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Are the Democrats an Actual Cult?

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42 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

LMAO!!!!  THE LAYERS OF LIES YOU TELLThe riots did not occur because CNN “skewed a story so wildly” Nor was a “retarded kid” tortured, much less CNN being responsible.

God you're a stupid little liar. I can't believe you still post here, collusion boy.


CNN lied about M Brown, G Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Rayshard, etc, etc just to incite riots.

Just because you're too stupid to notice doesn't mean everyone else is too.


As for Fox News not skewing stories, has your lie-riddled brain already forgotten the nearly $800 Million Fox had to pay to Dominion for their stolen 2020 election lies?  Fox is nothing except skewed news. 

That's 1/800th the story of Wushin Cowushin, dummy.

CNN's own Van Jones admitted that collusion was a big nothingburger almost 2 years before they finally gave it up.


You’re already in a lengthy argument over your bogus claims of Chauvins innocence. If there was any truth to what you’re saying the Republican donor machine that rescued Rittenhouse and Zimmerman would have gotten him off on appeal, especially because he’s a cop.

I never said he's entirely innocent, I said that he didn't get a fair trial - which is 100% true - and all the lies about "IT'S DEFINITELY RACISM!" and "His own chokehold that no one ever saw before" were mainstream media mainstays. 


Contract to your vague claims the bodycam footage contained no exculpatory evidence.

I never said that anything there proved that he was innocent, I said that it painted the entire event in a completely different light. 

All of a sudden we saw that George was saying that he couldn't breathe before the cops ever touched him, and we saw how much of an id10t George actually was that day. 

This wasn't an incident of a cop using his own restraint on a "gentle" black guy who they already had on the ground, and who was telling them that he couldn't breathe because of the hold he was in.

It was a Minn PD restraint used on a completely ridiculous m0r0n who was resisting arrest and was having troubles of his own breathing, which had nothing to do with the restraint used on him.  

The whole George Floyd narrative that you heard on CNN was entirely false, and a Dem AG kept all that info from the public, just to incite riots.


Your claim that rioters stopped rioting when they saw the footageis hilarious logic.  

Not long before that video was released, June 17th, Kamala Harris was all excited about the prospect of the riots lasting until after Christmas. The burning and looting wasn't letting up at all.

It was early August that the video came out and there was no rioting after that. It stopped cold. 

Try to find an instance of rioting after about Aug 5th. 


Even though Chauvin’s conviction remains. you want us to believe that all the rioters suddenly believed he’s innocent and stopped rioting on ethical principles or something after watching this body cam footage?  

People saw that the CNN narrative wasn't true at all.

It's one thing to riot for a peaceful guy who was murdered, and who was telling the cops that their restraint was making it hard for him to breathe, it's another thing to riot for a total id10t who actually needed to be restrained like that, and who was telling police that he couldn't breathe when it didn't make any sense. 

People who were sucked in by CNN's/the Dems' lies suddenly knew better.


Footage that nobody else believes is relevant to boot. Seriously this story of yours is so f-cking dumb, how do you not see the major plot holes here?. 

What footage "that nobody else believes"?

Do you think the bodycam footage is fake now?

Nothing would surprise me less, just say it. I gotta hear it straight outta your id10t moth...


He was caught on camera shoving one person one time whole running away shoplifting   That is not a violent crime nor is one incident a pattern of behaviour.

M Brown?

That was totally violent. If Trump did that to a black guy you'd even call it a hate crime. 

The whole point of that video is that it completely shattered CNN's false "gentle giant" narrative, even though it didn't stop them from allowing people to say it on their network. 

Brown was a violent bully, not "a peaceful teen wo never did nuthin' bad in his whole life", and the cops had every reason to interact with him. 


It doesn’t mean everyone who knew him thought of him as violent and nobody could have thought of him as gentle.

He wasn't gentle, period. Not at all. 

Have you ever done that to a store-owner?


Your assertion is that you believe CNN should have censored out the opinion of the one family member who mentioned the Michael Brown they knew was gentle, in order to push a narrative that he was violent.  

No, my opinion is that CNN shouldn't have gone all-in with that false narrative, and it wasn't just "one person" saying it you lying loser. He had the nickname Gentle Giant dummy. 


Your feeble mind can’t under That THAT would be the skewed story.

Do you speak English, dummy?


And again, the so- called “justification ” that the opinion should be suppressed is he pushed one person one time.

Beave: "I've built homes all my life, and do people call me 'Beave the carpenter'? No way. But you get caught shaggin' one sheep..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Here'^s our resident jab-apologist/Demi/Liberal supporter "Black Dog", who's also a supporter of state-sponsored terrorism...

He thinks that the Quds force is just a swell bunch of guys, but they're literally dedicated to genocide in Israel and they run terrorist orgs all around the world.


This begs the question: how many other Dem/LPOC cultists support global terrorism?

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  • 3 weeks later...

A Trump supporter just SET HIMSELF ON FIRE to protest Trump’s Stormy Daniels trial. 

