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  1. Just because you assume what I do / don't do about my government's domestic and foreign policy, it doesn't mean that it's true. I have never indicated what I do or don't do in regards to my government's policies.
    3 points
  2. I have based my comments about you by quoting you as you have been very upfront and unapologetic about supporting foreign policies that create death and destruction. On the other hand, you are assuming that I am "enjoying and remain complicit in past/present death and destruction" and "Terrorists in the UK are not just about ISIS...they are about attacking the status quo that you support in deed". You are simply wrong on both of those remarks. You can either continue to assume and be wrong or you can ask me where I stand on those.
    3 points
  3. That's a lot of assumptions. And as the person you are making assumptions about, all I can tell you is that you are wrong. I must say; With all of the faults that I think you have, at least you are honest and upfront about your support for policies that are destructive and inhumane. Unlike many people on here who throw their hands in the air and scream "why do they hate us?!!" - Who seem to be oblivious to the actions of the team they have decided to unconditionally cheer for and not question their policies around the world.
    3 points
  4. What tenets? What lies? The reason people are suspicious of Muslims is the daily tide of intolerance and violence coming from the Muslim world. You can try to blame that on the West but it's coming from ALL over the Muslim world, including areas which have never been colonized and where there has been no western military incursions in generations, if ever.
    2 points
  5. Most at the hands of other Muslims, those good time boys you're so keen on.
    2 points
  6. Congratulations. Last few posts represent the moments of your life when you were closest to science, logic and reasoning. Now ignore me and continue your Erdogan praising with your doner kebab friends..
    2 points
  7. It must be difficult for you, when there is research like this, from an Israeli-American geneticist and bioinformatician with a doctorate in molecular evolution, showing how Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Khazars. I guess he's another self-hating Jew who isn't trying to justify the Zionist narrative. If anyone is interested in learning more about the research, see the above link and see this article: The new research suggests that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia. At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.
    2 points
  8. You know that when you make a status update you can delete any responses you don't like, right? Anyway, the correct response to her long list of people on her ignore list is to ignore her.
    2 points
  9. Who said I support ISIS? I said you are as bad as an ISIS supporter. Because both you and the ISIS supporter are okay with death and destruction. Just because I disagree with many of U.S. and friends' foreign policies, it doesn't mean that I support the latest bogeyman, ISIS. That's an extremely shallow way to think.
    2 points
  10. It is a bad thing. People like you, who are okay with policies that create death and destruction are bad for this world. You're not any different than those who support ISIS.
    2 points
  11. Wrong. I don't have to leave my country in order to speak against some of its policies. If I don't agree with some of the policies, I speak out against it, I vote against it and I put my money against it. You are complicit for the millions of deaths in the Middle East and the blowback for U.S. and the West's foreign policies because you happily support these policies.
    2 points
  12. I don't cheer on and support my country or any other country that tramples on other people's human rights for the sake of "economic and political interest".
    2 points
  13. Not sure where you're getting your quote from, but I can't find it anywhere. The Defense Minister is already on record saying that this was not about regime change. Also, Secretary of State, Albright said this: Clinton administration officials said the aim of the mission was to "degrade" Iraq's ability to manufacture and use weapons of mass destruction, not to eliminate it. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked about the distinction while the operation was going on: "I don't think we're pretending that we can get everything, so this is – I think – we are being very honest about what our ability is. We are lessening, degrading his ability to use this. The weapons of mass destruction are the threat of the future. I think the president explained very clearly to the American people that this is the threat of the 21st century. […] [W]hat it means is that we know we can't get everything, but degrading is the right word." What U.S. did in Iraq gave no indication that they wanted 'regime change' or to remove Saddam. They just wanted to weaken Saddam and his military. This is exactly what their actions showed.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Most of the Intel collected by our country can not nor will not be released to the general public for multi reasons....all of them due to national security, it does not gte declassified after the mission, in fact there is intel from WWII still classified...... Well that is good policy...."never take the advice of the subject matter expert in any case"....which brings up this question who is advising the PM....the cleaning staff..... For the last time Afghanistan had the majority of Canadians coming on line and approving support for the mission, and yet where were they when the mission became unsupported, they were no where to be found......So much for your theory.....one more point, the only military person that has an opinion on any mission is the CDS, and only when it is asked for ....and it is that a expert in the field that is giving an educated assessment on a military topic....So when you say soldiers....there is only one.... Making the vote mandatory.....aaahhh got it, the last election saw record turn outs....that was what 45 % , i guessing as i don't know.....but how well do you think a mandatory vote will go.....who will enforce it and what will that enforcement look like...? it will never work ..... And you still do not get the point......I would rather a lying sack of shit politician make an informed or sort of informed decision...than a tax payer that can not take the time to become educated on the topic.... and it is not just the military topic that citizens know nothing about, most don't even know how our political process even works....
