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Tucker's Interview With Putin

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19 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You've taken Putin's side by advocating surrender to his THEFT.

I know that surrendering to Putin would be much costlier than aiding Ukraine.

We've spent 5% of our defense budget to destroy 50% of Russia's military hardware.

I've taken the side of common sense and truth robo-bot.

If you'd quit lying for 2 minutes and use your head for something other than a doorstop...

You'd know that I could care less about Ukraine or Russia. I read the stories and make up my mind. If I have advocated for anything, its for NATO to stay the hell outta this squabble. And when you pop off with stupidity like...


We've spent 5% of our defense budget to destroy 50% of Russia's military hardware.

I have to laugh...

Its quite incredible...how silly you are.

Edited by Nationalist
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Awhile back I was wondering at folks doing weird, bizarre things. Now I came to understand that there's neither the end nor the bottom to human stupidity. There has to be a law of nature to that extent, something like: any stupidity that can be imagined will be said, or done by someone some time. And I'm content now. Let it be. Que sera, sera.

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Just now, Nationalist said:

In short...Brandon gets a pass because...he ain' all there. A serious display of 2-tier justice.

The people who made these judgement or rulings in favour if Joe will be facing military tribunals when all of Biden’s evils come to light.  

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10 minutes ago, myata said:

Awhile back I was wondering at folks doing weird, bizarre things. Now I came to understand that there's neither the end nor the bottom to human stupidity. There has to be a law of nature to that extent, something like: any stupidity that can be imagined will be said, or done by someone some time. And I'm content now. Let it be. Que sera, sera.

There is no bottom to human stupidity. The thing is that at some point in the past we would let people experience the natural consequences of their stupidity. If their stupidity killed them that was unfortunate but wasn't necessarily bad because their stupidity wouldn't spread to a new generation. If they happened to survive their stupidity and learned from it that was good for everyone. What we do these days is constantly protect people from their own stupidity and it's been to our continuing deterioration. 

Edited by Yakuda
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30 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

I've taken the side of common sense and truth robo-bot.

If you'd quit lying for 2 minutes and use your head for something other than a doorstop...

You'd know that I could care less about Ukraine or Russia. I read the stories and make up my mind. If I have advocated for anything, its for NATO to stay the hell outta this squabble. And when you pop off with stupidity like...

I have to laugh...

Its quite incredible...how silly you are.

well, do tell what happens when Ukraine is taken by Russia. show your international security knowledge.

this is what will happen:

  • tens of millions of Ukrainian refugees will flood Europe and our allies will be yet again pushing for us to take them in. and we will because if EU economy starts to tank under the pressure then so will ours.
  • Russia will take advantage of momentum and storm Moldova where they already have a supported insurgent force
  • the stock market will take an immediate beating.
  • global food prices will spike
  • great swaths of death will occur in the Ukraine as Putin takes care of "nazis"
  • a decades long guerrilla war will commence with supplies and manpower passing through NATO countries. Russia will expand military influence into border areas of NATO countries to address
  • NATO/Russian tensions will boil
  • a new arms race/buildup will commence
  • and in the meantime, China takes Taiwan and does whatever it likes
  • autocrats winning

you're stated that you are heartless and have no compassion for your fellow man. but this has clear implications for western society.

Edited by godzilla
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1 minute ago, godzilla said:

well, do tell what happens when Ukraine is taken by Russia. show your international security knowledge.

this is what will happen:

  • tens of millions of Ukrainian refugees will flood Europe and our allies will be yet again pushing for us to take them in. and we will because if EU economy starts to tank under the pressure then so will ours.
  • Russia will take advantage of momentum and storm Latvia where they already have a supported insurgent force
  • the stock market will take an immediate beating.
  • global food prices will spike
  • great swaths of death will occur in the Ukraine as Putin takes care of "nazis"
  • a decades long guerrilla war will commence with supplies and manpower passing through NATO countries. Russia will expand military influence into border areas of NATO countries to address
  • NATO/Russian tensions will boil
  • a new arms race/buildup will commence



Dogs and Cats breading!

