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Is Canada going Marxist?

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Canada has a history of cozying up to Communist China.  China's influence in Canada is extensive according to some writers.  China appears to have had a significant influence in federal elections and could be at work in all levels of government.  We know the Canada's military has been totally ignored and is in a death spiral now.

These news articles are more eye openers about Communist influence.

Opinion: Western societies must stop the spread of Marxism (msn.com)

There was a news article that said Canada does not refuse to hire people who have links to Communist China.  The article disappeared before I could get the link or read it, but the heading tells a lot.


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Just now, blackbird said:

Canada has a history of cozying up to Communist China.  China's influence in Canada is extensive according to some writers.  China appears to have had a significant influence in federal elections and could be at work in all levels of government.  We know the Canada's military has been totally ignored and is in a death spiral now.

These news articles are more eye openers about Communist influence.

Opinion: Western societies must stop the spread of Marxism (msn.com)

There was a news article that said Canada does not refuse to hire people who have links to Communist China.  The article disappeared before I could get the link or read it, but the heading tells a lot.


Relations with Communist countries isn't "going Marxist", far from it.  Otherwise Nixon would have been the #1 Marxist in US History rather than the Communist hunter he was.

No, we're not going Marxist and the last 40-years has been a long trail in the opposite direction.  In fact, the world itself has moved away from Communism and central planning which is fully understandable.

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Relations with Communist countries isn't "going Marxist", far from it.  Otherwise Nixon would have been the #1 Marxist in US History rather than the Communist hunter he was.

No, we're not going Marxist and the last 40-years has been a long trail in the opposite direction.  In fact, the world itself has moved away from Communism and central planning which is fully understandable.

You replied in 2 minutes with your standard go to reply. Obviously didn't read the article on the link.

The fact is the influence of Communist China (authoritarianism) has crept into all levels of government and society in Canada and even helped the Trudeau Liberals get elected.  Why?  Because the Liberals are Marxist authoritarian oriented and suck up to China.  

There is also billions of dollars in trade at stake with Communist China.   A massive amount of goods we buy comes from that place.  Money talks.

Edited by blackbird
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7 minutes ago, blackbird said:

1. You replied in 2 minutes with your standard go to reply. Obviously didn't read the article on the link.

2. The fact is the influence of Communist China (authoritarianism) has crept into all levels of government and society in Canada and even helped the Trudeau Liberals get elected. 

3. Why?  Because the Liberals are Marxist authoritarian oriented and suck up to China.  

4. There is also billions of dollars in trade at stake with Communist China.   A massive amount of goods we buy comes from that place.  Money talks.

1. You are right I didn't.  So after I read your post here I went back and read it.  They float the bogus "woke=Marxism" idea which is rife with contradictions and superficial observations so I stopped reading after that came up, paragraph 2.
2. Communist China is trying to achieve their own political and economic goals, they are not on a mission to make Canada Communist or authoritarian.  I don't think anybody has alleged that.  Did they help the Liberals or just try to influence the elections ?  Again - they are pursuing their own goals as all nations do with some level of success and some level of failure.  If you want to mitigate their influence, monitor them and pass strong legislation regulating social media.
3.  This is silly.  The Liberals aren't Marxist, they haven't tried to nationalize anything or eliminate private ownership of large industry.  I don't take you seriously when you post this stuff, it's over the line of conspiracy theory.
4. So by this logic, Donald Trump and his party are also Marxist because they dealt with China.   Does Trudeau have accounts and businesses operating in China ?

There is so much to criticize Trudeau on without having to play-act that he's some kind of Chinese James Bond.  Why don't you read some posts from others for awhile and start to learn something for a bit... 

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Posted (edited)

"Current economic and philosophical problems both originated in the same place — The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels — the seminal text of political economy, which became the handbook for bad economics and the woke movement alike. Published in 1888, it opens with the simplistic declaration: “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed.” In this rigid oppressor/oppressed scheme, which is the heart of woke ideology, everyone is either tyrant or victim — not based on anyone’s choices, mind you, but by the accident of historical circumstances. If you are an oppressor, you can never be anything else."

