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Federal Poll (Nanos): CPC 42.4%, LPC 22.8% NDP 15.9%, BQ 10.3%, GPC 4.3%, PPC 2.5% Poilievre hits new high as preferred Prime Minister

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20240510-Political-Package-report-with-formatted-tabs.pdf (nanos.co)

So - short version, this is a complete disaster for the libs, but it's also a horrific disaster for the ndp if this trend continues. 

The libs have been pulling into disaster territory for quite some time of course, but this is about the worst we've seen and suggests that they haven't found bottom yet.

However, this is a new low for the NDP. They have at least been sort of holding their head slightly above where they finished the last election but there has been signs that their relationship with the liberals has been weakening them, and if this poll result turns out to hold over the next couple of polls then they are now in complete disaster territory as well.

Also worth noting is that after the budget concerns about deficits went up.

And once again Poilievre Has reached new heights in preferred pm and popularity. This isn't just people hating Justin, people are growing ever Pierre himself.

I am sure that the liberals do not know what to do with this point. Complete collapse and a disaster similar to Kim Campbell's is a very real possibility no matter what direction they take. All they can do is hold on and hope somehow by some miracle something changes

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The NDP is getting outflanked — again | Canada's National Observer: Climate News

The NDP is getting outflanked — again

Very interesting article discussing the ndp vote and their bleed to the CPC, which is just amazing to me. 

I have said for ages that the junior party in a supply and demand deal always winds up getting creamed next election.  But as they note there's a very real chance of an ndp collapse. 


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The Jagmeet Singhing groups support for the Trudeau government has backfired big time, yet they continue. The only person not seeing this is a blind man on a galloping horse.

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Hurray! Wow wow! Well done! Amazing job!! Does it look like a "landslide" already?

You really like this bobblehead no this one, do you? It'll sure deliver us from all wrongs and evils... right?

"From screw up to screw up" no scratch that, "landslide", the stupidest political fairy tale ever. Some still buying it. Isn't that just amazing?

Edited by myata
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So what???

The only new thing about the poll is that Jagmeet is withering LOL

Everyone knows and is fully aware Trudeau is toast (except Trudeau himself).

The Liberal party has to boot this guy out in the next few months or they will totally collapse like the Ontario Liberals did. The will lose regardless but, they have to have a new leader to move them forward. If they wait till they get obliterated, they will have far too much and too long to re-build.

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18 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Not a PP fan, would feel better about the Conservatives if they had a different leader.

The conservatives do not have a good record selecting leaders. PP is what you get.

I personally think they made a big mistake not making Rona Ambrose the leader but hey, it is what it is.

Conservatives should wipe the liberals up in this election. I hope they wipe out Jagmeet and his tribe too.

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4 hours ago, Aristides said:

Not a PP fan, would feel better about the Conservatives if they had a different leader.

What bothers you the most about PP?

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37 minutes ago, PIK said:

What bothers you the most about PP?

He is a walking jingo with a bunch of pet phrases that he just repeats over and over. Basically, everything broken, everything bad. I don't get any sense of what he is really about. 

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5 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

So what???

The only new thing about the poll is that Jagmeet is withering LOL

I know it hurts your little leftist feelings but do try to have an intelligent discussion for a change :)  

The jagmeet 'withering' part is definitely interesting, but the continued drop by the libs is very very interesting as well to those who follow politics. There is a threshold (around 24 percent) for the libs below which they can collapse and they appear to have crossed that line over a year away from the election.  They were hovering on it before. 

Further - they don't seem to have hit bottom. That's absolutely fascinating, and i'm genuinely intrigued as to what this is going to mean for the future of the liberal party.  If people hate them that long, they could become anti liberals for life or at least a very long time, like we saw happen with mike harris and his conservatives in ontario or also the ndp in ontario where they still can't get near gov't. 

The concerns over fiscal matters and the economy is also proving interesting. 



Everyone knows and is fully aware Trudeau is toast (except Trudeau himself).

Oh i think he knows.  But - how do you handle it? Step down? who steps into THOSE shoes right now and risks a kim campbell moment?  Call an election? the party could collapse? Wait it out and hope things change? Sure they might but the polling suggests they could get worse yet as well.


