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I sense a spring election for Canada

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20 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Oh look moon box is yet again backtracking and trying to twist the argument.

Backtracking against what?  A retarded strawman that you constructed for yourself to argue against?  🤣

20 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So - explain why you're  in FAVOUR of children seeing porn if you disagree with PP. 

I'm not.  I'm just aware of pornblocker software, and that responsible, caring and attentive parents can keep their kids away from porn without the government getting involved...somehow.   Post of the year here:

1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Maybe if you had creatures to care for other than your failing ant farm you could speak from authority for once.


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53 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Backtracking against what?  A retarded strawman that you constructed for yourself to argue against?  🤣

I'm not.  I'm just aware of pornblocker software, and that responsible, caring and attentive parents can keep their kids away from porn without the government getting involved...somehow.   Post of the year here:


And still can't cope with a simple question.  AND you very obviously have a problem with kids being restricted. Most parents arent tech savvy enough to know about porn blockers etc or which ones are effective.

And seeing as you believe that it's caring and attentive to want to keep kids away from porn,  i assume you consider yourself uncaring and ambivilent about kids accessing porn given your stance?

If you didn't lie, you wouldn't be on this board at all would you

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Logical Fallacies:


Look it up. Read it. Don't refuse to because the University is "left". Read it again until you understand it all. Quite a few people have been trying to point things out to you, politely, bluntly, often rudely as we can't whack you with a 2x4 like you can an ox to make it pay attention. There is a way tou can make your case effectively if you would do so
You remind me of 90% of computer customers that just can not STFU and listen when you're trying to show them how to do something.

But none of them just flatly refuse and embrace the style of the most ignorant blatherers around as if they're seeking acceptance from at least someone.

- if someone states they dislike A it doesn't mean they love B
- if someone is discussing astrophysics, it doesn't matter shit what their political vies are
- that two things that happen at roughly the same time are not necessarily related.
- if you want to dig into politics, learn how it works where you are and that things like The Divine Right of Kings is no more acceptable because you elect the King and that the PM and the President are not 'Kings' they're 100% accountable to the party, its supporters and the nation as a whole.

Edited by herbie
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49 minutes ago, herbie said:

Logical Fallacies:


Look it up. Read it. Don't refuse to because the University is "left". Read it again until you understand it all. Quite a few people have been trying to point things out to you, politely, bluntly, often rudely as we can't whack you with a 2x4 like you can an ox to make it pay attention. There is a way tou can make your case effectively if you would do so
You remind me of 90% of computer customers that just can not STFU and listen when you're trying to show them how to do something.

But none of them just flatly refuse and embrace the style of the most ignorant blatherers around as if they're seeking acceptance from at least someone.

- if someone states they dislike A it doesn't mean they love B
- if someone is discussing astrophysics, it doesn't matter shit what their political vies are
- that two things that happen at roughly the same time are not necessarily related.
- if you want to dig into politics, learn how it works where you are and that things like The Divine Right of Kings is no more acceptable because you elect the King and that the PM and the President are not 'Kings' they're 100% accountable to the party, its supporters and the nation as a whole.

Who are you even talking to you mor*n?

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9 hours ago, eyeball said:

And now it sounds like you want the community to intervene.

Conceptually, we are talking about some individuals making a small sacrifice for the benefit of the whole. While I believe this to be unnecessary in this case, I do agree with the concept.

For example, if people let go of the idea of gender being dependent on biology only, we can allow more individuality and foster more general happiness. 

Edited by Michael Hardner
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7 hours ago, herbie said:

Logical Fallacies:


Look it up. Read it. Don't refuse to because the University is "left". Read it again until you understand it all. Quite a few people have been trying to point things out to you, politely, bluntly, often rudely as we can't whack you with a 2x4 like you can an ox to make it pay attention. There is a way tou can make your case effectively if you would do so
You remind me of 90% of computer customers that just can not STFU and listen when you're trying to show them how to do something.

But none of them just flatly refuse and embrace the style of the most ignorant blatherers around as if they're seeking acceptance from at least someone.

- if someone states they dislike A it doesn't mean they love B
- if someone is discussing astrophysics, it doesn't matter shit what their political vies are
- that two things that happen at roughly the same time are not necessarily related.
- if you want to dig into politics, learn how it works where you are and that things like The Divine Right of Kings is no more acceptable because you elect the King and that the PM and the President are not 'Kings' they're 100% accountable to the party, its supporters and the nation as a whole.