Opinion: Western societies must stop the spread of Marxism (msn.com)

We know this is a fact.  Didn't Trudeau claim Canada is guilty of genocide?  According to the woke or new Marxists we have the white settlers who invaded the country, and the rightful owners of Turtle Island, the FN.  The BC NDP is busy trying to make amends to FN and give them control of the land.  They came out with a proposal to change the land act recently but after the great uproar, had to retract it to rethink how they are going to do it.  They haven't given up on the idea but will come up with another scheme.  In the minds of these new Marxists, the white people and anyone who is conservative or non-woke are the problem and they must be made to pay.

Edited by blackbird
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1 hour ago, blackbird said:


1. We know this is a fact. 
2. Didn't Trudeau claim Canada is guilty of genocide? 
3. According to the woke or new Marxists we have the white settlers who invaded the country, and the rightful owners of Turtle Island, the FN.  The BC NDP is busy trying to make amends to FN and give them control of the land.  They came out with a proposal to change the land act recently but after the great uproar, had to retract it to rethink how they are going to do it.  They haven't given up on the idea but will come up with another scheme.  In the minds of these new Marxists, the white people and anyone who is conservative or non-woke are the problem and they must be made to pay.

1. Yes, but having the same origin doesn't mean that they're the same.  Most philosophy comes from Aristotle and yet they contradict each other.  Economic theories came from Adam Smith including Chicago School and Marx himself.
2. Did he ?  Ok.  What that has to do with this though is hard to understand.
3. Even if the BC NDP are trying to give the FN "control" of BC... which I'm pretty sure they're not... it's not Marxism.  It's more like a liberal 'oopsie' or some crazy idea... 

You are terrible at arguing, you haven't explained why Marxist theory is related to 'woke'.  Just saying that they both deal with 'oppressed' doesn't prove that.  And you keep saying "New Marxists" all the way though... 

Anyway, like I say, just keep reading.  Have a good day.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

you haven't explained why Marxist theory is related to 'woke'. 

I already posted part of the article which explains it clearly.  You just chose to ignore it.

"The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels — the seminal text of political economy, which became the handbook for bad economics and the woke movement alike. Published in 1888, it opens with the simplistic declaration: “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed.” In this rigid oppressor/oppressed scheme, which is the heart of woke ideology, everyone is either tyrant or victim — not based on anyone’s choices, mind you, but by the accident of historical circumstances. If you are an oppressor, you can never be anything else."

The woke movement believes we are in a class struggle.  That is what Karl Marx based his ideology on.   Victim and oppressor.  That is part of wokism.

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6 hours ago, blackbird said:

Canada has a history of cozying up to Communist China.  China's influence in Canada is extensive according to some writers.  China appears to have had a significant influence in federal elections and could be at work in all levels of government.  We know the Canada's military has been totally ignored and is in a death spiral now.

These news articles are more eye openers about Communist influence.

Opinion: Western societies must stop the spread of Marxism (msn.com)

There was a news article that said Canada does not refuse to hire people who have links to Communist China.  The article disappeared before I could get the link or read it, but the heading tells a lot.


you should properly identify it as Marxist Leninism

Marxism is the Utopian Communist Manifesto

but it truly becomes diabolical when you add the Leninist revolutionary vanguard

as it is the Leninist's who seek to impose the Marxist Utopia by terrorizing the population into submission

Marxist Leninism is Bolshevism, the most terrifying form of Communism

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14 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

you should properly identify it as Marxist Leninism


Only if you want to say silly things.

Leninism involved eliminating private ownership, democracy and freedom of expression.  To say that the Liberals are trying to do this on any kind of scale is a silly statement.

You don't have to like the Liberals, but if - for example - you tell someone that they eat babies, you lose an opportunity to land a point against them.


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11 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

You don't have to like the Liberals, but if - for example - you tell someone that they eat babies, you lose an opportunity to land a point against them.

I don't seek to land anything against the Liberals

I am an agnostic servant of the Crown, with no party affiliation other than the House of Windsor

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7 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Relations with Communist countries isn't "going Marxist", far from it.

Why bother replying to such drivel threads. I'm trying my best from now on to just facepalm and shake my head rather than appear to give any credence. Like we all do when that certain Uncle opens his yap at family dinners.

