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Anne Coulter comes to Canada

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I'd just like to announce that I have officially reserved a seat for the Q&A with Ann Coulter at the University of Western Ontario, monday evening.

I'm hoping to get my picture taken with her, as well as getting my book signed. I don't usually like to brag, but this is too good to pass up! :P

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I'd just like to announce that I have officially reserved a seat for the Q&A with Ann Coulter at the University of Western Ontario, monday evening.

I'm hoping to get my picture taken with her, as well as getting my book signed. I don't usually like to brag, but this is too good to pass up! :P

I wonder what kind of controversy this will engender. I wonder.

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I wonder what kind of controversy this will engender. I wonder.

unfortunately, way too much has been made concerning Counter's gender - that whole 'Man Coulter' thingee is just so 'over-the-top'... oh, wait... you said engender - carry on!

in any case, it appears Shady's made his choice to see the trash talking, hate spewing Coulter, over attending the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talk, "Our Environmental Destiny"... just days later at UWO. Oh wait, that's so presumptuous of me - perhaps Shady will attend both - ya think?

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in any case, it appears Shady's made his choice to see the trash talking, hate spewing Coulter, over attending the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talk, "Our Environmental Destiny"... just days later at UWO. Oh wait, that's so presumptuous of me - perhaps Shady will attend both - ya think?

Nope. I won't be attending both presentations. Robert F. Kennedy is a massive environmental hypocrite. He's part of the limousine liberals. You know the type. The do as we say, not as we do kind of people. He doesn't like high mileage vehicles. Of course, that doesn't stop him from flying around to events in his private jet. He's a big fan of wind power. Of course, that didn't stop him from opposing an off-shore wind turbine project, because it was too close to his luxury home in Martha's Vineyard.

Yes, in Robert F'ing Kennedy's world, us serfs need to learn how to live a cleaner more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Except when it comes to him and the rest of his royalty-posing ilk. Then they're free to use as much energy, and as much resources as they see fit.

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Nope. I won't be attending both presentations. Robert F. Kennedy is a massive environmental hypocrite. He's part of the limousine liberals. You know the type. The do as we say, not as we do kind of people. He doesn't like high mileage vehicles. Of course, that doesn't stop him from flying around to events in his private jet. He's a big fan of wind power. Of course, that didn't stop him from opposing an off-shore wind turbine project, because it was too close to his luxury home in Martha's Vineyard.

Yes, in Robert F'ing Kennedy's world, us serfs need to learn how to live a cleaner more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Except when it comes to him and the rest of his royalty-posing ilk. Then they're free to use as much energy, and as much resources as they see fit.

You should ask the inimitable Ms. Coulter what she thinks of Canada joining her country in the war in Vietnam.

She was exposed as an ignoramus on that subject already, so be careful: she may well blow a gasket, or an Adam's apple.

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Nope. I won't be attending both presentations. Robert F. Kennedy is a massive environmental hypocrite. He's part of the limousine liberals. You know the type. The do as we say, not as we do kind of people. He doesn't like high mileage vehicles. Of course, that doesn't stop him from flying around to events in his private jet. He's a big fan of wind power. Of course, that didn't stop him from opposing an off-shore wind turbine project, because it was too close to his luxury home in Martha's Vineyard.

setting your selective googling aside, Kennedy has spoken directly to the Cape Cod area wind farm issue - many times. My selective google find suggests there may be an actual argument behind Kennedy's position - go figure! I particularly like this article (from Kennedy) since it also fits your personalized attack against 'environmental leaders':

Cape Wind -- a massive offshore wind farm that -- as a result of careless siting -- will ruin the livelihoods of hundreds of Cape Cod's treasured commercial fishing families by evicting them from their primary fishing grounds. That boondoggle, which requires a quarter billion dollars in government subsidies and effectively privatizes 24 square miles of public trust lands used annually by 3 million boaters and tourists, will cause a host of other injuries, including serious ecological damage and a billion dollars in economic loss to surrounding communities and will pose a dangerous navigational hazard to air and marine traffic.



Polluters spend hundreds of millions every election cycle on lobbying and campaign contributions to control the political process, and billions more on phony think tanks and deceptive advertising to hoodwink the public and manipulate the national debate. Industry outspends environmental groups 1,000 to 1 on political campaigning and advertising. Relatively impoverished public-interest groups have traditionally relied on the political intensity they can generate by public participation. Their success is dependent on an independent, vigorous press willing to fearlessly confront power and inform the public.



While the savants carp, the hardworking leadership of groups like the Sierra Club, NRDC, Greenpeace, PIRG and Environmental Defense battle these overwhelming odds by organizing grassroots, suing polluters, pushing legislation and reaching out to new constituencies. Many of us in the environmental movement are working with other progressive groups to enact media and campaign-finance reform to save our democracy, which is the only hope for a clean environment. Most environmental leaders are deeply involved in coordinating campaigns on issues of common interest and bypassing the corporate media by developing new ways to communicate with the American public. Our greatest challenge is to broaden our constituencies, to include nontraditional supporters in business, labor, hook-and-bullet groups, commercial fishermen and racial minorities. Knee-jerk support for a badly planned wind farm that unnecessarily alienates our natural allies, including commercial fishermen, marina owners and boaters does not advance these objectives. Likewise, backbiting and recriminations against fellow environmentalists does not bring in new members, win lawsuits, pass bills or reduce pollution.