Hey herbie...how many times have you...and Libbies in general...called people "Putin Puppets"? 

Just wondering...

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17 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Conceptually, we are talking about some individuals making a small sacrifice for the benefit of the whole. While I believe this to be unnecessary in this case, I do agree with the concept.

For example, if people let go of the idea of gender being dependent on biology only, we can allow more individuality and foster more general happiness. 

And why would we do that Mike? Why would any rational person forsake biology in order to allow a very small minority to warp it?

I went to see my cardiologist a few weeks ago. As he was giving me the test results, I noticed that his standard patient form says, "Gender: Male".

No Mike. Warping reality is not a "good" thing. It's a "bad" thing and cannot lead to positive results.

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11 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. And why would we do that Mike? Why would any rational person forsake biology in order to allow a very small minority to warp it?

2. I went to see my cardiologist a few weeks ago. As he was giving me the test results, I noticed that his standard patient form says, "Gender: Male".

3. No Mike. Warping reality is not a "good" thing. It's a "bad" thing and cannot lead to positive results.

1. Because we sometimes give up personal rights to help out with the big picture.

2. Ok

3. Nobody is saying that sex changes, but saying that there can be a concept of gender that's purely social.  Pretty much all that's asked of you is to treat such people without harassment, which isn't much.

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33 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Because we sometimes give up personal rights to help out with the big picture.

2. Ok

3. Nobody is saying that sex changes, but saying that there can be a concept of gender that's purely social.  Pretty much all that's asked of you is to treat such people without harassment, which isn't much.

1. Mike...about 0.3% of Canadians identify as something other than their true gender. That's a rather small picture. Why should 99.7% of Canadians allow this warping of biology?

3. I have never harassed a tranie. I would, were I to see something like this.

and this expresses my point of view.

you wanna warp the minds of children? You will have to go through responsible parents like me.

You wanna cross-dress and LARP in adult settings? Meh...go ahead. I reserve the right to laugh at you when you do.



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21 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. Mike...about 0.3% of Canadians identify as something other than their true gender. That's a rather small picture. Why should 99.7% of Canadians allow this warping of biology?

2. I have never harassed a tranie. I would, were I to see something like this.

and this expresses my point of view.

3. you wanna warp the minds of children? You will have to go through responsible parents like me.

4. You wanna cross-dress and LARP in adult settings? Meh...go ahead. I reserve the right to laugh at you when you do.



1. "Allow" is a strong word.  Why not "tolerate"?  I would say that anything that makes happiness and peace more viable is a good idea.  I'm morally against hunting but I would never be so presumptive as to deny the 5% of licensed gun owners the right to do it.

2. Good.  Not going to watch your video.

3. Parents have the right to send their kids to drag queen story hour.  You don't have a right to force them not to.

4. Nothing says LARP more than a MAGA in camo spouting off...

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8 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. "Allow" is a strong word.  Why not "tolerate"?  I would say that anything that makes happiness and peace more viable is a good idea.  I'm morally against hunting but I would never be so presumptive as to deny the 5% of licensed gun owners the right to do it.

2. Good.  Not going to watch your video.

3. Parents have the right to send their kids to drag queen story hour.  You don't have a right to force them not to.

4. Nothing says LARP more than a MAGA in camo spouting off...

Awwwe...did Mike get taken out and spanked?

Look Mike...promoting the warping of gender and presenting this to KIDS is never ever going to go unopposed...strongly. Kids need stability and reliability. This bullshit only imposes confusion on them.

So stick you head in the sand if you must. But know that on this issue, I will gladly kick your ass all over this site over this...this...abysmal child abuse.

Edited by Nationalist
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7 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. Awwwe...did Mike get taken out and spanked?

2. Look Mike...promoting the warping of gender and presenting this to KIDS is never ever going to go unopposed...strongly.

3. Kids need stability and reliability. This bullshit only imposes confusion on them.

4. So stick you head in the sand if you must. But know that on this issue, I will gladly kick your ass all over this site over this...this...abysmal child abuse.