The Liberal party has to boot this guy out in the next few months or they will totally collapse like the Ontario Liberals did. The will lose regardless but, they have to have a new leader to move them forward. If they wait till they get obliterated, they will have far too much and too long to re-build


Well the polls suggest that they might very well collapse entirely if they go right now anyway. So...  it's a tough call for them.  If anything the budget has hurt them, they're in worse shape. 

that's what makes it interesting :)  

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15 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The NDP will always win at least one seat in ButteForke BC and another one in Lac Luhh Brainz Quebec

Yeah well the way things are going all that means is they might manage to finish slightly better than the libs :) 

The NDP has always been a bit of a split personality between the woke activist side and the blue collar working man's side. And they flip a little back and forth over the years. At the moment they are very much on the woke side and have tied themselves to the liberals who are also on the woke side.

There is a very real chance that both of them will get absolutely trashed in the next electionreally the ndp's only hope to avoid that is to find a plausible reason to split and call an election early. But I think jagmeet has kind of blown his opportunity there. I mean what do you say? We didn't split over Chinese corruption, we didn't split over all of the financial disasters, we didn't split over the corruption so now we're going to split because...  ?

And of course jagmeet is doing so badly he's worried that he'll get kicked out early when he comes back with your seats. But his only chance is to force an early election and then run one hell of a campaign to draw every single left Wing voter  that he humanly can Into the fold and hope for the best.

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13 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I know it hurts your little leftist feelings but do try to have an intelligent discussion for a change :)  

The jagmeet 'withering' part is definitely interesting, but the continued drop by the libs is very very interesting as well to those who follow politics. There is a threshold (around 24 percent) for the libs below which they can collapse and they appear to have crossed that line over a year away from the election.  They were hovering on it before. 

Further - they don't seem to have hit bottom. That's absolutely fascinating, and i'm genuinely intrigued as to what this is going to mean for the future of the liberal party.  If people hate them that long, they could become anti liberals for life or at least a very long time, like we saw happen with mike harris and his conservatives in ontario or also the ndp in ontario where they still can't get near gov't. 

The concerns over fiscal matters and the economy is also proving interesting. 


Oh i think he knows.  But - how do you handle it? Step down? who steps into THOSE shoes right now and risks a kim campbell moment?  Call an election? the party could collapse? Wait it out and hope things change? Sure they might but the polling suggests they could get worse yet as well.

Well the polls suggest that they might very well collapse entirely if they go right now anyway. So...  it's a tough call for them.  If anything the budget has hurt them, they're in worse shape. 

that's what makes it interesting :)  

You know, you are an a$$.

My post is not argumentative yet you turn it into some sort of platform for your rants.

My simple point, which escapes you, is that Jagmeet is slipping badly.

I do not like Trudeau and I do not like PP and I do not like Jagmeet.


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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You know, you are an a$$.

My post is not argumentative yet you turn it into some sort of platform for your rants.


ROFLMAO !!!!!  Dude  you STARTED with an argumentative and dismissive statement right off the bat :)  OF COURSE you're going to get sassed back and you know it perfectly well. :)  A 3 year old can see you were being argumentative :)


And despite that after pointing out your stupidity :)  I was kind enough to answer your question honestly and my post is nothing even remotely close to  a  'rant'.  Every thing i said is logical and defensible and avoids emotionally charged language.  It specifically addresses points you raised in a calm and rational fashion. You may not like my conclusions but that doesn't make them  a 'rant'.

Calling it a rant is childish 

So it's not a rant. You just didn't like that i was right.  You can't argue against it so somehow the truth is my fault. 

FFS  if you don't want to actually talk politics then go find a safe space and a puppy, you'll be fine. 

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29 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

ROFLMAO !!!!!  Dude  you STARTED with an argumentative and dismissive statement right off the bat :)  ....


And despite that.....

Calling it a rant is childish 

So it's not a rant. You just didn't like that i was right.  Y....

FFS  if you don't want to actually talk politics then go find a safe space and a puppy, you'll be fine. 

Yup, still an A$$ LOL

Everything you say is wrong. LOL

Everything you post is a rant LOL

You argue with everyone on this forum...seems the A$$ is all you LOL

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5 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Yup, still an A$$ LOL

lROFLMAO!!!!  I thought you'd gotten over posting ass porn every time you're wrong but here you are still obsessing over another guy's ass :)  

Sorry kiddo - the fact you're wrong is not my fault, and the fact that justin and the libs and in fact the entire left spectrum in canada is crashing is also not my fault.  And just because the facts upset YOU doesn't mean you should freak out and blame me, OR have weird ass-fixations.  :)


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On 5/14/2024 at 12:25 PM, ExFlyer said:

Conservatives should wipe the liberals up in this election. I hope they wipe out Jagmeet and his tribe too.

The left needs a good reorientation along the lines of Ed Broadbents NDP with a really healthy dose of Elizabeth Mays Greens to round things out.

The right will always be the right with or without the Liberals.

