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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2023 in Posts

  1. I will go out on a limb here and presume this refers to me. I did not imply such a thing. I explicitly said CSIS needs to be non-partisan. I still haven't heard an explanation of where the word "trans" comes in.
    2 points
  2. For those of us who are a bit dim, you are going to have to spell that out. Trans-portation?, trans-literation, trans-gender, trans-Canada? What the heck are you talking about and what has it got to do with security clearance? Everyone seems to be missing the real question. Yes, China has been trying to interfere in Canadian elections. So have the Americans and the Russians. It is nothing new. Everybody does it. It is not right, but that is the way it is. The real danger is to have CSIS interfering in Canadian politics. Military, intelligence agencies and police must always be non-political. These leaks violate that rule. CSIS is tasked with collecting, analyzing intelligence and advising the government. What the government does with it is beyond the limits of CSIS's mandate. What appears to be happening in this case, is a third party with access to classified material is leaking selected files to damage the government. That is tantamont to an attemped coup. Traditionally, intelligence agencies are the worst investment by governments. They are universally incompetent. The exception are the agencies that collect and analyze communications such as the NSA, GCHQ, and Canada's CSE. If you want a picture of the level of abilities of spies, look at Philby, Donovan, Angleton, the two GRU clowns that poisoned the Skripals, William Stephenson, and Best and Stevens of the Venlo Incident (read clown circus). Every German spy sent to England in the War, was captured and either turned or executed. I am not that familiar with China's intelligence agencies but I see no reason to believe their thugs are anymore reliable or competant than anyone else's. I am not advocating abolishing CSIS. I advocate that we keep their importance in perspective and give their knuckles a good hard whack for their mis-handling their product and allowing their members and contractors from using their priveledged access to dabble in politics.
    2 points
  3. Sorry, perhaps I wasn't clear. By crickets, I wanted to illustrate there isn't much a public inquiry can say if the subject matter is classified and cannot be made public. It is amazing how all of the western nations were scrambling over each other to be China's friend until there was that ah ha moment when we all discovered Xi is a psychopathic SOB. For Canada, it came when we arrested Madam Meng Wanzhou for the US DoJ. Lots of people will claim they knew the Chinese administration was evil for years but that wasn't the tune people were singing in 2016. I'm not sure what a public inquiry is supposed to reveal. We already know China tried unsuccessfully to manipulate the last election. It has never been any secret that we don't have effective laws to prevent it. The Russians and the Americans have been doing this interference since the Second World War. What else do they want to know? China is a relatively late comer to the game. It's not like we can retaliate. How do we interfere in Chinese elections?
    1 point
  4. I wonder what a public inquiry would look like? "This inquiry is called to order. I call on all persons who have relevant information pertaining to foreign interference in Canada's electoral process, not covered by the Security of Information Act 1985, to come forward and give their testimony." (Sounds of crickets and cute little tree frogs) "Thank you all for coming."
    1 point
  5. This is the silly equity argument we see whenever the facts are pointed out. It makes absolutely no sense except as an aspect of progressive social justice beliefs (which themselves are mostly nonsensical). Yes, we did a lot of polluting when the alternative to burning wood or coal or oil was death by freezing. But that's not the only alternative now. So why do countries like China and India get a by on building coal plants?
    1 point
  6. I concede it's true. Politics is tit for that, as my pappy used to say.
    1 point
  7. Just FYI, more 'fully vaccinated' Canadians died of covid in 2022 than unvaxed-plus-vaxed in either of the previous years. It's really weird that the MSM stopped talking about covid deaths when they were 24% higher than ever before, and 30% higher than the previous year. Surely you must understand why a reasonable person would come to the conclusion that everything you believe about covid jabs is nonsense....
    1 point
  8. but CSIS doesn't owe its loyalty to the government, only to the monarch if CSIS has determined that the government is under the undue influence of a hostile foreign power they have a duty to report that to Parliament ; in the name of HM The King
    1 point
  9. Bottom line is PP is offered a security clearance so he can see it all on it's full transparency and unrestrained glory but he rather likes the drama and political show business than becoming fully aware.
    1 point
  10. It's great to watch the left forced to abandon their causes by the fact their more extreme factions have taken them to the brink. Very encouraging. But that is the point your theories have brought us to. Suck it up, ye buttercups or suck this
    1 point
  11. I know. Just in an argumentative mood. You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning, and the abyss is looking back at you the wrong way?
    1 point
  12. I agree. But it doesn't sound like that to Americans. I was highlighting the major cultural dichotomy in the attitude towards race in Canada versus USA. We need to be reminded who we are up here- we are not Americans. Because the leftist dunderheads see it on tv and automatically identify with it, by the hive-like mentality that is their nature. Somebody get me a can of Raid...
    1 point
  13. So which is it? You were convinced to be straight, or are you just attracted to women? Because you sound like you’re a bisexual man who’s suppressing his attraction to men. Not everybody is like that.
    1 point
  14. No, cash won't end at some time down the road. "Cash" will always exist - whether issued by the State or not. At issue is whether private parties will accept this "cash". ===== taxme, the history of "cash" (paper money, as you call it) is remarkably different in Canada and the US. We joined Bretton Woods late and left it early. The Bank of Canada was created decades after the Fed. Our last major financial crisis was Confederation Life. And RBC is in the top 20 world banks by assets.
    1 point
  15. If you didn’t choose to be straight, why would you think gay people chose to be gay?
    1 point
  16. You poor misguided fool. Being gay isn't something you can be "convinced" to become. Unless you've been attracted to the same sex? Then you could actually be gay or bisexual.
    1 point
  17. Black, native and gay pride were reactions to generations of being raised to feel ashamed of their identities. Means more not be ashamed of than to be proud of. But of course there's those that are so inwardly hostile even a far gentler expression of "me too" drove them into shitstorms.