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1 hour ago, herbie said:

1. Why bother replying to such drivel threads.

1. Boredom, and the hope that some may realize that they're just not achieving what they think that they are.  I feel that I can recognize those who are more knowledgeable than me, and have benefited from them from time to time.

Most of these folks are on ignore with me, but they're not necessarily bad people.

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10 hours ago, blackbird said:

Canada has a history of cozying up to Communist China.  China's influence in Canada is extensive according to some writers.  China appears to have had a significant influence in federal elections and could be at work in all levels of government.  We know the Canada's military has been totally ignored and is in a death spiral now.

These news articles are more eye openers about Communist influence.

Opinion: Western societies must stop the spread of Marxism (msn.com)

There was a news article that said Canada does not refuse to hire people who have links to Communist China.  The article disappeared before I could get the link or read it, but the heading tells a lot.


China isn't anymore of what you call a communist country and it isn't the propaganda of richest who is going to tell me what communist is, communist never existed, that the banks are run by the state instead a private sector doesn't mean it is a communist country. Communist is a word that doesn't exist it doesn't mean anything. There is a world of money, and a world of no money that doesn't exist since more than 6,000 years. Stop using words that doesn't exist.

Edited by Gaétan
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9 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. You are right I didn't.  So after I read your post here I went back and read it.  They float the bogus "woke=Marxism" idea which is rife with contradictions and superficial observations so I stopped reading after that came up, paragraph 2.
2. Communist China is trying to achieve their own political and economic goals, they are not on a mission to make Canada Communist or authoritarian.  I don't think anybody has alleged that.  Did they help the Liberals or just try to influence the elections ?  Again - they are pursuing their own goals as all nations do with some level of success and some level of failure.  If you want to mitigate their influence, monitor them and pass strong legislation regulating social media.
3.  This is silly.  The Liberals aren't Marxist, they haven't tried to nationalize anything or eliminate private ownership of large industry.  I don't take you seriously when you post this stuff, it's over the line of conspiracy theory.
4. So by this logic, Donald Trump and his party are also Marxist because they dealt with China.   Does Trudeau have accounts and businesses operating in China ?

There is so much to criticize Trudeau on without having to play-act that he's some kind of Chinese James Bond.  Why don't you read some posts from others for awhile and start to learn something for a bit... 

1.  Woke ideology has Marxist ideological roots and was created by Marxist-leaning academics and spread by Marxist-leaning university professors and students.  We know this because they say it, this is not a secret in any way.  Wokeism comes out of intersectional theory, which is an outshoot of critical theory (and critical race theory), plus postmodern and poststructural thought since the 60's spearheaded by French Marxist-sympathizing academics, and its predecessor "critical theory" of the Frankfurt School which was also created by Marxist academics.  Anyone familiar with the social sciences knows this, it's not a conspiracy theory, it's literally in the textbooks.  This has been explained to you before yet you continue to repeat this misinformation because the facts are contrary to your biases.




2.  I agree mostly.  Yes China is largely pursuing their own foreign policy for real politik purposes and their primary goal isn't to make Canada communist, but want Canada to pursue pro-China policy, which includes influencing our elections and politicians in order to do that.  They support the Liberals more electorally specifically because their policies more align with China contrary to the CPC and because the Liberals are weaker and less hawkish on national security, foreign policy, defence, domestic crime etc.

However, the Liberal government has absolutely pursued many authoritarian-leaning anti-liberalism policies (ironic given their party name) including secret surveilance of our bank accounts, secretly tracking every Canadians' cellphone locations, online speech restrictions, irrational restrictions on guns for virtue signalling reasons, the longform census, and controversial COVID-era policies like the ArriveCan question controversies, vaccine mandates for all federal workers even if they still worked from home 100% of the time.  Not to mention the PM's overwhelming control over policy and his own MP's that would give late-era Harper a run for his money.  They also use lots of ideological propaganda of the DEI variety (new passport controversy), not to mention the socially Marxist/woke lens they use for DEI hiring.  This government is absolutely culturally/socially Marxist-leaning.  Not to mention the PM often disinterested in following the rule of law or ethics rules while demanding everyone else not associated with his party do so.

