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So-called science has repeatedly erred in making false claims.

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7 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You're not making sense.  You don't explain what you mean or why.  I know from experience you don't engage in any meaningful discussions.  So go away and don't waste my time.

Science is all about questioning the status quo and existing knowledge. All your questions were answered 2000 years ago so you have no need to question anything. 

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17 hours ago, Yakuda said:

Its true not everyone is saved but "Whoever believes AND is baptized..." will be according to Jesus. 

Saved how?

Not by using Jesus as a messiah because that is quite an immoral offering on Jesus' part.

I have shown the moral arguments and Christians just run away from them like the moral cowards they are.

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17 hours ago, blackbird said:

You are applying a negative inference to that verse.  In other words you are claiming Jesus is saying baptism is necessary for salvation but the verse doesn't say that.  You are twisting the meaning.  If it meant baptism was necessary it would say so, but it doesn't.  Countless other verses say salvation is by faith.  None say if you are not baptized you will not be saved.  Show one verse that says if someone is not baptized they can't be saved?  

Jesus Is saying that. Do you know what the word AND means? You don't twist scripture you just ignore it. So let me get this straight you think if baptism was necessary for salvation scripture would say so but since you think it doesnt then baptism isnt necessary. Scripture must explicitly say something in order for it to be true right? Great! "You can see then that man is justified by works and not by faith alone". You will now regurgitate verse after verse which says we are saved by faith but no where does it say by faith alone. If they meant faith ALONE why didnt they say faith ALONE? You want to infer things that arent stated when it suits you but you ignore what's clearly stated when that suits you. This is why you're a raging heretics. You play with scripture like it's a toy. You people spread error everywhere you go. You spew false teachings. God have mercy on you. 

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50 minutes ago, Yakuda said:

Jesus Is saying that. Do you know what the word AND means? You don't twist scripture you just ignore it. So let me get this straight you think if baptism was necessary for salvation scripture would say so but since you think it doesnt then baptism isnt necessary. Scripture must explicitly say something in order for it to be true right? Great! "You can see then that man is justified by works and not by faith alone". You will now regurgitate verse after verse which says we are saved by faith but no where does it say by faith alone. If they meant faith ALONE why didnt they say faith ALONE? You want to infer things that arent stated when it suits you but you ignore what's clearly stated when that suits you. This is why you're a raging heretics. You play with scripture like it's a toy. You people spread error everywhere you go. You spew false teachings. God have mercy on you. 

Your problem is you listen to the false teachings of Rome to tell you how to understand the Bible.  Why don't you admit it?

If you cherry pick one verse and interpret it in a way that contradicts countless other verses then you should know your interpretation is wrong.  You are ignoring the mass of verses that say salvation is by believing in Jesus Christ.  You cherry pick one verse in James and interpret it to fit in with your idea that salvation or justification is by works and ignore the rest of the Bible.

You do the same thing with one verse that that mentions believe and be baptized when countless verses demonstrate salvation is by faith or believing and baptism is not mentioned. 

You then throw in your claim that they must say "faith alone" to satisfy you which is a complete erroneous idea.  Over a hundred verses clearly teach salvation is by believing;  nowhere does it say a verse must use the words "faith alone".

The words "faith alone" is only a summary of what Reformers believe.  Nobody said those specific words have to appear in Scripture.  The countless verses mean exactly the same thing as faith alone. 

Salvation comes first before you can work for God.  One is justified by faith alone.  Read Romans.  Once a person is saved or born again, then they serve God.  You don't work to become a Christian.  That is false religion.   That is the difference between the world's false religions and Biblical Christianity.  In Biblical Christianity, God saves the person and then he works or follows Christ.  Rome has reversed that and eliminated grace through faith and instead added works (and sacraments, etc.)

God saves people by His grace.  People cannot save themselves.  I understand it is hard to believe that one doesn't save themselves by their own efforts, but that is what God's grace means.  It is human nature to think man must be in control and do everything to "earn" salvation.  That is not God's grace.   Let God be God and stop thinking man must by his own efforts save himself or by some man-invented rituals or sacraments.

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

Your problem is you listen to the false teachings of Rome to tell you how to understand the Bible.  Why don't you admit it?