    1 point
  16. Far too often these asylum-seekers claim that they are apostates and sending them back would be a certain death but after they have received asylum all of a sudden their belief in islam takes a new turn.
    1 point
  17. Justin Trudeau called a "scumbag"... are his feelings hurt ? http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/justin-trudeau-winnipeg-child-care-1.4045588
    1 point
  18. What you quoted is false. The Bible's Old Testament is to be interpreted in it's context, i.e. much of it is historical. The claim that it is more violent than the Quran shows the professor doesn't know what he is talking about. Maybe he should talk to someone who knows the Bible. The context is of utmost importance and there is context in the Old Testament. I have read that a lot of the verses in the Quran exhorting violence are not in any context, which leaves it to the reader to decide how he wants to interpret it. The key is "context". If you are not willing to accept that, there is nothing much one can say.
    1 point
  19. You are babbling. And nothing you've said makes any sense.
    1 point
  20. I whine so much because I am tired of being taken for a sucker by the rest of the world. I believe that as long as the liberals keep getting their way in Canada, I could very well be worse off than the so-called refugees of the world as time goes by. Have you no sense of shame as to how you are being made a fool of by our politicians that don't give two hoots about you or your well being? Well, I do, and that is why I "whine" so much. You might not like what I have to say but you will just have to live with it because I like to use as much common sense and logic as I can on many issues that are effecting me and the money that I have left in my wallet thanks to bringing in all those so-called refugees. I had nothing to do with what is going on in the rest for the world, so why should I have to keep having to pay for it. If you don't like what America is doing to the rest of the world then get out there and protest. Just leave me and my tax dollars out of it. Works for me.
    1 point
  21. There are plenty more incidents and evidence of this criminality going on. Let the crimes continue on because. But I guess that there will always be some people who just don't care. Lucky for Canada that some people do care.
    1 point
  22. Calling Canadian Conservatives murderous is kind of laughable, you know. But as I've said many times, I simply support the least worst. Right now that's the Tories.
    1 point
  23. Been there, done that. I've simply given up trying to have a coherent or rational discussion on the 9/11 issue with truthers. Regardless of what point I address and destroy you will not be deterred, but will immediately jump to another, and another, and another, and another, and then back to the first as if it hadn't already been left crushed, broken and bleeding on the floor. I've been here a while. 9/11 truthers bore me.
    1 point
  24. So far everything I've posted is in answer to questions you've asked. Anyone here, left or right, would tell you there are no issues I'm afraid to address. But everything you raise in your rants has been raised here before by other people on the fringes of the far left, and since it has zero credibility I don't feel much need to point out the lack of logic and just plain silliness.
    1 point
  25. I believe I said that I did not think that this could ever become a law in Canada.. But here in Canada, one never knows, especially with the liberals in power. We already have hate laws that say that I cannot express an opinion against an individual or an identifiable group if it appears as though it is deemed to be promoting hatred or violence towards anyone or any group. This Motion 103 can be placed in that catagory easy enough by me just questioning or challenging in any way Islam. I don't think that I am being hysterical about anything. Using the word "hysteria" is going a little over board here. And why was this motion even passed here in Canada anyway? Why did the Greens, NDP or the liberals vote in favor for such a draconian motion? Why would an immigrant to Canada, because that is what she is, come to a country that believes in freedom of speech, and then pretty much demand that Motion 103 be adopted. Did someone not tell her that here in Canada, or so we are told, that freedom of expression is a basic right according to the COR. I don't think that you should be attacking me but instead you should be attacking the MP that brought this motion forward. She is the enemy here, not me. I am of the opinion that most Canadians are their own worse enemy. They like to attack anyone who stands up for Canada, and it's values and ways of life, and freedom of expression, rather than attack the people who want to take those values and free speech away from them. Incredible indeed.