3.  True, but with the NDP (who are Marxist-leaning democratic socialists and leftists) they have socialized pharmacare, dental, and daycare, but have used debt money to do it while conveniently allowing the Liberal's neoliberal agenda to continue unabated to the great benefit of their wealthy corporate donors and friends.  The Trudeau's are undeniably Communist sympathizers and known to admire Cuba and are sympathetic the Castro's in direct opposition to US policy on Cuba.

The Liberals are the worst of all possibilities:  highly corrupt wealthy urban yuppie elitists who are communist-sympathizing social/cultural Marxists and economic neoliberals with some authoritarian anti-liberal tendencies centered around their "white knight" leader's own narcissistic cult of personality.

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Yes Canada is going Marxist.  It’s always been left of the US, but the current government thinks that taking money from the people who made it and giving it to people who didn’t makes them good, but it’s actually theft in the Marxist collectivist sense.  It’s not only morally hazardous because it gives people a false sense of the work required to earn a living, it also allows government to take credit for doing something that has nothing to do with them: The government didn’t earn it and it’s not theirs to give. Canadians have gotten used to getting these announcements: cheap daycare (for some), free dental care (for some), free pharmaceuticals (for some).  Who are the “some” getting these programs?  Not the people who paid for them.  Canadians are addicted to overspending and being taken care of like babies.  It’s called the welfare nanny state. Of course the quality of the healthcare and most other programs is weak, yet the government keeps adding new ones without fixing the problems with existing programs.  What do they care?  If they can score enough votes to get reelected at least once, it’s gold-plated pension time.

Canada has an out of control bureaucracy that has almost doubled in size under Trudeau, yet they can’t issue passports or procure for the military.

I won’t even get into the anti-free speech legislation, unnecessary use of the Emergencies Act, freezing of the bank accounts of protesters, and ridiculously draconian lockdowns, restrictions, and mandates that made travel a nightmare and had horrible outcomes for depression, alcoholism, businesses, and education during the pandemic.

There’s also the DEI attempt make some identity groups the oppressors (owners of the means of production and exploiters in the Marxist sense) and other identity groups the oppressed (exploited workers in the Marxist sense). This is reflected in Critical Race Theory (founded by Dereck Bell, derivative of the Frankfurt School). The Liberal-NDP’s are either devout cultural Marxists (even if they’re mostly too ignorant to know it) or they’re overrun by cultural Marxist activists.  They’ve caved into these forces out of fear of cancellation.

I actually can’t believe that this government dares to hold off on an election with so much anger in the country that will only get worse the longer they wait.  I guess they’re holding on as long as they can.

We don’t even have protection of private property written into our constitution.  I don’t see many advantages for Canada over the US anymore.  I see a lot more disadvantages.

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12 hours ago, blackbird said:

Canada has a history of cozying up to Communist China.  China's influence in Canada is extensive according to some writers.  China appears to have had a significant influence in federal elections and could be at work in all levels of government.  We know the Canada's military has been totally ignored and is in a death spiral now.

These news articles are more eye openers about Communist influence.

Opinion: Western societies must stop the spread of Marxism (msn.com)

There was a news article that said Canada does not refuse to hire people who have links to Communist China.  The article disappeared before I could get the link or read it, but the heading tells a lot.


You are staining Marx' name, but I would forgive your ignorance.  Your God always gives you the wrong advice.

There were no homeless during socialism and the main concept of communism is equality.

Canada has never been any further away from communism as it is now.

It is turning into a stinky s* As* country where its main population is feeding off the dumpsters and sleeping in tents, while the masterminds hide in their castles and throw away the tax payer money in international support to make the world believe Canada is some sort of a first class country.

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8 hours ago, cougar said:

There were no homeless during socialism and the main concept of communism is equality.

One of the main reasons we have all the homeless people and tent cities now is because of the government interventionism or excessive control of home building, apartment building or building anything.  There are so many regulations and red tape and approval processes builders must go through to get approval and the fees are so expensive.  These regulations and costs are imposed by municipalities, regional districts, provincial and federal governments.  Excessive taxation by all levels of government has been getting worse.  Add to that now the carbon taxes which is going up every year.  That's the Marxist-Socialist mentality of governments in Canada.  They think they know better and most of the people believe it.  They think government needs to babysit and look after everyone from cradle to grave.  It's not possible.  Government doesn't have the mentality or resources to look after everyone.  That's not how the world can function.  People have to grow up and learn to take care of themselves instead of expecting government or food banks to feed them and cloth them and shelter them.  Some are mentally ill and need help.  Some should be in mental institutions but they were shut down by the new woke ideology.  Same reason criminals are constantly released.  