1. I don't get it.

2. Obviously.  I don't expect anyone to declare your opposition to these ideas as a thought crime.  There are lots of folks who would describe whether you should be "allowed" to think a certain way.  I'm against both them and you when using such language of anti freedom.  Fight it out with ideas and an answer will emerge.

3. Devil is in the details.  They will know about it by the time it comes into the classroom.  If you would rather them find out from you, and the streets I guess you can opt out as a parent.

4. You're the one who's sticking your head on the sand.  There's no civics and logic to your thinking, pure emotional response as proven by you thinking you're kicking my ass LOL 😂

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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. I don't get it.

2. Obviously.  I don't expect anyone to declare your opposition to these ideas as a thought crime.  There are lots of folks who would describe whether you should be "allowed" to think a certain way.  I'm against both them and you when using such language of anti freedom.  Fight it out with ideas and an answer will emerge.

3. Devil is in the details.  They will know about it by the time it comes into the classroom.  If you would rather them find out from you, and the streets I guess you can opt out as a parent.

4. You're the one who's sticking your head on the sand.  There's no civics and logic to your thinking, pure emotional response as proven by you thinking you're kicking my ass LOL 😂

1. Oh I think you do.

2. Anti freedom? Are you free to show Deep Throat to kids? How about snuf flicks? Good to go? Mike you have take leave of your senses.

3. I can't opt out...I am a parent. And as a parent, I would never expose my own kids to such insanity. Any parent who would, should have their heads examined...if not their fitness for being a parent.

4. Laugh it up Mike. But your position is complete nonsense and socially destructive. There is common sense to my logic. Something you like to profess having, yet show time and again, you simply do not.

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52 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. I can't opt out...I am a parent. And as a parent, I would never expose my own kids to such insanity. Any parent who would, should have their heads examined...if not their fitness for being a parent.

2. Laugh it up Mike. But your position is complete nonsense and socially destructive. There is common sense to my logic. Something you like to profess having, yet show time and again, you simply do not.

1. You can have your kids excused from this education anytime.

2. I'll keep laughing as long as you make retarded posts that say you're kicking my ass. You're acting like a buffoon. If you think this is a serious topic, then discuss it seriously. Otherwise I will laugh at you.

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20 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. You can have your kids excused from this education anytime.

2. I'll keep laughing as long as you make retarded posts that say you're kicking my ass. You're acting like a buffoon. If you think this is a serious topic, then discuss it seriously. Otherwise I will laugh at you.

1. ALL kids need to be "excused" from this crap.

2. Then laugh away Mike. But know that more and more...people are not laughing "with" you...they're laughing "at" you.

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21 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Its interesting because of all the leaders in our relatively recent history PP probably is most likely to be able to pull off a 3rd term, which is exceedingly rare.   And by 'term' i mean a full 4 year term not just 2 minorities.  Most prime ministers last 8-10 years and get punted, But it is possible PP could be the exception.

The other interesting fact is that every census there's more seats allocated in the west. the population there tends go grow very fast. For example 4 out of the 5 new seats about to come on line are in bc and alberta. 

If pp lasts 3 terms, that'll be two more cenus's that happen. And even more seats in the west where the cpc tends to be most competative.

When i was a kid the western votes really onlly counted as a tiebreaker if the east was deadlocked. THey didn't matter other than that.

Now - it's very hard to win a majority without strong western support.  As we have seen since 2000 and it's growing even more so. More importantly it's possible to get a majority without quebec as harper's win in 2011 showed.  he won seats in quebec but would have has a majority if he didnt'.

And now 4 more seats (and quebec loses one).  And if that continues 8 more on top of that.  It's going to get more and more challenging for the liberals to win elections just running in ontario and quebec.

Was listening to peterson last night, his take is that PP will take the next election but once in power he is going to find out that things are much worse than anyone ever thought....and it is going to take some rough measures just to correct Justins mistakes...And after 4 years of rough measures Canadians will abandon PP and vote in another liberal government...

My take is PP is going to have to spend some hard cash to correct these mistakes...atleast for the next 4 to 8 years...and cancel a shi* ton of liberal social programs to make his campaign promises reality.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. "Allow" is a strong word.  Why not "tolerate"?  I would say that anything that makes happiness and peace more viable is a good idea.  I'm morally against hunting but I would never be so presumptive as to deny the 5% of licensed gun owners the right to do it.

