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  1. Zero chance the Deep State permits Trump or any other enemy of theirs to take office. The U.S. had a great run as a democratic republic, but those days are over. The U.S. is controlled by a corrupt oligarchy.
  2. Trump has no chance. The system is rigged. The Deep State will again appoint the president as they did in 20'.
  3. God loves ALL beings and will heal and save ALL beings, even Satan and the demons. How do I know this? The Bible.
  4. How can it be "eternal"? I thought that only God is eternal.
  5. Trump has no chance. The 24' election is also rigged. I predict Michelle Obama will be the next president.
  6. I was just kidding. Every intelligent person knows that the universe caused itself to come into existence and that life was just a cosmic accident.
  7. I'm asking you these questions because your understanding of God and his word is infallible and I find your theology fascinating! So please enlighten me further. How many different forms of torture does Jesus use on the bad people? Does he torture children and babies too?
  8. Of course I believe in Jesus. Would you say that what Jesus does to the bad people makes Heinrich Himmler look like an amateur?
  9. So your theology is that Jesus created billions (or more) people knowing that he would torture them forever. Do you think Jesus will let you go into Hell with him to torture the bad people?
  10. #3 Jesus tortures people FOREVER in Hell.
  11. There are two types of people in the world, those who are of God and those who aren't.
  12. Typical leftist. When confronted with truth you go and hide under your bed.
  13. This woman is parroting fascist ideology but she's probably too ignorant to know it. She is espousing Benito Mussolin's ideology.
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