If you cherry pick one verse and interpret it in a way that contradicts countless other verses then you should know your interpretation is wrong.  You are ignoring the mass of verses that say salvation is by believing in Jesus Christ.  You cherry pick one verse in James and interpret it to fit in with your idea that salvation or justification is by works and ignore the rest of the Bible.

You do the same thing with one verse that that mentions believe and be baptized when countless verses demonstrate salvation is by faith or believing and baptism is not mentioned. 

You then throw in your claim that they must say "faith alone" to satisfy you which is a complete erroneous idea.  Over a hundred verses clearly teach salvation is by believing;  nowhere does it say a verse must use the words "faith alone".

The words "faith alone" is only a summary of what Reformers believe.  Nobody said those specific words have to appear in Scripture.  The countless verses mean exactly the same thing as faith alone. 

Salvation comes first before you can work for God.  One is justified by faith alone.  Read Romans.  Once a person is saved or born again, then they serve God.  You don't work to become a Christian.  That is false religion.   That is the difference between the world's false religions and Biblical Christianity.  In Biblical Christianity, God saves the person and then he works or follows Christ.  Rome has reversed that and eliminated grace through faith and instead added works (and sacraments, etc.)

God saves people by His grace.  People cannot save themselves.  I understand it is hard to believe that one doesn't save themselves by their own efforts, but that is what God's grace means.  It is human nature to think man must be in control and do everything to "earn" salvation.  That is not God's grace.   Let God be God and stop thinking man must by his own efforts save himself or by some man-invented rituals or sacraments.

I gave you the words of Jesus. You ignore them. You people want to infer meaning into passages you want but you squeal like possessed pigs if other people do it. Your admonishments of the one true church aren't very compelling. 

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2 hours ago, Black Dog said:

When I see two of the boards insane religious whackos having a theological argument:


I may be an "insane religious whacko" but at least I can read. I know I will be stretching the bounds of your intellectual abilities but I am going to see if you can read. See if you can tell me what the conditions are for seeing the movie based on the sentence below. 

"Whoever buys a ticket and a box of popcorn will be able to see the movie."



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On 3/22/2024 at 10:58 AM, blackbird said:

One is justified by faith alone.  Read Romans.

God you do a lot of lying about God. Quite the legacy you leave.

Instead of reading Romans, why not put your stupid brain to work.

To create faith in you, stupid, takes a work of your mind, so the whole premise of "by faith alone", Is impossible.

Surely your not so stupid that you cannot see that clear fact.

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On 3/18/2024 at 11:22 AM, blackbird said:

True science is empirical science which means what is claimed as truth is proven by the scientific method.

Once again you show your ignorance not only on your views of evolution but the basics of what science is.

Proof only exists in math.

Science is always provisional. That's what makes it great. New information, means new discoveries means modifying theories.

No scientists I repeat NO scientists say they have proved Anything. In fact what the vast majority of scientists do is to try and disprove the experiments of other scientists. They call this peer review, the pseudo scientists you quote only write for pretend "scientific institutions" like creation.com , because they know if they tried to publish in any actual science journal they'd be disproven so fast they wouldn't be able to con their ignorant flock.


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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

They call this peer review, the pseudo scientists you quote only write for pretend "scientific institutions" like creation.com , because they know if they tried to publish in any actual science journal they'd be disproven so fast they wouldn't be able to con their ignorant flock.

Creation scientists are rational people who understand a lot of the claims made by Darwinists and Big bang advocates.  They are able to demonstrate the Darwinists claims to be false or unreasonable. 

The kind of scientists you are talking about have a biased agenda.  They are not the same as the famous scientists that lived in the past five centuries that believed in God.  In the past hundred years or so there has been a sudden shift toward atheism or secular humanism which unreasonably denies God.  They are not open to the God of the Bible that created the universe in six days.  That goes against their paradigm.  The kind of scientists that control those kind of journals and reject creation scientists, have a secular humanist bias and reject anything that doesn't fit their paradigm.  To them, Darwinism is a kind of religion.  It is a narrow-minded belief that excludes anything that includes God or the idea of an intelligent designer.  It would be better to not be so narrow-minded and biased;  it would be more rational to have an open mind and allow all opinions.