What the fck is wrong with you? How can you bear to be so afraid of shadows all the time?

There is no indication that Putin or the Russian people want to take Latvia. My Gawd man! Live in reality!

Its much more...pleasant.

18 minutes ago, myata said:

Awhile back I was wondering at folks doing weird, bizarre things. Now I came to understand that there's neither the end nor the bottom to human stupidity. There has to be a law of nature to that extent, something like: any stupidity that can be imagined will be said, or done by someone some time. And I'm content now. Let it be. Que sera, sera.

Interestingly enough...I agree.

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8 minutes ago, Nationalist said:


Dogs and Cats breading!

What the fck is wrong with you? How can you bear to be so afraid of shadows all the time?

There is no indication that Putin or the Russian people want to take Latvia. My Gawd man! Live in reality!

Its much more...pleasant.

Interestingly enough...I agree.

haha! thanks, i've corrected my post... not sure why i get Latvia and Moldova always mixed up.

if i'm so afraid of shadows... then please tell us how lovely Russia taking Ukraine will be! will it be ice cream for everyone!? pretty sure whatever the "shadows" are... its bad.


Edited by godzilla
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21 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Supporting an allies' defense against an imperialist aggressor is not "advocating for war" it's understanding that there's already a war on and we need to pick a side.

The same argument was made by Chicken Hawks like you in the 1970s about Viet Nam.

We must protect the South from the Communists!

Well no, we must not. This war was a big fat mistake, just like the Iraq War to defend the people of Iraq from Evil Saddam.

We are not the saviors of the World. You are not Super Man, you are not even a soldier and never will serve in a war yourself. Get over yourself, you are not morally superior because you are for war.

Edited by QuebecOverCanada
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58 minutes ago, godzilla said:

haha! thanks, i've corrected my post... not sure why i get Latvia and Moldova always mixed up.

if i'm so afraid of shadows... then please tell us how lovely Russia taking Ukraine will be! will it be ice cream for everyone!? pretty sure whatever the "shadows" are... its bad.


Dude! I don't care! Why on Earth do you? What the fck do you care for Ukraine for? They applied to NATO and were rejected!

This whole affair has been one massive waste of life and money. And why? Because NATO loves Ukraine? Because Ukraine had...but no longer has...a semi-functional Democracy?

Ya know what I think? I think you "care" simply because its "RUSSIA!!!" "OMG! RUSSIA BAD!!!" And I think Biden "cares" because he thinks a wartime POTUS is hard to beat in an election. And I think jackasses like McConnell "care" because their masters like never ending wars. All you've accomplished is to drive Russia and China closer. Great work.

Son...Russia IS bad...so is the USA...France...Germany...England...and so forth. Together they've trashed countless shitholes like Ukraine.

Edited by Nationalist
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1 hour ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

The same argument was made by Chicken Hawks like you in the 1970s about Viet Nam.

We must protect the South from the Communists!

Well no, we must not. This war was a big fat mistake, just like the Iraq War to defend the people of Iraq from Evil Saddam.

We are not the saviors of the World. You are not Super Man, you are not even a soldier and never will serve in a war yourself. Get over yourself, you are not morally superior because you are for war.

Nope, totally different. Go read a single book for once.



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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Did you catch the bit about how they are not going to prosecute Brandon due to diminished mental capacity?

Yeah, "He's a well-intentioned, elderly man with memory problems. Just the kind of guy who should be running a country."

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17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I didn't realize just how much Naziism there was in Ukraine. 

I thought that it ended after WWII, I didn't realize it had such a foothold there this whole time.

Now that I think about it, it was kind of naive to think that Naziism went away for 60 years and then when it came back it just instantly gained acceptance from the Ukrainian gov't. 