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Our greatest challenge is to broaden our constituencies, to include nontraditional supporters in business, labor, hook-and-bullet groups, commercial fishermen and racial minorities.

I get business, labor, hook-and-bullet groups, and commercial fishermen... but why does he mention racial minorities among nontraditional supporters?

I'm honestly baffled. Any clue what he's trying to say there?


Edited by kimmy
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I get business, labor, hook-and-bullet groups, and commercial fishermen... but why does he mention racial minorities among nontraditional supporters?

I'm honestly baffled. Any clue what he's trying to say there?


Perhaps liberals are realizing that immigrants to North America are increasingly being persuaded to support more more outwardly conservative governments, especially when it comes to promoting harsher justice systems, traditional family values, and greater religiosity in society.

The rub is that conservative political parties have to persuade their traditional base of support to accept more immigrants.

Edited by eyeball
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So your saying that immigrants are not necessarily traditional opponents of environmental causes, but the environmentalists have to get to them quick before the other side does?

That interpretation rests on the assumption that immigrants are easily impressioned people who have no existing opinion on the subject.

Also, I have to point out that he says "racial minorities", not "immigrants", and the two are hardly synonymous.


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I get business, labor, hook-and-bullet groups, and commercial fishermen... but why does he mention racial minorities among nontraditional supporters?

I'm honestly baffled. Any clue what he's trying to say there?


Yeah! Why didn't he include white trash?

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I'd just like to announce that I have officially reserved a seat for the Q&A with Ann Coulter at the University of Western Ontario, monday evening.

I'm hoping to get my picture taken with her, as well as getting my book signed. I don't usually like to brag, but this is too good to pass up! :P

Have fun! Say hi for me!

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I'd just like to announce that I have officially reserved a seat for the Q&A with Ann Coulter at the University of Western Ontario, monday evening.

I'm hoping to get my picture taken with her, as well as getting my book signed. I don't usually like to brag, but this is too good to pass up! :P

Have a good time. I think that what she says will be too right wing for you though. You seem to be more of a socialist to me from everything you've posted. But then again this board is dominated by Red Tories so what was I to expect.

Anyways have fun maybe you'll learn what it is to have real conservative values.

Have a good time. I haven't decided whether I'll try to get a seat or not. It's a 2 hour drive for me each way.

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You should ask her if she herself will be leading the solution for Canada....will she be at the head of the invasion, or someone else?

You haven't heard of satire before?

Have fun! Say hi for me!

I'll see what I can do.

You seem to be more of a socialist to me from everything you've posted.

I seem to be a socialist huh? I guess I'll have to do some serious introspection. :(

For those of you who are interested, she's going to be elsewhere in Canada too. And for you lefties, you may want to attend, you may actually learn something. However, please refrain from throwing food. I know it's your usual intellectual response to hearing opinions you disagree with, but that sort of thing needs to stop. Thanks in advance.

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010: University of Ottawa

LOCATION: 140 Louis Pasteur Building code: MRN

Doors open at 7:00 p.m-7:30 p.m. - Ann Coulter 8:15 p.m. - Q & A + Book signing

Thursday, March 25th, 2010: University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

LOCATION: Main Campus, ST (Science Theatres), Room 140

Doors open at 7:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. - Ann Coulter 8:15 p.m. - Q & A + Book signing

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You should ask the inimitable Ms. Coulter what she thinks of Canada joining her country in the war in Vietnam.

She was exposed as an ignoramus on that subject already, so be careful: she may well blow a gasket, or an Adam's apple.

Ah...You mean this interview...


I think it says more about the people who would pay to see someone like Coulter,and I assume agree with what she says,than about Coulter herself.

By the way,Coulter will have an interview with Michael Coren on his show on Tuesday night on CTS.That's 6 O'Clock here in the East.I intend to watch.Not because I agree with what Anne Coulter says,I agree with almost nothing she says.I'm going to watch because I think she has a right to say whatever she wants to,as I have a right to call her on just about everything she'll say.

By the way,does anyone notice that when Coulter gets questiones she tries to laugh off what she says...Or claim it was a joke...Or try to cryptically belittle the other person?It's the acts of a coward that cannot defend her positions....

Edited by Jack Weber
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I think she needs to make use of a teleprompter.

At leasta vetted speech...If she says what she thinks,which I assume she does,she does'nt portray the most accomodating vision for a conservative future...

Actually,I'm glad folks like Coulter are around and can speak their mind.She,and her followers,turn off so many people if any conservative candidate espoused her views,they would be unelectable.Which is probably why no one ever quotes her con zaniness outwardly.

Inwardly,I'm not so sure.... :o:D

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