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1 minute ago, blackbird said:

Creation scientists are rational people who understand a lot of the claims made by Darwinists and Big bang advocates are shown to be false or unreasonable. 

The kind of scientists you are talking about have a biased agenda.  They are not the same as the famous scientists that lived in the past five centuries that believed in God.  In the past hundred years or so there has been a sudden shift toward atheism or secular humanism which unreasonably denies God.  They are not open to the God of the Bible that created the universe in six days.  That goes against their paradigm.  The kind of scientists that control those kind of journals and reject creation scientists, have a secular humanist bias and reject anything that doesn't fit their paradigm.  To them, Darwinism is a kind of religion.  It is a narrow-minded belief that excludes anything that includes God or the idea of an intelligent designer.  It would be better to not be so narrow-minded and biased;  it would be more rational to have an open mind and allow all opinions.

First neither atheism nor secular humanism have anything to do with science. 

Second there are plenty of scientists that believe in God in all fields of study.

Third you really don't care to understand the other side do you? 

If any scientist could provide testable novel predictions for either the existence of God or that evolution is false they'd win a Nobel prize and be the most famous scientist on earth. They don't because they can't.

The hypocrisy of you calling the cumulative knowledge of multiple scientific disciplines biased when you get your information from a website called creation.com is astounding. 

If that alone doesn't make you at least curious enough to just look at what the scientific community says on the topic, you're not just ignorant you're willfully ignorant and that is an insult.

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1 hour ago, SkyHigh said:

Oh yeah, almost forgot 

There is no such thing as a creation scientist that is literally an oxymoron 


In this clip (from Album 1 – Episode 5), Neil West, a popular talk show host, does not believe that there are any real scientists who believe in creation. To Neil’s surprise, many creation scientists call into the station and prove him wrong…

What is a Creation Scientist?

Creation scientists are simply scientists who view the world from a biblical perspective. They believe that science and the Bible are in complete harmony with one another, because they share the same Author – our Creator. Simply put, Creationists believe that God created and masterfully designed the universe and that each creature was created after its own kind, and with a distinct purpose.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

In our last article, Famous Scientists Who Believed in a Creator, we listed over 50 great scientists of the past who believed in creation. Here are just a few of the thousands of 20th and 21st century creation scientists…real scientists!

(Click on the scientist’s name for more information!)

Dr. James Allan, geneticist

Dr. Steve Austin, Ph.D. in geology

Dr. John Baumgardner, Ph.D. in geophysics and space physics

Dr. Donald Chittick, Ph.D. in physical chemistry

Dr. Tim Clarey, Ph.D. in geology

Dr. Ken Cumming, Ph.D. in biology

Dr. Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. in nuclear physics

Dr. Raymond Damadian, Pioneer of the MRI Scanner

In 1994, Dr. Damadian told the magazine Creation, “The highest purpose a man can find for his life is to serve the Will of God.” He questions whether a society that abandons God’s absolute standards revealed in the Bible can “discern the just from the unjust.”[i]

Dr. David A. DeWitt, Ph.D. in neuroscience

Dr. Donald DeYoung, Ph.D. in physics

Dr. Geoff Downes, Ph.D. in tree physiology

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner, Ph.D. in astronomy

Dr. Robert Gentry, nuclear physicist

Dr. Duane Gish, Ph.D. in biochemistry

Dr. D.B. Gower, Ph.D. in biochemistry

Dr. Stephen Grocott, Ph.D. in organometallic chemistry

Dr. George Hawke, Ph.D. in air pollution meteorology

Dr. Jonathan Henry, Ph.D. in chemical engineering

Dr. Ed Holroyd, III, Ph.D. in atmospheric science

Dr. Bob Hosken, Ph.D. in biochemistry

Dr. Neil Huber, anthropologist

Dr. Russ Humphreys, Ph.D. in nuclear physics

Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson, Ph.D. in cell and developmental biology

Dr. John K. G. Kramer, Ph.D. in biochemistry

Dr. Jason Lisle, Ph.D. in astrophysics

Dr. Ian Macreadie, Molecular Biologist and Microbiologist

Dr. George Marshall, Ph.D. in ophthalmic science

Dr. David Menton,  Ph.D. in cell biology

Dr. Henry Morris, Hydrologist, Author of over 60 books, and “Father of the Modern Creation Movement”