    1 point
  18. They were frozen because they attended? I didn't hear that one before.
    1 point
  19. Liberals say "The door is open, we have sanctuary cities waiting for you, we want to abolish ICE and we want you to have the right to vote", and then the immigrants show up in caravans. Call it what you want, but the dems are bringing in illegal immigrants.
    1 point
  20. Why would heterosexual people feel intimidated walking down some street holding hands or kissing one another or getting married? It is the right and normal thing to see and do. It would appear as though the race is on by our pro supporting queer politicians in Ottawa to push for more homosexuality, more transgender sillyness, and more of dragster queen in schools nonsense. Our politicians have gone so politically woke, and mad in the head, and cowardly that all they seem to be able to try and do these days is to try and make heterosexuality a thing of the past. If not, why and what the hell is with all of this push of the gay, transgender, and drag queen lifestyle bull chit all the time? Enough already. Why are these dragster queens even being allowed to go into our schools and be allowed to try to push their queer dragster agenda on little three year old kids in schools? That is so sick. If those people want to do what they do, than keep it to themselves and in their queer closet. The meaning of LGBT: Liquor,girls,beer,tits. ?
    1 point
  21. There are three types of leftists and they're all racist for one reason or another: 1) The racists at the top (Demonrats): they craft policies that hurt poor people and pass those off as being altruistic in nature (eg, they bring in millions of illegal immigrants and say "Awww what a swell buncha guys we are ? ", but they do it for the cheap labour, which undercuts American workers and also drives up the cost of low-income housing. This works like a charm for the Demonrats - the vast majority of the poorest Americans vote for them) they create narratives that subjugate anyone dumb enough to believe them (eg "no jobs fo you n-----, them racist pigs'll kill ya so you need to be in a gang, dawg. Look what they did ta M Brown an' Trayvon. Don't be a foo, stay outta skoo." Anyone who falls victim to this Demonrat message is basically a slave: they're tethered to the lowest economic rung for life, some of them will even end up making license plates for free.) 2) The racist adherents: the folks who just hate white people and therefor adore the Dems' hateful/divisive messages 3) The useful idjit racists: Stupid people with the best of intentions. These are the soccer moms and simp man-buns who aren't intrinsically racist but are dumb enough to blindly support the aforementioned racist policies & harmful narratives without realizing what they're actually doing I think that our resident domestic terrorist epitomizes category 3: she's not an actual racist, but she's someone who does everything in their power to advance the harmful narratives like, "M Brown was a gentle giant who was murdered by racist pigs so we need to loot, burn, and kill some cops", which just serve to divide the country along racial grounds. Unlike the majority of cat 3's, she's sucked in to the extent where she thinks that torching people's businesses is justified. "Look mama, I burned that black man's business down for Michael Brown!" The MHs, Contrarians and Beaves of the world are all lower-level cat 3s. They blindly pay lip service to every single one of the Dem narratives but they haven't joined any of their militias yet (KKK, BLM, Antifa). Not many people admit to being in group 2 though, so I'll at least give NYLefty credit for owning up to the fact that he's an actual racist. At the top of the food chain here are people like Barack "I think we're all a bit racist" Obama and Ilhan "it's all about the Benjamins" Omar. Fun fact about group 2s: some of them think that it's not considered racist to be racist against white people for a whole host of reasons, some of which are vastly dumber than others. It's tough to accuse anyone of being a category 1, those people are pure evil. It's basically just the policy makers at the "top" of their slimy food chain. Some are elected and some form the power behind the throne, and the majority of them stay outta the limelight. I honestly think that there are actually elected officials who still fit into category 3 - just dummies who are out tilting at windmills because they think that they're saving the planet - but it's possible that they're just good actors. Ok, then there's AOC. I don't know wtf that thing is. She's just a whirlwind of stupid elected by a maelstrom of 1d10cy.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. When everyone's sick of your crap, it's time to ask yourself "could it be me?" Everyone's sick of their crap.
    1 point
  24. How about the anti-immigration types who go to Home Depot to get cheap labour when they need something done ?
    1 point
  25. And all Trudeau said is, if you want to know, get the security clearance offered to you then you can do with it what you want, within the security parameters. Not defending anyone but acting the poor little boy is wearing thin. Get the clearance and find out.
    1 point
  26. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2218558020001#:~:text=Ontario's York Catholic District School,to board meetings several times. Pride is nothing new. Pride Parades were popular in Canada in the 90's. The idea that promoting Gay Pride is grooming children for pedophiles is gross hatred. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/target-controversy-far-right-lgbtq-1234743159/
    1 point
  27. ? Geez exaggerate much? Gimme a break
    1 point
  28. To return to my OP, our Canadian military is remarkable. It works in two languages. No other NATO member does this - except Belgium.
    1 point
  29. I think all that reasonable Canadians are asking for is responsible government that actually does its job, and stays within its own box. That includes staying out of the bedroom of Canadians. Whatever Poillievre does may not matter as much as the fact he's NOT Trudeua. Now if only we could get a PM that Canadians can actually spell his name...
    0 points
  30. As long as there are plenty of beautiful sexy females around, I would never be convinced to want to become gay. The thought of ever wanting to become gay, and kissing some gay guy, makes me want to puke all over. ? I was convinced to remain straight only because I had a mother and father and that appeared all normal to me. It all just looked so normal to me to be and stay straight. I love those gals!
    0 points
  31. China pollutes worse. I get it. Now try telling the lifeguard that Johnny Rotten is still pissing in the pool so why should I have to stop? Squeeze your cheeks together and tax your brain until it explodes, maybe you'll get that cuz that's what you're doing.
    -1 points
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