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  2. You don't understand to what was testified because you don't even bother to find out. Very lazy. She identified Trump's PERSONAL ITEMS, which were NOT DISPUTED by the defense. Duh Unfortunate they didn't call you to LIE about what she said. LMAO
  3. And there's the rub. Not everyone wants to purchase an expensive virtue signaling set of bagpipes where the bag needs to be constantly refilled even only after a few bars of Scotland The Brave . Most peoples need are filled by purchasing a less expensive set of exhaust pipes that require much less filling and are good for all of Bach's piano concerto's on one fill.
  4. @ironstone 2 flags: The upside-down US Flag and the Christian Nationalist flag known as the “Appeal to Heaven” or “Pine Tree” flag that recently became popular among Jan 6 rioters, election deniers and other extremists (photo of flag flying at Alito’s beach house at link below) Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home The justice’s beach house displayed an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, a symbol carried on Jan. 6 and associated with a push for a more Christian-minded government. May 22, 2024 Last summer, two years after an upside-down American flag was flown outside the Virginia home of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., another provocative symbol was displayed at his vacation house in New Jersey, according to interviews and photographs. This time, it was the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it dates back to the Revolutionary War, but largely fell into obscurity until recent years and is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the “Stop the Steal” campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/us/justice-alito-flag-appeal-to-heaven.html#:~:text=Another Provocative Flag Was Flown,a more Christian-minded government.
  5. You have NO EVIDENCE that she is telling the truth. She described a hotel room? Woah that just tells me she has been in a lot of hotel rooms and given her profession I am sure she has.
  6. Today
  7. He wasn't charged for that at all., 34 counts of falsifying records. Not for why he did, but that was obvious to anyone with a brain before the trial. dodge weave dodge weave misdirect deflect whatabout fake news witch hunt don't look up everyone else is stupid ya ya yah
  8. Once again, I'm not talking about you personally. You've made it clear that if you saw an EV or PHEV that met your needs and price you would consider it. And I'm talking about thinking rationally, not "like me". As above if it met your needs and price only a fool would still refuse to consider one. As I said before, it's not regulations and incentives that will drive people to EVs, it's oil companies and the car makers. They're already hiking ICE vehicle prices to nearly the price levels of EVs they're counting you will put up with even more. Kia Niro Hybrid - from $33,000 4.4L/100km 52mpgUS Kia Niro PHEV - from $38,000 Kia Niro BEV - from $48,500 Average spent in Canada 2023 new vehicle purchase $67,817 (autotrader.ca) NOT outrageous prices comparatively.
  9. You mean like breaking the law by falsifying business records. That is NOT just a bad light. She just tried to publish her story. That was of no interest to Trump until the Access Hollywood take came out. Did you hear the testimony? She gave details about items in his bedroom at the Hotel. You have NO EVIDENCE she lied. Thanks for demonstrating YOUR strawman argument.
  10. Trudeau or Poilievre received their power from the beast, do you denie that?
  11. Yesterday
  12. I think what you really mean, is they refuse to think like you. Again. Not thinking like you. Not everyone can afford an EV. Am happy for you that you can. Shaming people for this, really does nothing. Honestly. What do you gain from this, other than personal gratification of an illusion you give yourself of "doing something"? If anything, this is like a co-worker I had who shamed me for eating bacon during lunch. She reminded me how pigs suffered. I don't care what you eat. I didn't comment on her food. That level of entitlement will only get people to ignore you, and dig in their heels further. Instead of shaming, you should be looking at the concerns voiced by the consumers. This actually gets things done. Resolving issues, to ensure future adoption. Thinking shaming works in this case, when you're the minority is the epitome of not thinking. There isn't any objection. I'm not on the market for one, as one doesn't meet my current driving needs. Doesn't matter to me what anyone thinks of it, as will buy based on need. Not based on what others shame me into buying. We have properties in the Philippines. Our next vehicle will likely be purchased for there. Good luck with an EV where there literally is zero infrastructure to charge it. Our properties are in a mountainous rainforest. Many unfinished roads, meaning a car would not be recommended. Either you buy a motorcycle, or you get a pickup truck or SUV, or stay out of the rural areas. Like I said. You are out of touch with the reality most people face. Travel a little. Most on this planet are more focused on food on table, roof over head than buying an over priced EV they can't afford. My car is a personal choice. I buy it accordingly based on what I need. In Canada, this means high MPG, reliable and high resale value. In the Philippines where we intend on retiring early, it will be centered on mobility and reliability. The world doesn't revolve around your needs. If you ran a McDonald's franchise in that country, you would go out of business. You like fries and burgers, so feel entitled to impose your will onto others. Markets don't work that way. You truly need to observe what consumers want. Ignoring this, will have consumers continue to shun EVs and rightfully so.