I.e., the Azovs weren't the problem, they were a symptom of the problem. 

Again, those are your kind of people: far-right anticommunists. Embrace them!

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Just now, Black Dog said:

Again, those are your kind of people: far-right anticommunists. Embrace them!

Awwwww, Black Dog just dropped another pile of wit. How cute. 

Last time I checked the only people accepting Naziism were the leftards here, vaxtards, Zelenski, Ukrainians, Jon Stewart, the pentagon, Trudeau and the LPOC, Biden, the Demis, etc. 

You're too much of a gimp to actually join the Azovs in battle, but don't worry, they appreciate the support of their keyboard warrior buddies like you. 

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I've taken the side of common sense and truth robo-bot.

If you'd quit lying for 2 minutes and use your head for something other than a doorstop...

You'd know that I could care less about Ukraine or Russia. I read the stories and make up my mind. If I have advocated for anything, its for NATO to stay the hell outta this squabble. And when you pop off with stupidity like...

Hate to break it to ya, but if we stay out, Putin wins. AKA, surrender. 

2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I have to laugh...

Its quite incredible...how silly you are.

It's entirely credible how STUPID YOU ARE because you demonstrate it all the time here.

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21 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Nope, totally different. Go read a single book for once.



Go fu ck yourself.

The exact same playbook was used by war mongerers in the 70s.

It's always the same discourse; we must protect a group that is defending itself! We must then arm the side oppressed for freedom.

Be it in Libya, Iraq, Viet Nam, Syria, it's always been the same discourse.

You're an outdated chicken hawk. Get in with the times, nobody believes you anymore.

2 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Hate to break it to ya, but if we stay out, Putin wins. AKA, surrender. 

OK then.

Go then on the battlefield. If it matters that much, sacrifice your own life for your cause.

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1 hour ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

The same argument was made by Chicken Hawks like you in the 1970s about Viet Nam.

We must protect the South from the Communists!

Well no, we must not. This war was a big fat mistake, just like the Iraq War to defend the people of Iraq from Evil Saddam.

We are not the saviors of the World. You are not Super Man, you are not even a soldier and never will serve in a war yourself. Get over yourself, you are not morally superior because you are for war.

Apparently you don't understand the differences between aiding an invaded nation with arms and sending our troops to fight their battles. 🤮

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2 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

I hope that I am never so bored as to watch Tucker Carlsen. If I am ever that desperate.. the end might be near. 

It's a 2-hr interview with a foreign head of state who's involved war that our country is heavily invested in, posted in its entirety for the sake of full disclosure. 

If you don't have time for that then what do you have time for, within the world of politics? 

Why do you keep popping into threads to say "I don't care about this topic"? 

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4 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

Go fu ck yourself.

The exact same playbook was used by war mongerers in the 70s.

It's always the same discourse; we must protect a group that is defending itself! We must then arm the side oppressed for freedom.

Be it in Libya, Iraq, Viet Nam, Syria, it's always been the same discourse.

You're an outdated chicken hawk. Get in with the times, nobody believes you anymore.

It's NOT NEARLY the same. Who fck is telling you that?

4 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

OK then.

Go then on the battlefield. If it matters that much, sacrifice your own life for your cause.

No one in Ukraine is asking for US troops. Duh

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

It's a 2-hr interview with a foreign head of state who's involved war that our country is heavily invested in, posted in its entirety for the sake of full disclosure. 

If you don't have time for that then what do you have time for, within the world of politics? 

Why do you keep popping into threads to say "I don't care about this topic"? 

What's already know about the interview is that Putin lied his ass off. As EXPECTED.

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Just now, robosmith said:

It's NOT NEARLY the same. Who fck is telling you that?

No one in Ukraine is asking for US troops. Duh


Ukraine said that Poland was hit by an Ukrainian missile a year ago and Ukraine said Russia did it, and said that they wanted Article 5 to be initiated.

You are as ignorant as all the other chicken hawks.

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