Literally every feature of a cult is found in Trumpism, from worship of a mythical all-powerful superman to literally killing yourself in horrible ways FOR HIM. But yeah let’s keep asking if Dems are a cult just because they refuse to agree with Far-right crackpot conspiracy theories that nobody outside of their ACTUAL cult believes 

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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Literally every feature of a cult is found in Trumpism, from worship of a mythical all-powerful superman to literally killing yourself in horrible ways FOR HIM.

Don't forget their Orange God is also bearing a cross for his followers.

One day people will receive their communion with orange juice and a wedge.

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16 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

They already kneel and open their mouths to receive whatever foulness is presented to them

Awwww, aren't you just the cutest little cultist?


FYI the reason people like Trump is that the US doesn't have to kneel when he's in power, unlike when the Dems are in power:

1) Which political party was in the WH when Iranian soldiers captured a US navy boat and forced all the sailors to kneel, and a female American sailor on the boat was forced to wear a hijab?

2) Which political party was in the WH when Putin took over the southeastern quarter of Ukraine?

3) Which political party was in the WH when islamic state was formed, and then went on to conquer Iraq and Syria, and commit genocide there?

4) Which political party was in the WH when Iran launched 200 attacks on American troops and bases in the ME, without facing any consequences? 

5) Which political party was in the WH when Al Qaeda killed 13 US soldiers at the Debacle of Kabul?

6) Which political party was in the WH when Putin snatched up Crimea?

7) Which political party was in the WH when Gaza and Israel went to war in 2014, 2021 and 2023-'24?


FYI the answer is the same to all 7: it was the Dems who were in power when the US was busy biting the pillow and the world was going to sh1t in all those instances. 


1) Which political party was in the WH when islamic state was destroyed far more quickly than was thought possible by the previous WH administration?

2) Which political party was in the WH when US forces killed 2 of Iran's top generals in retaliation for killing a single American military contractor at a US embassy? 

3) Which political party was in power when 200 Russians were greased while advancing on a US military base, with no reprisals? 

4) Which political party was in the WH when 4 of the leaders of the world's foremost terrorist orgs were obliterated?


FYI the answer is the same to all 4: it was the the GOP (Trump) in power when the US was busy forcing all those terrorist orgs and rogue states to bite the pillow. 


I guess that a question American voters need to ask themselves this November is, who do they want to see chewing on pillows for the next 4 years: America, or its enemies? 

What were you saying about kneeling there, Beavey?

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Awwww, aren't you just the cutest little cultist?


FYI the reason people like Trump is that the US doesn't have to kneel when he's in power, unlike when the Dems are in power:

1) Which political party was in the WH when Iranian soldiers captured a US navy boat and forced all the sailors to kneel, and a female American sailor on the boat was forced to wear a hijab?

2) Which political party was in the WH when Putin took over the southeastern quarter of Ukraine?

3) Which political party was in the WH when islamic state was formed, and then went on to conquer Iraq and Syria, and commit genocide there?

4) Which political party was in the WH when Iran launched 200 attacks on American troops and bases in the ME, without facing any consequences? 

5) Which political party was in the WH when Al Qaeda killed 13 US soldiers at the Debacle of Kabul?

6) Which political party was in the WH when Putin snatched up Crimea?

7) Which political party was in the WH when Gaza and Israel went to war in 2014, 2021 and 2023-'24?


FYI the answer is the same to all 7: it was the Dems who were in power when the US was busy biting the pillow and the world was going to sh1t in all those instances. 


1) Which political party was in the WH when islamic state was destroyed far more quickly than was thought possible by the previous WH administration?

2) Which political party was in the WH when US forces killed 2 of Iran's top generals in retaliation for killing a single American military contractor at a US embassy? 

3) Which political party was in power when 200 Russians were greased while advancing on a US military base, with no reprisals? 

4) Which political party was in the WH when 4 of the leaders of the world's foremost terrorist orgs were obliterated?


FYI the answer is the same to all 4: it was the the GOP (Trump) in power when the US was busy forcing all those terrorist orgs and rogue states to bite the pillow. 


I guess that a question American voters need to ask themselves this November is, who do they want to see chewing on pillows for the next 4 years: America, or its enemies? 

What were you saying about kneeling there, Beavey?

OMG did you just copy your post from the GOP/Putin thread and past it here? 

Trump and 60% of the  GOP are Putin stooges and MAGA supporters are brainwashed cultists who will endorse anything Trump decrees on any given day no matter how bizarre or hypocritical or self contradictory. Why don’t you get a can of gas and a match and join your cultist brethren. 

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22 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

OMG did you just copy your post from the GOP/Putin thread and past it here? 

Trump and 60% of the  GOP are Putin stooges and MAGA supporters are brainwashed cultists who will endorse anything Trump decrees on any given day no matter how bizarre or hypocritical or self contradictory. Why don’t you get a can of gas and a match and join your cultist brethren. 

They believe that in the afterlife martyrs get to BE ones of Trump's 40 virgins.

Edited by Hodad
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10 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

OMG did you just copy your post from the GOP/Putin thread and past it here? 

Trump and 60% of the  GOP are Putin stooges 


If the GOP are Putin stooges then why doesn't Russia take over large swaths of land when the US gov't is "on his side"?

Why do they wait until it's "not safe"? 

