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Everything posted by herbie

  1. Well at least you're not suggesting we should return to the Garden of Eden and wander about in total ignorance, mooing like cows.
  2. See what I mean about a negative personality affecting your entire outlook? You go out of you're way to prove the obvious isn't picking specific items claiming they represent the whole. Always. In every opportunity. You can't buy a home in West Vancouver, so that means you can't buy one anywhere. You can't get a job in Toronto, so there are no jobs anywhere. They suggest you wear a mask and vet the vax in a pandemic, so they forced you to. You can prance down the street celebrating massacres, teach with big fake tits, watch porn on the Internet and cable TV at home, hire an escort and marry your team mate, but you insist somehow you're less free cuz you can't stop someone else from doing the same. Doesn't matter how many stats about crime decreasing, you read about a gang shooting in Surrey so you're kids aren't safe enough to walk to school in Truro or Corner Brook. See what I mean?
  3. Deductible mortgages encourage people to give more to banks. The tax dollars not collected are removed, gone, the same as if being spent on a balance sheet. Seeing as how the govt is YOU, directing revenue into bank profits is not a good idea and as most posters carry on so over redirection of wealth to the needy, redirecting it to the wealthy corporations is total hypocrisy. Unless of course mortgages were exclusive to a Crown corporation Bank, which they'd hate because that would be eeewww socialist.
  4. Canada going downhill in every major category? You are safer in every way, you have more freedom, you have more choices, you are wealthier than you were anytime in history. If you insist on viewing everything in a negative light, you may easily convince yourself things are getting worse when they're not. As well as making personal choices that become self fulfilling prophecies.
  5. Yeah that is what the problem is. And with that statement, you seem to be standing in the way.
  6. Tax dollars for consumers to shovel more money to the banks? I'm sure they'd love that.
  7. No it isn't it's to get you to start a business and sell it for half the tax, not wait for someone else to give you a job. And of course if the Tories did exactly the same thing, you'd be on here bellowing what a fiscally responsible move it was.
  8. We don't hide. Cross a picket line and find out....
  9. You shouldn't have to stand up for democracy if it costs you money! Listen to Moscow Marjorie and lock yourself in the basement with lots of guns and worry that the bogeyman is coming.
  10. Describing it as an "excuse' only furthers my point. Digging yourself in deeper doesn't further yours.
  11. You'd be deducting 99% of your mortgage payments at today's home prices and interest rates....
  12. BTW where's the outrage in the forum that they just "gave away" Haida Gwaii to the natives? Guess Fox News missed that so none of you knew....
  13. Spoken like a true "colonist". And exactly defined as such the more one reads your post. Exact, down to the detail description of pure colonial thinking.
  14. Ever notice how all usernames that include the words Christian, Patriot, Nationalist, Loyalist, or Truth aren't?
  15. Rent a tent and hold a Bible thumping revival on a vacant lot. You might find people who'll listen to your twisted nonsense.
  16. They do, but it has nothing to do with taxes. There are private fools that lease vehicles and rent furniture and appliances too and never get to own them. spoken like a true tyrant (or scab). Floggings will continue until morale improves.....
  17. He supports traditional values. Presidents should only die in office by assassination. Besides, if Joe died in office it would be so much fun to see guys like Deluge literally explode like dynamited manure piles when that woman took over.
  18. We could always go back to before Capital Gains., 100% of profits are taxable income. So if you bought a property for $50,000, built a cottage on it and sold it for $300K and didn't keep receipts, you'd add $250K to your income and get taxed on the total amount.
  19. You're dreaming if you think regular people build new homes to rent them out. Capital Gains only affects them if the sell a non-principal residence or summer cottages that earn them over $250,000.
  20. What? You can't consider emigrating. Your grandparents did that! There's no more steerage and you have to pay double GST on airplane tickets... it's,, it's unthinkable....
  21. Is there anyone stupid enough to take you up on that? Who's thinking they will shoot themselves in the head so you all can vote in the Tories ASAP?
  22. ??? No one's nailed your feet to the ground. If you don't like your country's tax system, you're free to emigrate. What we need to do is stop worshipping the taxes of the USA without understanding both they have the 3rd largest and wealthiest population on Earth to tax and those taxes deliver less benefits to the public. What we need is more efficiency in the use of our tax dollars, more oversight and less selfish attitudes around 'some guy might get something and I won't' and 'Why should "I" pay' outlooks. Our taxes just aren't that hard to figure out. I'm personally annoyed at the sheer number of people I'ver encountered that are in their 60s. worked a single job for someone else and have no investments and have never in their life done there own taxes. Pay someone else every year and have only one single T4.
  23. Appears there are a few Republicans out there with the guts to say "Enough is enough" and do the right thing. I'm sure the Trumpoids are feverishly compiling dossiers on them....
  24. More great reasoning by our resident Bible thumper. They live, they walk among us, they're protesting in the streets and he's whining like shit that they are, but 'science' can't change someone's gender.
  25. And yet the #1 criticisms of the budget have been - there isn't enough money in it for transit - disability program is too cheap - no new money for the Forces -etc. etc. etc. etc.
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