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27 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The left needs a good reorientation along the lines of Ed Broadbents NDP with a really healthy dose of Elizabeth Mays Greens to round things out.

The right will always be the right with or without the Liberals.

It is probably quite true that what the NDP needs to do is get back to its blue collar work. Jack Layton would not have been in favor of a lot of the woke crap being pushed forward as the primary focus for the party. He always knew that first and foremost was the meat and potatoes union member who was wondering how he would afford to get by. Or the single mom that doesn't have a nice place to live because it's difficult to afford housing. Once once those guys are taken care of you can start worrying about what's in people's pants

The right changes and evolves the same as everything. And they will be picking up a lot of permanent converts thanks to Justin and Jag meets performance. But the liberal party is in serious trouble and there is an opportunity for the NDP to step in and snatch up some of those left and moderate left voters if they refocus their message and become the people's party again. Pierre is eating their lunch because he's that figure right now

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18 hours ago, CdnFox said:

lROFLMAO!!!!  I thought you'd gotten over posting ass porn every time you're wrong but here you are still obsessing over another guy's ass :)  

Sorry kiddo - the fact you're wrong is not my fault, and the fact that justin and the libs and in fact the entire left spectrum in canada is crashing is also not my fault.  And just because the facts upset YOU doesn't mean you should freak out and blame me, OR have weird ass-fixations.  :)


What was wrong about my post???? C'mon , instead of making BS comments, prove your claim LOL

Oh and, no ass porn, you are an A$$ is a fact.

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On 5/14/2024 at 3:25 PM, ExFlyer said:

The conservatives do not have a good record selecting leaders. PP is what you get.

The requirement that the leader be bilingual works very heavily against them. Most bilingual people are in the cities or in Quebec/NB/NCR, where the Liberals have strong representation. Even the NDP has better representation in urban areas than the Tories. This leaves them choosing from a very, very tiny number of people come time to choose a leader.

Personally, I think they should choose a leader regardless of his language abilities. Quebec just isn't that important to them anyway. They rarely get more than a handful of seats there. They should pick a good leader for English Canada, and then a strong French deputy for Quebec. 

On 5/14/2024 at 3:25 PM, ExFlyer said:

I personally think they made a big mistake not making Rona Ambrose the leader but hey, it is what it is.

She never ran for leader.

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40 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

The requirement that the leader be bilingual works very heavily against them. Most bilingual people are in the cities or in Quebec/NB/NCR, where the Liberals have strong representation. Even the NDP has better representation in urban areas than the Tories. This leaves them choosing from a very, very tiny number of people come time to choose a leader.

Personally, I think they should choose a leader regardless of his language abilities. Quebec just isn't that important to them anyway. They rarely get more than a handful of seats there. They should pick a good leader for English Canada, and then a strong French deputy for Quebec. 

She never ran for leader.

The conservatives have never done well in Quebec anyway.

Yeah, that was the condition of her interim leadership.The conservatives should have changed that.

I mean, they picked Sheer and O'Foole. Both losers in more ways than one.


PP will win by default, Trudeau is just to despised to come close. So, hopefully we will not get another loser conservative like the last 2.

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3 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

What was wrong about my post???? C'mon , instead of making BS comments, prove your claim LOL

Oh and, no ass porn, you are an A$$ is a fact.

I already did that.  I gave you an intelligent and calm honest reply and you freaked out and had a hissy fit about it. 

If you want to have a conversation why not go back and address any of the points you disagreed with instead of your usual  ass-centric replies? 


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16 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

The conservatives have never done well in Quebec anyway.

Yeah, that was the condition of her interim leadership.The conservatives should have changed that.

It's in the party constitution. And for good reason. So the interim leader can't parlay their recognition value as interim leader to beat out the declared candidates. 

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8 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

It's in the party constitution. And for good reason. So the interim leader can't parlay their recognition value as interim leader to beat out the declared candidates. 

Absolutely - and because it would be an advantage you would have everyone fighting to be interim leader so they could showboat. It would become a disaster. It would become polarized and damage the party - imagine if charest had managed to sieze the interim leadership and was still allowed to run? It would have been a partisan crapstorm. 

As much as there have been times i wish it were different, the interim leader CANNOT run, and must be someone neutral enough to appeal to all 'sides' and not be seen to favour one candidate or another. All leadership races are school yard shouting matches and the interim leader must be the adult in the room and run the party, 

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30 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

It's in the party constitution. And for good reason. So the interim leader can't parlay their recognition value as interim leader to beat out the declared candidates. 

Yeah, still a bad decision. When an interim leader is better than  what is running, well, you see what they got LOL

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