If the GOP are so bad then why don't you have a whole bunch more collusion trials, dummy? They're so productive... 🤣

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

A death-cult. That's what Libbies are. They destroy everything they touch. These little pee-ons are so filled with hatred that they've become anti-American slime.

The only anti-American slime is the Putin supporting traitors in the GOP like Moscow Marjorie and friends who are green with envy that they can’t have a similar dictatorship in the US….yet. 

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

If the GOP are Putin stooges then why doesn't Russia take over large swaths of land when the US gov't is "on his side"?

Certainly the West was sleeping when Putin made his move in 2014. But when Trump became President, Putin expected Trump would allow him to take all of Ukraine without an invasion. The Trump 2016 campaign team and former Putin Oligarch employee Paul Manafort specifically had discussed this with Russian officials including Russian intelligence asset Konstantin Kilimnik. They specifically discussed how a Trump administration would end US support for Ukraine and end US opposition to Russian aggression,  Only when Biden was elected did Russia realize they would have to try and take by force what Trump would have handed on a silver platter. Trump continues to be Putin supporter to this day. 

Edited by BeaverFever
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13 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Trump and 60% of the  GOP are Putin stooges

That seems oddly specific.  Did you take a poll or something?


and MAGA supporters are brainwashed cultists who will endorse anything Trump decrees on any given day no matter how bizarre or hypocritical or self contradictory.

Well of course the dems would tell you to think that....  :)  


Why don’t you get a can of gas and a match and join your cultist brethren. 

Easy guy. Lets not be wishing death on each other.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

That seems oddly specific.  Did you take a poll or something?

It’s a small but decisive majority 

1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Well of course the dems would tell you to think that....  :)  

Nobody tells anyone to think that least of all me. It’s easily observed. 

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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

The only anti-American slime is the Putin supporting traitors in the GOP like Moscow Marjorie and friends who are green with envy that they can’t have a similar dictatorship in the US….yet. 

I didn't know Greene or anyone actually supports Putin or Russia. They just find taking care of their own nation mor important than Ukraine...which is kind of on the road to outright defeat. Perhaps a treaty could save western Ukraine and countless lives?

But you be you and sit in your living room egging on someone else to fight for ya.

Edited by Nationalist
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16 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Trump and 60% of the  GOP are Putin stooges 

and Biden and 100% of the Dems are Xi Jinping stooges. A large and overwhelming majority.

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3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

It’s a small but decisive majority 


Ok but what are you basing that on. Or are you just kind of making it up because it sort of feels about right


Nobody tells anyone to think that least of all me. It’s easily observed. 

ROFLMAO!!!!  Ok kid :)

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14 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I didn't know Greene or anyone actually supports Putin or Russia. They just find taking care of their own nation mor important than Ukraine...which is kind of on the road to outright defeat. Perhaps a treaty could save western Ukraine and countless lives?

LOL yeah right you’re just fooled by the same fake news she is

13 hours ago, Legato said:

and Biden and 100% of the Dems are Xi Jinping stooges. A large and overwhelming majority.

Nonsense there’s zero truth to any of that. The real truth is that Russia and China are allies. By being Russian stooges, the Republicans are also China stooges and Iran stooges . 

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14 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

LOL yeah right you’re just fooled by the same fake news she is

Nonsense there’s zero truth to any of that. The real truth is that Russia and China are allies. By being Russian stooges, the Republicans are also China stooges and Iran stooges . 

Beave you're a coward and a liar. Nobody likes that Russia invaded East Ukraine. But nobody but war mongers like to spend the USA into bankruptcy for an already lost cause.

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11 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Ok but what are you basing that on. Or are you just kind of making it up because it sort of feels about right

The actual number?  Maybe it 65%, maybe it’s 55%, it’s a slim but decisive majority. 60% “feels right” to describe GOP Putin supporters, Putin-curious, and Ukraine-skeptics, which are the main different flavours of Putin stooge. 

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30 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

The actual number?  Maybe it 65%, maybe it’s 55%, it’s a slim but decisive majority. 60% “feels right” to describe GOP Putin supporters, Putin-curious, and Ukraine-skeptics, which are the main different flavours of Putin stooge. 

Putin stooge...a monocle designed to shame those who see reality for what it is.

As I said Beave...you are a coward and a liar. You would rather see every Ukrainian...male or female...dead for your cause.

Another of your spineless gang, would rather see a nuclear holocaust than negotiate a peace treaty.

The entire cult of yours is disgusting. Should nukes come to play...you snot-nosed little sh1t...

I would advise you to hide.

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3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Nonsense there’s zero truth to any of that. The real truth is that Russia and China are allies. By being Russian stooges, the Republicans are also China stooges and Iran stooges . 

Just as true as your nonsense statement. The 3 stooges could come up with a much better joke. You of course being the joke.

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On 4/19/2024 at 2:55 PM, eyeball said:

Don't forget their Orange God is also bearing a cross for his followers.

One day people will receive their communion with orange juice and a wedge.

This coming from an abortion cultist. lol

often attributive
: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see SPURIOUS sense 2)
also : its body of adherents
the voodoo cult
a satanic cult
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