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Everything posted by herbie

  1. Just buy into the simpleton's solution of "build the wall" then. Asides from having dick all to do with the fact you support a fraudulent rapist with the morals of a pig.
  2. No. Your position is anti-life. Leaving decisions to the states is counter to the nation's interest. Last great cry of states rights was about slavery. Now it's about enslaving women.
  3. Yeah they should've left Al Capone alone too Witch hunt! Say it again... the truth comes out. 1930s dimwits rise again. Already holding their Bund rallies again.
  4. Some ppl believe big business should tell govt what to do. Anything else is communist....
  5. It might have. Only made a few hundred in credit card rebates. Like I said, ya shood lurn how stuff works, any stuff at all. Yes. But that's not illegal. Start with GR 11 Law. Oh wait, the Rapist has the Divine Right of Kings, he's above the law unlike us peons.
  6. Would be handy: Top of page icon on the bottom of each page
  7. God wrote the Magna Carta and the 2nd Amendment. They were on the tablet Moses accidentally dropped and broke.
  8. Don't believe in medicine, can't call yourself a doctor. Stupid conclusion believing bullshit by stupid antivaxxer
  9. You seriously underestimate the size of the market selling falafels to gun smugglers and rocket and bomb builders....
  10. Did Clinton write it off as a tax deduction or business expense? Is Clinton running for President? Does our sphincter sucking Russian troll think he can win over adults with common sense an minimal intelligence using a "Johnny shit on the carpet, I only peed on it" argument?
  11. See? The mind of someone who knows diddly squat about the subject, only believes it's BAD and needs to be punished. And another absolute dimwit trying to make others believe the govt is talking about private room hospital beds with free TV for patients and their visitors to do drugs and keep guns under their pillows, in which nurses are forced to work in against safety concerns. And the gaslighting sack of shit's usual response that everyone else is lying.
  12. The Almighty and Powerful POTUS determines when and why other countries have wars.
  13. yeah that one sure worked out well... like that one wasn't a total load of shit in the first place, tack on he personally scuttled any border reform Another that worked for an hour or two Like confusing NATO for his country club with a membership fee The Orange Rapist gave that away to the Afghans. Boy you can sure make a case 'defending' the Fraudulent Pig, can't you?
  14. Under lock down where they couldn't shoot down school kids and wealthy with govt handouts and nowhere to go spend it. Like surrendering Afghanistan and blaming the fallout on Biden. Like kissing dictator's asses rather than confronting them. Forgetting in spite of all the hot air that every single new US car model went to Mexico. That he set the ground for 1/2 the US population to be told what they could do with their own bodies. What a selective memory, Mr. Putin's lackey.
  15. I suppose it's all a result of the slippery slope of legalizing the demon weed.... They're talking about govt run care homes which are legal residences just like you own or rent, not hospitals. Just go ahead and try to walk into Vancouver General packing a 'large' knife or an axe, you'll find out quick enough. Staff were going into patient rooms where they'd been smoking up and were exposed to it, a workplace safety issue. Smoking in the rooms is enforceable by building management, not staff, they're free to report it but not their job to enforce it. The staff are not required to go into such a room and perform their damn job if they themselves claim any safety issue. In a hospital per se, they can see and note who's going in and out pf a dedicated room and note it on a patient's chart. They don't have to enter the room. A safety issue again. It's incomprehensible how people can not see drug and mental issues as health issues, only in criminal terms needing enforcement in Gestapo like responses. Stuck in 100 year old reactions that didn't ever work, and discard anything else.
  16. Yeah it takes an hour to 90 minutes to wear off each drink. Lucky you weren't made to blow the breathalyser. Add on people's perceptions. My buddy 'Stoopid pigs, I only had ONE beer when I was stopped in the roadblock". Yeah, in his hand. Four empty tallboys rolling around on the floor, and he'd just left from drinking at the pub. The guy who totalled my first car the night my Dad signed it over to me only had one drink. One whole mickey of rum. The high school buddy who had to drive from Van to Calgary in one shot for a job. So he brought a two-four "to keep awake" and now has one eye and walks with a limp. The problem is there are so many people about with their perception as dim (as if through wet toilet paper} who can't even tell when they're impaired. Just like that ad shot thru the beer glasses points out.
  17. They are not forbidden to call security. If you see armed threats anywhere you're supposed to, nurses are no different. Maybe you all should stop listening to what they are saying and listen to their union, a real cop or the actual details of a story. Not the words of one lazy ass rent-a-cop or one care aide who can't distinguish between protecting her own safety on the job and what is something entirely different. As well as your constant rejection of any attempt to make things safer for others by imagining scenarios where they only can harm others. Stand directly in front of the hospital doors and light up a cigar and imagine that by law security wouldn't show up if it was only a crack pipe. Imagine how if there's a safety issue at your own worksite how you're supposed to call a reporter instead of your shop steward or Labour board. That's what you're doing.
  18. That's right, if you fire up a crack pipe you should be subject to the same laws as smoking cigs or joints in a hospital. If they're injecting, no safer space to do that than in a hospital. They can also see if a patient goes in there. Gives nurses & doctors the ability to call security if they use elsewhere that can't be ruled unconstitutional.
  19. That's what it boils down to: the money. Let's legitimize the idea that having money deserves you more than the next person. If you can. fly somewhere else and pay all you want, let some drug addict or welfare Mom use your bed. Feel all the anger you wish. In reality, many Provinces already do this. So long as the private services can provide for what the medical plan will pay (or less). And no one can pay extra to jump their queue.
  20. Oh do show your adoration for that foot-dragging stubborn. obstinate contrarian fishwife you've got for a Premier. If she should lose power, you can always move to Surrey BC and have a Mayor you'd love.
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