Dr. John Morris, Ph.D. in Geological Engineering

Dr. Gary E. Parker, Ed.D. in biology/geology

Dr. Georgia Purdom, Ph.D. in molecular genetics

Dr. Ariel A. Roth, Ph.D. in biology

Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D. in physical chemistry

Dr. Joachim Scheven, Paleontologist

Dr. Andrew Snelling, Ph.D. in Geology

Dr. Ker C. Thomas, D.Sc. in geophysics

Dr. Larry Vardiman, Ph.D. in atmospheric science

Dr. John Whitmore, Ph.D. in biology

Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith, Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry

Dr. Kurt Wise, Ph.D. in paleontology


[i] http://creation.com/super-scientist-slams-societys-spiritual-sickness


Modern Day Scientists Who Believe in Creation - Jonathan Park

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9 hours ago, blackbird said:

They are able to demonstrate the Darwinists claims to be false or unreasonable. 

Not as unreasonable as a talking serpent and donkey and a seven headed ten horned dragon.

Oh, and that a hole with Armageddon, we should all see as the evil entity it is. 


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8 hours ago, blackbird said:

each creature was created after its own kind, and with a distinct purpose.

Yahweh is or was an androgynous God.

He created an androgynous Adam who split from Eve.

Yahweh IMO split from Satan who he gifted with a power he himself could not overcome. 

If created for a distinct purpose, why is Yahweh creating LGBTQ+?

For believers to hate perhaps?  

Is creating hate and evil good?

The Bible says God creates evil for his pleasure, so it must be good.


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I agree that the U.S. must be saved by the pulpit.

Which pulpit is the question.

The right wing loony toons with their various supernatural Gods, or the less more astute left who would not support inquisitions and jihads.

There is only one decent pulpit available and possible for the U.S. --- Gnostic Christianity. 

Laisite and secularism are on the way.

Gnostic thinking is the best way to meld the religions into it.

Even Islam is on board. 

That tells me that there is no stopping the growth of Gnostic free thinking.

90% of all people are already there and only their tribal/religious labeling hides them.

Truth be told, there are almost no real believers, and none at all if you go by the standard set by the Bible.



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9 hours ago, blackbird said:


In this clip (from Album 1 – Episode 5), Neil West, a popular talk show host, does not believe that there are any real scientists who believe in creation. To Neil’s surprise, many creation scientists call into the station and prove him wrong…

What is a Creation Scientist?

Creation scientists are simply scientists who view the world from a biblical perspective. They believe that science and the Bible are in complete harmony with one another, because they share the same Author – our Creator. Simply put, Creationists believe that God created and masterfully designed the universe and that each creature was created after its own kind, and with a distinct purpose.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

In our last article, Famous Scientists Who Believed in a Creator, we listed over 50 great scientists of the past who believed in creation. Here are just a few of the thousands of 20th and 21st century creation scientists…real scientists!

(Click on the scientist’s name for more information!)

Dr. James Allan, geneticist

Dr. Steve Austin, Ph.D. in geology

Dr. John Baumgardner, Ph.D. in geophysics and space physics

Dr. Donald Chittick, Ph.D. in physical chemistry

Dr. Tim Clarey, Ph.D. in geology

Dr. Ken Cumming, Ph.D. in biology

Dr. Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. in nuclear physics

Dr. Raymond Damadian, Pioneer of the MRI Scanner

In 1994, Dr. Damadian told the magazine Creation, “The highest purpose a man can find for his life is to serve the Will of God.” He questions whether a society that abandons God’s absolute standards revealed in the Bible can “discern the just from the unjust.”[i]

Dr. David A. DeWitt, Ph.D. in neuroscience

Dr. Donald DeYoung, Ph.D. in physics

Dr. Geoff Downes, Ph.D. in tree physiology

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner, Ph.D. in astronomy

Dr. Robert Gentry, nuclear physicist

Dr. Duane Gish, Ph.D. in biochemistry

Dr. D.B. Gower, Ph.D. in biochemistry

Dr. Stephen Grocott, Ph.D. in organometallic chemistry

Dr. George Hawke, Ph.D. in air pollution meteorology

Dr. Jonathan Henry, Ph.D. in chemical engineering

Dr. Ed Holroyd, III, Ph.D. in atmospheric science

Dr. Bob Hosken, Ph.D. in biochemistry

Dr. Neil Huber, anthropologist

Dr. Russ Humphreys, Ph.D. in nuclear physics

Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson, Ph.D. in cell and developmental biology

