes has been shooting up in the states (even more in canada) and is expected to continue climbing because mommy NEEDS TO WORK - and more and more she not only needs to work she needs a good paying job and you don't get that by taking years off at a time for children. This is now a problem in many countries. Two incomes has become the defacto norm. In the states many so called "womens rights" groups actively look down on those women who DON"T want to work a full time career. How on earth are you going to reverse that? How are you suddenly going to make it so that single income families are the norm? You can't unless you a) get prices down radically and b) somehow convince women that they shoudn't be working as much because if they do then prices stay up. I just don't see it as being possible. Other countries have tried baby bonuses and pay and other incentives and it doesn't have that much of an impact. Canada tried income splitting which may have helped but the libs shut it down right away. If you have a bright idea i think most of the free world leaders would love to hear it
  21. It's way too late. If anything for those who were dissatisfied with it their patriotism will make them want it gone more. It's really too late to do anything about the cbc. People that cared about it should have pushed for it to be cleaned up a long time ago. You should have been saying that for decades now 🤣 I do appreciate your optimism tho
  22. And they went home in the summers etc. I know some of the schools actually had GOOD reputations, i'm told the one in mission for example actively ensured that elders from the local tribes came and talked to the kids and did cultural events etc. Compared to what the world has seen it just doesn't seem apocalyptic enough to ruin an entire nation of people for generations.
  23. There's little doubt that that's a serious concern. In fact mr Singh's own riding is seriously in jeopardy and has been for a while. Which is why he was so worried about his pension. But I think they realize they've painted themselves into a corner. It only gets significantly worse for them if they wait and go back on their word to bring the government down. I have said many many times since they formed their deal with the liberals that the junior partner in these relationships historically and universally gets the crap kicked out of them at the next election and the NDP is certainly facing that. Most of their support has already left for the conservatives and what's left appears to be leaning towards shoring up the liberals. And that's before we get to the big problem of voter turnout which is going to strongly impact both. You can never say for certain but just like we've seen it Ontario for example when the liberals and NDP are that low in the polls and that despised by that many people very frequently their voters turn out in a low numbers and that dramatically reduces their seat count even compared to the polling. But like i said, i don't know if it gets better for them. They would have been in better shape if they'd gone earlier and i suspect by fall they'll be thinking the same thing again.
  24. I WiSH we could go back 30 years in canada us relations. You could drive across the border without a visa, we'd had the free trade agreement in place and it was working, everybody wanted to get along... now it's a disaster. The problem is that trump took us back to closer to 1812
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