The federal government is a kind of post-national United Nations government that believes Canadians must provide social assistance for the whole world and hence why we have given several billion dollars to the middle east for various causes the last few years.

You want to know why Canada is so far in debt.  There's the answer.  We are now paying so much interest on the debt that it is taking away from the money available for all the social programs.

Socialism is government trying to do everything by taxing, regulating and controlling every aspect of your life.  No more freedom.  That is why there is so much homelessness and tent cities.  Government has meddled in the economy so much that it has destroyed the natural ability of the country to build homes and apartments for all the people.  Very few can even afford to buy a home in Canada now.  On a middle income, there is not enough money to save the huge down payment and not enough money to pay the thousands of dollars per month for a mortgage payment.  

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8 hours ago, cougar said:

There were no homeless during socialism and the main concept of communism is equality.

Socialism has always failed.  It destroys incentive, destroys investment, and chases away hard work and prosperity. The world has never been "equal" and never will because that is not now things work.  Communism has never worked.  Communists have always set up systems to take care of themselves and forget everyone else.  It can't work because it is against human nature.  Human nature if left to itself destroys the work ethic.  

Your mind is brainwashed to believe government can solve all problems and provide everything.  That is the biggest fallacy.  You will end up with disasters.  That is why we have homelessness and tent cities.  It is people like you who believe government intervention will solve everything.  It actually does the opposite.  It destroys business growth and prosperity and scares investment away.

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12 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

1.  Woke ideology has Marxist ideological roots and was created by Marxist-leaning academics and spread by Marxist-leaning university professors and students.  We know this because they say it, this is not a secret in any way.  Wokeism comes out of intersectional theory, which is an outshoot of critical theory (and critical race theory), plus postmodern and poststructural thought since the 60's spearheaded by French Marxist-sympathizing academics, and its predecessor "critical theory" of the Frankfurt School which was also created by Marxist academics.  Anyone familiar with the social sciences knows this, it's not a conspiracy theory, it's literally in the textbooks.  This has been explained to you before yet you continue to repeat this misinformation because the facts are contrary to your biases.





The twin evils of frustration for me are having to answer a long and thoughtful response on my phone, rather than on my laptop and also having to indulge the tendency to make ideas and complicated topics into simple matters of taste, morality or tribe.

For the former problem, I'm going to tackle it by breaking down your points in several posts. I recommend you wait until the last response from me.

To draw a line between bodies of thought and theories simply because some people believe in one or the other makes no sense. And to say, the origins of something are somewhere else might be true, but it doesn't mean that the seed idea is gaining traction.

Scientists of all stripes believe in evolution, but would you say that because climate science is being followed, evolution is gaining traction?

Furthermore, some of groups that you see as connected, have ideas that negate Marxism.  Postmodernism negates classical thoughts such as Marx's.

If somebody wants to say that Marxism is taking hold in Canada, they have to show actual reasons. Reasons. You can't say that a Marxist came up with some other theory, and then feminism used that theory somehow.

They want to make ideas into flavors of things you like or don't like, and it contributes to the mounting level of stupidity.

That includes wokeism too, and examples heard of woke people asking black folks why they would listen to a white man like Karl Marx...

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12 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

2.  They support the Liberals more electorally specifically because their policies more align with China contrary to the CPC and because the Liberals are weaker and less hawkish on national security, foreign policy, defence, domestic crime etc.

3. However, the Liberal government has absolutely pursued many authoritarian-leaning anti-liberalism policies (ironic given their party name) including secret surveilance of our bank accounts, secretly tracking every Canadians' cellphone locations, online speech restrictions, irrational restrictions on guns for virtue signalling reasons,

4. the longform census, and controversial COVID-era policies like the ArriveCan question controversies, vaccine mandates for all federal workers even if they still worked from home 100% of the time.   