Dr. John K. G. Kramer, Ph.D. in biochemistry

Dr. Jason Lisle, Ph.D. in astrophysics

Dr. Ian Macreadie, Molecular Biologist and Microbiologist

Dr. George Marshall, Ph.D. in ophthalmic science

Dr. David Menton,  Ph.D. in cell biology

Dr. Henry Morris, Hydrologist, Author of over 60 books, and “Father of the Modern Creation Movement”

Dr. John Morris, Ph.D. in Geological Engineering

Dr. Gary E. Parker, Ed.D. in biology/geology

Dr. Georgia Purdom, Ph.D. in molecular genetics

Dr. Ariel A. Roth, Ph.D. in biology

Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D. in physical chemistry

Dr. Joachim Scheven, Paleontologist

Dr. Andrew Snelling, Ph.D. in Geology

Dr. Ker C. Thomas, D.Sc. in geophysics

Dr. Larry Vardiman, Ph.D. in atmospheric science

Dr. John Whitmore, Ph.D. in biology

Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith, Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry

Dr. Kurt Wise, Ph.D. in paleontology


[i] http://creation.com/super-scientist-slams-societys-spiritual-sickness


Modern Day Scientists Who Believe in Creation - Jonathan Park

I didn't say no scientists believe in creation, I said there's no such thing as a creation scientist. Lots of people believe in lots of ridiculous things 

Show me anyone with a degree in young earth creation. You can't 

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Posted (edited)
On 4/10/2024 at 8:30 AM, SkyHigh said:

I didn't say no scientists believe in creation, I said there's no such thing as a creation scientist. Lots of people believe in lots of ridiculous things 

Show me anyone with a degree in young earth creation. You can't 

Are you aware many countries have bought into gender transitioning as if it is an unquestionable scientific fact.  Much of the population believes a child changing one's gender is a "scientific fact".  They have been told this by many authorities and political leaders.  This is much like the theory of evolution which has been sold in schools around the world as if it is a scientific fact.  How easily people and the world in general buy into these ideologies which are unproven.

Gender transitioning medical intervention for children is being abandoned by the UK and a number of other countries based on the Cass Review.  But Canada appears to be doubling down and rejecting the Cass Review.  Sad.  But just shows how people are so gullible.  This puts many youth at great risk of permanent harm. They have done the same thing with the theory of evolution even though the scientific support for it is not there and other scientists have raised many legitimate facts that refute evolution.

Barbara Kay: CBC doubles down on unscientific youth transgender care in wake of Cass Review (msn.com)

"Just to show how gullible the world can be about many things:

"The article also cites the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) as a reliable source of bona fide science, failing to note the recent scandal that exposed its shameful privileging of ideology over ethical responsibility. WPATH guidelines are, according to Montreal endocrinologist Dr. Roy Eappen, opinion rather than science-based, and therefore “the lowest grade of evidence.” He also disparaged the article for the reporter’s failure to consult a proper expert on evidence-based medicine ."  

"Memo to the CBC and the government: The medicalized transition bubble has burst. The affirmation-model Titanic has hit the iceberg. You have a choice — jump into a lifeboat named “We were wrong,” or strike up the band with “Nearer my ideology to thee,” and go down with the ship. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock."

The theory of evolution is more opinion than science.  In fact it is a religion for many people who believe it explains where we came from. 

 Home - creation.com

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 You are what you are biologically born as.  You can't change that.  Forget that idea.

"16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  John 3:16

 "27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. "  Genesis 1:27, 28

If it wasn't for the fact that God created male and female and told them to multiply, we wouldn't even be here to comment.


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On 4/20/2024 at 12:13 PM, blackbird said:

"Just to show how gullible the world can be about many things:

I agree that gullibility is a problem. 

I am gullible enough to believe science.

Can you refute this peer reviewed science?

Biological sex classification with structural MRI data shows increased misclassification in transgender women | Neuropsychopharmacology (nature.com)

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