  13. You don't understand the basic principles of democracy here. Cameras cannot be used between MPs and their constituents or Canadians. The right to private conversations about issues is a fundamental right.
  14. Untrue. You forget that Presidential elections are held independently in each state. The election Trump defrauded was a New York State election.
  15. One can prove that a choice exists only by showing it being real. Any dictator can paint or sing imaginary choices. So until proven real and in the reality, down to two it is. Putin and Xi have one.
  16. You can't gaslight people into not voting for him, so best distract with a rushed case that will be no more than a slap on the wrists for him. What they fail to realize, is this will only grow his base who whether right or wrong, feel the case was politically motivated.
  17. The threads about CBC being pro Palestinian and MAGA imbeciles yak on about Hunter F^cking Biden's laptop.
  18. Randall Flagg. Beave gets all his info from Stephen King novels. Pick a chapter, insert the word Republican a few times, bingo a Beave post.
  19. Maybe you should be wearing the camera so you can see how silly that sounds. From today's news... almost as if it were on cue eh? https://www.yahoo.com/news/5-takes-hunter-biden-laptop-100036555.html BTW, some of those former analysts were rewarded with Biden administration jobs after they signed the letter. Here's a quote from the article (in bold below)... it appears that Politico is now distancing themselves from the story they ran using the self same "plausible deniability" option that I suggested would be a likely first choice. There was a reason that only ex-members of the intelligence community were recruited to sign this letter and act as spokesmen for the Russian hoax angle. Here it is in today's news. But the thing that is truly news worthy here is that 51 intelligence analysts were actually able to agree on something (meaning anything). It's a bloody rare thing and I remember laughing at the idea the very first time I read about the letter they signed. Now is that paranoia or does recognizing the humour in it come from drinking beer with argumentative intelligence analysts during extended vacations. When asked for comment, Politico stressed that its article made clear that claims of potential Russian interference were the opinions of the former intelligence officials, not the outlet itself.
  20. You mean Sotomayor and Gorsuch, right? And you mean cases that the court didn't accept, right?
  21. If they are committing crimes to cover it up, then yes, they should be in jail. But that's not usually the case.
  22. They traded Canada's nuclear secrets for a busload of illegals at the nominating meeting. China gave them a free all expenses paid trip for 1/338th of an influence!
  23. What if the people claiming to be your govt let that happen, even caused it to happen? And the invaders were there to kill them and they put your baby's crib between them and a tank? My opinion is now that those Middle East countries are golden examples of why race, religion or language are the worst reasons for nationhood. Causes nothing but hate, repression and wars.
  24. What I am saying is we don't want a repeat of what happened to Dreyfus and Zelle. CSIS is too unreliable. I would be careful about destroying a person's life on the word of CSIS. As Althia Raj pointed out, MP's do not have very much influece on Government, nor do they have anything of interest to offer a foreign agent. Before anyone enters Cabinet, they are vetted. If Pierre takes the opportunity to read the report, he will be able to act accordingly. I find it odd that so many people are demanding the names be made public, even though they know anyone doing so will wind up in Prison. Demanding the names be made public is stupid. It will cause our allies in the 5 Eyes to cut us off. They should never have included that bit in their report. It will lead to a disaster like McArthyism.
  25. I told you why I will shame some people, because they refuse to think and hinder others. Now if you* enjoy 60% or more of the energy you paid for being spewed out the engine & tailpipe and lugging 100 lbs of water and cooling equipment to getting 90% of the energy you paid for, you're not thinking. And if you'd prefer govt invest that money in a couple more refineries rather than EV & battery plants, you're forcefully not thinking. If you object to EVs by claiming the costs of resource extraction while totally ignoring those of getting oil and acting like ICE vehicles grow like potatoes, you're maliciously thinking with intent to be an obstructionist. You know that you don't "need" an F150 4x4 to go to work or the supermarket, I managed back in the 1980s with my little 2L D50 pickup and moved shit into my new house and moved friends with it too. Now we have one choice a damn Maverick double the size with 4 doors and a 6" cargo bed for $55,000 and the same or worse gas mileage! That's progress? After 40 years the same mileage and CO2 emissions less practicality for 5 times the price on both vehicle and gasoline? I got rid of that little truck because I had my second kid. Now I'm a retired rural senior that would buy one of those again, electrified or not. Even use a Kei truck for work for 6 years in town and carrying radio and tower equipment up mountain tops without bawling that it was too small and uncomfortable to take the kids to WallyWorld in. * not you personally, you the group I've mentioned repeatedly.
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