    1 point
  26. I am proud of my Caucasian race. Why is that a problem with you and others? If I were black or Asian and I said that I was proud of my race would you have something to say about that? So, me being Caucasian and showing some concern about what is happening to my race, you and millions find this disturbing. So, you must feel that I am a threat to you and millions of others? Why? What are you afraid of? Curious.
    1 point
  27. The OP explains why I've created this thread. Non-Christians had thrown these Biblical verses....and I'm giving the verses as written, in their full and accurate context. No interpretations are necessary for these, as they're plainly and clearly written. I'll say for the last time: if you want to refute, deal with the verses given.
    1 point
  28. Exactly. I was born in Pakistan. We had a dictator like Erdogan in 80s. The dictator islamized our country, brainwashed our new generation by introducing misleading Jihadi literature in school curricula, created Jihadis in order for them to fight Russia. (US was okay with the radicalization as Russia was a more immediate threat and Jihadi interest was aligned with the US interest of defeating Russians). In short, 30 years later, we have a whole generation completely brainwashed. Very religious. Extremists who participated in Jihad in Afghanistan are creating chaos in Pakistan now, suicide bombing has been part of daily lives since last 15 years. Islamization is a slippery slope. Very difficult to undo once you start it. I hope, Turkey gets rid of Erdogan before severe damage is done. Growing up, liberals in Pakistan used to give examples of Ataturk on how he made Turkey a modern and progressive country. What a shame that Erdogan is destroying all of it.
    1 point
  29. No need to on this end...pick a century...Islam has its moments. Let's see...say the mid 11th century AD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1066_Granada_massacre How Islamic State of them.
    1 point
  30. Of course Jews are not a race. Many Jews are not even semites. Many Jews are descendants of Khazars who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. They have no connection to Palestine. I wonder if the Jewish boy who sent in the bomb threats is actually mentally ill? Or was he doing this to create sympathy for Jews? We will see how this will unfold.
    1 point
  31. It doesn't bother me at all. What shocks me is how you can be so shocked at someone who thinks a body should be killed and just two of the many US tossers who were responsible for maybe 5 or 6 million people between them who were actually killed.
    1 point
  32. Another US high official, much much worse than a tosser, I give you Henry Kissinger, himself a Jew. These examples of deeply amoral individuals are not the exception, they are the rule in the American prez administrations.
    1 point
  33. OK, I was hoping we could discuss your views rationally, because I agree with you that the West is not blameless. But right off the bat, you deny there are any issues in or with Islam. Disappointing.
    1 point
  34. Under Obama, the US relinquished control of the internet, maybe some of you missed that. Obama was always good at slipping in a rabbit punch while he's smiling at you.
    1 point
  35. Hooo hoo hooooooo, what I found now. British dictatorship's Prence's helicopter been harrashed by an unmanned air vehicle. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3179851/prince-williams-horror-as-drone-comes-within-half-a-second-of-hitting-his-air-ambulance-in-shocking-near-miss/
    1 point
  36. Ho ho hooo, here what I found now. So appearently Britain responses CIA's London attack with Cincinati attack. http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2017/03/26/cameo-nightclub-shooting-what-we-know-now/99661248/
    1 point
  37. And you avoided the issue, as is your wont. So many of you continue to blame people who are blameless, completely avoiding the issue - who were/are the biggest liars surrounding the events of 911, after 911 and before 911. Why did this man do what he is suspected of doing?
    1 point
  38. Yes, you most assuredly are a conspiracist, as are all the folks discussing various conspiracies with you. When you discuss the US official story you are also a conspiracy theorist, because that is not only a theory, it is a completely unproven theory, it has been shown to be a Golconda of lies.