2. Good.  Not going to watch your video.

3. Parents have the right to send their kids to drag queen story hour.  You don't have a right to force them not to.

4. Nothing says LARP more than a MAGA in camo spouting off...

1.  The problem is when rights collide, like trans use of bathrooms vs biological women wanting their own bathroom space to feel safe.  I get why trans women want to use women's bathrooms, and why some women feel unsafe alone with a 6'3 220 lbs biological man who is a trans woman in the bathroom or change room.  No easy answers there.

Problem also occurs when talking about minors, who need to be protected from some harms.  Should parents be able to give their 10 years alcohol to the point of drunkenness?

As an aside, hunting is by far the most ethical way to obtain meat from land animals, compared to e.g. farms and grocery store meat.  Many don't like participating in the violence and firearms though.

2.  You might want to, it shows where rights go over the line.

3.  I'm ok with it, but what if it is clearly sexual like the trans women doing very sexual stripper moves in front of small children like in the posted video?  I think that's over the line and some kind of child abuse.

4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Conceptually, we are talking about some individuals making a small sacrifice for the benefit of the whole. While I believe this to be unnecessary in this case, I do agree with the concept.

For example, if people let go of the idea of gender being dependent on biology only, we can allow more individuality and foster more general happiness. 

What if it makes cis women unhappy re: sports, and changerooms?  It's a conflict in rights now.   No matter what is decided one vulnerable group will be happy and the other group will be unhappy.

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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Conceptually, we are talking about some individuals making a small sacrifice for the benefit of the whole. While I believe this to be unnecessary in this case, I do agree with the concept.

For example, if people let go of the idea of gender being dependent on biology only, we can allow more individuality and foster more general happiness. 

And if we go the other way then we don't have to worry about it.

If you're a fan of the idea of some individuals making a sacrifice for the benefit of the whole, then trans people can make the sacrifice for the benefit of everyone else right?

For example - if they let go of their idea that they should be able to use bathrooms of their opposite biological sex and the idea that they can compete in opposite bio -sex sports then the rest of the people will be happier and not worry about it. It's only right for the few to sacrifice for the many - we learned that during covid right?


10 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Should parents have right to consent and right to opt out of the education?  I think so.

I think so regardless of what topic we're discussing.

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15 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Moonbat...you can laugh at anything and anyone you like.

You have accomplished reducing your level of respect to that of robo-bot.

I'm very comfortable with not having the respect of the tinfoil hats.  Your contribution to this forum is laughter at your expense.  We thank you for your service.  🤡


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22 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Was listening to peterson last night, his take is that PP will take the next election but once in power he is going to find out that things are much worse than anyone ever thought....and it is going to take some rough measures just to correct Justins mistakes...And after 4 years of rough measures Canadians will abandon PP and vote in another liberal government...

My take is PP is going to have to spend some hard cash to correct these mistakes...atleast for the next 4 to 8 years...and cancel a shi* ton of liberal social programs to make his campaign promises reality.

I like peterson but he's an economist and politician in the same way that PP is a psycho-therapist :)  

People think like this (especially peterson) because the remember the last trudeau.  Digging out of HIS mess required great sacrifice and some tough decisions, and mulroney had some talent but wasn't a financial expert.  So Mulroney got in with a landslide but by the end of his second term was not liked at all.

So it is quite natural for people to look at the current situation and think it's going to play out the same. But it's very different.

PP has the advantage that's Things are so bad right now that even a minor improvement is going to feel like a major improvement. Also the reason things are bad Are fairly easily fixed at least in the short term. Pierre can solve a lot of problems just by cutting back immigration and cutting government spending on wasteful things including the CBC. Core services can actually be improved and don't need to have cuts.


Here has been at this for 20 years both in government and in opposition. He is not going to be surprised by anything. All he's got to do is remind people on a regular basis of how much better things are getting and he will be fine. When rents stop shooting up, when housing becomes more affordable, when inflation drops really low, and when business starts reinvesting in Canada, things will improve noticeably and people will be able to see it

If there is a challenge for him it is to pace himself so that he doesn't fix all of the problems in the first term and a half. If he does that he's in trouble.  And Harper had the problem that he did not know how to toot his own horn effectively and people didn't realize how good he was until later. He has to avoid that

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