2. Ok I never thought of that angle.

3. Harper's government brought in the surveillance bill that would allow this to happen. That was in the wake of 9/11 and I supported it and then I still do. As for the other things, you have to provide a cite.  I'm aware of the financial tagging of convoy financers, but I've never seen a detailed explanation of who was impacted.

4. I'm okay with everything that they did in response to the pandemic. Extraordinary circumstances result in extraordinary responses and extraordinary errors. Nothing was egregious as far as I can see.

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12 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

5. ..not to mention the socially Marxist/woke lens they use for DEI hiring.  This government is absolutely culturally/socially Marxist-leaning. 

6. Not to mention the PM often disinterested in following the rule of law or ethics rules while demanding everyone else not associated with his party do so.

7.  True, but with the NDP (who are Marxist-leaning democratic socialists and leftists) they have socialized pharmacare, dental, and daycare, but have used debt money to do it while conveniently allowing the Liberal's neoliberal agenda to continue unabated to the great benefit of their wealthy corporate donors and friends. 

8. The Trudeau's are undeniably Communist sympathizers and known to admire Cuba and are sympathetic the Castro's in direct opposition to US policy on Cuba.

9. The Liberals are the worst of all possibilities:  highly corrupt wealthy urban yuppie elitists who are communist-sympathizing social/cultural Marxists and economic neoliberals with some authoritarian anti-liberal tendencies centered around their "white knight" leader's own narcissistic cult of personality.

5. I already responded to the social Marxism point above. It sounds like stupidity to me, and you sound like a dupe.  If you don't like social progressivity, if you want to call it wokeness then that sounds much smarter than stupifying Marxism down to make it sound like witchcraft.

6. Marxism is unethical?  Ok...

7. NDP has moved far to the right in the last 50 years.

8. You can admire a country without admiring its system. You can admire a system for the good things that it provides, and still not think it's a better system than yours. Case in point Trudeau admiring China's ability to ban lead in gasoline with a stroke of a pen.  Or Stalin admiring the US. I don't think anyone would call Stalin an American sympathizer

9. Hey, you know what I'm starting to think maybe you don't like this Trudeau guy 🤔

Seriously, if I don't like someone do I have permission to call them anything negative that I can think of? Even if the definition doesn't apply?


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15 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

6. Marxism is unethical?  Ok...

You just say that as a coverup.  You actually seem to believe the woke Marxist ideology

You believe Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto which is based on the ideology that there is a class struggle has been embraced by the woke as meaning society is divided between victims and oppressors.  To you the liberals and progressives are defending the "victims" and the oppressors are the "Chuds" (or conservatives).

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12 minutes ago, blackbird said:

1. You just say that as a coverup.  You actually seem to believe the woke Marxist ideology

2. You believe Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto which is based on the ideology that there is a class struggle has been embraced by the woke as meaning society is divided between victims and oppressors. To you the liberals and progressives are defending the "victims" and the oppressors are the "Chuds" (or conservatives).

1. "Woke Marxist Ideology" isn't a thing.  I've asked people on here to define what it is, and all I get back is a cloud.  Wokeism is a mindset, Marxism is a political economic set of theories based on how history works.  Marxism is ideology, wokeism is not.

2. No, there is too much wrong in that statement. Chuds are not conservatives, they are people who are proudly ignorant. Marx's manifesto is not something to believe or disbelieve, it's like a morale booster for communism.  I don't know of any ideology that uses the term victims and oppressors.  You can be conservative and liberal. In fact, there used to be a liberal conservative party in Canada.  

I've explained you before that you just need to read more from people that know about these things. Ask questions too.

At this point, you don't know enough to simply watch YouTube videos that reinforce what you already think. Try listening to people that you disagree with, and figure out what makes sense and what doesn't.  I do that.

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Socialism has always failed.  It destroys incentive, destroys investment, and chases away hard work and prosperity. The world has never been "equal" and never will because that is not now things work.  Communism has never worked.  Communists have always set up systems to take care of themselves and forget everyone else.  It can't work because it is against human nature. 

Equality was not meant for the world but for people.    The incentive and investment is the greed that destroys the planet.

This is the human nature you are referring to  - greed.

It will turn out capitalism was the most destructive order ever invented - destroyed the human mind, destroyed humanity, destroyed the climate in the fastest way possible and eventually destroyed the world with all life on it.

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