    1 point
  39. Be honest. You claim that you would like Turkiye to be controlled by a good government. This is lie. Westerners does not like a Muslim country to be controlled by a good government. They want and be happy with it when Muslim countries ruled by bad governments. Because Westerners does not like a Muslim country to be developed. If Turkish govt was really a bad govt, all the Western countries would support them. Western countries also does not want each other to be developed more than themselves. US does not want any other Western countries to be more strong. Britain does not want US to be more strong, Germany does not want US nor Britain nor France. Italy hates all of them. Other small puppet Western countries lives like parasite near these some strong Western countries. So please stop telling "we dont like Turkish govt because they are making Muslim Turkiye is a bad country". you are lying
    1 point
  40. I started this thread and I don't need you to tell me what/ how I should think. Obviously you have this preconceived template in your head that whatever is said by others is legitimising the attack. This is absurd.....This is precisely why this kind of behaviour and accusation does not result in any constructive dialogue some of us have come to expect in this board. FYI....Getting access to the social media such as WhatsApp is a very big topic in UK post the terror attack. Maybe you ought to read more about this before jumping the conclusion and accuse me of legitimising such attack! You have no idea about my views about this and to come here and accuse me is quite premature.
    1 point
  41. Not really. The neo-cons wanted a full on invasion but they couldn't get it in the 90's despite a lot of lobbying. Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were part of that push. There is a difference between weakening Saddam's regime and going in there and removing him. Going in there and removing him could only be achieved after 9/11 and after fabricating the WMD so-called evidence.
    1 point
  42. That underlined word made all the difference in your eloquent argument.
    1 point
  43. But as always from Argus, nothing in the manner of demonstration.
    1 point
  44. I have been taking a passing glance at Turkey in the news and I must say that the country seems to be moving backwards. The presidential referendum is just a huge power grab for a man who seems to be unable to accept criticism in anyway. Hence the shut down of any newspaper or media that speaks against him
    1 point
  45. Schools went further than that, when they banned extra-curricular activities like Christmas concerts. Muslim students in the province of Ontario are entitled to hold weekly prayer meetings, held on Friday. These “Jumm’ah” prayer and sermon sessions have been the focus of intense criticism as the provincial public school system is not supposed to be promoting any religion or hosting any religious instruction. Many schools will not even host Christmas music concerts in deference to non-Christian faiths who may be offended by the observance. Board To Allow Muslim Sermons In Schools, And Protesters Aren’t Happy It appears they are allowing the prayer meetings on regular school hours, in the school and provide a member of staff to supervise. That's more than simply letting them pray if they wish.
    1 point
  46. And the fact that Israel is a jewish state, not a jewish nation, but a jewish state, means that even if arabs form a majority, jews rights take precedence over Arabs, which is why it is indeed Israeli apartheid. When you declare a country a racial state, you must by nature engage in steps of segregation and apartheid to preserve. SO Israel segregates based on religion, and religious segregation is cool but racial segregation is wrong. Now here is the rub, most jews in Israel are actually athiest or non-practicing and therefore not even religious jews, but actually racial jews. Thus Israel is not a jewish state in the sense of a religion like the vatican being a catholic state, Israel is a jewish state in a strict racial sense as in being a country for people who are racially jewish, which is why even athiest jews can make ayat. Yes but whites (and every other race) discriminated in the history books against african original people of canada. Therefore, they have the same claim to have their own schools as jews do for their own nation. So you agree we should dismantle the state of Israel. I understand arabs cannot go to public schools with jews in most cases and don't even speak the same language. You really think arab kids in jewish settlements can go to school with jews? The afrocentric schools and community serve as a refuge to original people so they won't be exterminated too. Why did Jews leave Europe and move to Israel but to move away from integrated socieites and segregate themselves into a giant segregationist state? Look, there are some jews who are self hating, but it is no surprise, jews were told they were scum for years so some believe it. What else is a person going to think when they are told they are scum daily.
    1 point
  47. Canada shouldn't spend an extra dime on NATO until America deals with its Trump issue. Then we can review it. 1% seems about the correct amount to spend though. We have other priorities (health, education, etc).
    1 point
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